Last night i breadboarded MarkM's OVD. Has anyone tried to build this pedal?
It works, but there are a few problems with it.
The gain pot is ...useless. It doesn't seem to respond. And the overall gain is very low.
The tone pot behaves like a volume pot... :icon_question: :icon_question: :icon_question:
I traced the layout and drew a schematic, which i used to breadboard the circuit.
...But, is this layout verified?
I'm after an OCD clone/soundalike, as you might have guessed. :icon_mrgreen:
Any ideas. (ok, i'll re-check the schem. Any other tips?)
built it twice, one for me, one for someone who heard it and fell in love with it
compared it to the youtube demo and based on that, sounds very very close, if not exactly the same
the unused tone lug goes to ground, whil the unused gain lug is not connected to anything
also did a bunch of mods
and i am very happy with it, one of the best ODs out there IMHO
im looking for a good sounding ovd to built.
do you have a link to a schematic?
There's only a layout if i remember well.
I used this one to draw a schematic for myself, but i cannot distribute it since it's not my circuit.
I did it only for building the pedal on pefrboard, as i always do.
The schematic for the OVD is in this BYOC thread ( It's the one labelled OCD, I don't know or care if this actually an OCD :)
Thanks slacker!
i'll compare that with what i have drawn.
great link! :icon_wink: