Hey guys.
I have been mucking about making the Electra Distortion Circuit (since it was one of the easiest builds to start with!)
I changed a couple values of some stuff (in guesswork and using my ears) and used some mods that people have posted on the site. (Aron, Marc, plus made use a mod schem. from Alex Palmer)
So here's my attempt at a vero layout for what I came up with. I probably screwed at least 1 thing up, but tell me if it looks o.k?
Thanks muchos! ^_^
Could you link to the schematic? Can't seem to find it.
I couldn't find it right away but it's on this forum...
here's the repost from Alex... I took away the bias control added Marc's really simple tone control... everything else is for the most part the same except for a couple of part subs.
Snip that wire from the middle lug of the gain pot to make it like the schematic...
Or, leave out the cap and it will work as a more "crackle-prone" gain control.