DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: WLS on April 23, 2009, 06:24:06 PM

Title: A Quick Voltage Question For The Expert.
Post by: WLS on April 23, 2009, 06:24:06 PM
Hi Everyone,

I had finally received and assembled all the parts for my Deluxe Electric Mistress. Made my first PCB using the template from GGG's site. Did a simple modification by removing the 18 volt transformer and placing a 1044 charge pump. Before placing the SAD1024A chip I decided to check pin voltages.

My question is how many megavolts is too many for a pin that should be at zero with out the SAD1024A in place?
Ground is still at zero.

I looked into the components and cleanliness of the board and narrowed it down to the traces must be a tad too close to each other.

The highest reading is 254 megavolts.

Am I just being too cautious and should not worry about it?

Besides that everything looks good enough to put the SAD1024A in place and start adjusting the trim pots.



Title: Re: A Quick Voltage Question For The Expert.
Post by: Andi on April 23, 2009, 06:29:16 PM
Megavolts? Step away from the Tesla coil!

Assuming you mean millivolts I'd be inclined not to worry about that too much. Check for shorts between tracks, even run a scalpel blade between them to make sure there's not a little filing or similar partly bridging them.
Title: Re: A Quick Voltage Question For The Expert.
Post by: WLS on April 23, 2009, 07:48:33 PM
Sorry for the misprint yes, I ment millivolts.

I already checked and used contact cleaner with cotton over all of the traces. I found this to be a good pratice after soldering. It picks up any residue and clippings that may remain on the board.

Again, thanks for the reply.
