Looking for a good, simple bass fuzz with gain control, maybe also tone, any recommendations for home-build from the gallery of layouts here? (either vero or pcb would be good)
I found the Bazz Fuss layout in the gallery, but its not clear where the OUT goes, it says lug 3 of DRIVE to ground?
As far as i can tell the out in on lug 2 of the level pot hope that helps, i've been looking for this myself :icon_biggrin:
Thanks - now you say that its obvious - the only pcb hole not populated and being regulated by the level pot before finally leaving the pcb for the rest of the signal chain.
Now I have one more Q - having found I've run out of 2n3904 transistors i wondered what their closest equivalents might be as I have a variety of different one in my bits box:
J201, 5457/8 Be J-Fets and therefore no use, BCC546 & 2N5088 are NPN transistors so either of those will work fine.
that's great - many thanks! I am assuming I will also be ok swapping out the 4 x 1N914 diodes with 1N4241 types ?
The Colorsound Jumbo Tonebender sounds amazing on bass
1N4241 is a zener if I recall, so it probably won't work in this application. you can use 1N4148, however, and should be fine.
My bad - I meant 4148's.
Tatter: Is there a layout for the Colorsound Jumbo in the gallery here? Is it not just a Big Muff clone?
there you go
Quote from: Al Heeley on August 17, 2009, 10:37:51 AM
My bad - I meant 4148's.
Tatter: Is there a layout for the Colorsound Jumbo in the gallery here? Is it not just a Big Muff clone?
Here's a vero layout for the Jumbo Tonebender
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=59795.0 (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=59795.0)
It's very similar to a Big Muff but without the final gain stage and missing one set of diodes (i think), it make a hell of a difference on bass, much better than a big muff imo.
thanks for the link, Tatter. I think that Veroboard layout is beyond what I would attempt myself. I would etch a pcb for something that complex.
Going to have a go at 2 really simple ones first to see what they sound like: the Bass Drive and the Bazz Fuss.
I really like the Bazz Fuss for what it is, haven't tried the bass drive though.
should be finishing off both stompys tonight along with a bass-adjusted Red Llama. Will post some comments for comparisons.