Higher res pics here: http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/DougH/shop/ (http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php/v/DougH/shop/)
Nice! I can't wait for the day that I can build myself a bigger workbench--one that will hold the drill press that my father in law graciously gave me...I'm still hand-drilling it after 2 years of serious building. Practice is paying off, but man, the luxury... :icon_biggrin:
I'll try to get some pics up of my wimpy little desk sometime so everyone can point and laugh :icon_cool:
I'm in the process of moving into a new home in December and I will for the first time in my life have a 'hobby-room' in the basement. :icon_smile:
I have my soldering station and basic tools like screwdrivers, wire-cutters etc, but I do not have any power-tools like a drill-press, no Dremel etc., no smart storage system.
What I do have is an carpenter's bench thou and a nice long work desk (220cm)
I think a thread like this is great and I hope you guys point out some tips while you post your pics too, like why you got a certain tool, what is extremely handy and so on. I will most likely
buy all my equipment for the hobby-room in January so I'll be bookmarking and keep an eye this thread... I have about 500€ stashed away for budget so ideas are welcome.
How do you drill your enclosures? Do you use templates? Does someone have some kind of a jig they use with the drill-press?
There was a time when this was the dining room table.
Quote from: jessej on November 16, 2009, 09:17:34 AM
How do you drill your enclosures? Do you use templates? Does someone have some kind of a jig they use with the drill-press?
I always do a package design using Illustrator. This way I can ensure that all the parts will fit in the box as intended. This is really important, believe me. Nothing more frustrating than soldering up a perf board (or pcb) and then finding you don't have room for everything in the box. The design is just a 2d mechanical drawing of the box (top and side views) with parts (and lo-fi modeling of some of them). When I finish that, I create a drill pattern on another layer. Then I print out the drill pattern, cut it out and tape it to the box to use as a template. Pretty simple all in all. If I was going to build multiple boxes with the same drill patterns I would make a drill jig. I don't build pedals often enough to make that worth my time.
Quote from: rousejeremy on November 16, 2009, 09:55:16 AM
There was a time when this was the dining room table.
Nice... I remember when mine was on the bar in the kitchen.
Quote from: jessej on November 16, 2009, 09:17:34 AM
How do you drill your enclosures? Do you use templates? Does someone have some kind of a jig they use with the drill-press?
I use the budget/compact apartment hand-drilling method:
1. Lay out an enclosure control face outline on graph paper
2. Lay out controls within the enclosure outline, making sure you leave adequate space for everything
3. Determine hole centers and mark on graph paper template from the two steps above
4. Mark enclosure using the measurements from steps 1-3 (I just use a regular ol' pencil)
5. Re-measure the markings you made and compare to your template and make any adjustments if it doesn't match exactly.
6. Use a sharp steel punch to create an indentation at each hole location (I just use the punch against the heel of my hand...it's only aluminum--you don't need a hammer)
7. Use a 1/32" bit to drill pilot holes through all the locations you punched in step 6
8. Use a steady hand and an appropriately-sized bit to drill each hole (I use a drop of cooking oil on each hole)
9. Clean off your enclosure, paint it if necessary, and stuff it full of mojo! :icon_cool:
*edit* JesseJ, the guy in your avatar looks like my brother. EXACTLY like my brother....which is especially weird, because his name is Jesse J. as well. You don't have a little brother named Josh, do you? You'd be the Jacoby brothers' Finnish doppelgangers, meaning we'd have to meet someday and fight to the death :icon_wink:
Quote from: jacobyjd on November 16, 2009, 10:13:56 AM
I use the budget/compact apartment hand-drilling method:
That was a good checklist, thank you! ..and roughly the steps and methods I've been using so far, except I've been using a stepped drill-bit.
Now I think I want a drill-press, kinda like DougH has in his pic. The illustrator planning sounds wise too!
For PCB drilling/cutting etc I have been thinking about getting a
Proxxon IB/E and perhaps a
Proxxon TBM 220 for the drill-press.
They seem fairly reasonably priced and will probably last at least one lifetime...
I would have hotlinked to the products, but the proxxon website was a javascript nightmare so no direct links: http://www.proxxon.com/ (http://www.proxxon.com/)
Quote from: jacobyjd on November 16, 2009, 10:13:56 AM
You don't have a little brother named Josh, do you?
No, his name is Jussi, which would be the Finnish equivalent for Josh... so fight 'til death is on!! :icon_lol:
Quote from: rousejeremy on November 16, 2009, 09:55:16 AM
There was a time when this was the dining room table.
I'm afraid to ask what you use the cat treats for.
Nice, Brian. Did you DIY the bench/desk drawer unit?
Edit: Sorry, my "b" key is going fast.
Thanks. Yes, I built it with a friend who'd made a some similar benches for his woodshop. The top surface is two pieces, with a piano hinge at the back. I keep commercial pedal boxes and other stuff that I rarely need to access inside the storage area. One of my favorite features of the bench is the half-round moulding around the tabletop, which prevents tools and parts rolling off.
Quote from: B Tremblay on November 18, 2009, 08:30:06 AM
One of my favorite features of the bench is the half-round moulding around the tabletop, which prevents tools and parts rolling off.
That's a good idea!
My work workbench, I'll take a picture of the rat's nest that is my home bench when I get there ;D
waiting for the new iron in the mail. WES51
Let's see a close up of the graveyard on the floor. ;)
I have that same microscope (or should I call it macro-scope??) at work... one of my favourites... :)
Quote from: rousejeremy on November 16, 2009, 09:55:16 AM
There was a time when this was the dining room table.
Are those cat treats a snack, Jeremy?
Quote from: cloudscapes on November 28, 2009, 05:40:00 PM
waiting for the new iron in the mail. WES51
We have those at work absolutely awesome
when I hit the lottery I might get one!
My bench is so sad and messy right now I am embarassed to show anyone
Quote from: MarcoMike on November 29, 2009, 10:52:43 AM
I have that same microscope (or should I call it macro-scope??) at work... one of my favourites... :)
I love it, the SZ-11 is my favorite of all the scopes we have here.
And expanding all the time :icon_rolleyes:
After being kicked off the dining room table, I now use the living room floor. There have been times when I have soldered while lying on my stomach. Not exactly the safest way to go.
As you can probably guess from the picture, I am into circuitbending. This is a photo I took mainly to show off my roundup of mini and toy keyboards. When it comes to building, I am more into synths and general analog electronic music, but I do play guitar as well! Don't worry, I'm not just a synth-nerd sent here to spy on you!
Quote from: madstringbean on December 03, 2009, 11:47:17 AM
Don't worry, I'm not just a synth-nerd sent here to spy on you!
Ah that would be me. :icon_redface:
Pretty hi-tech set up you've got there :icon_biggrin:
My bench got messier and messier, until one day I was searching 5 minutes for something as common as 1M resistors!
So I tidied up! I'm still working out a system for that cabinet of drawers. Right now, I have a 1, 10, 100, 1k, 10k, 100k, 1M type scheme going. I have a second cabinet, down out of the frame, ready to go for when I need more space.
I thank you for doing that...I was immediately stressed out when I saw your first picture :icon_eek: . Nice work station :icon_biggrin:
Quote from: danielzink on January 09, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
Would love that set up.
Quote from: danielzink on January 09, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
love the dentist tray! ;D
Quote from: cloudscapes on January 10, 2010, 04:51:04 PM
Quote from: danielzink on January 09, 2010, 11:43:26 AM
love the dentist tray! ;D
It's actually a CRT "holder" - I typically have my laptop on it running some tunez when I'm working - as you can see - it also make a handy place to set stuff on to get it off the bench.......
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4048/4265900166_79908d87ae.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4048/4265900166_d65c12ca1e_o.jpg)
It's a bit embarrassing at the moment. I usually work a lot cleaner than this, but the MIDI looper/switcher is a bit beyond my skill level (it's good to push yourself), and when ever I'm in over my head I have a hard time working clean. If I actually knew what I was doing, it would be much neater!
I'd love to post a pic of mine, but my workbench is the small space on my desk between my keyboard and me, it's about 20cm deep and 70cm wide, wouldn't make much of an image really lol.
This is a little closer to how I usually keep it. Not spotless, but pretty decent.
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4031/4284355682_85f61ab624.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4031/4284355682_4956a8c932_o.jpg)
This is the thing that was making it such a mess. It's not quite done, in that I'm going to get a thin bit of aluminum to use as a face plate to cover all the extra holes that were already there. The Chassis is Weber's 4 footswitch box. I would prefer to have a blank chassis to start with, but the price on this for a steel chassis is pretty hard to beat!
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2688/4284356144_4b0c275076.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2688/4284356144_dd3c17a4ac_o.jpg)
The Tool Rack - this is a modification of the tool racks we have on all our benches at the guitar shop - I'm just so used to having everything laid out in front of me like this, I go nuts if I can't have it.
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_2e8097eb86.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_f59c0a5cb7_o.jpg)
Wow , I need a big clean up. Never have learnt to tidy as I go.
I'm going to do the big cleanup and decided to photo it all before I sorted it all out... to show just how untidy I can get...yet still function!
http://artyone.blogtown.co.nz/2010/01/26/workshop-spaces-untidy/ (http://artyone.blogtown.co.nz/2010/01/26/workshop-spaces-untidy/)
you've got an impressive amount of space to keep untidy. i dream of such a future :p
Quote from: birt on January 26, 2010, 07:09:23 AM
you've got an impressive amount of space to keep untidy. i dream of such a future :p
Someone somewhere must have come up with the corollary to Boyle's Law - That messes expand to fill the available space - haven't they?
The thing is that if there is a law then it needs to incorporate a feedback of some sort.
Each time I take longer to completely render any space unusable and it takes less time to tidy it up. Because each time it's tidied the stuff I need more of is made more easily accessible and so the layering of available things to use is better utilised.
I started out on the back step when I was 8 and my tools where in the bottom drawer in the kitchen. My Dad kept and supplied tools but never really used them so from an early age I was the toolman. Eventually I got the bench in the garage, Dad built it but I made it work, when I was about 14 and it goes on. I think that making use of an area allows one to expand into new areas. They start out as storage, turn into roughing areas and then things get cleaner and cleaner but that sequence of type of use areas still exists.
I first recognised this when I got a warehouse in the 90's, 1500 sq ft, and eventually turned it into a house with a small workshop, over a space of three years. At first I had the whole place open and worked wherever which turned into a mess. gradually I defined areas and through definiton was able to make the area I needed to work in smaller and more efficient.
I kinda see the same thing happening here except the space is open at first and I build to store. Wood, masonary and steel comes first and needs shelter before it is built into shelter. When it becomes shelter finer materials are stored in it for use. when those finer materials are used the spaces become more closed off, from dirt floors to base course to concrete to tiled. Evebtually my workshops will be living spaces and new workshops will evolve. Its all really alike a discovery of self made manifest and expansion out into the world as confidence grows.
Actually I remember the time of rented houses with friends and even then I used to build lean to's and resurrect old sheds that were falling down. If you don't ask and do it well what would have been a no often turns into a quite possibly.
nice. not wanting to hack the topic but what technique do you use when welding your metal work?
old fashioned oxy acetylene... which is why I braze alot. I also use the thinnest wall tubing, at 1.2mm wall thickness, and bend everything by hand using my body...often my knees... though I occasionally use a former for bending the rod but only to make circles.
Quote from: T1bbles on January 17, 2010, 04:33:30 PM
I'd love to post a pic of mine, but my workbench is the small space on my desk between my keyboard and me, it's about 20cm deep and 70cm wide, wouldn't make much of an image really lol.
Mine used to be the same. I used to shove the keyboard to the back and build in front of it.
My total space is exactly 1/2 of a 15' x 12' room -- for recording/playing music, keeping my instruments, building electronics and amps, cutting wood or metal, silkscreening, etc. However, recently I rearranged some stuff, put up a storage unit, put up some shelves, and cleaned out a closet, and now I have TWO additional benches to work on, my silk screening press is positioned in a more usable but less in the way place, and all of the tools and parts I need are more accessible.
Sometimes I find myself putting my stuff on the floor in preparation to work on something, just out of habit, and then remember my two benches :icon_mrgreen:
It is amazing when you just organize things well and re-think the space that you have what you can do with that space.
I used to be not so interested in being organized and cleaning up after myself, but I am starting to realize that it is a big help to my ability to think clearly and be creative if I just have the things on hand in a place where I can find them, and don't need to push a bunch of junk into a pile before getting started working on something.
Just made myself a new oak shelf recently. It is very useful.
The pristine condition of the desk in the picture is not going to last, though. The only bad thing about having a humongous desk is that your mess has a larger area to expand into, and it's alot harder to clean up in the end :icon_biggrin:
NOTE: That flourescent light is the best thing that ever happened to me! A bit noisy, but its other qualities more then make up for it
Quote from: Top Top on January 27, 2010, 08:20:36 PM
Quote from: T1bbles on January 17, 2010, 04:33:30 PM
I'd love to post a pic of mine, but my workbench is the small space on my desk between my keyboard and me, it's about 20cm deep and 70cm wide, wouldn't make much of an image really lol.
Mine used to be the same. I used to shove the keyboard to the back and build in front of it.
I use the "front of the keyboard tray" method, too. ;D
Cleaned my work desk up today - it's literally a desk - and thought I'd take a pic while it's tidy.
I work on a cutting board to protect the desk, parts in the small drawers in front of me are common for finishing (jacks, switches, etc.), above me their PCB parts (caps, diodes, resistors, etc.). The white box is my headphone amp for testing the finished box. Only thing I'd like to add really is some sort of caddy for organizing my pens/pencils/markers and various small hand tools.
(http://img14.imageshack.us/img14/6927/imagensr.jpg) (http://img14.imageshack.us/i/imagensr.jpg/)
Nice little setup you got going there.
I got the same Canadian Tire DMM, what do you think of it?
Quote from: kurtlives on March 02, 2010, 12:14:12 PM
Nice little setup you got going there.
I got the same Canadian Tire DMM, what do you think of it?
Does the job I guess - most of the time. Sometimes I have to bang it to get it to work right... I paid 25% of the original 55 dollar price tag. They were selling them off for some reason.
What I do like about it is that it's pretty clear to read, has all the functions I need out of it and more, and it didn't cost me less than 15 bucks.
What I really need to spend some money on is a good soldering iron. The one I use (weller 25 watt) goes through tips and I have little control over it.
Well it's this and the top of my rack unit until I can get ambulatory enough to square away my one car garage.
Gabriel said, "Someone somewhere must have come up with the corollary to Boyle's Law - That messes expand to fill the available space - haven't they?"
The reality of that statement wounds me to the core! Bless you G. Hoffman for; "The thing is that if there is a law then it needs to incorporate a feedback of some sort.
Each time I take longer to completely render any space unusable and it takes less time to tidy it up. Because each time it's tidied the stuff I need more of is made more easily accessible and so the layering of available things to use is better utilized." (sp)
I actually have copious shitloads of tools and amp and pedal parts but I've been able to get buy with these and a 1/4" drive deep socket set (SAE & MM)mounted to the little tray your credit card comes back on at a restaurant.
Pray for me,
Noel Grassy.
Every one of those pics has at least 100 stories to tell.... wow
Quote from: mikemaddux on March 15, 2010, 07:20:46 PM
Every one of those pics has at least 100 stories to tell.... wow
One in particilar I'd like to hear. :o
what is up with that diode wedged between two halves of a coin!?! :icon_lol:
I love how the computer screen in the first pic's background shows the previous post in this thread... like in those time-travel stories when you realize you've ended at the beginning, doomed to repeat endlessly in a loop...
Melons ;D
San Antonio Rose
Bob Wills is still the king....
Quote from: ~arph on March 16, 2010, 06:49:52 AM
Melons ;D
A surprise for those of us reading at work certainly :-\
Well, we're not supposed to be reading this at work first of all.. so it should not matter
Quote from: ~arph on March 16, 2010, 10:15:55 AM
Well, we're not supposed to be reading this at work first of all.. so it should not matter
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2008, 06:06:53 PM »
If your picture for whatever reason has content that is not appropriate for a work place, then please post a LINK, not an inline picture and please clearly mark NSFW (not safe for work).
Yes I know about that.. I will not start this discussion again. I'm fine either way and will never post anything NSFW ever. It's just I had to comment because that were some obvious melons.. cleverly masked in one of the pictures though.
IMHO, at most workplaces pix of any kind are NSFW, unless your boss thinks highly of you salivating over the insides of a Hiwatt or the sumptuous lines of a mint Gretsch White Falcon. Or, to put it another way, porn is porn, from a work point of view, so checking a picture-thread is not recommended, regardless of what unexpected treasures may pop up there.
I'm not really trying to discuss the ethics behind it all--just pointing out that it's the rules here, regardless of opinion :)
Just to be clear, I'm not talking about ethics either, just common sense and self-preservation. Text is unlikely to draw any unwanted attention. Big, splashy pictures are. Of course, YMMV.
Funny, it took me forever to notice the photos. I was too entranced by the beautiful anodized purple. ;)
:icon_redface: I apologize for the NSFW ingredients which lamentably were missed by our censors. I hope
none of the folks at work were reprimanded or worse. I hope you'll tell your supervisors that you can't be
held responsible for something I inadvertently included with my submission. *
Mods, If I do post pictures in the future you can be assured that they will not contain items that which are
deemed NSFW. Thank you for your generosity and kindly not banning me.
* Or convince them I'm merely a Father who's proud of his daughter.
Thank you for not flaming me with in an inch of my life,
Noel Grassy.
Why do you have an avatar of a dirty vag?
Wow dude, Freud would have field day with you.
That happens to be a fiberglass/resin sculpture by the noted artist
Colin Christian. It also happens to be a face although a disturbing one to be sure. Those are gnarly teeth running around
the bottom of the jaw and clearly a cycloptioc eye in the upper quadrant. I have yet to see a pussy that stared back at
me. Though I've known women that very well could have had a row of incisors protruding from their labia. Or perhaps
more like an octopus beak just out of eyesight. :icon_wink:
"Check yourself" is merely a figure of speech. May I suggest you turn to a professional in the field for quantifiable results?
I jest of course. But you may not have been and that, of course, is something only you will be able to deal with. Best of luck,
Noel Grassy.
Its a vag... ;D
Quote from: chicago_mike on March 19, 2010, 09:35:36 PM
Its a vag... ;D
Yeah, I actually noticed the vag monster avatar before I noticed the topless chicks. And I was thinking "Ok sure, people are pointing out the 'melons' but why is no one mentioning the snatch avatar?"
deep down we all have "issues". :P ;D
T'was a dark and stormy night
when boobies six my eyes caught sight.
Voluminous, they held me fast
but made ye olde workmates gasp!
We argued back and forth on morals,
Our merriness dragged on the corals
Over such a trifle, these melons sweet
Like minnows swimmin' the rolling seas.
So yarr, drink rum, and have a laugh
and toast to ol' vag, tits and arse!
Apparently, my avatar is a twat as well.
my bench is an old door on top of a 2x4 frame using those sheet metal 'framers' you get at Home Depot. Made the back legs really tall so I could put up a plywood back to stop stuff from falling behind.
Hey Scratch I like all the movable lamps,and the homemade signal generator on top your Tek 465.
Is that a homemade PS too?
I have some saved doors for the same repurposing in mind.
indeed, home made PSU, signal generator based on 8038 function generator chip ... needs labelling
yeah, having the long back legs made for some sturdy spots to screw the the lamps into ... keeps them off the table too.
resize plz :o
I can't even properly view those at 1900x1200
Quote from: ~arph on April 06, 2010, 02:17:08 AM
resize plz :o
I can't even properly view those at 1900x1200
+1. Those monster pics are useless, and gum up the works.
Quote from: Ben N on April 06, 2010, 05:01:01 AM
Quote from: ~arph on April 06, 2010, 02:17:08 AM
resize plz :o
I can't even properly view those at 1900x1200
+1. Those monster pics are useless, and gum up the works.
And they appear to all be the same picture.
Here's the real question. How many people "prepped"/cleaned their workbench before taking their photos....? :icon_twisted:
Quote from: studiostud on April 06, 2010, 12:45:27 PM
Here's the real question. How many people "prepped"/cleaned their workbench before taking their photos....? :icon_twisted:
Haha, I definitely did. I had just cleaned up, and I was so proud :icon_lol:
It can get pretty bad sometimes, and it just takes one tiny little project
Quote from: studiostud on April 06, 2010, 12:45:27 PM
Here's the real question. How many people "prepped"/cleaned their workbench before taking their photos....? :icon_twisted:
Nope. The first one was exactly as bad as it was that day. I did take another picture after I had cleaned it, but there was no special effort for the picture - I just usually keep it fairly clean.
Kitchen table that wasn't been used for eating food since I started with this (really..) I NEED to find some more permanent space - want badly those nice drawer thingies that you guys have..
So, a single guy. ;)
Me?! nooooo :) But it took some effort to brain wash my better looking half to accept my hobby as something that is necessary in my personal development and soul enrichment! :)
Quote from: differo on April 13, 2010, 09:37:51 AM
Me?! nooooo :) But it took some effort to brain wash my better looking half to accept my hobby as something that is necessary in my personal development and soul enrichment! :)
I'll have to remember that when it's time to expand my workbench space! haha :icon_biggrin:
Thought it was about time I let you all into my little OCD mancave...here it is, from left to right (the room is too tiny for 1 or 2 shots):
Main amp/pedalboard (with freshly built BSIAB2! woohoo! need to clean up the board before next gig though):
Desk with ongoing projects, project/electronics info, tools, resistors, capacitors & trannies etc :
More supples, audio probe, soldering iron, pens/paper etc:
Even more (bulkier) supplies, stationery, stereo, practice amp, main (and only) electric gat. Books and stuff too:
and finally, the evil Duck Overlord crushing freshly conquered potato-minions underfoot:
:icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:
QuoteThought it was about time I let you all into my little OCD mancave...here it is, from left to right (the room is too tiny for 1 or 2 shots):
Thats what I'm talking about! Nice working space..
I'm Krist from Thailand
this my workbench
ahh ......
outside view of window is the Thai vintage vegetable farm
when I lookout make me REAL relax with fresh air
They are harvesting
I share the pics of vintage farm of Thailand
hope you enjoy same me
what a dump........lol... :icon_biggrin:
:icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:
My workbench view is directly into the practice area of the church choir on the other side of the alley. We exchange tunes from time to time :icon_rolleyes:
EDIT: Sad to see you chopped that palm tree to improve your view on the field :P
Nice vege farm man! Those workers must work hard for the $$ though, my back would never last. :icon_eek:
QuoteSad to see you chopped that palm tree to improve your view on the field
this is old coconut tree ;D
first time ... 10 years ago. that tree is alive
I don't know who killed ;D
maybe farmer chopped for sell or cooking.
the young stem ( on topper ) can eat.
good teste too....
Quote from: philbinator1 on April 22, 2010, 08:59:09 AM
Nice vege farm man! Those workers must work hard for the $$ though, my back would never last. :icon_eek:
phil go to your room...and tidy up...lol...
:icon_twisted: :icon_twisted: :icon_twisted:
Quote from: 549 on April 22, 2010, 09:47:45 AM
QuoteSad to see you chopped that palm tree to improve your view on the field
good teste too....
???????? What?
Quote from: mikemaddux on April 22, 2010, 07:54:35 PM
Quote from: 549 on April 22, 2010, 09:47:45 AM
QuoteSad to see you chopped that palm tree to improve your view on the field
good teste too....
???????? What?
Good tasting, I believe.
yes , I mean tasting. thank you Flooflox ;)
sorry for my english.
No apology necessary mate. And I say it a little late, but welcome to the forum! ;D
Quote from: 549 on April 22, 2010, 09:40:14 PM
The tragic fate of the Duck Overlord's potato minions?
A cruel master, He is. Still, I believe these are young coconut tree stems, masquerading as potatoes. :)
Ah yes, I seem to have missed the point again.
It's just that when I tried one, there was an unmistakeable aftertaste of rubber duck feet.
We went a little OT for a while there didn't we guys!
Sorry, sometimes I have trouble sticking to the...oh look a seagull! Seagulls are great aren't they?
Here's a pic of my workbench taken just after finishing it. Right now it's covered in layers of projects waiting to be finished and tools and components waiting to be organized.
Wow. What I would give to have a workstation like that...
Quote from: imbuedblue on April 29, 2010, 05:10:00 PM
Here's a pic of my workbench taken just after finishing it. Right now it's covered in layers of projects waiting to be finished and tools and components waiting to be organized.
Looks nicer than my kitchen......wow
Quote from: mikemaddux on April 29, 2010, 08:01:31 PM
Looks nicer than my kitchen......wow
Thanks, that's exactly what my wife said. She's been leaning on me to make new kitchen cabinets but I'm afraid to let her know how much the wood actually cost. LOL
He! you'd wonder why i even bother to post anything after that extreme copiuos amount of SPACE !
so here's mine anyway
Quote from: imbuedblue on April 29, 2010, 10:09:52 PM
Quote from: mikemaddux on April 29, 2010, 08:01:31 PM
Looks nicer than my kitchen......wow
Thanks, that's exactly what my wife said. She's been leaning on me to make new kitchen cabinets but I'm afraid to let her know how much the wood actually cost. LOL
From nice tidy organised workbenches to my glorious mess. I'm in the middle of packing stuff up to move house.
This is actually a corner of our living room in our small 1 bedroom cottage. Fine for years whilst it was just me and the missus. Has been getting more and more crowded with my 20 month old daughter and the next due in 3 months. So moving somewhere larger and I've already claimed and secured my space in the utility room.
Quote from: sundgist on May 02, 2010, 11:10:56 AM
That scope is... wow.
Quote from: JKowalski on May 02, 2010, 01:02:57 PM
That scope is... wow.
Middle aged men with small willies drive large sports cars, go figure. ;D
....if I didn't, someone else would.
Is that compulsory ??
Mine's bigger than that
I think that's a subject for a totally different thread.
"Show your large equipment"
............w a i t i n g f o r C a p t . I n n u e n d o............
**screech of brakes from very large sports car**
Sorry I'm late....
Summer's coming, so I finally got around to sprucing my workspace. Thought I'd better post some pics before it gets all cludgied up again. Includes gratuitous shot of my glamorous assistant BeeBaa. (I'm too tired after the cleanup to think of a pussy joke, but if you look through the window in the second pic you can see my butt).
And, finally, proof that mine isn't as eye-wateringly large as Sundgist's:
Quote from: markeebee on May 03, 2010, 10:40:34 AM
But if you look through the window in the second pic you can see my butt).
Took a second to catch that one :icon_mrgreen: looks like you're carrying alot of water weight still from the holidays :icon_wink:
Nice to see your pussy has something big and red to swivel on. ;)
HAHAHAHA !! Missus.
Quote from: markeebee on May 03, 2010, 10:40:34 AM
And, finally, proof that mine isn't as eye-wateringly large as Sundgist's:
Aw. As long as it functions fine and you know how to use it, size shouldn't be an issue. :icon_wink:
Nice space you've got there.
I like those angled shelves. Any idea who makes / sells them?
I'm pretty sure I've got some of those uprights stashed away somewhere.
They're made by a company called Sovella. I do some work for them now and then, and I've got a bunch of their stuff knocking around. PM me if you want a couple/few shelves and you can have em for free.
Actually, now I think of it, I've got to pick up an eBay purchase in Purley tomorrow evening - that's near you, isn't it? If so, I could even drop the shelves over to you.
Quote from: markeebee on May 04, 2010, 02:13:37 AM
They're made by a company called Sovella. I do some work for them now and then, and I've got a bunch of their stuff knocking around. PM me if you want a couple/few shelves and you can have em for free.
Actually, now I think of it, I've got to pick up an eBay purchase in Purley tomorrow evening - that's near you, isn't it? If so, I could even drop the shelves over to you.
Thanks, much appreciated. A pair of those would be cool. If your coming up to Purley you'll probably drive right past my house.
I'll PM my details as soon as I can. I'm out on the road working and the net via my mobile is a bit flakey.
nice butt!...
Quote from: JFX09 on April 29, 2010, 10:10:31 PM
He! you'd wonder why i even bother to post anything after that extreme copiuos amount of SPACE !
so here's mine anyway
This Boylstad book is good way to start in electronics, but I don't know how much people would really read it on their own. 760 pages of basic electricity theory. Not a transistor or opamp consideration. Had to go through this for my studies. The sight of this book really makes me think about learning.
Salut J.F.
Current workspace:
Very '' Saucerful of Components'' Salocin : )
QuoteThis Boylstad book is good way to start in electronics, but I don't know how much people would really read it on their own. 760 pages of basic electricity theory. Not a transistor or opamp consideration. Had to go through this for my studies. The sight of this book really makes me think about learning.
Salut J.F.
Salut Franque !
aH! I'm such a book whore! I don't think I have ever opened this one yet, but I just couldn't resist: it seemed ''definitive'' on electricity theory. Being a book person, I can never resisst them. Got myself some nice Gernsback this way. Basically, If it's got a schematic or a tube somewhere, i'm defensless.
state of affairs now:
I call it : solitude with snakes ... sigh...
Quote from: JFX09 on May 08, 2010, 04:29:20 AM
Very '' Saucerful of Components'' Salocin : )
QuoteThis Boylstad book is good way to start in electronics, but I don't know how much people would really read it on their own. 760 pages of basic electricity theory. Not a transistor or opamp consideration. Had to go through this for my studies. The sight of this book really makes me think about learning.
Salut J.F.
Salut Franque !
aH! I'm such a book whore! I don't think I have ever opened this one yet, but I just couldn't resist: it seemed ''definitive'' on electricity theory. Being a book person, I can never resisst them. Got myself some nice Gernsback this way. Basically, If it's got a schematic or a tube somewhere, i'm defensless.
state of affairs now:
I call it : solitude with snakes ... sigh...
is that a voivod etch next to ya keyboard?......i did one of those...came out nice...
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 08, 2010, 06:30:19 AM
is that a voivod etch next to ya keyboard?......i did one of those...came out nice...
Yup, good spotting Mr. dead astronaut !
Tasty looking Jupiter 6!
Quote from: JFX09 on May 08, 2010, 11:00:40 AM
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 08, 2010, 06:30:19 AM
is that a voivod etch next to ya keyboard?......i did one of those...came out nice...
Yup, good spotting Mr. dead astronaut !
nice...!..what is it?...
It's a simple mic pre. Since Voivod never really used stompbox and I wanted something I'd use more often, that was my choice.
Here's my new 'clean' desk. All tools and components finally stored in drawers and boxes.
Etching went pretty well. Had some odd dark patches in the pcb, but did a continuity test on all boards and they're fine.
Sweet! On to drilling next...have to buy a dremel drill I guess :-\ Ah well!
EDIT: - whoops, posted in wrong pictures thread! Over to the other one I go...
oh no..they are all backwards....!!!!....lol.. :icon_lol: only joking...
Made for ~$50 for everything and other than the 2X12s can fit in a compact car when tore down.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on January 18, 2010, 01:34:57 AM
The Tool Rack - this is a modification of the tool racks we have on all our benches at the guitar shop - I'm just so used to having everything laid out in front of me like this, I go nuts if I can't have it.
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_2e8097eb86.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_f59c0a5cb7_o.jpg)
I really like that idea. I may have to build one for myself. My tools end up on the bench taking up valuable space, and they're not always easy to find.
Quote from: DougH on May 28, 2010, 07:01:03 AM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on January 18, 2010, 01:34:57 AM
The Tool Rack - this is a modification of the tool racks we have on all our benches at the guitar shop - I'm just so used to having everything laid out in front of me like this, I go nuts if I can't have it.
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_2e8097eb86.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_f59c0a5cb7_o.jpg)
I really like that idea. I may have to build one for myself. My tools end up on the bench taking up valuable space, and they're not always easy to find.
I use the pull out keyboard drawer under my desk to keep tools on. Probably not as good as the rack but it still keeps my work space clear.
Quote from: BubbaFet on May 28, 2010, 11:07:34 AM
thats the same as mine....lol...very ergonomic though...lol..
Quote from: DougH on May 28, 2010, 07:01:03 AM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on January 18, 2010, 01:34:57 AM
The Tool Rack - this is a modification of the tool racks we have on all our benches at the guitar shop - I'm just so used to having everything laid out in front of me like this, I go nuts if I can't have it.
(http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_2e8097eb86.jpg) (http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2800/4283631975_f59c0a5cb7_o.jpg)
I really like that idea. I may have to build one for myself. My tools end up on the bench taking up valuable space, and they're not always easy to find.
Oh, mine end up all over my bench too, but when I take the time to work clean I actually work faster. And its always easier to find things the first time, at least.
Quote from: frequencycentral on May 03, 2010, 01:01:57 PM
Nice to see your pussy has something big and red to swivel on. ;)
Laugh forever and a minute on that ,new sig maybe ?
Even that has me beat. My so-called workbench is a combination of my living room computer desk and kitchen breakfast bar!
I just moved into a new house. Here is my new workbench. I think this space alone is worth the price of rent.;D I haven't completed the set up yet but am getting there.(http://i562.photobucket.com/albums/ss67/Talon5051/IMG_1127-3.jpg?t=1279405426)
Oh thats BEAUTIFUL ;D Drool, Drool,
A workspace like that could definetly cause a bad case of G.A.S.
I decided I wasn't happy with my PnP Blue circuit boards (no surprise, given my personality), but I didn't want to pay for the MG Chemicals UV light - so I made my own! It cost about $20 in LEDs from China, and all the wood used is scrap from around the shop. The glass was maybe $3. So, I believe that I saved money - as long as you don't count my time! If you count the time I spent, this thing cost me about $1000!
{click pics for bigger versions}
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_76b8411c19.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_a099e101df_o.jpg)
It works REALLY well. Even with my first couple, where I didn't really know what I was doing, they've come out at least as good as the best I could do with the PnP Blue toner transfer method. Its also MUCH faster! I'm liking this system a lot.
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4136/4825972166_563ab9d41e.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4136/4825972166_b405a8f6de_o.jpg)
The business end.
It uses 200 UV LEDs, in 40 strings of 5. The 18V power supply came from someone's lap top (I've no idea whose), and at 2.23A is WAY more than I need. The LEDs draw about 20mA each, and the 40 resistors are drawing less than 19mA each, so the total rig draws about 800mA. I briefly thought about just using power direct from the wall, and using the LEDs as the rectifier with maybe a couple caps to reduce the ripple, but I decided that wouldn't be the safest option in the world!
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4825973176_f438ac63af.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4825973176_faafe59a5b_o.jpg)
200 LEDs and 40 27ohm resistors, joined with a couple different Western Union Linesman splices. Why? Because sometimes I get to be a bit obsessive.
Can you say, WAY more work than it was worth? I thought you could.
Wiring the LEDs took me about a month (though I took a couple weeks off in the middle, though), and the case for it took me about 15-20 minutes (not counting buying the glass; that was another 10 minutes - I really like having a great hardware store half a block from my shop!
It takes about two minutes to expose the board, about 30-45 seconds to develop it - maybe a minute - and you are ready to go. Totally cool! Mind you, if I were to do it again, I would use PnP to make 4 or so circuit boards for the LEDs, instead of making all those linesman splices! I'm pretty sure it will work forever, though, so I'm not overly bothered by it - now that its done!
By the way, I designed the LED array using THIS SITE (http://led.linear1.org/led.wiz).
Oooops! Double post!
my chair is in between two desks and I swivel back and forth between the computer and the workbench
close up of the workbench
parts&supplys are on a window bench
the other side of the room is where I test things out.
I see the Beatles Rock Band in the corner .
Did you get the drum kit too ?
The only thing I like about Guitar Hero/Rock Band is the drums and vocals.
The drums are dead on, on expert level. And makes a great drum trainer (I use it for my 9 yr old daughter before letting her sit at my kit)
Except when I play with the kids, then I play drums, fake guitar is lame IMO
And the vocal pitch indicator is a great voice trainer,again my oldest girl can sing great after playing it awhile.
And to my suprise and enjoyment she prefers playing my Beatles edition over the rock band and guitar hero versions we have.
I too have learned a couple of the more difficult beats/songs by playing rock band then going to my real drum kit and applying what I learned.
Quote from: Talon5051 on July 17, 2010, 06:25:56 PM
Photoshop much?
QuotePhotoshop much?
Man, rough crowd. ;D
OOOOH! That's the facsimile, so sorry :)
Quote from: G. Hoffman on July 25, 2010, 01:34:34 AM
I decided I wasn't happy with my PnP Blue circuit boards (no surprise, given my personality), but I didn't want to pay for the MG Chemicals UV light - so I made my own! It cost about $20 in LEDs from China, and all the wood used is scrap from around the shop. The glass was maybe $3. So, I believe that I saved money - as long as you don't count my time! If you count the time I spent, this thing cost me about $1000!
{click pics for bigger versions}
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_76b8411c19.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_a099e101df_o.jpg)
dude :icon_mrgreen: that setup is extra sweet ... ( my virtual jaw hit the virtual floor when i saw these pics )
Quote from: stringsthings on August 07, 2010, 05:53:13 PM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on July 25, 2010, 01:34:34 AM
I decided I wasn't happy with my PnP Blue circuit boards (no surprise, given my personality), but I didn't want to pay for the MG Chemicals UV light - so I made my own! It cost about $20 in LEDs from China, and all the wood used is scrap from around the shop. The glass was maybe $3. So, I believe that I saved money - as long as you don't count my time! If you count the time I spent, this thing cost me about $1000!
{click pics for bigger versions}
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_76b8411c19.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_a099e101df_o.jpg)
dude :icon_mrgreen: that setup is extra sweet ... ( my virtual jaw hit the virtual floor when i saw these pics )
I have to say that the more I use this thing, the more I wish I had just started with the photo process for PCB's. It is just
sooooop much better than any of the toner transfer things I've tried. I still have a few things where I will have to use PnP Blue (etching boxes and such), but for PCBs this really is the way to go! (Actually, one of my local electronics places has a spray on photo resist - I may have to try that!)
Let's wake up this sleeping thread, one quickie from yesterday:
Btw. I had to add one line yet, in bag from Banzai were nine more 2N5952's then I did ordered and paid for :icon_mrgreen:
So what's going on on *your* benches these days, guys? ;)
Cheers, T.
Quote from: Thomeeque on December 03, 2010, 09:10:52 AM
So what's going on on *your* benches these days, guys? ;)
Wiring up 60 LED's to illuminate the company logo. 8)
Quote from: ~arph on December 03, 2010, 09:23:02 AM
Quote from: Thomeeque on December 03, 2010, 09:10:52 AM
So what's going on on *your* benches these days, guys? ;)
Wiring up 60 LED's to illuminate the company logo. 8)
Wow! Well, make your company logo famous - post picture here! ;) T.
heres my little corner of chaos, destruction, distraction, and repair and despair.... :-[
Quote from: Thomeeque on December 03, 2010, 09:36:05 AM
Wow! Well, make your company logo famous - post picture here! ;) T.
EDIT: Image not working: http://twitpic.com/3bbuo1
BTW: We're hiring developers! www.dexels.com
Here's my (dorm) workbench.
Haven't been able to build for a while, but I can still build vicariously through the pictures thread!
Should be reunited with my (real) workbench over winter break and hopefully have more to report then.
So here's my messy little cave today:
Those with sharper eyes will notice (among other things) not only a Dremel, drill bit set, Orange amp, Behringer usb audio interface, my belly, my thumb (part of one of them), three catalogues from different Swedish stores, a tabletop calculator and the IKEA shelf GORM but also the case of beer hidden away behind the amp.
I've salvaged about ten germanium diodes from the boards visible in that image.
And on a slightly more photogenic day the working area looks like this (since this picture was taken I've drank the coke, but the empty can is still visible in the picture above):
Nice becnch there Perrow! I can see that we have same soldering iron, some tools, drill bits, and storage bins! Greetings from Malmö;)
@perrow. don't hide the beer!.... :icon_wink:
aha. im getting a dremel for xmas, with the drill press....my missus doesn't know that i know......i sneaked a peek
like a child ....honestly i felt about 5 again.. :icon_mrgreen:....naughty naughty.... :-[
whats the smallest and largest bits it can take?
My Dremel currently takes 3.2mm bits, there's a chuck that lets it take from 0.5-3.2 mm. Got the Dremel, the stool and the amp for my 40'th birthday this year.
The beer is hidden because of the stuff that's currently stacked on top of it, it's as accessible as I need it ;D
The beer is actually left over from my birthday, as is the charcoal on the shelf there (yellow bags behind the amp) and a few bags of chips (crisps or thins depending on where you live) stored in a paper bag just outside the picture. Stocked up on so much good stuff and people just didn't eat and drink as I thought they would.
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 15, 2010, 06:11:50 AM
aha. im getting a dremel for xmas
And try to find these:
Diamond cutting weels (@differo: 129 kr på Clas Ohlson) they'll make you wonder why they make the other kind.
ps. The holes in those discs are really the same, and correct, size. Just looks wierd in that image.
happy 40th...great prezzies...
i never have beer or food left over, me and my friends drink n eat till we drop.... :icon_twisted:
so the largest it can handle is around 3.2mm then?....just wondering because i always drill small pilot holes in my enclosures before the big 7mm/10mm guns come out
for accuracy...
yeah,i'll have a look around for bits for it....cheers.... roll on xmas day when i can actually touch it....legally.. :icon_mrgreen:
p.s had a look at your site...nice...
@perrow - man tackar!:) I actually use that diamond disc a lot, to trip the PCBS to shorten pot lugs to even them out and what not, VERY usable. But I have only one, that came with some large accessory pack that I bought (på Jula) for like $15 and I'm so afraid that it will breake (literraly I cut like 50pcbs with it in no time).
@astronaut my dremel is like perrow's, it takes up to 3,2 mm but anything less then that is good too, so I can use cheapo hss mini drills too.
Quote from: differo on December 16, 2010, 03:03:20 AM
@perrow - man tackar!:) I actually use that diamond disc a lot, to trip the PCBS to shorten pot lugs to even them out and what not, VERY usable. But I have only one, that came with some large accessory pack that I bought (på Jula) for like $15 and I'm so afraid that it will breake (literraly I cut like 50pcbs with it in no time).
@astronaut my dremel is like perrow's, it takes up to 3,2 mm but anything less then that is good too, so I can use cheapo hss mini drills too.
cool....cant wait to open it up...i have a small minicraft drill, which is ok, but i'll prefer the drill press....
what sort of drill bits do you guys use for the pcb's in the dremel...the 0.6mm ones i get tend to snap too easy..even when very careful...
I used to drill with 0.8 but nowadays I find that too big, much easier to use 0.7 for components and actually 0.9 for wires/pots as that's adjusted to the wire I use. Also, 0.8 snapped after A LOT of holes:) Drill press and off you go with drilling holes in pcbs. It takes me 20 minutes for 20 boards. repetition makes perfection:)
i buildit myself
Inside doing some layout work for a re-boxing a project of mine more info at my blog
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5008/5354225788_dc342bc7d7.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/5354225788/)
Out in the garage
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5353612085_8210ec6037.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/5353612085/)
me and my ugly mug
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5084/5278508745_11bb662d16.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/5278508745/)
And we have a winner in the "longest time since I cleared my desk" competition :icon_eek:
Quote from: Perrow on January 14, 2011, 02:45:34 PM
And we have a winner in the "longest time since I cleared my desk" competition :icon_eek:
haha cassettes came out before i was even born, its actually one of the adapters for your car if you only have a tape player. I was thinking I could use it for a tape echo unit.
my new place = finally enough room to have a good set up. still in the works.
almost done sorting through boxes of stuff from 3 different bench moves around Boston
all sorted and almost everything i need. i need to start with a clean desk before i do anything or else i cant work ::)
Sorry about your hand, hard to solder with only one now? :icon_wink:
Are those reindeer true bypass?
Quote from: John Lyons on January 14, 2011, 05:33:33 PM
Sorry about your hand, hard to solder with only one now? :icon_wink:
Are those reindeer true bypass?
Actually my hook is nice heat sink for components, sadly no they are not true bypass. :icon_cry:
:D Touche!
relatively new to the board (and pedal building)
very messy because i'm in the middle of like five projects
I now need to get a permanent workspace to keep this beast. It was kindly donated to me by a friend of the family who had 3! :icon_eek:
Quote from: StereoKills on February 11, 2011, 05:32:20 PM
Ah, the small model :icon_eek:
My new prototyping board:
No chaos no glory! :D
(nice looking space there Brian!)
Yeah, that's the organized part of the shop!
Where did you get that lighted magnifier? I've been looking at them, but haven't seen that style.
Quote from: markeebee on May 03, 2010, 10:40:34 AM
ha! a tribble!
Quote from: reddo on February 25, 2011, 06:27:56 PM
Where did you get that lighted magnifier? I've been looking at them, but haven't seen that style.
I bought it at Frys a few years ago.
^ yeah he looks like trouble...what a face!..great.. :icon_cool:
Quote from: bean on February 25, 2011, 05:22:16 PM
That's awesome. It looks almost exactly like my bench!
This is my new hobby - so I lack tools and supplies, but here is where I work now.
By olivero1 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/olivero1) at 2011-03-17
By olivero1 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/olivero1) at 2011-03-17
By olivero1 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/olivero1) at 2011-03-17
edit: sorry I seem to have issues posting pictures. So here are links until I can figure it out. :icon_confused:
I think I figured it out. Thanks for the help!
And once I clean up this bench I will relocate to the garage and use this 8ft bench. Right now it is home to misc. stuff :icon_lol:
By olivero1 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/olivero1) at 2011-03-17
Direct links to pics must be used:
Quote from: olivero1 on March 17, 2011, 01:06:13 PM
This is my new hobby - so I lack tools and supplies, but here is where I work now.
And once I clean up this bench I will relocate to the garage and use this 8ft bench. Right now it is home to misc. stuff :icon_lol:
Quote from: Thomeeque on March 17, 2011, 01:12:13 PM
Direct links to pics must be used:
Thanks! I am still new to this.
Quote from: thetragichero on January 20, 2011, 11:09:53 PM
very messy because i'm in the middle of like five projects
I don't think anyone here is ever not "in the middle of like five projects"... ::) ;D
I'm rearranging my office/living room area, mostly to make room for my guitar amps and such, but while I'm at it I moved and improved my electronics workbench. I'd been using a free standing tool rest (last seen in this thread HERE (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=80329.msg676486#msg676486)), but it just took up too much room on my bench, so I went to something closer to what we do at work;
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5070/5594964656_7f4e38c2ff.jpg) (http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5070/5594964656_f07417597c_o.jpg)
Which is a tool board along the back edge of the bench. It took me a while to figure out how to do that and still have my organizer drawers, but in the end it all worked out! The monitor isn't hooked up to anything yet, but I frequently watch movies or Ted Talks or the like when I'm work on stuff, so I'm just going to hook it up to a dead simple computer I have laying around right now (just need to put that new power supply in it!), and I'll be laughing.
Here is the overview:
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5270/5594378287_38d8d9ebd8.jpg) (http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5270/5594378287_8e8debb992_o.jpg)
click on the pics for monster versions
(The bike wheels are just because i needed to get rid of my winter tires, now that most of the snow has melted and our overnight temps are in the 40-50 degree range. They normally don't live here.)
Mark, that 'scope is going to murder you in the face. Midsomer murders style.
Hi All,
I finally take the time to take some not-too-messy partial pics of my tube-based basement workbench :
That is an impressive collection Bruno. How long did that take you to amass?
And what is the large green rack piece in the first picture (top-left)?
Gah - these pictures fill me with envy and conflict...
I have a perfectly good garage with workbench sitting in it, but it is downstairs with no internal access and we're now entering Melbourne winter - ok so its not Greenland but it gets cold!
Instead I'm driving the wife nuts with stacks of toolboxes and component boxes in the laundry (and filling an old dresser that I was meant to put in the garage also there) and just use the kitchen counters and temporary workstations... and my PC desk as a temporary workstations... and the coffee table... basically any flat surface I can run an extension cord to 8)
Hi & thanks !
Amassing would be the correct term since I started as a teenager circa 1975. Many of these instrument were bought cheap in surplus or gracefully given to me "to get rid of the obsolete and save space"...
Let's do a quick inventory of the visible :
Picture 1 :
Top left : tube audio generator (green and big), tube signal-tracer (DIY)
Mid left : scope under audio generator, CD player under FM stereo generator.
Low left : tube scope, signal generator AM/FM, tube signal generator.
On table : Ampeg SVT under test with BiasTest amp analyser (DIY) and Fluke DMMs.
center mid : 2 tube-regulated HV PSU (DIY), Grundig AM/FM tube receiver.
Picture 2 and 3 :
Impedance bridges, audio generators, transistors and tube testers, Variac...
I have some useful advantages : there's an access to the outside for loading / unloading big and/or heavy gear (see below), and it is a dedicated local, just for me.
Nonetheless there is some drawbacks : I lack space for storage of amps awaiting service, the workbench table is too small, I live with the boiler so it means that in summer I am in a sauna.
@bruno...and the prize for the most tidy diyer goes too......... drumroll...................'bruno' :icon_mrgreen:
I've improved my workspace from this:
To this:
Considering the (low density fiberboard that sheds fibers as soon as you get near it) back of noticeboard I used to use as working surface, the new antistatic mat on top of hardwood floor boards surface is heaven. ;D
The new storage unit helps too, just got to print some labels so I won't have to open five or six drawers each time I need something :icon_confused:
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 06, 2011, 05:45:29 AM
@bruno...and the prize for the most tidy diyer goes too......... drumroll...................'bruno' :icon_mrgreen:
erm...and perrow...(you'll have to share it..) :P
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 06, 2011, 08:04:02 AM
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 06, 2011, 05:45:29 AM
@bruno...and the prize for the most tidy diyer goes too......... drumroll...................'bruno' :icon_mrgreen:
erm...and perrow...(you'll have to share it..) :P
That's a picture taken minutes after having rebuilt my workspace, it's most definitely not as tidy today. I still haven't solved where I'll keep my tools, so they reside on a low bench just below the lower right corner of that image where normally, hadn't my brother borrowed it, my amp lives.
Thanks Rob "deadastronaut" ! This is not so tidy everyday - especially when I'm working on pedals - but for tube amp, you need space and order, due to the size and high voltages.
Perrow - your workbench is well lighted and clear, that's appreciable for guys like me with a declining sight (it led me to think that I could do better on mine)... It is also perfect for pedal building, but you probably would lack space for tube amps chassis, if you were concerned, of course.
Beautiful gear Bruno, I bet most of it works too!
Quote from: tubelectron on May 06, 2011, 04:03:10 PM
Perrow - your workbench is well lighted and clear, that's appreciable for guys like me with a declining sight (it led me to think that I could do better on mine)... It is also perfect for pedal building, but you probably would lack space for tube amps chassis, if you were concerned, of course.
Thanks, yeah it is well lit, even if the image exaggerates it a bit. Sadly the rest of the room is poorly lit, so every time something slips down onto the floor there's strong language and rearranging of lamps. The free floor space is also limited (clean up planned but not scheduled). Here's an image that kind of shows that:
It's in the middle of my rebuild, but the floorspace is as you can (almost) see limited.
As for tube amps, thats in progress. All parts are in the drawers or on the shelf above the workspace. Had to double check the image to see if some parts were visible. It'll be a Superfly, but that's both tubes, high voltage and most of all appropriate size enclosure needed ;D
I guess all tube amps I'll build in that workshop will be of the smaller kind, but I think mostly I'll stick to stompboxes.
Quoteso every time something slips down onto the floor there's strong language and rearranging of lamps
Ha ! Yes, well said, Perrow : that's exactly the same for me ! And sometimes it takes me
hours to retreive it - that's when I understand that clearing and clean-up of the local becomes compulsory...
I made a search about the Superfly Amp and found DougH and frequencycentral's threads, as I did not remember what it was. If I wanted to build it "like a big one" (that is to say with a speaker), I would use an Orange Micro-Crush cabinet, for example...
Just a bit bigger is my (again and again and again) VOX AC3 Top Boost as pictured below :
Quote from: Skruffyhound on May 06, 2011, 06:07:58 PM
Beautiful gear Bruno, I bet most of it works too!
Yes, Skruffyhound. All of these test instruments works, are calibrated and ready to operate. I personnally feel it mandatory when building, servicing and repairing (almost) tube amps..
Moved into my new (old) workbench. Yes I cleaned up before I took the picture :-[
Just finished the makeshift monitor stand on the extreme left of the bench. It freed up space for my books!
Now I just need to get the light fixture Installed so I can stop using a worklight :icon_lol:
By olivero1 (http://profile.imageshack.us/user/olivero1) at 2011-05-19
well here is most of mine. I'd give you more but i'm too lazy to take the pictures :icon_redface: :icon_redface:
Quote from: tubelectron on May 05, 2011, 06:55:34 PM
I finally take the time to take some not-too-messy partial pics of my tube-based basement workbench :
is that telefunken? or a normende?
Hi terminalgs,
If you speak about the AM/FM receiver, it's a 1957 BLAUPUNKT "Milano" model.
What are those 2 instruments I see over your workbench, in the rack, looking like "vintage blue nixies" DMM ?
Quote from: tubelectron on May 20, 2011, 11:36:46 AM
Hi terminalgs,
If you speak about the AM/FM receiver, it's a 1957 BLAUPUNKT "Milano" model.
What are those 2 instruments I see over your workbench, in the rack, looking like "vintage blue nixies" DMM ?
ah, cool. I love those 50's German radios,, the speakers sounds so nice. I've got a Nordmende "Fidelio 58" that is similar.
those two DMMs are Simpson 460's. The digital displays are VFD tubes. The Simpson's are sort of big and cumbersome
as portable units, but they are good bench DMMs. The are also rugged. I have a bad habit of forgetting that a DMM is on
ohm setting when I put the leads across high voltage to measure VDC. I've zonked a few DMMS doing that, but
these 460's seem to take it. They are also cheap.. I think they were the first DMMs simpson made.
use to have a nice Simpson 260, but I zonked it that way. Now i use those 460's and VC99 digital multimeter (fluke knock off
with capacitance, npn/pnp tester, and a 1000C temp probe). and that Tektronics 465, of course.
Ah, yes ! Those old testing instruments are true workhorses... And abuse-resistant !
I also see that you have a similar "tube project chassis" as mine, but horizontal, wider, and probably with more features (and maybe a little onboard LV/HV supply).
Here's mine - but I should improve it...
Quote from: tubelectron on May 20, 2011, 04:08:17 PM
Ah, yes ! Those old testing instruments are true workhorses... And abuse-resistant !
I also see that you have a similar "tube project chassis" as mine, but horizontal, wider, and probably with more features (and maybe a little onboard LV/HV supply).
Here's mine - but I should improve it...
Ah,, I see your project chassis has some good features,, things my lacks... I just do pre-amp stuff with it,, so my HT supply is a small 120V/240V transformer with filter caps mounted underneath, since the picture, I isolated the HT tranny so I can use a variac to drop it down from 200v or 150v or whatever.., thats the green indicator light on top,, the indicator light on bottom is for the 120v:6.3v filament transformer. one of my best additions to that is that momentary toggle in the upper left that dumps HT to ground after I turn it off.
i like olivero1's wall that he can write on...
chalkboard paint available at any home improvement store and in any color you want!
Well, yes, that's a good idea, as at least it offers you the advantage of pinning upon the wall your infos & schematics, right in front of you.
Even if do not have the required surface, it reminds me that I should use a steel flat bar and magnets to do it...
Gabriel, I have been intrigued with this project since you posted it. Im not ready to build something similar, yet maybe smaller. Can you share some details? I am only assuming that the depth from LED to glass is important? As is the LED viewing angle and mcd? I believe the LEDS need to be between 380nm and 400nm?
Thanks in advance for any light :D you can shed on this.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on July 25, 2010, 01:34:34 AM
I decided I wasn't happy with my PnP Blue circuit boards (no surprise, given my personality), but I didn't want to pay for the MG Chemicals UV light - so I made my own! It cost about $20 in LEDs from China, and all the wood used is scrap from around the shop. The glass was maybe $3. So, I believe that I saved money - as long as you don't count my time! If you count the time I spent, this thing cost me about $1000!
{click pics for bigger versions}
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_76b8411c19.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4118/4825361961_a099e101df_o.jpg)
It works REALLY well. Even with my first couple, where I didn't really know what I was doing, they've come out at least as good as the best I could do with the PnP Blue toner transfer method. Its also MUCH faster! I'm liking this system a lot.
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4136/4825972166_563ab9d41e.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4136/4825972166_b405a8f6de_o.jpg)
The business end.
It uses 200 UV LEDs, in 40 strings of 5. The 18V power supply came from someone's lap top (I've no idea whose), and at 2.23A is WAY more than I need. The LEDs draw about 20mA each, and the 40 resistors are drawing less than 19mA each, so the total rig draws about 800mA. I briefly thought about just using power direct from the wall, and using the LEDs as the rectifier with maybe a couple caps to reduce the ripple, but I decided that wouldn't be the safest option in the world!
(http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4825973176_f438ac63af.jpg) (http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4094/4825973176_faafe59a5b_o.jpg)
200 LEDs and 40 27ohm resistors, joined with a couple different Western Union Linesman splices. Why? Because sometimes I get to be a bit obsessive.
Can you say, WAY more work than it was worth? I thought you could.
Wiring the LEDs took me about a month (though I took a couple weeks off in the middle, though), and the case for it took me about 15-20 minutes (not counting buying the glass; that was another 10 minutes - I really like having a great hardware store half a block from my shop!
It takes about two minutes to expose the board, about 30-45 seconds to develop it - maybe a minute - and you are ready to go. Totally cool! Mind you, if I were to do it again, I would use PnP to make 4 or so circuit boards for the LEDs, instead of making all those linesman splices! I'm pretty sure it will work forever, though, so I'm not overly bothered by it - now that its done!
By the way, I designed the LED array using THIS SITE (http://led.linear1.org/led.wiz).
Quote from: robmdall on May 24, 2011, 12:04:25 PM
Gabriel, I have been intrigued with this project since you posted it. Im not ready to build something similar, yet maybe smaller. Can you share some details? I am only assuming that the depth from LED to glass is important? As is the LED viewing angle and mcd? I believe the LEDS need to be between 380nm and 400nm?
Thanks in advance for any light :D you can shed on this.
Well, I did calculate the angle and the spacing so they would all over lap at the depth from the glass, but other than that I wasn't too worried. I used to be a video lighting guy, so that is kind of second nature to me. Yes, the wavelength needs to be in the appropriate range for the board you are using, but honestly now that I've finished it, I just use it.
As for advice - buy some extra LEDs, as you will probably have a few failures. (When I ordered my lot of 200, I got 204. I wish I had ordered another 20 or so, just so I would have spares for the future.) DON'T try to wire it by hand the way I did. It takes too long, and at that point you may as well buy one of the UV florescent fixtures that Mouser sells. Damn thing took me 60 hours or something. Well, 20-30, at any rate. On the other hand, it works, and it works really, really well. I can usually get away with developing after only a minute or so, but it goes a lot faster if I leave it for 4-5. Oh, and always double up your transparency film - one layer of toner doesn't seem to be opaque enough.
i took a photo while it's a bloody mess! thought it was funny (:
Very, very nice, Darron.
Can't beat a bit of Stussy.
Quote from: markeebee on June 18, 2011, 05:59:58 AM
Very, very nice, Darron.
Can't beat a bit of Stussy.
that's the only authentic way to achieve the pretty boy look these days. haha. that's not me, it's shaun klinger!
will take some proper shots one day showing off all of my gear and memorabilia!
Here's my bench...
Taking a nap after all that playing with wires and resistors!
^awwww...they do love to get involved...even if its just sleeping on ya stuff...
Those modular things look very interesting. Must've been a bugger to build, what with you only having four toes on each paw.
True that, Mark. If there is anything more important to this hobby than a soldering iron and a DMM, it would have to be opposable thumbs.
Quote from: markeebee on June 23, 2011, 11:43:25 AM
Those modular things look very interesting. Must've been a bugger to build, what with you only having four toes on each paw.
That's when I come in with my thumbs!
what kind of paint is that and do you thin it first?
Etienne! :D
Quote from: arawn on June 24, 2011, 09:39:32 PM
what kind of paint is that and do you thin it first?
I prefer acrylic because it's easier to clean up and is less toxic than oil. it's also more brittle, though, but I've got that covered by coating the whole thing with hard epoxy afterwards. I don't know which acrylic is the best but this brand can be found cheaply 5 minutes from home in a huge range of colors (>100), so....
thinning with water, usually yes. if I'm doing the base coat, 2 parts paint 1 part water. if I'm splashing it iwth the toothbrush, it's usually a bit thinner. if I'm painting details like art or words, a bit thicker.
I've been meaning to do a youtube tutorial on how I paint, decal and coat my boxes. many many people have asked.
that's where the gif clip comes from.
Quote from: cloudscapes on June 24, 2011, 07:36:22 PM
How do you attach the enclosure to that little platform? What is it? A tin can? ;D
Quote from: kungpow79 on June 28, 2011, 09:55:43 PM
Quote from: cloudscapes on June 24, 2011, 07:36:22 PM
How do you attach the enclosure to that little platform? What is it? A tin can? ;D
I'd say it's a plastic cup on a piece of cardboard.
that it is! a plastic cup hot glued to carboard. I just stick the box to it with a bit of looped tape.
It might be time for me to have a little bit of a tidy:
Here's my workspace in La.
Quote from: cloudscapes on June 29, 2011, 12:45:26 PM
that it is! a plastic cup hot glued to carboard. I just stick the box to it with a bit of looped tape.
Where did you get your drill press, and/or what brand/model is it?
Also, same question, but about the drawer orgainzers. Thanks!
Quote from: chip46 on July 10, 2011, 02:15:51 AM
Where did you get your drill press, and/or what brand/model is it?
Also, same question, but about the drawer orgainzers. Thanks!
canadian tire is the answer for both of them. local hardware store. drill press is a jobmate. I dont really care about brands though. I just got the cheapest one there was at $50. still working fine after 3 years (as it should). any decent sized hardware store or chain should have all of this.
I don't carry about brands either, just wanted to know who made it so I could compare prices.
I just ordered some more drawer orgainzers but I like the larger drawers on the bottom like yours have. Couldn't find any like that when I was looking. Thanks for the info.
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 06, 2011, 08:04:02 AM
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 06, 2011, 05:45:29 AM
@bruno...and the prize for the most tidy diyer goes too......... drumroll...................'bruno' :icon_mrgreen:
erm...and perrow...(you'll have to share it..) :P
No sharing needed, this is a picture from today
Quote from: tubelectron on May 20, 2011, 04:08:17 PM
Ah, yes ! Those old testing instruments are true workhorses... And abuse-resistant !
I also see that you have a similar "tube project chassis" as mine, but horizontal, wider, and probably with more features (and maybe a little onboard LV/HV supply).
Here's mine - but I should improve it...
My tube project chassis has been somewhat replaced with this, although this is more
of a tube tester than a project box. with it, I can still model different circuits with
any kind of twin triode noval or octal...
Just got this, 6" belt sander, nicknamed 'Dust Devil' - sanding enclosures is now quick and painless:
Make sure you get some kind of dust extraction on that Rick, you don't want shiny boxes and a dull mind.
Looks great, congratulations. Is it in the garden shed?
N.B.Just an old hoover should do the trick if you can find one with the right filters.
Quote from: Skruffyhound on October 22, 2011, 12:28:30 PM
Make sure you get some kind of dust extraction on that Rick, you don't want shiny boxes and a dull mind.
Looks great, congratulations. Is it in the garden shed?
N.B.Just an old hoover should do the trick if you can find one with the right filters.
Extraction coming up! Of course I'm wearing a (halloween) mask. No it's not the garden shed, it's frequencycentral international headquarters fabrication annex.
Our belt/disc sander is easily the most used tool in our shop. It probably sees more use than all the other stationary power tools put together.
QuoteMy tube project chassis has been somewhat replaced with this, although this is more
of a tube tester than a project box. with it, I can still model different circuits with
any kind of twin triode noval or octal...
It seems to be a kind of
simulator, right ? Interesting... Which type of circuit can you model on it ? I mean : is it only the classic common cathode amp (with pots in plate, grid, cathode, coupling caps, audio modulation to measure gain, etc...) or any other like a phase splitter or a tremolo oscillator ? Can you couple several stages (hence the multiple sockets) ?
I want a Tektronix 465
Quote from: terminalgs on August 02, 2011, 12:14:21 PM
Quote from: tubelectron on May 20, 2011, 04:08:17 PM
Ah, yes ! Those old testing instruments are true workhorses... And abuse-resistant !
My tube project chassis has been somewhat replaced with this, although this is more
of a tube tester than a project box. with it, I can still model different circuits with
any kind of twin triode noval or octal...
Could you share the schematic for your tube tester/project box? It looks like a good project for this winter...
Quote from: jazbo8 on October 27, 2011, 05:47:39 AM
Could you share the schematic for your tube tester/project box? It looks like a good project for this winter...
I'd say, cleaning up that workbench looks like a good project for this winter ;D ;)
Got clean bench, need new project...
Just completed an AX84 SEL guitar head (still needs a nicer chassis...)
Every single one of my parts is hiding below the table :icon_mrgreen:
Try to spot as many things as possible !
(http://i.imgur.com/YQvJfl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/YQvJf.jpg)
I work here so it's technically a workbench.
repairing a xbox dvd drive at the moment.
project pedals are a boss ds1 in the front, and converting a morley wah into a kay tremolo in the back. pile of shtuff in the middle. cleaning soon.
Quote from: Seven64 on November 21, 2011, 02:29:21 AM
I guess you're still in Kansas ;D
unfortunately :(
I just updated my bench ;D The mess is starting soon :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: DavenPaget on December 01, 2011, 05:17:17 AM
I just updated my bench ;D The mess is starting soon :icon_mrgreen:
What's behind your magnifier? DIY apple LED display? ;)
LOL , no , just my fume extractor that i build myself using cardboard and duct tape .
That's a LED "module" i built like in excess of 5 pieces for replacement , this one was overvolted by those damn transformer warts .
my bench will be in here in a month :)
^thats bigger than my flat.... :'(........ ;D
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 09, 2011, 04:38:52 AM
^thats bigger than my flat.... :'(........ ;D
used to be this:
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( thats just greedy.. ;)
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 09, 2011, 04:49:22 AM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( thats just greedy.. ;)
i'm living in this..
cool..... :icon_cool:
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7015/6482746915_f39b707e46_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/6482746915/)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6482746071_38a0610837_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/6482746071/)
I'm glad I'm not the only one with license plates on the wall
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 09, 2011, 04:38:52 AM
^thats bigger than my flat.... :'(........ ;D
Me too. Getting a little greeny23 with envy. :(
Quote from: a soBer Newt on December 09, 2011, 01:12:45 PM
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7015/6482746915_f39b707e46_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/6482746915/)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7019/6482746071_38a0610837_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/6482746071/)
Eyy , you're on facebook man !
Quote from: arawn on December 09, 2011, 02:06:02 PM
I'm glad I'm not the only one with license plates on the wall
I believe that is from the Volvo I totaled
Quote from: greeny23 on December 09, 2011, 06:07:59 AM
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 09, 2011, 04:49:22 AM
:'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( thats just greedy.. ;)
i'm living in this..
It's like how many guitars are in this picture. every time I look at it I find another.
now play spot the gibson marauder.
Quote from: greeny23 on December 10, 2011, 05:21:46 AM
now play spot the gibson marauder.
Is it hidden behind the LP headstock?
pretty sneaky huh. :icon_biggrin:
i traded it away anyway, it wasn't the best guitar.
Quote from: eniacmike on July 29, 2010, 11:56:56 AM
my chair is in between two desks and I swivel back and forth between the computer and the workbench
Those tables look very similar to the one I recently picked up from Ikea.
Wery good walue at only 20 pounds in the UK! ;)
i'm looking at something very similar, but the longer one with the curve at the end. are they sturdy?
Quote from: greeny23 on December 18, 2011, 02:59:55 PM
i'm looking at something very similar, but the longer one with the curve at the end. are they sturdy?
Not sure about the curved version, but this one (Vika Curry range) is suprisingly sturdy for what it is. It would easily accommodate a tube amp head.
The legs are sold individually and the particle board top could always be replaced, so it could be 'modded' to suit!
First time I've had my own pedal space that wasn't my living room.
Set up right next to my bedroom (behind the sheet) in the basement. My dad made the desk for me as an early christmas present. Made out of old doors. Love it. Thinking of spraying the top with some sort of enamel, but I'm worried about fumes and lack of ventilation in the basement.
Taken with macbook camera unfortunately.
I forgot to flip this picture in photo booth. So it's backwards...Still gets the point across though.
My new workbench . Yes . I'm loving my 21$ SMD rework station .
And , i am having problems with my dremel 300 copy , it's chuck , there's no documentation anywhere that says where the collet can be removed / chuck adjusted , i've tried with the wrench , and it doesn't !
I don't remember offhand what model my Dremel is, but it has a little button near the business end, you press and hold the button to lock the shaft into place, which then allows you to get a wrench on the part of the shaft that releases the collet/chuck/whatever. Hope you can get that figured out.
Quote from: earthtonesaudio on December 21, 2011, 09:05:38 AM
I don't remember offhand what model my Dremel is, but it has a little button near the business end, you press and hold the button to lock the shaft into place, which then allows you to get a wrench on the part of the shaft that releases the collet/chuck/whatever. Hope you can get that figured out.
I tried it , pressing it while turning clockwise/anti-clockwise , the collet doesn't loosen :(
Sharing a make/model number/series might help others to solve the problem with you ;)
Perhaps a link to the manufacturer
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on December 21, 2011, 09:16:09 AM
Sharing a make/model number/series might help others to solve the problem with you ;)
Perhaps a link to the manufacturer
*coughcough* I bought this when i was in china so you expect , no website , even googling offers no clarity on it .
But all i know is that it has "Collect chuck diameter 3mm" .
this is a treat . i think am going to post up , i really am new to this ,(bread board only) but i just set up an area and i want to share . its really lame compared to most of these . hats off on all the hard work / organization . BUT , now i want a drill press , tool organizer , spools of color-y wire , scopes , signal generators , lighted magnifier , and a CAT .
i did make some orders , enough to do 10 pedals , it has been VERY moving so slow . waiting on futurelec , re-ordering , major distractions / responsibilities popped up . now the holidays , soon . when i was 17 i actually PRE-ordered the craig anderton "projects" book before it first came out , i also subscribed to Polyphony then EM . i did the do the gemini amp in 85 (?) , then the ring mod in 92 , but have never done my "own" pedal . .... i REALLY am ready to go !
thanks so much for all the work , and sharing of hard earned info . THIS is what the net is all about , a shining example of co-operation , a testament to the good side of the human spirit , you should feel very proud of yourselves ( and your workspaces ) !
happy holidays , Pt2 .
Quote from: earthtonesaudio on December 21, 2011, 09:05:38 AM
I don't remember offhand what model my Dremel is, but it has a little button near the business end, you press and hold the button to lock the shaft into place, which then allows you to get a wrench on the part of the shaft that releases the collet/chuck/whatever. Hope you can get that figured out.
UPDATE : anyway , thanks for your concern and "help" .
I figured out to look at what happened to the shaft lock , it got damaged .
So no wonder i couldn't lock it in place and turn counter clockwise .
So i decided i let a spanner lock the shaft in place and turn counter clockwise and finally the nut came out ! :icon_mrgreen:
home made power supply / mini grinder / powers 5 different hand tools , and a dustbuster , 14.5 volts .
the blurry led thing on the right , thats the echo box , hacked out of a barbie guitar and modified . the mp3 goes to a sub , some "mains" 2 dolby surround channel speakers , then there is a speaker on the top for the echo . the bell above it , well i ring that when i finish a project , the vanilla colored button sets off a buzzer in the kitchen (beer butler) , below that is a hack volume for the sub .
on the top lef is a hacked pc power supply , for getting power , 12 bipolar , 5 bipolar ... gonna hook up some 2.1 mill jacks with voltage regulators for 9 , and 3 maybe . its an odd one , from an arcade so its got a master control , it goes from 10 - 12 , 4 - 6 . i got a cleen air thingy from good will as my de-fumer , but i run a fan so ...
dolby unit for the surround channels sits on top . my good luck demon , he fights reverse polarity .
red alert , got these led tail lamps , i just couldn't throw em out !
haha, cool stuff!
Quote from: greeny23 on December 29, 2011, 03:24:51 AM
Looks like you are getting LOW on enclosures.... time to make an order :icon_rolleyes:
these pages have made me feel so much better. I thought i was the only one who couldn't remember what there bench looked like after a while. It was one of the most enjoyable views i've had for a while great work everyone i love all of your bench's thats great. Thats what makes these communitys so good. we all understand!!!!!!
@greeny: are you naturally tidy, or is it ocd?... :D ;)
I envy those workspaces..
I was in a nice spacey room until about two months ago.. now I'm in the shed and too busy to build/develop anything.. I'm redecorating like crazy to be ready by february when my first child will be born.. biggest.project.ever ;D
I will be getting more diy time soon as I will start working less hours starting january.. whoohoooo!
congratulations arnoud!.. ;)
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 30, 2011, 07:03:01 AM
@greeny: are you naturally tidy, or is it ocd?... :D ;)
i'm fairly neat, but i only just set this workshop up then took the photo, no time to mess!
Yeah good luck with that Arnoud.
We'll see you sometime after summer, you are going to be busy (and tired, but happy).
I do hope to squeeze in some diy time during the naps on my day off..
My very modest workbench...
Quote from: Galego on January 02, 2012, 03:24:32 AM
My very modest workbench...
Mine's not modest at all ... but has very little storage needs ... because my stuff hasn't arrived :icon_mrgreen:
Walker Heavy Industries, Man Cave Edition -
Cool looking stuff there Mac!
What are the les paul ish guitars on the left?
Is that oak, maple ?? you have stickered and drying there?
that LP on the left looks great, and the tele too.
what amp is under the 2 marshall heads? and what kind of marshall do you have on that big stack at the right? bass amp?
There is something resembling a very short scale steel guitar in the top pic, except its made of wood, and has no nut. Is it some kind of pickup test-bed?
I really hope this is not a silly question, because I've already used up my silly question quota for this month.
The head on the bottom left is a Carvin I think. All the guitars looks nice actually.
The Mustang looks nice as well as that Ampeg and Tele...
Can we see the guitar barely at the right?
I was going to comment on how neet and orderly everything is!
Quote from: greeny23 on December 29, 2011, 03:24:51 AM
But I went back a couple of posts
and I can see your just like the rest a us!
What are the les paul ish guitars on the left?
Is that oak, maple ?? you have stickered and drying there?
Those are some baritone guitars I made a few years ago. The three LP's and the Tele, 30" baritones. Didn't make the Mustang or the Dan Armstrong guitar.... Check my Flickr account for more pics....
Yeah, that's slab maple, I refer to it as retirement wood. Got a nice stash of mahogany as well, saving it for later...
what amp is under the 2 marshall heads? and what kind of marshall do you have on that big stack at the right? bass amp?
Yeah, that's a Carvin, with the nameplate removed. First tube amp I bought, back in '86. The Marshall is a solid state, MG100HDFX.
There is something resembling a very short scale steel guitar in the top pic, except its made of wood, and has no nut. Is it some kind of pickup test-bed?
It was more of a "what can I do with this leftover pickup from the 1980's" kind of project. Electric Zither, I guess...
Can we see the guitar barely at the right?
Quote from: Mac Walker on January 03, 2012, 07:08:04 PM
What are the les paul ish guitars on the left?
Is that oak, maple ?? you have stickered and drying there?
Those are some baritone guitars I made a few years ago. The three LP's and the Tele, 30" baritones. Didn't make the Mustang or the Dan Armstrong guitar.... Check my Flickr account for more pics....
Where did you get the tele neck?
WOw, nice work there Mac!
Love that fretboard and body wood.
John , your raw wood guitar is simply awesome :icon_mrgreen:
I wonder how they always seem to flatten the guitars wood making it look non-wood-ish ...
Those are Mac's guitars. :D
But, to fill in the grain you use a "grain filler" or wet sand the finish (while finish is still wet)
Quote from: John Lyons on January 04, 2012, 10:48:13 AM
Those are Mac's guitars. :D
But, to fill in the grain you use a "grain filler" or wet sand the finish (while finish is still wet)
Oh . :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: John Lyons on January 04, 2012, 10:48:13 AM
Those are Mac's guitars. :D
But, to fill in the grain you use a "grain filler" or wet sand the finish (while finish is still wet)
Well, no, not exactly. We use pour filler, to be sure, but wet sanding is not to do with pour filling, and is done when the finish is a dry as you can get it, given time restrictions. Inter-coat sanding can, and even should, be done dry (though using a sandpaper that has a lubricant in the grit), and that is the part where you can fill the grain somewhat. By the time you are wet sanding, though, you need to have the finish dead flat already. It is called wet sanding, by the way, because you are lubricating the surface with soapy water, which keeps the sandpaper from loading too quickly and (among other issues) causing large scratches that you can't get rid of - the water also helps to carry away the dross from sanding.
As for
why we finish guitars with flat glossy finishes, basically because we could never sell a guitar if we didn't. The guitar buying public, by and large, expects it, and you have to provide your market with what they want. Believe me, it isn't because we enjoy it - it's a giant PITA. Bob Taylor once said, "I'd like to find the guy who decided guitars should be shinny so I can dig him up and kill him again!"
QuoteWell, no, not exactly. We use pour filler, to be sure, but wet sanding is not to do with pour filling, and is done when the finish is a dry as you can get it, given time restrictions. Inter-coat sanding can, and even should, be done dry (though using a sandpaper that has a lubricant in the grit), and that is the part where you can fill the grain somewhat. By the time you are wet sanding, though, you need to have the finish dead flat already. It is called wet sanding, by the way, because you are lubricating the surface with soapy water, which keeps the sandpaper from loading too quickly and (among other issues) causing large scratches that you can't get rid of - the water also helps to carry away the dross from sanding.
Just a different technique. By wet sanding I mean sanding wet oil/sprit/poly into the wood.
Filling the grain and pores with the slurry and then wiping back. Many coats lighter grits as you go.
Here's what my attempts look like.
http://www.basicaudio.net/amplifiers.php (http://www.basicaudio.net/amplifiers.php)
Where did you get the tele neck?
All of these were scratch builds, stewmac.com has a fret scale calculator I used to determine fret positions....
As for why we finish guitars with flat glossy finishes, basically because we could never sell a guitar if we didn't.
PRS came out a few years ago with some flat black, open grained, satin finishes, which was the inspiration for the black guitar. I personally love the look of open grained, painted finishes....
Thanks for all the positive comments, I hope to get back into building guitars in the near future.....
Quote from: John Lyons on January 04, 2012, 08:18:05 PM
Just a different technique. By wet sanding I mean sanding wet oil/sprit/poly into the wood.
Filling the grain and pores with the slurry and then wiping back. Many coats lighter grits as you go.
Here's what my attempts look like.
Well, that is not wet sanding, to be sure. It also is not how guitars are traditionally finished (Nitrocellulose lacquer, sprayed, wet sanded, and polished). It sounds more like a cross between varnish and french polishing.
My Humble mess :)
From these :
To this :
Full shot of my room NAO . ( Notice that small LP over there )
OK , the rework station's handle needs a new element therefore the missing metal part .
thought i'd better take a shot while it's not a dump.... you can see the bench!
and a couple of dodgy panoramas:
So we moved since I posted in this thread, this is my current setup:
Needs some work on organizing storage and something for the V-Amp so I can turn it on and off and use it without it occupying a third of the desk.
The guitar (lower left corner) would also benefit from a sixth string (the high E-string snapped while I tuned it a few days ago, but it makes sounds - at least when the dodgy switch decides to work - so it fills its purpose).
The greatest benefit from this new workspace is that it's about five meters from my front door, the old one was about two hundred meters away. So much easier to steal five minutes worth of soldering when it's close.
The greates problem with this setup is that I put the shelf above the "desk shelf" too low, so my multi bin storage thingie has to reside on the floor, though it does leave a little more space on the desk.
I bring out the stops with 4 multimeters now ... ( I just changed how the multimeters are placed now )
But yeah , i do SMD nowadays and have not been doing pedals anymore , that's why i'm a hiatus on here now already .
How I spent my day yesterday, pulling unpackaged HEMTs off a wafer.
Quote from: The Incredible Shrinking ManI was continuing to shrink, to become... what? The infinitesimal? What was I? Still a human being? Or was I the man of the future? If there were other bursts of radiation, other clouds drifting across seas and continents, would other beings follow me into this vast new world? So close — the infinitesimal and the infinite. But suddenly, I knew they were really the two ends of the same concept. The unbelievably small and the unbelievably vast eventually meet — like the closing of a gigantic circle. I looked up, as if somehow I would grasp the heavens. The universe, worlds beyond number, God's silver tapestry spread across the night. And in that moment, I knew the answer to the riddle of the infinite. I had thought in terms of man's own limited dimension. I had presumed upon nature. That existence begins and ends in man's conception, not nature's. And I felt my body dwindling, melting, becoming nothing. My fears melted away. And in their place came acceptance. All this vast majesty of creation, it had to mean something. And then I meant something, too. Yes, smaller than the smallest, I meant something, too. To God, there is no zero. I still exist!
photo of my stock shelf:
I tidied up, since I'm waiting on parts for all my current projects. My bench may never be this clean again!
benches in the last two photos look very similar :)
I cleaned! added the file cabinet, another pen holder so i can use one for tools, and yea. feels great!
havent posted on here since i got rid of my radio shack iron for the hakko fx-888. i am in love with it!
I have two areas i do work, inside for soldering, building etc, and outside for drilling / painting / powder coating etc. We recently updated our garage from the bombsite it was, to include a pretty good work area as well. Doesnt have my soldering iron / components etc in the photo, i do that stuff inside, but thought you might find the garage update interesting. Excuse my language, but i f!@#ing love it ;D Unfortunately i dont have a photo of THE VERY BEGINNING. It wasnt pretty. Anyway heres a couple of photos of the update:
You can see the compressor, drill press, toaster oven on the bench, theres also a powder coating gun in the corner on the desk.
^ :icon_eek:
my little corner looks even smaller now... :'( :'( :'( :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: deadastronaut on April 11, 2012, 08:18:07 AM
my little corner looks even smaller now... :'( :'( :'( :icon_mrgreen:
You have a whole corner??? You just don't know when you're well off... :icon_wink:
:'( :'( :'( :'(
just to compare... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Quote from: deadastronaut on April 11, 2012, 08:44:45 AM
:'( :'( :'( :'(
just to compare... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Like I said, you have a *whole* corner... ;)
But compact and bijou...
Quote from: deadastronaut on April 11, 2012, 08:44:45 AM
:'( :'( :'( :'(
just to compare... :'( :'( :'( :'(
Candle for ambiance?? ??? ::) :P
Its not what you've got its what you do with it that counts ;) I dont think I should use winky emoticon after a comment like that...
Nice corner, space well used. Give me time too, i need to mess it up. Always starts out neat :D
@paul....very true!... :icon_mrgreen:
@gov lacky: ^ heroin and crack...... :D
only joking...it was xmas... ;)
New bench at work (for me)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7083/7174417558_ae26b9296c_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/7174417558/)
Very nice! What do you do?
Quote from: kurtlives on May 11, 2012, 05:03:09 PM
Very nice! What do you do?
I work at Audio Engineering Associates, was in intern for about a year and recently got hired. I do mic pre testing and setup.
That sounds pretty awesome. Good luck with it!
Quote from: Seven64 on March 19, 2012, 12:42:30 AM
I cleaned! added the file cabinet, another pen holder so i can use one for tools, and yea. feels great!
havent posted on here since i got rid of my radio shack iron for the hakko fx-888. i am in love with it!
Nice Pink Floyd wallpaper
Quote from: a soBer Newt on May 10, 2012, 11:14:44 PM
New bench at work (for me)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7083/7174417558_ae26b9296c_z.jpg) (http://www.flickr.com/photos/40439237@N05/7174417558/)
That look like a comfortable bench. I should make profound shelves like that: mines are so miserable.
At work:
and at the studio/lab:
Mine !
Indoor: As you can see, I'm not a tidy guy. All my tools are stored tho, except the soldering iron which is heating most of the time (not to say always)
Components racks... All usual values sorted, one (or two) values per tray, especially for resistors, as I'm colorblind :icon_confused:
Outoor: Workbench made from a crappy storage rack
Unibits: 4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12 (metric) for most drilling jobs, and an additionnal 8-14-16-18-20-22-26-28-32-35 (metric too) for larger holes: Neutrik D-series XLR, 8-Poles Speakons...
Useful trick to rotate enclosures while you apply clear coat: Skateboard wheel + bearing, mount on a long screw.
A finished enclosure, still dryin:
The skateboard wheel idea is very smart!
Can't see much detail, I suppose, but here's mine a week or two ago! (The power tools are all elsewhere.)
And the pile-up of "current" pedals.
There is no known cure for this disease.
They are Jawari w/ buff 'n blend mods (on breadboard & w/ empty case,) Runoff Groove "Double D" and Red Llama clone, Anderton Treble Booster, Crash Sync, and the mighty Gristleizer (Gaussmarkov PCB.)
Also building a batch of stutter pedals!
Quote from: ~arph on June 17, 2012, 09:19:52 AM
+1, minus the tinfoil on the walls, I'm not that paranoid ;-)
i love those 'half 1590b's :icon_cool:....nice space too you greedy sod!... ;D ;)
From one extreme to the other... ;)
^ dinner may be some time.... :)
lots of pedals come out of this somehow
Quote from: joegagan on September 28, 2012, 11:08:09 AM
lots of pedals come out of this somehow
Are you sure that all of the parts don't just "come together" and collaborate to make an escape from there? :icon_mrgreen:
Seriously though, I am amazed at some of the work you do with that. I would post pics of my work bench however, it would be pityful. It would literally be a picture of a milk crate :icon_eek:
All of my tools are stuffed into a milk crate!! I find workspace wherever I happen to put it! ;D
Are you sure that all of the parts don't just "come together" and collaborate to make an escape from there?
:D :D :D
Looks like my previous shop Joe.
The birthplace of the coolest wah pedals on the planet!
like life, it is a balance of forward momentum, doing what is needed at the moment to keep it moving, not getting bogged down in overly anal organization.
i know where almost everything is, and almost everything i need is within fast reach ( vertical emphasis, fluid tool/ material placement, willingness to mod everything in sight to accomplish tight workspace)
i like to stand while i work.
i like equiv 1000 watts of light shining on the work area ( approx 20% incandesc, 70% curlycue lightbulbs, 10% flouresc)
the middle 'stand' is the stage. a fluid area where different platforms get swapped in and out, but the key thing is that it gets the major work up at eye and hand level, up in the light.
the styrofoam tool storage 'stand' is glued quickly to a heavy piece of tile to keep it stationary. it is poked full of holes for the tools and new holes get poked or expanded all the time.
final note: the wire rack across the top contains not only wire, but my spool of solder so i never lose the solder. it is always hanging right where it can be grabbed quickly.
final note # 2. a full range 12" speaker SS keyboard amp pointed directly at my face is on all the time for audtioning/ tuning. i simply plug in/ unplug the qtr inch plug of the cord at the input like an oldtime phone operator, keeps a constant vol for reference on the amp and silences the deal when things not being tested.
( thanks guys, thanks jeremy)
Quote from: joegagan on September 28, 2012, 12:14:03 PM
like life, it is a balance of forward momentum, doing what is needed at the moment to keep it moving, not getting bogged down in overly anal organization.
i know where almost everything is, and almost everything i need is within fast reach ( vertical emphasis, fluid tool/ material placement, willingness to mod everything in sight to accomplish tight workspace)
i like to stand while i work.
i like equiv 1000 watts of light shining on the work area ( approx 20% incandesc, 70% curlycue lightbulbs, 10% flouresc)
the middle 'stand' is the stage. a fluid area where different platforms get swapped in and out, but the key thing is that it gets the major work up at eye and hand level, up in the light.
the styrofoam tool storage 'stand' is glued quickly to a heavy piece of tile to keep it stationary. it is poked full of holes for the tools and new holes get poked or expanded all the time.
final note: the wire rack across the top contains not only wire, but my spool of solder so i never lose the solder. it is always hanging right where it can be grabbed quickly.
I tried to use your post to justify my workspace, but it backfired. According to my wife, "If he would spend half the amount of time organizing that he spends philosophizing about not organizing, he would have an organized desk by now."
Here's my nest. If you can spot the mj paraphernalia I will send you a fet matcher box I made :icon_mrgreen: circle it in red and tell me what it is. All 'entries' must be submitted within 24 hours of this post. (It's medical use, so don't get your panties in a bunch if your against it)
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on September 28, 2012, 06:37:02 PM
... circle it in red and tell me what it is.
I was going to circle the whole image-- this is a DIY forum, and anything can be repurposed with just a few mods. ;D
Anyway, I think this is a pipe:
that is a homemade tattoo gun. I dont have any tats or anything, although i did use it to decorate this lighter...I just made it to see if i could :icon_lol:
this is what you saw:
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on September 28, 2012, 06:37:02 PM
Here's my nest. If you can spot the mj paraphernalia I will send you a fet matcher box I made :icon_mrgreen: circle it in red and tell me what it is. All 'entries' must be submitted within 24 hours of this post. (It's medical use, so don't get your panties in a bunch if your against it)
On the matress by the pillows. Looks like a hooch box to me :icon_mrgreen:
Conveniently handy and at eye level for easy access. That's my bet!
Here is roughly 3/4 of my shop. (minus the wood shop and painting booth etc)
Scroll to the right it's a long pic.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on September 28, 2012, 07:55:30 PM
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on September 28, 2012, 06:37:02 PM
Here's my nest. If you can spot the mj paraphernalia I will send you a fet matcher box I made :icon_mrgreen: circle it in red and tell me what it is. All 'entries' must be submitted within 24 hours of this post. (It's medical use, so don't get your panties in a bunch if your against it)
On the matress by the pillows. Looks like a hooch box to me :icon_mrgreen:
Conveniently handy and at eye level for easy access. That's my bet!
hooch box? :icon_lol: good guess but no. that is a box i set my projects on and it has a sliding lid to keep the parts for that particular build inside.
I'll take 2 guesses..... the top one is either your soldering station, or it could be a vaporizer! The bottom right looks like it could be a steamroller or a bong on it's side.
wheres waldo? you haven't found him yet ;D
ironic. the guy whose username is about have you seen him asking do you see him :icon_smile: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_lol: :icon_idea: :icon_eek: :icon_cool:
I am a mystery wrapped in an enigma :icon_lol:
HEy! you got irony in my enigma! NO! YOu got enigma in my irony. break me off a piece of that bacon-bar.
mmmmmm...... bacon......
Quote from: joegagan on September 29, 2012, 12:07:41 AM
HEy! you got irony in my enigma! NO! YOu got enigma in my irony. break me off a piece of that bacon-bar.
I laughed at that way more than I should have :icon_lol:
John, your shop is friggin massive!
Im a little scared of John Lyons :o There's only one thing missing in his shop. And I find this very scarey.
THERE'S NO EXIT :icon_eek:
Isn't it a bit itchy in the shop John? What with all the rock wool open in the ceiling.
How did you shoot that photo John?
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on October 01, 2012, 12:56:33 AM
Im a little scared of John Lyons :o There's only one thing missing in his shop. And I find this very scarey.
THERE'S NO EXIT :icon_eek:
Nice catch. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and venture a guess that Johns shop is L-shaped and the photo is taken from the "inner" corner of the L. Presumably the door is on one of the "inner" walls, but that's just a guess, it's really hard to get a grip of that space.
THERE'S NO EXIT icon_eek
Heh, there are stairs out of view behind the shelves on the left and set of storm doors beyond the walled off
area behind the plastic where my paint booth and wood shop are.
Isn't it a bit itchy in the shop John? What with all the rock wool open in the ceiling.
Never noticed any of it falling out.
Nice catch. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and venture a guess that Johns shop is L-shaped and the photo is
taken from the "inner" corner of the L. Presumably the door is on one of the "inner" walls, but that's just a guess,
it's really hard to get a grip of that space.
Yep. Basically L shaped. Stairs with the shelves around them male the short side of the L.
The Photo was taken with an iphone in panorama. Photosynth I think. I didn't take the pic, my helper did. I don't have a
cell phone actually.
Thought that was an iPhone pic :D
Its a vaporizer. I don't smoke it because it makes no sense to 'smoke' a medicine. When my Chrones disease flares I have to use it to get the so called 'munchies'. Otherwise I can't eat.
sorry to hear about your situation.
Thanks Joe... It's not the worst disease ever, although the puking is killing my teeth...i mean weed is the medicine. How awesome is that disease :icon_mrgreen:
Speaking of which, currently on the bench, fixing for a musician friend who has very little money (shocker!) but has agreed to compensate me with something green.... ;D
This little Taiwanese bugger gave up the fight, should be a simple $10 fix, actually, couple of F&T 475V caps are in the mail heading my way at the moment....
No plans to touch the original Murray caps, if it ain't broke.....
Quote from: Mac Walker on October 07, 2012, 06:48:06 PM
Speaking of which, currently on the bench, fixing for a musician friend who has very little money (shocker!) but has agreed to compensate me with something green.... ;D
tube screamer?.. ;)
I know what he meant. ;)
HULK action figures! PEW PEW PEW!!!
That stuff is undrinkable...
Huh? Oh no, I'm a huge Jim Henson fan....
:icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen: :icon_mrgreen:
^ :D :D :D
^ ;D
^^ ;D
^^^ ;D
^^^^ ;D
^^^^^ ;D
It's refreshing to see that some people in the world still have a sense of humor! ;D
This thread makes me feel better about my disaster room
The photo studio.
(http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc305/davent/Workshop/IMG_5313_zpsf90e9475.jpg) (http://s216.photobucket.com/user/davent/media/Workshop/IMG_5313_zpsf90e9475.jpg.html)
That looks awesome Dave! I've been meaning to post my mess even though its a bit embarrassing. :icon_lol:
I just set up a little paint booth the other night and started using my new airbrush set up for the first time! I'm going to add an inline fan and a dryer vent with a flapper to exhaust fumes , that's coming soon! here's a pic of my drill buff paint area in my basement.
Here's some poor quality shots of where I solder in my music room
I'll get some better shots soon :)
Quote from: Mustachio on April 25, 2013, 08:33:27 PM
Are those a bag of TO-220 heat sinks I spy next to your helping hands Jim? Is there a Ludwig build on your horizon? ;D
^Nice setup! :)
Bob is looking at that lava lamp like he wishes it was a bong. That's what I thought it was for a second. :icon_mrgreen:
Gotta put up a pic of that breadboard/testbox/whatever it is on your desktop. Looks amazing! ;D
This before I actually really used it some months ago. Or stained the top with paint and bits and pieces.
I bought this standard bench that came broken and missing the drawers. @#$% it I decided. It works. Glued the broken plywood for the table top and bottom. The drawers would have been nice but left little room for my legs to sit up against the table.
Maybe another pic soon. With some nice hardware pRon spread out. I have a nice vice on the right and a decent stool now, too.
I actually do the soldering up in the living room because there's a big TV and I'm single.
so, while this is not MY workbench, it is still quite interesting, I think.
shown is my great-grandfather at his workbench, at the Low Head Cable Station, Tasmania, circa 1890.
he has just posted a qustion as to when Tesla might be going to invent radio, and is hoping for a reply from R.G.Keene. whilst he waits, he thinks about the price of copper.
Love that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
^ Nice pic duck arse!
Quote from: darron on July 06, 2013, 11:03:15 PM
Love that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
Looks like a cat knocked your parts drawers over. I hope you had a chance to drink the precious contents of that glass before the accident. ;D
Quote from: Jdansti on July 07, 2013, 02:51:30 AM
Looks like a cat knocked your parts drawers over. I hope you had a chance to drink the precious contents of that glass before the accident. ;D
Maybe that's how it got knocked over. Drunken pedal building....Not even once :icon_mrgreen:
@Darron How do you like your dremel stylus? I can't live without mine.
it was my own fault. can't blame the cats this time.
the absinthe bottle just has water in it and the glass was empty. no real disaster. i found some stuff in the process and it's good to have a reorder.
the dremel stylus is pretty cool! i mostly jut use it for engraving or for wire brushing for that 3d effect. the battery isn't massive and last just long enough to do a few which is when i'd need a break anyway.
the dremel in the drill press setup is too much of a pain to take out to use for anything else so that's all it does. i'd rather recommend somebody bought a tiny REAL drill press for the price instead of this silly plastic work-around.
the orange/grey Black and Decker battery screw driver is a very cool little ting too. they were on sale for $30! gyro operated.
>the absinthe bottle just has water in it
Sure. We believe you. Really. ::)
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on July 07, 2013, 03:31:28 AM
Drunken pedal building....Not even once :icon_mrgreen:
I stabbed myself with the soldering iron last week. Not drunk. At all. Honest. No, really.
^Hot or cold?
I've tried to identify some of the objects in duck's photo. The name on the door is "Via Eastern", which appears to be a telegraph company.
Can anyone else identify more objects?
Quote from: Jdansti on July 08, 2013, 04:41:04 AM
^Hot or cold?
Both. Can you believe I was swapping bits in the middle of a session? Stabbed with the "recently cold" bit. 2.3mm of (dirty) getting-warm metal into my left thumb joint.
S T U P I D :icon_redface:
Quote from: Jdansti on July 08, 2013, 04:43:39 AM
Can anyone else identify more objects?
thought I could see a couple of Millennium-2 boards, but now I think that the
whole desk is an early protoype of this:
(http://i1139.photobucket.com/albums/n541/redmangreg/DSCN0916_zps91b20365.jpg) :icon_biggrin:
Edit: "Burst Box". LOL! :D
QuoteLove that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
QuoteCan anyone else identify more objects?
put a big circle around the geezer in the middle and write "great grandfather" next to.
there is no burstbox shown. the other bloke has that, out of shot. you can tell from his shifty expression.
no stock tickers. shown in this photo are grgrdpa's first 2 designs for the head of "robbie the robot".
I was disappointed that I could find nothing more than via eastern. it sounds like part of something, probably all over the outside of the building.
That would be a window, not a door. Also, there is flux capacitor in plain view right there in the middle.
FooFighters123 has something to say about calling it a burst box...
Quote from: FooFighters123 on June 16, 2009, 06:03:31 AM
Thereverend matt bellamy doesn't have a burst box it's a kill switch. And it's not a BURST BOX it's a circuit box with burst button...
Quote from: darron on July 06, 2013, 11:03:15 PM
Love that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
This is why all of my drawer units (I'm up to 9 at the moment - tall ones, too) are screwed to the wall! I think I'd just give up and buy new stuff. Which I can't afford.
Quote from: duck_arse on July 06, 2013, 07:40:21 AM
so, while this is not MY workbench, it is still quite interesting, I think.
shown is my great-grandfather at his workbench, at the Low Head Cable Station, Tasmania, circa 1890.
he has just posted a qustion as to when Tesla might be going to invent radio, and is hoping for a reply from R.G.Keene. whilst he waits, he thinks about the price of copper.
The same here... not my workbench, but my grand father is still 98 and kicking! He was the first to make a TV broadcast signal in the Iberian peninsula (50's). In this video (in Portuguese) you can see his amateur radio paraphernalia. Taken from an interview of a news broadcast network in Portugal.
Very inspirational I think.
Inspirational indeed! And just think of the evolution of technology that he's seen and been part of!
QuoteQuote from: darron on 06-07-2013, 21:03:15
Love that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
darron, did this ^ make a noise (it obviously would have), were you there to hear it, and what did it sound like? I bet it was good.
Quote from: duck_arse on July 10, 2013, 07:48:42 AM
QuoteQuote from: darron on 06-07-2013, 21:03:15
Love that retro photo. Had me going for a sec.
darron, did this ^ make a noise (it obviously would have), were you there to hear it, and what did it sound like? I bet it was good.
you know when you drop something fiddly on the floor? know it's their but have to get down for the search. it's nothing like that. it's 1 million times louder and you can see stuff everywhere.
well, seeing the stuff is half the problem solved already. unless it's because it's really big, or there is a shitload of it.
I too am part of the "bench in front of the window" club:
Being by the window is great because I can point a box fan outwards when soldering, and I never breathe fumes. Unfortunately, it may be too late for me though, because I can't seem to keep things serious for very long:
I did a quick cleanup for these pics, but it reaches this threshhold now and again:
I should note that since this is also my nightstand, I had to remove the condoms from the drawer prior to taking the pic. :P
In times past, I had employed a magnificent Seven Dollar Table from a 2nd hand store:
These pics wouldn't be complete without my sexy Plano-top proto-board:
Quote from: phaeton on July 13, 2013, 06:06:09 PM
I too am part of the "bench in front of the window" club:
yep. that looks like a nice view. and window :)
>I should note that since this is also my nightstand, I had to remove the condoms from the drawer prior to taking the pic.
Man, you really are safe! Most of use don't even bother with condoms when we're building stompboxes! ;D
I always wear a condom when pedal building. It helps reduce the risk of STDs (Solder transmitted diseases) :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on July 14, 2013, 07:01:32 AM
I always wear a condom when pedal building. It helps reduce the risk of STDs (Solder transmitted diseases) :icon_mrgreen:
...and breathing in those pesky solder fumes...
Quote from: kupfer_m on June 23, 2011, 01:12:01 AM
Here's my bench...
Taking a nap after all that playing with wires and resistors!
Humbrol! I'd recognize that tin anywhere. I've used that stuff for so long I'm reluctant to say how long....Nice kitty :icon_biggrin:
Can anyone spot the high-speed lead injector? For when that pesky solder just won't flow. :icon_mrgreen:
everything even looks whiter!
looks like you need some more 3D knobs for your drawers.. ;D
pink walls?.. :icon_eek: :D ;)
For now............ ;D
Quote from: amptramp on August 09, 2013, 07:52:24 PM
LOL! We have an air stripper (a pollution control device) at work and sometimes we have to "change out the nipples on the stripper". ;)
QuoteCan anyone spot the high-speed lead injector?
proof positive that you now don't know where anything is.
Quote from: duck_arse on August 10, 2013, 10:07:41 AM
QuoteCan anyone spot the high-speed lead injector?
proof positive that you now don't know where anything is.
I actually found a lot of stuff that had been missing for a while. :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Jdansti on August 09, 2013, 08:20:28 PM
. . . and sometimes we have to "change out the nipples on the stripper". ;)
Some people get all the great jobs... :icon_neutral:
Bees in the hive as of late.
Quote from: John Lyons on August 10, 2013, 08:01:01 PM
Bees in the hive as of late.
Wow :icon_eek: Quite the operation you have there. How long was that in real time?
^ About 3 hours I think.
Quote from: John Lyons on August 10, 2013, 09:05:31 PM
^ About 3 hours I think.
and they didn't even get up to pee.... ;D
Quote from: bluebunny on August 10, 2013, 05:03:52 PM
Quote from: Jdansti on August 09, 2013, 08:20:28 PM
. . . and sometimes we have to "change out the nipples on the stripper". ;)
Some people get all the great jobs... :icon_neutral:
You have to make sure they're adequately lubed and then really crank down on them to get them nice and tight! ;D
Tired of working in the dark I moved my stuff to the bar...
Hello Sunshine and happy views! :icon_mrgreen:
Amsterdam? I think all my time would be spent daydreaming out the window. Nice!
(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t282/Gutstwohand/desk.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Gutstwohand/media/desk.jpg.html)
The keyboard has since been replaced with a Razer Blackwidow, and the soldering iron lives between the mouse and the amp, but otherwise this is me :)
(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t282/Gutstwohand/nndrill_zps50ae01bd.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Gutstwohand/media/nndrill_zps50ae01bd.jpg.html)
Metalwork, OTOH, is done at Dad's workshop. I used to use a corded handheld drill and a bench vise, I use the drill press these days. (Grandad made it himself.)
Quote from: alanp on August 30, 2013, 04:20:36 PM
(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t282/Gutstwohand/nndrill_zps50ae01bd.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Gutstwohand/media/nndrill_zps50ae01bd.jpg.html)
I know what that enclosure was for!! ;)
Tea candles and wine.... Somebody's got a romantic night ahead of em. :D
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on August 30, 2013, 05:24:14 PM
I know what that enclosure was for!! ;)
A bit bigger than the D you used in the 10year comp, though :)
Quote from: davent on August 30, 2013, 12:32:45 PM
Amsterdam? I think all my time would be spent daydreaming out the window. Nice!
Yep, Amsterdam, but after living there for so long it seems quite ordinary... I'm aching for green views...
Quote from: Trippy Demon on August 31, 2013, 04:47:07 AM
Yep, Amsterdam, but after living there for so long it seems quite ordinary... I'm aching for green views...
I'll trade you!
Haha....funny afterthought: All you have to do for a green view is go to the coffee shop around the corner
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on August 31, 2013, 05:00:57 AM
Quote from: Trippy Demon on August 31, 2013, 04:47:07 AM
Yep, Amsterdam, but after living there for so long it seems quite ordinary... I'm aching for green views...
I'll trade you!
Haha....funny afterthought: All you have to do for a green view is go to the coffee shop around the corner
Same here Trippy Demon, a year ago I moved from a small town to the city of Groningen, which is sort of a smaller version of Amsterdam way up north in The Netherlands. There's a coffee-shop around the corner 1 minute walk from here, but I really miss the trees and having a garden.
@trippy, handy for a car service too.....cool view man. 8)
Quote from: phaeton on July 13, 2013, 06:06:09 PM
These pics wouldn't be complete without my sexy Plano-top proto-board:
That proto-board is awesome! Any chance I could see a gut shot of it?
Looking at putting one together but not sure where to start.
How come that lady doesn't have to wear a black T-Shirt? Everyone else does, even the little guy.
He looks like he's actually pretty helpful, too.
^ It looks like the dog is exempt too. ;)
I take it, John, that you are the one sharing the comfy chair with the 4-legged staff.
7 PLLs on the workbench
Pots, Caps, Jacks and so on
E12 resistors
drilling ;D
Wow! That's a lot of stuff..
My little area
And my components are stuffed into these boxes
Quote from: DirkM on September 29, 2013, 01:42:31 PM
7 PLLs on the workbench
drilling ;D
Old Consort E443 electrophoresis power supply :icon_surprised: Where did You get it?
Quote from: JackDaniels on October 16, 2013, 12:50:26 AM
Old Consort E443 electrophoresis power supply :icon_surprised: Where did You get it?
from a flea market for about 10 € :icon_biggrin: it works quite well for tube circuits....
Quote from: DirkM on October 16, 2013, 02:39:57 AM
Quote from: JackDaniels on October 16, 2013, 12:50:26 AM
Old Consort E443 electrophoresis power supply :icon_surprised: Where did You get it?
from a flea market for about 10 € :icon_biggrin: it works quite well for tube circuits....
You made very good deal. Those are trusty and safe units, thats why those are bit heavy ;)
I asked just because those are used in medical/biological research labs and usually you cannot buy those any shops
Quote from: stallik on October 15, 2013, 09:45:52 AM
My little area
cool, love the binoscope thingy...i use 2 pars of glasses now...one for reading, one for up close stuff. with a mag lamp.
think i need lasering :icon_eek:
Quote from: deadastronaut on October 16, 2013, 05:05:42 AM
think i need lasering :icon_eek:
(http://supercolortuts.com/Tuts_Files/Tutorials/Retro_Lights_and_Lazers_Wallpaper/Retro_Lights_and_Lazers_Wallpaper_061.jpg) ;D
that's better...i can see the surface of mars clearly from my room now.. :icon_cool:
Quote from: deadastronaut on October 16, 2013, 07:59:00 AM
that's better...i can see the surface of mars clearly from my room now.. :icon_cool:
pelle is that you at 3:12 in the white shirt and tie?..
you've got some groovy moves man.. ;D
cool, love the binoscope thingy...I use 2 pairs of glasses now...one for reading, one for up close stuff. with a mag lamp.
think i need lasering
It's a Russian stereo dissecting scope picked up in a junk shop for a fiver about 20yrs ago. Probably the most used tool I've ever had and especially useful now my eyesight is getting worse. 2 pairs of glasses, the lamp is a magnifier....
... Using the scope for soldering is fun. The magnification makes my finest iron look like a shovel and when the solder flows, it's like a torrent. Tried using it for sm components, had some difficulties. I'm a little prone to sneezing
As far as lazer treatment goes, you're a braver man than me......
Quote from: deadastronaut on October 16, 2013, 10:34:23 AM
pelle is that you at 3:12 in the white shirt and tie?..
you've got some groovy moves man.. ;D
I thought that was Mr. Bean...
deadastronaut - condolences on your late colleague Commander Carpenter.
^ thanks, yeah he was a good guy, the irony is that he was as useful as a chocolate teapot when it came to woodwork... ;D
Great spaces. Here's a garbled panorama of my studio... I know where everything is, but nit where anything should be.
Nice VW bus! :)
Quote from: deadastronaut on October 16, 2013, 09:25:51 PM
^ thanks, yeah he was a good guy, the irony is that he was as useful as a chocolate teapot when it came to woodwork... ;D
I hope he did a better job with the woodwork than Wally Schirra did with trimming the sheep!
Quote from: deadastronaut on October 16, 2013, 10:34:23 AM
pelle is that you at 3:12 in the white shirt and tie?..
you've got some groovy moves man.. ;D
No, that's not me. I don't dance and if I did I'd never be as groovy as him :(
@Chad-I just noticed the cool 1/2 CRT monitor. ;)
Quote from: Jdansti on October 17, 2013, 03:23:31 AM
@Chad-I just noticed the cool 1/2 CRT monitor. ;)
Custom 9x16 adpect ratio.
I'm a graphic designer and I do my stompbox building in my studio. Today I got a new floor so everything had to get out and in again. So now everything is tidy!!! :icon_lol:
Quote from: Schizo910 on December 27, 2013, 03:16:40 PM
I'm a graphic designer and I do my stompbox building in my studio.
Hahahaha same!!!
Sometimes it takes up too much time! :icon_twisted:
Oh yeah,tell me about it... Haha, I'm pretty new to this game and love it!
Quote from: Schizo910 on December 27, 2013, 03:16:40 PM
I'm a graphic designer and I do my stompbox building in my studio. Today I got a new floor so everything had to get out and in again. So now everything is tidy!!! :icon_lol:
fi! on tidy, I say. I was out the back cutting some white melamine to make a cutting jig, and cleaned up all the sawdust and crap off the floor. the next day I decided I needed to take photos of it, and couldn't sweep up enough dirt from the floor to sprinkle across the resultant "polar bear in a snowstorm".
that workbench looks suspiciously like there is nothing happening.
Okay, lookie here..
Here is the proof of my emptied out studio :icon_wink:
Ok, now we believe you. ;)
Here's a look at my future work shop. It's an 8' x 20' walk-in attic space. I'm going to wall it in, insulate it, and add a new floor, A/C, a fume hood, a sink, and a bench.
Quote from: Jdansti on December 28, 2013, 09:47:51 PM
Ok, now we believe you. ;)
Here's a look at my future work shop. It's an 8' x 20' walk-in attic space. I'm going to wall it in, insulate it, and add a new floor, A/C, a fume hood, a sink, and a bench.
Don't forget a motorized hammock. :icon_mrgreen:
I just found out that my wife would like to have a bench in there to do her craft stuff. So much for the man cave, but maybe I'll get to do more building if she's in there doing her stuff too. Fewer complaints about me disappearing for hours. ;)
Edit: I guess I'll need a double hammock. ;) ;)
Well if you and your missus both are going to be there I can think of other ways to furnish that space ;)
Don't worry already got my coat on.
probably the fact that nothing is turned on in this pic gives it away that it is all staged .....
it's all real junk, though
@duck_arse: good spot for the scope, out of the way in otherwise-dead space. I like the cut of your jib, sir!
Quote from: Perrow on December 29, 2013, 06:28:10 AM
Well if you and your missus both are going to be there I can think of other ways to furnish that space ;)
Don't worry already got my coat on.
I think the ceiling is too low for a trapeze. ;D
Quote from: Jdansti on December 29, 2013, 12:34:05 PM
I think the ceiling is too low for a trapeze. ;D
A small chandelier, perhaps? :icon_biggrin:
Quote from: tubegeek on December 29, 2013, 10:24:11 AM
@duck_arse: good spot for the scope, out of the way in otherwise-dead space. I like the cut of your jib, sir!
I didn't think my jib was sticking out at the time, please excuse ......
Don't mind the mess!
the lab is in sydney, nova scotia, but the mess is here in sydney, australia.
I can see it.
Sydney - isn't that where the AG Bell museum is?
Cape Breton is a long drive from Brooklyn NY but I've done it four times (there and back twice.) Once we even drove the entire way without using the ferry for the Maine-Yarmouth leg. Lovely, lovely place.
I found this picture of my old workbench ('96) featuring a rare specimen of Nephewosaurus... :icon_mrgreen:
Not to be rude, but that's one ugly nephew. ;)
Not to another Nephewosaurus
fender, that's frightening. is he still standing there now? how did you manage any work with that?
I see you are (were, like me?) a man of taste and style, what with the bangers lower right of pic. hard packs, though? and the ashtray in front of nephew didn't shift him?
He's now 1+ ft taller than me, and at least 25Kg more...
Kinda big specimen...
He's gonna move for spreading to Germany...
No more tasty "blondes" for me :icon_frown:
Don't you know Nephewosaurus loves cigarette stubs more than human legs?
Nephewosaurus with male parent in its typical environment
LOL!!! That's great! :D :D :D
seems you're right about osaurus and cig butts, never far away. what is it wearing though?
^ a smoking jacket of coursearrus.. ;D
Rob = Terribiljokus Rex :icon_biggrin:
cab for rob......
(http://www.wbta.net/images/black_cab_1.jpg) :icon_biggrin:
^ my cab was certainly not as posh as that i can assure you..... :icon_eek:
Careful-- that thing will grow up to be a full blown Gorn.
Quote from: italianguy63 on February 12, 2014, 02:45:54 PM
Careful-- that thing will grow up to be a full blown Gorn.
I thought it was a sleestack....
Well, there has to be SOME kind of benefit to having your basement flood, right? I was able to rebuild my electronics lab area. I've built a few projects so far - minor ones, nothing major yet - and it is a LOT more convenient. More importantly, it is much easier to keep clean, which means I'll be yelled at a lot less.
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5563/15033980697_68efd275c8_z_d.jpg) (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5563/15033980697_c944c763a1_o.jpg)
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3909/15197523286_38bca2739f_z.jpg) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3909/15197523286_1971975bd0_o.jpg)
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3852/15033965378_d6e64f5bbe_z.jpg) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3852/15033965378_37f0e08c8b_o.jpg)
The wooden drawer cabinets on the wall are NOT on the floor, but attached to the wall with French cleats, so if we ever get any water in the basement again (it was coming up from the floor), it won't be a problem (same with the book and record shelves on the other side of the room). BUT, I now have room for everything....well, almost everything.....well, more than half of everything....let's just say I have a lot more places to keep sh*t. Also, space for project boxes, so I can keep all the parts for most projects in the same place! That's pretty nice. I still have to get a carpet in here of some sort, cause in the winter that floor gets freaking COLD!!!!!
love the wooden cabs...very nice. 8)
Quote from: deadastronaut on September 13, 2014, 11:02:20 AM
love the wooden cabs...very nice. 8)
Yeah, though it turns out that even if you can get the production time for the drawers down to 5 minutes or so, it still takes a freaking long time to make 53 of 'em!
Yeah i bet, but well worth the time and effort, i,d love to build a nice set of component drawers rather than these plastic ones...
Quote from: deadastronaut on September 14, 2014, 11:48:30 AM
Yeah i bet, but well worth the time and effort, i,d love to build a nice set of component drawers rather than these plastic ones...
Most of my components are still in plastic drawers, though it is nice to have a big wood drawer for transformers and chokes. The rest of those drawers are other necessaries. Shrink tube, IEC power connectors, a couple of drawers for tools I don't use quite as much, power strips, etc.
Thats some beautiful work Gabriel ! Sorry to hear about the flooding, I went through something similar a few years back. You really did a knock out job building all of that, beautiful work space.
Did you use your cnc machine for a lot of the work ?
You give me hope, Gabriel.
I have a similar mix of bigger wooden drawers and the usual plastic ones.
I'm still in the moving-in phase - we bought our house in 1997.
Quote from: Mustachio on September 14, 2014, 05:08:09 PMThats some beautiful work Gabriel ! Sorry to hear about the flooding, I went through something similar a few years back. You really did a knock out job building all of that, beautiful work space.
Did you use your cnc machine for a lot of the work ?
The CNC is out of commission as I rebuild it to be more reliable. THAT project has been on hold since the basement flooded. These were 99+% table saw work. All the joints are dados, rabbets, and slots (with a healthy dose of glue and pneumatic finish nails).
Repairing Marshall 6101LM Anniversary Series.
And a small video from the shop:
Coolest thing about my space is the Betta fish ! he helps keep me mellow and calm, Wu Wei; and my vintage radios which all function. The 1963 Silvertone is a guitar amp (danelectro honeytone circuit inside ), the 1984 Sony is my computer monitors two 4 ohm MIJ speakers pushed by a lepia amp and is bluetooth enabled and the other 1973 Realtone is my radio I listen to my Am programs like sprots open line on :)
The proximity of the hammer and the aquarium kinda gets me nervous :icon_eek:
its acrylic , no worries :)
halfway into setting up my new shop:
initial layout:
(http://i.imgur.com/92Fzlril.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/92Fzlri.jpg)
Instrument shelf:
(http://i.imgur.com/9pqGV2al.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/9pqGV2a.jpg.jpg)
Moved the component drawers to the main table:
(http://i.imgur.com/eyY8YPsl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/eyY8YPs.jpg)
you probably realised your placement mistake when you had to move the beer, brisance?
is that a cold backlight thing doing the hole lighting? how's the glare from that?
Ahhhhhhh....heaps of space..........to be filled 8)
Quote from: duck_arse on June 29, 2015, 10:45:09 AM
you probably realised your placement mistake when you had to move the beer, brisance?
Quote from: duck_arse on June 29, 2015, 10:45:09 AM
is that a cold backlight thing doing the hole lighting? how's the glare from that?
there's a plexiglass with a bunch of LED strips attatched as the desk light, which I need to mount somewhere better and build a PWM dimmer for it (improvised light fixtures for the win right?) but there's a large fluorescent tube on the ceiling as well.
Quote from: deadastronaut on June 29, 2015, 12:06:28 PM
Ahhhhhhh....heaps of space..........to be filled 8)
Already in progress ;P
Aaaand the mess is there.
(http://i.imgur.com/XDs5cLGl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/XDs5cLG.jpg)
that's better... 8)
are they matchbox parts drawers? old school!
why, yes they are, perfect for storing caps, until you have too much to fit in them :)
... Had to move my workshop, luckily to a better location once again. Here is a post circuit design&testing shot(almost a perfect mess):
(http://i.imgur.com/tuC5LObl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/tuC5LOb.jpg)
Yes, I need more tools and no it won't remain this clean for long. And, yes, it is in the house. lol. It's the only way I can work and watch the youngins that are too young to be outside with me while I work without checking on them every two seconds. Didn't take much to sell the wife on it. Just had to agree to move the printer onto the shelf and off of its own cardboard box, lol.
EDIT: Doh! Fixed images. Thanks duck.
Neat workbench. You've used round brackets for the image code. Should be square ones.
They are the square ones. I put them at the "before" and "after," along with the visible links. The ones shown in the edit was from the post that showed how to resize them to 600 pixel width. But thanks though.
this? you got too much space between yr "img" and yr "width", it seems. haha, tricky - so, this is imgur, caught me recently too. you've posted the link to the album as an image. the album has no .jpg or .gif or .whatevr extension, so it just don't show.
also - you sold your wife?
Quote from: duck_arse on December 29, 2015, 08:26:47 AM
also - you sold your wife?
I figured it was time for a new one.
Thanks again.
finished building my workbench, and so happy to have a new bigger space...
all the utter chaos of re-decorating etc was worth it in the end..
made a trunk out of the scraps for cables n bits..and even a small speaker cab, (waiting for a bench amp to go in it).....it wont be tidy for long though... ::)
i snapped up an old 1940's industrial 'leabank' chair in a charity shop ...its ideal, ive seen them go for 150 quid..got mine for 30..result, 8) happy bunny now..
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 09, 2016, 05:09:51 AM
made a trunk out of the scraps for cables n bits..and even a small speaker cab, (waiting for a bench amp to go in it).....
No more drawer of assorted lenghts of wire, Rob?
yep i still have that too.. ;D
but DA (t.o.), you have no special soldering bench for the beautiful girls. which is the drawer with all the leds in?
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 09, 2016, 05:09:51 AM
Nice work area!
Whereas most people have a "keyboard" that slides out from under their desktop, looks like you have an actual real
keyboard under there!
Nice workspace, Rob!
Total disaster right now, buncha stuff going on. Used more for amps than pedals. Not shown is a closet full of parts.
(http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p568/_BigJimSlade/DSCF1819_zpsrdawanmc.jpg) (http://s1156.photobucket.com/user/_BigJimSlade/media/DSCF1819_zpsrdawanmc.jpg.html)
Can you tell I'm not married?
Quote from: thermionix on May 09, 2016, 08:03:36 PM
Can you tell I'm not married?
No.. I am married and my workbench looks worse
cheers guys...
@hylandren, yep, a midi controller on a stand..
ive never liked those slidey out things, they bounce too much,
i like a stand,
i can pull it out and play with myself.. ;)
geeze, look at deadastro's post count !!!
whooohooooo....oh no ive ruined it... ::)
Quote from: deadastronaut on May 16, 2016, 04:26:29 PM
whooohooooo....oh no ive ruined it... ::)
Nah, you did that long ago ;)
Nice bench though.
I have finally dug out enough and gotten organized enough to work again!
Some pics of my new digs:
Nice! And those table lamps look perfect, my bench needs an upgrade.
Quote from: Cozybuilder on May 22, 2016, 07:48:38 AM
Nice! And those table lamps look perfect, my bench needs an upgrade.
After the radiation, my sight is dim.. I need some bright light on the workspace!! :)
looks like henry's chewed through those speaker cables, must be cause of those rude things you said about him.
Quote from: duck_arse on May 22, 2016, 11:16:33 AM
looks like henry's chewed through those speaker cables, must be cause of those rude things you said about him.
Yes. You notice he won't hold my probes anymore. :(
I have to go up in the attic to run the wires for the speakers. Just haven't gotten that done yet. That is in the 5% of the house I haven't finished yet. Soon, I hope. I want tunes in the workroom.
Quote from: italianguy63 on May 22, 2016, 04:41:06 AM
I have finally dug out enough and gotten organized enough to work again!
Some pics of my new digs:
Digging the SRV strat!
Thanx! It's a "PartsCaster" I built.. there is a thread in here (DIY) about it. MC
(http://i163.photobucket.com/albums/t282/Gutstwohand/workspace_zpsdsehebg7.jpg) (http://s163.photobucket.com/user/Gutstwohand/media/workspace_zpsdsehebg7.jpg.html)
Cheap Bastard Tone And Synth Works. I've soldered up maybe 40 to 50 guitar pedals, and 12U of 126HP of Eurorack gear on this. (Enclosures get drilled at Dad's workshop, using his drill press.)
(https://s25.postimg.org/4hkh1ws57/IMG_20161017_181240282.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/4hkh1ws57/)
:icon_redface: Ohhhh Gods, I have to clean this mess, I promise but first have to finish Mesa Preamp, SCHecho & Electric Mistress :P
That's a mess?
Jeez, everyday I open this thread I think:
"or there is something veeeeeeeery wrong with me, or with the people who post here"
Really, I am UNCAPABLE of building a pedal in such organized workbenches. Gawd, I never posted a picture of mine here because I feel ashamed by the mess, hahahahaha
Running out of wall space in the Man Cave... had to hang the new Telecaster, and the Gibson Silverburst....
Stacking them now.
(https://s26.postimg.org/r8ljt1ipx/Man_Cave.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/r8ljt1ipx/)
Quote from: italianguy63 on September 08, 2017, 02:59:09 PM
Running out of wall space in the Man Cave... had to hang the new Telecaster, and the Gibson Silverburst....
Stacking them now.
(https://s26.postimg.org/r8ljt1ipx/Man_Cave.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/r8ljt1ipx/)
Are you implying that I should buy those plastic tubs full of Russian germanium transistors, op amps, and broken fuzz circuits so you can hang another guitar? :icon_wink:
Quote from: EBK on September 08, 2017, 03:51:46 PM
Quote from: italianguy63 on September 08, 2017, 02:59:09 PM
Running out of wall space in the Man Cave... had to hang the new Telecaster, and the Gibson Silverburst....
Stacking them now.
(https://s26.postimg.org/r8ljt1ipx/Man_Cave.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/r8ljt1ipx/)
Are you implying that I should buy those plastic tubs full of Russian germanium transistors, op amps, and broken fuzz circuits so you can hang another guitar? :icon_wink:
Yes, that is EXACTLY what I am implying.
The big plastic tubs are actually shipping supplies.
Here is the actual "workbench" side of the man cave.. those Germaniums and OPAMPS are in THOSE bins. Henry Rollins has been much happier since he no longer has to hold my "probes." The wood workbench from Harbor Freight has 4 drawers to hold that stuff, along with test equipment. Speakers on the walls to pump in tunes while I work.. A very comfortable workspace...
(https://s26.postimg.org/ldjmzgsn9/Man_Cave_001.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/ldjmzgsn9/)
where do you keep your battens, itg?
My workbench is tucked behind the door in my music room/office. Doesn't feel as small as it looks.
Organised one drawer for resistors. Took ages to print then cut the card only to find I'd missed a load of values which now have to reside in the 'others' section. Wireless Oscope saves a bit of room but with so little space, it gets messy during a build. Or maybe that's just me :)
Stallik, your organizational drive is impressive, but the task is Sisyphean. I have a tackle box for resistors, and put everything with the same first two bands in the same cubicle, but bagged by multiplier. So one segment includes 33R, 330, 3.3k, etc., another has 47R, 47R, 470R, etc. I find this to be a workable compromise, so that when some sundry new value shows its striped little face, I can always find it a home without angst or panic, and it's still easy to find.
BTW, your workbench amp is aptly named.
Sisyphean perhaps ;) but truth be told, my eyesight is failing me especially in the small hours. I've been making colour code mistakes recently and thought it might help. Great suggestion though in doubling up multiples, will put that into practice. Of course it's entirely possible that I've already misread the codes and filed everything in the wrong place but hey ho...
My collection of vintage test equipment . Must treat myself to a modern scope some time .
(https://s10.postimg.org/cenphigvp/Test_Bench_1280x720.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/cenphigvp/)
(https://s10.postimg.org/bp4x5762d/Test_bench_1280x720.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/bp4x5762d/)
(https://s10.postimg.org/6qheqohp1/Test_Bench_20.1.15_1280x960.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/6qheqohp1/)
Quote from: Les Turnbull on January 23, 2018, 01:40:19 PM
My collection of vintage test equipment . Must treat myself to a modern scope some time .
(https://s10.postimg.org/cenphigvp/Test_Bench_1280x720.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/cenphigvp/)
(https://s10.postimg.org/bp4x5762d/Test_bench_1280x720.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/bp4x5762d/)
(https://s10.postimg.org/6qheqohp1/Test_Bench_20.1.15_1280x960.jpg) (https://postimg.org/image/6qheqohp1/)
Holy cow!
I'm suddenly feeling very inadequate...
Mad Scientist obviously. Or kin to Paul.
Quote from: stallik on January 21, 2018, 09:00:08 AM
My workbench is tucked behind the door in my music room/office. Doesn't feel as small as it looks.
Organised one drawer for resistors. Took ages to print then cut the card only to find I'd missed a load of values which now have to reside in the 'others' section. Wireless Oscope saves a bit of room but with so little space, it gets messy during a build. Or maybe that's just me :)
is that the worlds largest tactile switch next to your pcb drill press? ;D
Kinda looks like it in the photo. Its actually a fan to save me blowing away the dust
Quote from: stallik on January 24, 2018, 11:34:43 AM
Its actually a fan to save me blowing away the dust
My first thought was to say: "you lazy tart", but on reflection, I think "how ingenious" is more fitting. ;D
Its OK Marc, Lazy tart accepted. ;)
Every time I blew it away, it'd come back in my eyes. This way, it goes in someone else's :icon_evil:
cool, yeah i cant stand that board dust....nasty.
thats the main reason i went over to eagle and pcbs...
New high tech component bins available at my local supermarket. And they come with some kind of free bean/tomato sauce combination which i don't think will take off.
(https://i.postimg.cc/f3PG50fG/IMG-0036.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/f3PG50fG)
I realise that the bean/tomato sauce combination may help with shock-resistance for the parts you store in your component bins, but having to de-goop each one when you want to solder it must be a PITA?? ???
Or, solder straight through it and end up with a coating to disguise the components and an interesting working odour :)
Yes it really is a poor mans epoxy.
I posted a pic in the lounge thread and was directed here. So a few before and after pictures.
This is the space I started with. It was somebodies basement workshop that looks original to the 1951 house. Lots of fun nooks and crannies but very little actual bench space. I could fit my laptop and a few things but now really do a project.
So to expand this, I decided to build and extension of "L" coming off the existing setup. I bought some lumber and built a top surface with lots of structural support.
I got the top attached to the existing 2x4s on the bench and built legs on the end. Here is my significant other having sushi to test it out.
I got the first coat of stain on it and started working on the bottom shelf which you can see in the background.
Bottom shelf in and I built a riser with a couple of shelves for more storage.
Ready for work!
Still have a lot of cleanup and organizing to do, but I like how it has turned out so far :)
Looks great! I'm particularly jealous of your wire dispenser. I tried to fashion something like that out of old toilet roll tubes. Failed miserably as you can imagine.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Dm3Hw8pb/IMG-20190215-152226.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Dm3Hw8pb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/YLx1pXn8/IMG-20190217-204514.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YLx1pXn8)
How happy am I to see Dano active again? This much!
The center of my bench:
(https://i.postimg.cc/tsmjFQfr/20190312-200621.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/tsmjFQfr)
Circuit tester. A piece of plywood covered with the finest vintage tolex possible (actually a leftover piece of some amp) An aluminum plate for shielding (under the green plastic) At right a box with in, out, power and bypass switch. At left an "L" piece of aluminum with holes for pots, switches, etc. A couple of protoboards and many many jumper wires.
By the way, in the little protoboard in the pic, you can see a couple of unobtainable parts: Two (yes, TWO!) CLM 8200/2´s. Heh, heh, heh!!
Quote from: Morocotopo on March 12, 2019, 07:19:30 PM
... covered with the finest vintage tolex possible (actually a leftover piece of some amp) An aluminum plate for shielding (under the green plastic) At right a box with in, out, power and bypass switch. At left an "L" piece of aluminum with holes for pots, switches, etc. A couple of protoboards and many many jumper wires.
This is great. I typically have bought hobbyist cutting mats for the 'sacrificial' surface to protect the bench. But Tolex, well that's just plain brilliant and I will have to try it.
Emptied wine glass, well, the snobbery! My bench has a beer bottle. (OK, it's half filled with water, so I don't have to run my solder station sponge to the bathroom, but still.)
Don't hate me because I'm beautiful :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/rzCykrnH/IMG-0271.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/rzCykrnH)
I've really love and admire how clean, organized and full of tools are those workbenches.. or I would say workshops?
Mine is a f*cking mess, things everywhere, in my old bedroom (now "present" bedroom after unemployment).. etc. Sometimes, need to unplug the solder to charge the phone, etc.
I'll promise pics when I get something closer to a "workbench"
Everything in its place...
I resolved to clean up the bench in January 2018... hasn't happened yet :icon_rolleyes:
regards, Jack
Hurry up, Jack, the pandemic may end someday.
The model for my future workbench.
Quote from: Ben N on October 04, 2021, 05:13:02 AM
...the pandemic may end someday.
Quote from: amz-fx on September 20, 2021, 05:02:02 PM
Everything in its place...
That's a familiar looking scene :icon_lol:
I'll raise you a greenhouse chock full of summer cuttings and a garage with 2 vintage motorcycle builds 'underway'.
Quote from: Jdansti on October 04, 2021, 05:24:01 PM
The model for my future workbench.
Man, that's some kind of hard core ham radio shack!
My workbench is simply my desk with the eletronics "organized" (as in stowed away in the tabletop cupboard) on the trays...
...conveniently obscured when not being worked on:
But the other half of the process, the making of the enclosures, is a different story. Obviously I didn't acquire the workshop with pedal manufacturing in mind:
But when the idea came to fruition, it became the natural base for metallurgic endeavours:
Obviously, tidiness is rarely near the top of my list of priorities when getting to work.
Quote from: Dotoar on November 28, 2021, 05:51:13 AM
My workbench is simply my desk with the eletronics "organized" (as in stowed away in the tabletop cupboard) on the trays...
+1 on the gantry crane. :)
Quote from: Jdansti on November 28, 2021, 01:21:41 PM
Quote from: Dotoar on November 28, 2021, 05:51:13 AM
My workbench is simply my desk with the eletronics "organized" (as in stowed away in the tabletop cupboard) on the trays...
+1 on the gantry crane. :)
Essential for moving transistors into position before soldering, I'm sure you'll agree. :)
My workbench in action...
... While working on a tube amp prototype, during isolation days.
Quote from: amz-fx on September 20, 2021, 05:02:02 PM
Everything in its place...
I resolved to clean up the bench in January 2018... hasn't happened yet :icon_rolleyes:
regards, Jack
Yup. This is mines right now and I could swear I tidied it up a bit this morning.
(https://i.postimg.cc/dhYZTCXr/IMG-20220331-194845987.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dhYZTCXr)
Just did a major re-organization/clean up...
I actually thought this pic was when it was all cleared, but the potential is there...
(https://i.postimg.cc/LhbFFmD2/IMG-0773.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LhbFFmD2)
Quote from: Toy Sun on April 13, 2022, 12:58:52 AM
Just did a major re-organization/clean up...
I actually thought this pic was when it was all cleared, but the potential is there...
(https://i.postimg.cc/LhbFFmD2/IMG-0773.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/LhbFFmD2)
Inspiring, man! I love what you've done.
My future bench will be here where we're building out underneath the house.
Delayed posting this for a couple of years until I finally got around to cleaning/reconfiguring.
I'm on a pedal building blitz currently so things are better than they have ever been.
(https://i.postimg.cc/K4Lxm49h/IMG-6030.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K4Lxm49h)
Wait, you're using old cars as pedal enclosures???
That's SICK!!! and makes them so portable....
Quote from: Dotoar on November 28, 2021, 05:51:13 AM
My workbench is simply my desk with the eletronics "organized" (as in stowed away in the tabletop cupboard) on the trays...
...conveniently obscured when not being worked on:
But the other half of the process, the making of the enclosures, is a different story. Obviously I didn't acquire the workshop with pedal manufacturing in mind:
But when the idea came to fruition, it became the natural base for metallurgic endeavours:
Obviously, tidiness is rarely near the top of my list of priorities when getting to work.
This is part of where it all happens. Glad I cleaned up before taking this pic.
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZKqLcXJR/workbench.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/c6VY19gy)