I am sure all of us diy'ers have thought at one time of building our own amps and/or cabs... I woul love to see pictures of these projects you have tackled?
My interest in electronics started with amps, actually. I just finished rebuilding my first one (originally built 3-4 years ago). There are a couple of pictures in the Pictures thread already, but I'll link again.
And some more, HERE (http://www.flickr.com/photos/9609103@N07/sets/72157623625537519/).
Here are a few I've done.
Whete on earthdo you get that gorgeous wood? I can't find quilted maple to save my life around here
Thats some very nice work there John!
I really do admire anyone who takes as much time as you obviously do with attention to detail. I myself can't be bothered and often any old bit of ply will do but then again people wouldn't know yours was so wonderful unless hacks like me do bad jobs :icon_razz:
I got a woodwork mag the other day thats published in Australia, it's got a guitar building thing going on thats really good, and alot of the obscure cabinet making woods of that nation come from the Island of Tasmania where theres still lots of native bush, forest, and it's isolated which means smaller sawmills have survived and become boutique dealers to saty alive. The same would be true in the states so you've gotten find the area nearest you that would follow that same set of conditions of relative obscurity to big city changes and industrialisation.
Small farming communities near mountains that still have first growth timbers have lots of sawmills and if they've seen a change over the past decades from small farms or orcharding to people moving in from the cities then those sawmills have lost their original demand and have moved towards boutique supply to keep going.
For me it's usually no more than an hours drive to locate sawmills that do weird stuff and sometimes even if they aren't lookning for the weird pain in the ass figures... they'll let you look through stocks to find it yourself.
For the really great figured stuff, you usually have to look to the internet. Hibdon Hardwoods, and Exotic Woods are both good places to look, though they both lean more towards guitar woods. There are others out there as well who I'm less familiar with.
The other possibility would be to use veneers over plywood, which along with being cheaper and a more environmentally sound use of the material, is frequently easier to find with the really impressive figure. You need to be a little careful not to sand through it when you are prepping to finish it, but you can find some amazing figure that way.
Well, unfortunately I get to post after John, who not only does some very impressive woodworking, but can take a fine photo as well. Anyhow, here is my 1x10" cabinet, with a Noisy Cricket I made perched atop. I wasn't too keen on the idea of sanding down 3/4" rough-cut plywood to a smooth finish, so I left as-is. I'm happy with the results though, since it sounds sweet. The removable back adds some nice versatility as well. Now I just need to make a guitar, and I'll have a completely DIY practice rig.
(http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/th_DSC02034.jpg) (http://s645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/?action=view¤t=DSC02034.jpg)
You can just see the 10" Fender speaker here.
(http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/th_DSC02032.jpg) (http://s645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/?action=view¤t=DSC02032.jpg)
Another shot of the front.
(http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/th_DSC02030.jpg) (http://s645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/?action=view¤t=DSC02030.jpg)
Here's the cabinet with the back closed, which makes it more suitable for bass guitar.
(http://i645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/th_DSC02028.jpg) (http://s645.photobucket.com/albums/uu180/DaveWMurray/?action=view¤t=DSC02028.jpg)
Finally, with the back open, which is great for that "room-filling" sound.
That figured wood is Makore on the top piece
and Bubinga on the front panel. No stain used on those.
That's the natural color other than some linseed oil and polyurethane.
Veneer is nice but hard if not impossible to bend around a sharp radius.
I use it to do pedal tops though.
I've posted this before, but here's my AA764 Fender Champ clone. To follow on from sean_k's earlier post, all the timber is from Tasmania. It's mostly Tasmanian Myrtle with Celery Top Pine inserts and finished with danish oil. Dovetails are all hand cut. More detail on the build process (http://www.guitargear.net.au/discussion/index.php?topic=22044.0) here if you're interested.
Amazing work man!!
Are you from EU? :D :D
Quote from: birt on April 12, 2010, 06:08:49 PM
where did that chassis come from?
Those wooden cabs are great guy's, hard to beat the look of natural wood cabs.
Only made three guitar amps but have a couple more small SEnders in the works. Built a Firefly first then an 18watt LiteII and finally an amp based on a Fender 5F2a to be used as a tube and pedal auditioner.
Take care
Dave your stuff always blows me away, amazing!
Quote from: davent on April 14, 2010, 10:01:21 PM
Those wooden cabs are great guy's, hard to beat the look of natural wood cabs.
Only made three guitar amps but have a couple more small SEnders in the works. Built a Firefly first then an 18watt LiteII and finally an amp based on a Fender 5F2a to be used as a tube and pedal auditioner.
Take care
Who made the Head cab for you?
It's amazing!!! :D :D
some of you will love this, others will no doubt throw up in your mouths a little bit
(made almost entirely of re-purposed materials - including the wood for the cabs and the amp head)
Thanks guys! :icon_biggrin:
Speaker and head cab are diy.
Dave, I'd really like to get the plans you used for those!
That's the coolest looking amp ever! Kick A$$!!!!!!
Quote from: davent on April 15, 2010, 09:34:17 PM
Thanks guys! :icon_biggrin:
Speaker and head cab are diy.
Do you have any plans for this head cab? where did you buy that kind of tolex?
AX84 P1
Orange OD80 copy
MBLE Hifi kit amp (same as Birt's) converted to Vox AC15 Lite
Best amp I made, unfortunately not mine.
But I have an almost identical amp and parts lying around.
Just need some round tuits :-)
Some serious transformerage there!
QuoteSome serious transformerage there!
Indeed ;D
Orange transformers are quite big (Partridges and Parmeko's).
Also for the OT's they often used the same for the 2xEL34 as for the 4xEL34.
I found a renowned local repair guy who wound his own replacement transformers.
For the PT he offered me a Marshall 100W replacement PT that matched to exact voltage requirements for an Orange.
For the OT he made me a custom OT wound with (2xEL34) 50 watt wiring wound on a 100 Watt OT core.
It needs new powertubes now, it's still on its first set of unmatched tubes.
I've made some webpages with some more info, in case someone likes to get into amp diy.
edit: forgot to mention that my Orange clone is quite a bit smaller than the original amp.
My amp has a 40x20cm chassis , an original Orange is 55x25cm or so.
Makes the transformers stand out even more :-)
Hi-octane from AX84.com.
I have a modded 36watt as well. Pics will follow
Still needs a grill for the front.
Doug Deeper and Glops, as GeertJacobs said its from an old belgian amp (MBLE company from Brussels, they manufactured the ADZAM tubes). i just stripped the chassis and had it chromed. however it's not very well done. on the sides there are quite a lot of spots where the chrome comes off and you see the nickel under it. still shiny tough since the nickel plating doesn't come off.
oh and it's an AC15. one channel has the old pentode preamp (but subbed a 6AU6 for the EF86. more gain and less microphonics... and cheaper) and one has the normal-brilliant setup with a 12AX7. both channels feed their own side of the pi so they are out of phase.
Quote from: jkokura on April 15, 2010, 11:55:18 PM
Dave, I'd really like to get the plans you used for those!
Quote from: Kitarist on April 16, 2010, 04:04:13 AM
Do you have any plans for this head cab? where did you buy that kind of tolex?
I didn't really have a cab plan but based the cab on Marshall cab plans i'd seen, info at the Silvatone site and the chassis i had, Hammond 17x8x3" with 1½" "L" wings on each end to allow attaching the chassis to the box. http://www.silvatone.bravepages.com/HO/Pdf/Cabinet.pdf. Lot's of good amp and cab building info to be found at Silvatone, be sure to check it out. Some time after i built mine,i came across plans at Ampcabs.com which are really close to what i built. http://www.ampcabs.com/ None of the links in the site seem to be working today, not sure if it is still a functioning site.
My cab ended up 22lx9hx9½" deep. Used ¾" Baltic Birch plywood for the sides and ½" for the top and bottom. Front and back panels are ½" as well. Wanted the front face edge to be ¾" all the way around so glued in ¼" strips to the front of the top and bottom. The back i wanted the edges to be ½" so routed a rabbet in the side pieces so they matched the thickness of the top and bottom. I don't have a set up for doing finger joints like in the plan so i just routed rabbets into the side pieces for the top and bottom to fit into then added dowels through the top and bottom to reinforce the joints. Used Miller dowels. http://www.millerdowel.com/
Another difference from that plan is i only used glue and dowels for construction and then ¼" threaded inserts and bolts to attach any parts that might be removed later.
For Tolex i used upholstery vinyl from locally, European Textiles for the yellow and Fabricland for the black. In town here we have a real good fabric ghetto , 10-12 stores maybe more. spaced over a block or two so i just headed down there and found something i liked. Was down there today and hit a half dozen stores and came home with three different pieces of vinyl, 2 yards total and spent less then twenty dollars. The one store i was in, new since last time shopping, easily had over a hundred different vinyls, a rainbow of colours, snakeskins, weaves, smooth and various other textures, gave me a bad case of decision paralysis just in the one store. Another store had this wild, very three dimensional piece, silvers and golds as well as a colour shift roll, the choices were pretty mind boggling.
Now i've never worked with real Tolex but just comparing commercial cabs with the stuff i've used, the upholstery vinyl seems heavier and softer so is probably not as rugged as the real Tolex but for my purposes, ie. livingroom amp, i can choose based on form over function.
Take care,
I really like all the amps in this thread. From birt's chromed chassis, to John's impeccable craftsmanship and materials choices, to Top Top's 50's hobo-tech styling, and everything else here, I think you guys all have a cool and unique thing going. So much more interesting than the usual amps we see all the time. I'm building a 200-ish watt solid state amp; will post it here when done.
a couple of mine:
AX84 4-4-0
5 watt SLO
SLO inspired preamp
Kalamazoo 1
^ Great looking collection there, nicely done! Like the stacked/layered PS filters in the Slo preamp, efficient use of chassis space.
Take care,
thanks mate!
There was plenty of space in the box for both high voltage and heater supplies to be mounted next to each other but one would be closer to input stages...this way they are both as far as possible. The best thing about that preamp is that it's very very quiet (noise wise), despite enormous amounts of gain.
Two different amps:
Quote from: Top Top on April 15, 2010, 02:42:47 PM
some of you will love this, others will no doubt throw up in your mouths a little bit
(made almost entirely of re-purposed materials - including the wood for the cabs and the amp head)
Are those car speakers in the top cab? I may have just found a use for the pile of speakers I have sitting about the house. Summer project: Build something to out-ghetto this picture.
Not mine, but I had to share this post from the weber forum- The most beautiful amp I've ever seen, DIY or otherwise:
http://www.weberorders.com/forum/index.php?topic=3445.0 (http://www.weberorders.com/forum/index.php?topic=3445.0)
Can you post the pic rather than the link?
Me no have membership there. ;)
Here's a couple:
Quote from: MikeH on May 16, 2010, 03:10:29 PM
Here's a couple:
What kind of colors did you use here?
Amber and... ?
Quote from: Kitarist on May 16, 2010, 06:33:40 PM
Quote from: MikeH on May 16, 2010, 03:10:29 PM
Here's a couple:
What kind of colors did you use here?
Amber and... ?
I'm pretty sure he's just re-posting someone else work, but at a guess, the person who did it probably used the Vintage Amber and Tobacco Brown from STEW MAC (http://www.stewmac.com/shop/Finishing_supplies/Colors,_tints,_and_stains/ColorTone_Concentrated_Liquid_Stain.html)
That's not a bad sunburst.
He said the wood came from his friends, and he got the stain from the Guitar ReRanch: http://www.reranch.com/
(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1513.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1514.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1515.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1516.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1532.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1533.jpg)(http://i48.photobucket.com/albums/f218/magnum5/IMG_1535.jpg) hey ya'll i just finished my new cabinet its made from black walnut. coming soon is a hand wired circuit board courtesy of acorn amps with a bunch of upgraded caps and stuff : ) you guys have some bad ass projects on here, i love it!
arghhh...makes me wanna sell my amp...and build one..very inspiring .
i used to restore antiques, so appreciate a nice bit of wood...lovely..
do it deadastronaut!!! its really fun and rewarding when its done, and i do woodworking for a living ;D
Quote from: craigjames on May 27, 2010, 02:43:28 PM
do it deadastronaut!!! its really fun and rewarding when its done, and i do woodworking for a living ;D
yeah..i;ll be dreaming about them i think..!..very very nice....cheers rob.
Still very new to pedal building, but I thought I would share with y'all some amps that I've built.
Those look great Steve.
Is the middle a TW Express John?
Look great btw.
Oh... ! All those fine looking lacquered cabs do looks really pleasing... But how do they age. ? Amps get knocked quite a bit, no ? A bump, a scratch, a dent: all this must be hearbreaking each times it occurs... Anyone carried some on multiple gigs ? Just curious.
In the order that John posted: TW Liverpool, TW Express (with Dana Hall's VVR variable power), TW Express (with London Power's Power Scaling)
I built the bottom one in '07 "Marybeth". It has been to multiple gigs (about once a month) and it has held up just fine.
Obviously the owner is a little bit more careful with it than your regular tolex'd cabinet.
I have seen photos of original TW's on tour. They're placed into a foam lined flight case. So only the front and rear covers are removed and the cabinet is complete protected while on stage. I have a photo somewhere that I'll post to show you if you like.
Thanks for the compliments.
Another thing... The cabinets are not lacquered. I put a Tung Oil finish on all of my cabinets. I love the way it brings out the true wood color and grain. Also it's so easy to repair in the event of a ding.
Although it won't get as glossy as lacquer it will reach a semi-gloss level after several coats.
Madamp A15Mk2
sst that tw liverpool is my fav of the 3 and i love the finish on all of them. im a big believer in oil finishes it brings out so much more of the woods beauty. i was wandering what u did to support the mitre joints??
http://i837.photobucket.com/albums/zz293/Nasse2/newbox.jpg (http://i837.photobucket.com/albums/zz293/Nasse2/newbox.jpg)
2x12 diy cab
@craig. No extra support on the mitre joints. For a cabinets this size it's not necessary IMHO. I know most people build head custom head cabs with biscuits, dovetails, finger joints, etc... But I truly don't think it's necessary. To back that up I can say that I'm a mechanical engineer for a speaker company, and we have drop teststed cabinets that only have mitre joints. If the joint is good and sound the material (virtually always) will fail before the joint. (Using Titebond II or III) I do believe for combo's it's worth the extra effort and I typically use finger joints for combo cabinets. One other thing though... The front panels are rabbeted into the cabinet to add strength to the cabinet. (as opposed to being installed with cleats.)
Thanks for the compliments.
Birt or GeertJacobs, any idea if I still can get an enclosure like yours? If so, where do I need to be?
(I'm from Belgium too)
i found that amp on 2dehands.be
i guess you'll have to search flee markets...
Quote from: birt on June 02, 2010, 06:22:30 AM
i found that amp on 2dehands.be
i guess you'll have to search flee markets...
Oh ok, I thought it still might be available.
Hello All,
There's nice amps and cabs everywhere in this subjects - those wooden models are amazing - I should take lessons...
But here is my contribution : the Paul GUILHEM Deluxe (1993) and Junior (1997)
Those are beautiful. Wonderful craftsmanship - usually when I look at gear I think, "at some point I'd like to build one of those", but with this I'm just thinking, "at some point I'd like to buy one of those". I would keep the chassis out of the cabinet so everything can be seen.
Yes, those look great.
Pretty busy inside but tidy.
Hello & Thanks for your kind words,
The big one is a 25Wrms 12" and the small one is a 15Wrms 8".
These have been made with military 50-60s surplus parts whenever possible.
The cabinets are made from stained pinewood and polyurethane clear coated (unfortunately, not you very nice, figured woods and finishing works !).
The chassis are made from 2mm anodized aluminium, with matching shielding cover (not shown).
Controls : volume/treble/middle/bass/reverb, plus presence and triode/pentode on the big one.
They sound as they were intended to : vintage, deep an smooth - mainly the big one, of course, due to the speaker size.
Last year I concentrated on a less ambitious release : the VOX AC3 Top Boost.
It is simply a VOX Escort practice SS amp from the early 70's converted to tube amplification, while retaining the original look, as far as possible :
Here is a size comparison with a GRETSCH G5222 :
Despite its 5" speaker and mighty 4-5Wrms output, the sound is cool (better than the stock G5222...).
Controls : volume, tone, triode/pentode/pentode tone-cut, auto-cut external speaker jack.
Love that little Vox. I've got one of its big brothers and I've thought of doing something similar with it, only thing is it sounds pretty good as it is.
Here's a couple of work in progress shots of my first attempt at a valve amp, based on the "Lamington" amps from the ozvalveamps site (http://www.ozvalveamps.org/ava100/ava100project.htm)
Not very pretty, but the power supply works and I haven't killed myself or burnt the house down so I'm happy with it :)
Can I play too?
Quote from: slacker on June 06, 2010, 08:13:01 AM
Love that little Vox. I've got one of its big brothers and I've thought of doing something similar with it, only thing is it sounds pretty good as it is.
Slacker - the immediate big brother over in size to the VOX Escort of the same era is the VOX Super Twin, a 2x5" SS combo delivering 20W and fitted with a small spring reverb unit - is that the model you have ?
Congratulations for your starting handmade amp job in progress.
Quote from: frequencycentral on June 06, 2010, 08:32:32 AM
Can I play too?
Good ! A very nice release, indeed - maximum skillness an taste.
More convincing than the ZVEX nano amp I had in hands some weeks ago...
I guess your subminiature amp may be something like that : a 12AX7 preamp stages looking like the 12AX7 input circuit of a Fender, but with a simplified tone corrector (or may be just a treble damping ?), a 12AT7 wired as a final stage close to a Fender amp reverb driver. Right ? This supposition is tempting for a trial...
I guess again that it works on a HV PSU - I usually use the wall-wart AC/AC adaptor + low power voltage elevator transformer, but this is not enough compact and subject to induction if not shielded. Do you use the same method here (I doubt, but...), or a DC/DC LV/HV converter ?
Again, very pretty unit for the eye and certainly for the sound too +++
Quote from: tubelectron on June 06, 2010, 09:24:01 AM
Slacker - the immediate big brother over in size to the VOX Escort of the same era is the VOX Super Twin, a 2x5" SS combo delivering 20W and fitted with a small spring reverb unit - is that the model you have ?
No, mines an Escort 30 from the late 70s early 80s. That Super Twin looks interesting though.
Here's some pics of my 18 watt.. I wish they were bigger, and better resolution, but my camera sucks
Sorry, I moved the pics...
that looks nice, i love the very minimal looking layout
Thanks Birt. That's what I was going for as far as looks go. I wanted it to be sort of mysterious I guess (for lack of better words). From the design of the faceplate (props to Weber Faceplates) to the head box itself (Sour Mash Guitar Cabs) clean and simple seemed fitting for an 18 watter. Not to mention this thing sounds fantastic. I just really love the ability to experiment with different tubes in this thing. I have to say, Dave over at Triode Amplification really knows how to make an amp.
I was actually going to use a piece of black metal (haha...) for the grill to make it look more like a blonde Mesa, but I couldn't really find what I was looking for. I used to have this old console turntable/radio from the 60's that I ended up trashing, but before I did, I took the grillcloth off just in case I ever needed some, and whaddya know. 3 years later, I finally found a use for it! And I think the grillcloth looks just as good, if not better than the perf would have.
@Mr. Mugatu,
Can you provide any more information about the amp? And possibly some gut shots?
I'm particularly facinated with how small the chassis is...
Oh, and by the way. I love the minimalist appearance as well.
It looks like you're running an octal preamp section.
Sure thing sst...
I honestly don't know much about this amp really, I do know that all the tubes in it right now are NOS 1956, and it has a raw tone pot, which lifts the tone stack at about 11 o'clock to give you more headroom.
Here are some shots of it before it was put in the box; I bought it from Dave at Triode Amplification exactly like this.
I designed the face and backplates, and went to Weber to have them made
I then designed the cabinet, and went to Sour Mash to make that, got all the hardware, and put it all together.
I had to cut pieces of wood for spacers, so the amp would be exactly in the center of the box, and to provide a backing for the faceplate, along with support for the cord wrap brackets in the back.
You'll also notice tube sockets on the rear of the chassis, those were put there to fill in two holes that were there. Obviously, since removed and covered with the backplate.
Sorry I couldn't provide you with more detailed information. Next time I talk to Dave I'll see if he can get me some info on this, and I'll be sure to post it up here
I'm just really stoked on this amp. ;D ;D
Here's mine from earlier, now finished. Unbelievably it fired up first time and it sounds great, just got to make a cab for it now.
Looks great slacker!
where did you get your chassis? I'm looking for one like that, just maybe a little longer, for a switch system I'm building
Thanks, the chassis is from Maplin, basically the UK version of Radio Shack. I'd guess Mouser and places like that would have them.
The job is done, slacker, and it works at the first start - no so frequent for me.
"you just have to make a cab" now... I found that it is the longest operation in DIY amp building process, IMHO...
here are some links about the Vox SuperTwin we spoke about in previous posts :
schematic :
views and informations :
These seems to be quite rare - the few ones I found wer sold way too much considering its average condition or were unpresentable-near-junk, so I left...
Nevertheless, it would be a good base for a small tube combo + spring reverb (a size 8 accutronics would enter), as the original control panel has volume, treble, bass, reverb. To be found in mint condition, at affordable price, like was my small Escort...
this amp is far from finished, but this is a first peek at what it will look like.
(the belgians and maybe the dutch around here will know who that is. for everybody else: think of someone a bit like Liberace)
I don't know who that guy is (Googling "Belgian Liberace" got me nowhere) but I like your amp.
That must be Eddy Wally!
QuoteI don't know who that guy is (Googling "Belgian Liberace" got me nowhere)
Well, you asked for it...
Not much compared to some of yours :)
I'm kind of embarrassed to post my pics after seeing some of the amps in this thread. But I'm a team player, so here goes!
This guy is an EL34 Champ. Built completely from scrap parts and wood I had laying around (except for the handle):
Some 5E3 builds and a standalone reverb:
What do you mean?! Those look great!
I dig the blue tolex, wouldn't think I would but after seeing it...nice!
Good work.
Quote from: John Lyons on July 18, 2010, 09:58:11 PM
What do you mean?! Those look great!
I dig the blue tolex, wouldn't think I would but after seeing it...nice!
Good work.
Thanks so much John! It means a lot coming from you. In my opinion you make some of the classiest gear out there.
Miniature stack. ~20 watts, powered by a laptop SMPS.
I made it for a bench/practice amp. Also has a 1/8" jack for an iPod or w/e, so it doubles as a mini jukebox for my bench as well :icon_rolleyes:
Simple preamp with a two band active EQ + mid boost switch, gain knob and master volume.
Recycled parts - heat sink, chip amps, and aluminum paneling from old receiver, wood from scrap, speakers from broken computer speakers... A couple misc parts from random salvages (ex. speaker prot. relay, crossover)
That looks really cool. Good job on that!
Thanks for the compliment. :icon_redface:
But yeah, those amps look great...
The innards of a build I just finished. It fired right up, first try. That so rarely happens. Man does it sound sweet! ;D
Looks like a Lighting/DC-15...Matchless thing, ya?
Quote from: kurtlives on July 25, 2010, 10:44:17 AM
Looks like a Lighting/DC-15...Matchless thing, ya?
It's actually the EF86 side of DC-30 downsized to 15 watts (so pretty similar to the Lightning). Man it sounds awesome.
I just built a 15W DC-30. That EF86 channel is a killer.
It is killer! I absolutely love it. Hope to get some video recorded of it soon.
Here's one I just finished. Little 386 amp with 5" speaker.
Got it in a cabinet yesterday:
Blonde on blonde!
Quote from: JKowalski on July 19, 2010, 04:57:53 PM
Miniature stack. ~20 watts, powered by a laptop SMPS.
I made it for a bench/practice amp. Also has a 1/8" jack for an iPod or w/e, so it doubles as a mini jukebox for my bench as well :icon_rolleyes:
Simple preamp with a two band active EQ + mid boost switch, gain knob and master volume.
Recycled parts - heat sink, chip amps, and aluminum paneling from old receiver, wood from scrap, speakers from broken computer speakers... A couple misc parts from random salvages (ex. speaker prot. relay, crossover)
That's great. I've made a couple amps from salvaged amp chips or even whole circuits modified a little.
What chips are in there, and how many?
My 2x12" custom cab:
Hi Lefty Man rmgFX - I am Lefty Man too :
Cheers !
Quote from: tubelectron on August 02, 2010, 03:49:41 PM
Hi Lefty Man rmgFX - I am Lefty Man too :
Cheers !
ME TOO...wow lots of lefties...nice guitar , love the colours/colors.... :icon_mrgreen:.
Quote from: Top Top on July 31, 2010, 01:40:43 AM
That's great. I've made a couple amps from salvaged amp chips or even whole circuits modified a little.
What chips are in there, and how many?
Two UPC1238's in a bridged configuration that are going to be replaced for more power/efficiency, they were pretty much placeholders since the beginning.
Chris, could we see a gut shot of your amp? I have a SS amp project I shelved a while back, but would like to pick it up again now that I sold my tube amp. So I'm interested in seeing the inside of yours if possible.
Haven't built a pedal in ages, hope you don't mind an amp. :icon_biggrin:
A mix of a DC-30 and a Trainwreck Rocket, and of course some of my own mods. 15W though, two EL84, four 12AX7, one EF86.
And the cab, a very compact amp. The reverb tank barely fit, you can see how tight it is around the OT. It fit by mili meters.
Cab is a pine 112, Tone Tubby AlNiCo.
Good stuff. Trinity kit right?
Hi Chris,
Great job! Finished just in time to go back to school. Do the silicon rings on the Ef86 make a big difference in taming the microphonics, did you try anything else to help reduce the chance's of ringing, suspend the socket, grommet the socket etc.?
Take care
Quote from: davent on September 07, 2010, 09:01:07 PM
Hi Chris,
Great job! Finished just in time to go back to school. Do the silicon rings on the Ef86 make a big difference in taming the microphonics, did you try anything else to help reduce the chance's of ringing, suspend the socket, grommet the socket etc.?
Take care
Thanks Dave,
Done just in time. Had the amp done for a while now tbh, cabs are always the thing that holds me back.
From my research EF86 are very prone to becoming microphonic, especially new production (apparently they are garbage). Anyways I got a NOS Aprex in their now. I am not sure how much the O-rings are doing, as the amp is very stable right now. Maybe with it being in a head now and on top of a cab the tube might see a bit more wear and tear.
Quote from: jkokura on September 07, 2010, 06:51:42 PM
Good stuff. Trinity kit right?
Not a kit, chassis, OT, PT and board (later modified) from Trinity.
Been messing about with this one for quite awhile now, another little girlie stupid over-the-top two tube single ended perfboard/pcb/eyelet board/strip terminal/p2p handwired amp to use up a couple odd tubes in my possession that didn't have a homes. Based on Dave Jones' Octal One which in turn was a twist on the Fender 5c1 circuit (6sj7/6v6), i'm using a 6aq5 (7 pins) instead of the octal power tube (based on Wattkins' Savage Croaker).
Little (too little?) Hammond 262F6 PT and an Edcor XSE 10-8-5k OT. Hammond 5 x 7 x 2" chassis.
Used a voltage doubler with 120Vac to get the HV.
Used the power scaling circuit to limit the HV to ~ 10Vdc - 270Vdc.
Regulated the preamp HV so it always remains the same when the power scaling is adjusted.
Playing around with various preamp components seeing how they effect the ultimate tone.
Tried a squish control on the 6sj7 but for me all it was doing was rolling off high end and quietening the amp too much so will wire some sort of tone control into the squish control spot once i'm happy with the naked sound of the amp.
Have made a few small deviations from the savage croaker values around the 6aq5, will play with that more once i'm settled with the preamp.
Elevated heaters @ ~75Vdc with voltage divider from the preamp HV.
RFI filter on the mains.
Lots of fun to play, really nice tone, very pedal friendly, really quiet functioning,
not ear damaging loud to play until you hit the front end with a pedal. Favourite pedal with it so far is a SHO. If you like how your guitar sounds the SHO gives you more... way more if you want, can absolutely hammer your preamp with what is to me an uncoloured output.
One niggling issue so far, the power transformer will start to buzz loudly after playing maybe 10 minutes with everything full up. Doesn't seem to have any effect on the sonic output but is annoying. Taking voltage and current readings throughout the amp doesn't turn up any obvious anomalies so i'm wondering if i've got the PT pushed past it's comfort zone. It's rated as a 26VA and plugging the amp into a Kill-a-watt meter shows the amp at pretty close to that level of power usage. The PT doesn't get outrageously hot (infrared thermometer) when compared to other PT's in other amps - just starts to buzz.
Original intent for the cab (11 x 6 x 6") was to try to do something similar looking to an oldtime Bakelite radio, bought some nice Seafoam green upholstery vinyl and a bunch chickenhead knobs in various colours to try to get there. Always liked that bare, Baltic birch, minimalist Ikea look and once i'd finished getting the cab ready to cover really didn't want to hide the wood so slapped some waterbased satin Varathane on instead to protect and highlight the plywood.
(http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc305/davent/IMG_2745-1.jpg) (http://i216.photobucket.com/albums/cc305/davent/IMG_2744-1.jpg)
that is simply lovely...love the retro look of it...cool :icon_cool:
..Amazing... :icon_eek:
Wow! I'd love it if you shared plans on how you built that Cab! I love the style of the front! I wonder what it would be like to use a wood burning kit (you know, the ones you had when you were a kid) to create labeling for the knobs...
Very nice Dave, your build style is so unique and just amazing.
I remember on Amp Garage a month or two back a guy was having issues with a Heyboer PT buzzing in his Express. Can't find the topic now, or remember the solution but your problem doesn't seem to be unique.
Would love to see a schem if you have one. ;)
Thank you for the kind words guys!
Quote from: davent on September 27, 2010, 10:17:36 AM
Little (too little?) Hammond 262F6 PT and an Edcor XSE 10-8-5k OT. Hammond 5 x 7 x 2" chassis.
Can't edit the original post, the chassis is 9x5x2" .
Jacob i didn't really have a plan per se, just some sketches that i did in TurboCAD to grab measurements from and try out ideas. Are you interested in the actual cab dimensions, construction details, the front/back panel layouts, developing a plan/layout?
Personally i wouldn't do the woodburning as my handwriting/printing is pretty miserable at best and i know i'd never be happy with my results (plus it's only three controls so no big deal to keep track of). But of course it is doable for those with the knack and tools. Also over at ampgarage someone was using a laser to label and put an emblem on faceplates for the Trainwreck clones people were building, same principal , a bit more 21st century.
Chris as it stands these are the schematics. The pre/power amps are evolving, the power supply is static (but if i decide on a bigger PT will ditch the doubler for the more conventional and do a new pcb). The preamp regulator came from a manufacturer's post at diyaudio and is what he was using in his phono preamp so is way overkill for a guitar amp but does what i want (and very quietly). The VVR and LP's Powerscaling circuits start out much the same but differ in how things are handle after the Mosfet. R4 is not part of either circuit so the raw b+ is connected to the mosfet drain and top of the 1M pot. I needed to loose a bunch of voltage because the 6aq5 max. plate spec. is 275v . Calculated a voltage divider based on the raw B+ into and 270v out of the scaling circuit, the lower leg of the divider being the pot's 1M plus R2, 47k, 200k was close enough.
R5 is not on the pre regulator pcb, it was there to be a bleeder. It now parallels C6 on the amp schematic, located on the bottom of the eyelet board.
One of the options i'm looking at for a tonestack is the Matchless coupling cap switch like in your amp. What are your impressions of that arragement? Right now this amp is a bit on the dark side and am trying different things to brighten it up.
Dave, that is just a great look you've got there. Sweet.
Quote from: davent on September 27, 2010, 07:43:55 PM
One of the options i'm looking at for a tonestack is the Matchless coupling cap switch like in your amp. What are your impressions of that arragement? Right now this amp is a bit on the dark side and am trying different things to brighten it up.
Thanks for the schems. Always interesting to see how others are building/designing things.
Got to ask though...whats the purpose of the resistor across the OT's secondary? Protection, altering Z?
Your making me want to build one of these small classy amps! :o
The rotary switch "varitone" controls works quite well. It works even better for pentodes (which I see your using). Because of the output Z of pentodes they aren't very good at efficiently driving tonestacks. So the varitone method works, it's simple, lots of tonal options, less real estate and interfaces easily.
I personally like it, it's very easy me to dial in a tone. You can always change cap values to suit your taste.
Btw if you want to brighten the amp you might consider a small ceramic cap across the volume pot (22pF - 100pF).
Another thing I found with a recent build of mine is increasing the screen voltage on pentode preamp stages can really bring a stage to life. On my EF86 amp I had a 2M2 screen resistor like you, around 80V on the screens. Dropped it to 1M, 130V on screens. Amp became more lively, responsive with more feel and compression. Just throwing it out there cause I rarely hear it talked about and had a good personal experience.
Sorry for slow response, got busy....
Hi Chris,
The 270 (2watt in this case) is a borrowed idea from TUT, it's always shown on their guitar amp schematics and is there to protect the OT.
Thanks for the pentode ideas, i can play around with most of those values but am going to have to go shopping for some ceramic caps. I have played with the screen resistor value (as well as the cap) taking it down to 1M1 but just to take voltage readings. With the 2M2 the screen's at ~19v (plate at 137v) then with the 1M1 the screen rose to ~30v and the plate dropped to ~86v. Didn't give it a listen at the time i was just interested in seeing how voltages were affected messing with the various screen resistor values. Cathode voltage also rose as the screen resistance was decreased.
I've got lots of coupling cap values on hand so next up is sampling them to see what kind of varitone i can put together.
There seem to be alot of little two tube circuits out there to sample. I'm thinking of using the other set of transfomers i've got to do a breadboard set up so i can easily play around with a bunch of different circuits before committing to one circuit and one set of tubes. I'm enjoying playing around with these little amps, if nothing else they're a little easier on the hearing... always need to hear just how loud an amp can play and once it gets there it's hard to turn it back down.
Take care
Amp I built in a sweet looking old space heater.
It's 10W solid state...
@toptop...love it...very retro...sweet.
Hey guys,
I just finished building my first amp. It's basically a Princeton 5F2-A, but I used mostly recycled parts from old radios that my friend/amp guru had. The PT isn't as powerful as an actual Princeton (only about 280V for B+), but it still sounds great! The OT is from musicalpowersupplies.com (http://musicalpowersupplies.com) and I can't stress how happy I was with Matt's service and patience.
Other than that the mods are minimal: SS rectifier and added a switch to toggle the negative feedback in or out.
The chassis is from an old radio and it's pretty small, so space is tight (and wiring is ugly):
The cab used to be half of a turntable w/speaker combo that I painted (front is all original except for the button I put on to cover a whole where the speaker used to connect to the turntable) and it's loaded with a vintage 8" speaker my friend had (chosen for it's small magnet, so it could all fit nicely in this tight package.
All in all I'm really happy with it. I learned a hell of a lot building this amp (made a lot of mistakes along the way too). It sounds great, is really small and light, and cranks through an extension cab.
That looks really nice Paul.
Whenever I can get over my fear of wall AC, and of spending money on transformers, I'd like to build a tube amp.
Quote from: Top Top on October 14, 2010, 03:03:40 PM
That looks really nice Paul.
Whenever I can get over my fear of wall AC, and of spending money on transformers, I'd like to build a tube amp.
Thanks! I got lucky with parts, as I recently befriended a guy who repairs tube radios and builds amps. He's collected a massive amount of parts, so I got my power transformer from him and the output tranny was only $19.99 from musicalpowersupplies.com.
All told this baby only cost my about $150-200. Of course, a lot of the parts were salvaged (chassis, cab, speaker...).
Here is mine:
It's a single ended point to point, almost totally recycled (frame is an old reverb tank). It has around 2'5 W, pentode/triode selector, kind of jazz mode and full tone stack.
(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3119_resize.jpg) (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3138_resize.jpg)
By the way, meet Nahia, the future owner, supervising everything!!!
this is the initial idea:
(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3124_resize.jpg) (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3132_resize.jpg)
Tolexing (this is my first one... next one will be better):
(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3155_resize.jpg) (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3164_resize.jpg)
...Head almost finished:
(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3168_resize.jpg) (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3169_resize.jpg)
And the final results:
(http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3203_resize.jpg) (http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b131/moisho/Patarrufa%20Signature/IMG_3200_resize.jpg)
That cleaned up nice!!!!
My new baby - its ugliness is its charm:
Marshall 1987 preamp into a pair of 6L6GCs. Components are all mounted on perfboard. Transformers and choke were aquired dirt-cheap as a set from a guy who was shutting up shop and clearing out his stock. Chassis was a half-price second because it was marked (I knew I'd make far more marks of my own so that wasn't a worry!). Headshell involved my first ever use of a hand-held jigsaw and a 4U rack case that I wasn't using. Stickers from Poundland.
Total outlay approximately £180. Sounds like dirty glass and takes pedals brilliantly. I'm very, very happy with it!
Two baby amps built in old intercom enclosures:
hey guys!i am planning to built a bass cab soon but i have some question's....
first of all i am not sure if i can find some particular woods here....for example mdf would do?or what else?
secondly...for the speaker i found a 12'' sub with a hard cone..pretty sweet but my main concern is that i don't want the cab or the speaker to distort or fart while i am playing...
!this speaker is a car speaker but nothing special...it looks like a normal black speaker...would this speaker do for my need's?
and last...i am looking for amplifier pcb's...anyone know where can i get some? ;D
this is the plan of the cab....
http://www.dancetech.com/aa_dt_new/pa/plans/15-bass-with-treble-print.GIF (http://www.dancetech.com/aa_dt_new/pa/plans/15-bass-with-treble-print.GIF)
ough i just noticed that this cab needs a 15'' speaker!if i use a 12'' one the cab would be wrong...right?
I think this may be the first time I've posted an actually complete project on this site.
I just finished the last touches on a new amp tonight. (Are these things ever REALLY finished? Well, probably not, but it is completely functional at the moment, and everything else is just modifying the existing platform.) The Tolex isn't perfect on the control panel surround, and my corners were so bad I needed to put on caps, but it's only the second time I've ever done a tolex job, so I don't feel too bad about it. And the bubble in the panel can be ironed out, since I used hide glue! There are a bunch of other pictures on my Flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/photos/9609103@N07/sets/72157625595734092/with/5262552064/). If anything looks odd, it's probably explained there.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on December 15, 2010, 02:22:25 AM
I think this may be the first time I've posted an actually complete project on this site.
I just finished the last touches on a new amp tonight. (Are these things ever REALLY finished? Well, probably not, but it is completely functional at the moment, and everything else is just modifying the existing platform.) The Tolex isn't perfect on the control panel surround, and my corners were so bad I needed to put on caps, but it's only the second time I've ever done a tolex job, so I don't feel too bad about it. And the bubble in the panel can be ironed out, since I used hide glue! There are a bunch of other pictures on my Flickr account (http://www.flickr.com/photos/9609103@N07/sets/72157625595734092/with/5262552064/). If anything looks odd, it's probably explained there.
Nice work Gabriel!
I've never managed to get tolexed corners to look quite right either, I think I'm always in a rush to get things finished. Kudos to whoever invented those little corner caps I suppose! :D
yeah nice...i actually like those corners on an amp...
I've posted this somewhere before, but not in this thread. A Cricket in a box.
Gut shot:
To all: Nice amps, hope I work up the nerve to try a tube build someday.
nice box perrow...
im always on the look out for a nice box to put a battery amp with a spare dr boogie in....just for travelling etc...
clean amp, with a switch for the boogie...also use the tone controls for both clean and boogie..a few switches i think... ::)
i like the old retro radios boxes,but they always go for a high price...bloody collectors... :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: deadastronaut on December 15, 2010, 07:34:45 AM
nice box perrow...
Yeah, I'm quite pleased with this one. In retrospect I should have placed the In and Out jacks next to the controls (and swapped sides, this one is a left to right), the problem now is that the speaker grill I've got doesn't fit because of them :(
I'm itching to buy a better speaker for it, the one I've got (salvaged) isn't very effective. Also gonna order some Letraset sheets so I can label the controls and jacks.
Finished this little guy just a few hours before going back to school. It's a fun little amp to play.
Looks great! Nice work!
I like your choice of stain + colours and everything... they all match very nicely!
The internal speaker on a jack is a good touch too
Quote from: phector2004 on January 09, 2011, 10:56:09 PM
I like your choice of stain + colours and everything... they all match very nicely!
The internal speaker on a jack is a good touch too
yep, very nice indeed :)
awww man....i need a workshop..... :icon_sad:
would love to build an amp as nice as that!...lovely.....
id get right into the styling side of it too...etched face plates...backlighting etc....nice....need a bigger flat!.. :icon_rolleyes:
Hi Chris,
Beautitul work there! You've finally crossed over to the SE side, what circuit did you decide on? Your rectifier diodes look to be large bodied, are they something out of the ordinary? We need details Chris... push-pull pots, preamp gain?....
Take care!
I'm just looking through your site Chris. Some nice info & pics on there. Thanks :)
The covering on my purple and black amp above went so well, I decided to use a bit of Christmas money to cover the Leslie/Vibrotone cabinet I made about a year ago. It turned out great, and I couldn't be happier!!!
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5348264843_ac08ed6a7c.jpg) (http://"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5042/5348264843_d7323070c3_o.jpg")
(http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5245/5348874450_f6ed087f68.jpg) (http://"http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5245/5348874450_b5266dbb6a_o.jpg")
^ that is sexy :D
Quote from: snakey on January 12, 2011, 08:08:35 AM
^ that is sexy :D
+1, very nice indeed.
I've been wanting to build a Leslie for a while now but put it off because I always thought that they were ugly.
Yours has made me change my mind :)
Quote from: Manny on January 12, 2011, 10:48:51 AM
Quote from: snakey on January 12, 2011, 08:08:35 AM
^ that is sexy :D
+1, very nice indeed.
I've been wanting to build a Leslie for a while now but put it off because I always thought that they were ugly.
Yours has made me change my mind :)
I bought the rotor and the motor off of ebay, and I would recommend doing the same if you want to build one of these.
Quote from: davent on January 10, 2011, 09:55:27 AM
Hi Chris,
Beautitul work there! You've finally crossed over to the SE side, what circuit did you decide on? Your rectifier diodes look to be large bodied, are they something out of the ordinary? We need details Chris... push-pull pots, preamp gain?....
Take care!
Hey Dave,
Ya a SE one! Haven't built one since my first build, a little Vibro Champ.
The circuit is something local amp company Trinity Amps designed. It's essentially a hot rodded Champ that covers a huge range of tones with only two tubes.
The amp is single channel with one 12AX7 and one power tube. The amp can take 6V6, 6L6, EL34, KT66, 5881 and more. Two modes Tweed and Tude. Tweed is a nice clean sound. Pull the volume pot for Tude mode which produces a great OD tone.
Also includes Treble, Bass, Master Volume and a Power Scaling controls. The Bass control also has a pullable Fat Switch. The back panel has speaker outputs, a bias switch for different tube types, a rotary switch for 4R, 8R and 16R output with 2.5K and 5K primaries selectable for each tap. I also added a mod for footswitch for a partial tonestack lift. This adds volume/gain and mids.
Cab is solid pine, box joints. No tolex but stain and varnish. Grill cloth is "wheat".
Speaker is a 10" Jensen Blackbird, a very nice balanced AlNiCo speaker.
Here is a schem hopefully it will explain it a bit better ;)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/th_Tramp_schematic_3Jun.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/?action=view¤t=Tramp_schematic_3Jun.jpg)
O the diodes :D I thought I had some UF4007s on hand. Turned out I didn't. Made a quick trip to Honson and picked up those suckers! They are an equivalent but just beefier in that they can have a higher voltage/current breakdown.
My first Firefly.....
Very nice looking FireFly there.
This is an old amp that i took out of a reel to reel that was not longer working using 2 of the 3 12ax7 the output tube is a 6AQ5A. Still need to replace the filter cap but it works and sounds great maxed.
To all who have posted there custom work on this thread !!!
A tip of the Hat to you all !! Your work is just Incredible ! :o
Lots o' fireflies in here... here's mine:
(http://img858.imageshack.us/img858/6607/dscf3377.jpg) (http://img858.imageshack.us/i/dscf3377.jpg/)
Quote from: MikeH on April 08, 2011, 10:54:28 PM
Lots o' fireflies in here... here's mine:
great!red tolex is so sexy!aren't you going to put a handle on it? :icon_razz:
Might be small, and might be solid state, but it's still a guitar amp...and 20 watts too!
It's Taylor's Tiny Giant Amp from musicpcb.com (http://musicpcb.com). Great sounding little guy:
Quote from: tasos on April 09, 2011, 04:31:52 AM
Quote from: MikeH on April 08, 2011, 10:54:28 PM
Lots o' fireflies in here... here's mine:
great!red tolex is so sexy!aren't you going to put a handle on it? :icon_razz:
I was, but then I thought "I'll never take it out of my house, and it probably weighs about 5 lbs... anywhere I need to move it to, I'll just pick it up and carry it." And thats what I do.
And that's actually not tolex; it's some vinyl 'marine' fabric I got at the fabric store. The look is similar, but it's softer to the touch.
Quote from: MikeH on April 10, 2011, 02:15:02 PM
The look is similar, but it's softer to the touch.
i am so turned on! ;D
Quote from: p_wats on October 14, 2010, 11:52:16 AM
Can someone tell me what is the name of this particular type of PCB/board?
Not the name of the circuit but, the actual name of the board style/material. Its not vero, or regular PCB. It has the posts on the sides of the board to solder point-to-point.
Thanks ;D
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on April 10, 2011, 04:15:01 PM
Quote from: p_wats on October 14, 2010, 11:52:16 AM
Can someone tell me what is the name of this particular type of PCB/board?
Not the name of the circuit but, the actual name of the board style/material. Its not vero, or regular PCB. It has the posts on the sides of the board to solder point-to-point.
Thanks ;D
It's a turret board.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on April 10, 2011, 04:45:26 PM
It's a turret board.
Thanks Gabriel. I dont use them personally but, I recently came across a few brand new TURRET BOARDS and had no idea what they were :icon_redface:
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on April 10, 2011, 05:35:24 PM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on April 10, 2011, 04:45:26 PM
It's a turret board.
Thanks Gabriel. I dont use them personally but, I recently came across a few brand new TURRET BOARDS and had no idea what they were :icon_redface:
It's a homemade turret board using plexi-glass (I think) and rivets. Does the job really well!
I'm trying terminal strips for the next one though...
Hi, my Vox V212BN, freshly comboized :)
Find more pics here (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/Vox/)..
Cheers, T.
Can we get some better pics Thomeeque? :D (a joke)
Nice work!! Can you tell us more about the amplifier in there?
What is it actually?
Great job.
Quote from: John Lyons on May 15, 2011, 02:36:31 AM
Can we get some better pics Thomeeque? :D (a joke)
Nice work!! Can you tell us more about the amplifier in there?
What is it actually?
Great job.
Thanks, John!!
Conceptually it is one channel solid state 35W/16Ω (50W/8Ω) guitar amp with guitar level input, Bright boost switch, 3-band EQ, Gain and (Master) Volume controls and very simple "tube-amp modelling" (just simple soft-clipping applied at the pre-amp out). There is only "Standby" (Mute) switch, no power switch (it significantly simplifies lethal wiring and first tests show no drawbacks so far, quiescent load from mains is cca 6W), dual-color LED indicates actual state (RED = standby, GREEN = on).
Primary goal was to get transparent PA for the signal already completely cooked by my pedalboard (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/my1stPb/), but it is able to be overdriven to blues/rock kind of distortion in simple guitar->cable->amp configuration.
As an pre-amp (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/Vox/detail.htm?DSCN9422.JPG) I have used just very slightly modified Rod Elliott's pre-amp from his 100W Guitar Amplifier Mk II (http://sound.westhost.com/project27.htm) project (I have removed R2, LO in, VR4, R10 and whole output buffer and I have replaced R12 by A100k "GAIN" pot.. and bridged Bright switch by 100k resistor to make it's switching popless.. and used 7815/7915 pair for ±15VDC regulation).
As an power amp (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/Vox/detail.htm?DSCN9400.JPG) I have used LM3886 based kit.
There are few threads related:
LM3886: Vs = ±35VDC, Load = 16Ω, Pout = 35W - right? (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=91299.0)
Solid-state guitar combo amp: using speaker-forced airflow for cooling heatsink (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=90909.0)
optimal toroidal transformer mounting (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=91297.0)
Old CPU-cooler as an LM3886 heat-sink (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=77993.0)
I'm still testing it (my biggest concerns are LM3886 cooling and danger of parasite sound effects caused by stuff added inside), so far I've used it only at one rehearsal and it seemed OK (but it was a cool day and I could not go to the highest volume levels), today is next rehearsal and at Wednesday we have a gig (and that's where it all will go wrong :icon_mrgreen: .. but I'll have some backup there).
Cheers, T.
Very nice, thanks for the details. :icon_wink:
my first amp :3
Inspired by old soviet solid state transformer design. Totally recycled btw
some guts:
now working on power supply, more pics soon.
Wow, that's really cool.
5E3 circuit in an old webcor cabinet. 10" weber alnico.
point to point with tag strips, two chassis's, (upper
and lower), hand made.
Very cool amp, awesome dog.
ok it's done:
I found all the parts in garbage (except the input jack)
i guess this is the best place to ask...
i am playing bass and i want to build a tube amp on a turret board as a first AMP project....
any suggestions-sites? ;D
If it's your first build, definitely check out http://www.ax84.com/
Not sure if there are any bass specific projects, but there's a lot to learn there.
Quote from: tasos on May 23, 2011, 03:28:19 PM
i am playing bass and i want to build a tube amp on a turret board as a first AMP project.... any suggestions-sites?
bass player, eh? what kind of wattage do you need to make the amp useful to you? what kind
of amps have you played that you like? I can't image an single ended amps be useful to you
as a bass player.
Quote from: terminalgs on May 23, 2011, 10:06:59 PM
Quote from: tasos on May 23, 2011, 03:28:19 PM
i am playing bass and i want to build a tube amp on a turret board as a first AMP project.... any suggestions-sites?
bass player, eh? what kind of wattage do you need to make the amp useful to you? what kind
of amps have you played that you like? I can't image an single ended amps be useful to you
as a bass player.
well i haven't played with many amps bu i like the fat bottom of bands like rage against the machine ,metallica and megadeth [go to hell ,peace sells]
as for the wattage...i am building the amp because i want to get some experience on tube amps....HOWEVER i am looking for an amp for rehearsals with a strong drummer!
i was thinking about a 30w amp and a high sensitivity speaker but i don't know if this can be done!
thank you in advance...
Quotei am looking for an amp for rehearsals with a strong drummer! i was thinking about a 30w amp
Heh... try 300 W. Or better yet, 1000. And more than one speaker.
A tube poweramp is obviously out of the question for metal bassists and moreso for a first DIY amp project.
Quote from: FiveseveN on May 24, 2011, 08:08:06 AM
Quotei am looking for an amp for rehearsals with a strong drummer! i was thinking about a 30w amp
Heh... try 300 W. Or better yet, 1000. And more than one speaker.
A tube poweramp is obviously out of the question for metal bassists and moreso for a first DIY amp project.
yup. FiveseveN is right. for what a 100W tube head kit would cost, you can buy a 300W head build for bass ($500 or so for a GK 800RB???).
if you really want a DIY project, try a boost or a rat pedal build. if you really want tube, try the 'real mctube II' pedal.
ok then...i will make a little portable amp...with one speaker....probably 8'' or 10''...
any sugestions?
Quote from: tasos on May 24, 2011, 08:47:20 AM
ok then...i will make a little portable amp...with one speaker....probably 8'' or 10''...
any sugestions?
taylor plays bass iirc, and he says his 'forum amp is ok..20watts.
Quote from: FiveseveN on May 24, 2011, 08:08:06 AM
Quotei am looking for an amp for rehearsals with a strong drummer! i was thinking about a 30w amp
Heh... try 300 W. Or better yet, 1000. And more than one speaker.
A tube poweramp is obviously out of the question for metal bassists and moreso for a first DIY amp project.
Uh, SVT sir, SVT. Decidedly NOT a first time DIY amp, but THE amp of choice for loud rock and roll.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on May 24, 2011, 03:04:07 PM
Uh, SVT sir, SVT. Decidedly NOT a first time DIY amp, but THE amp of choice for loud rock and roll.
yup. I didn't want to break it to the guy. but yup.
I wonder if anyone has ever built their own SVT? talk about a fool's errand.
Quote from: John Lyons on April 07, 2010, 01:20:00 AM
That figured wood is Makore on the top piece
and Bubinga on the front panel. No stain used on those.
That's the natural color other than some linseed oil and polyurethane.
Veneer is nice but hard if not impossible to bend around a sharp radius.
I use it to do pedal tops though.
Whats your method for gluing them on?
Quote from: terminalgs on May 26, 2011, 01:46:17 PM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on May 24, 2011, 03:04:07 PM
Uh, SVT sir, SVT. Decidedly NOT a first time DIY amp, but THE amp of choice for loud rock and roll.
yup. I didn't want to break it to the guy. but yup.
I wonder if anyone has ever built their own SVT? talk about a fool's errand.
TUT3 has a plan. The various transformer options suggested there, weight 55-65lbs, never mind the cost of buying that much iron.
Actually we have a SVT-4PRO. Those of course have SS poweramps (MOSFET IIRC), unlike the SVT Classics. Much has been said about "the SVT tone" and whether it has something to do with tube poweramps or not.
Of course whoever affords SVTs probably also affords roadies to carry them and spare tubes.
QuoteI wonder if anyone has ever built their own SVT?
People have built their own Rectifiers and various tube poweramps but it's obviously not a trivial task.
Back on topic. Well, slightly :D
Anybody using class D amps?
Quote from: terminalgs on May 26, 2011, 01:46:17 PM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on May 24, 2011, 03:04:07 PM
Uh, SVT sir, SVT. Decidedly NOT a first time DIY amp, but THE amp of choice for loud rock and roll.
yup. I didn't want to break it to the guy. but yup.
I wonder if anyone has ever built their own SVT? talk about a fool's errand.
One of the local amp repair guys, who was kind enough to help me out when I was first getting started building amps, built himself one, so it can obviously be done. I don't know that I would want to try, but it can be done.
Quote from: terminalgs on May 26, 2011, 01:46:17 PM
Quote from: G. Hoffman on May 24, 2011, 03:04:07 PM
Uh, SVT sir, SVT. Decidedly NOT a first time DIY amp, but THE amp of choice for loud rock and roll.
yup. I didn't want to break it to the guy. but yup.
I wonder if anyone has ever built their own SVT? talk about a fool's errand.
Some highly relevant stuff here:
probably no...but!
would it be possible to run a tube amp without an output transformer[and have only one impedance]
You can get hifi OTL's, never seen a musical instrument amp, here's a 160w per channel (which i beleive can be bridged ) kit amp, a set of output tubes (16) to power it will set you back almost $2k.
Have a look at the Ampeg B15 for something that might be doable and result in a decent sounding amp. http://www.ampeg.com/pdf/Heritage_B-15_OM.PDF
Quote from: tasos on May 26, 2011, 07:44:58 PM
probably no...but!
would it be possible to run a tube amp without an output transformer
However, the above is some of the most advanced guitar amp technology I know of, so this is not necessarily a useful direction for DIY.
Here's little studio amp I made over the winter from stuff lying around.
(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_1.jpg) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_2.jpg)
The cabinet is genuine plywood stained and cleared. The alnico 6" speaker, grill cloth, and power cord from an old tube record player I got at a junk store. The chassis is brushed brass with a clear coat, power transformer from an old boombox.
(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_3.jpg) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_4.jpg)
This is built with a hybrid 12V space charge tube amp circuit I made years ago with a new PCB PLUS a fuzz on another PCB I made.
Controls are: Fuzz Bypass, Shape, Fuzz, Fuzz Volume, Tone, Preamp Gain
(http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_5.jpg) (http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9671493/lv-amp_6.jpg)
The shape control is a rotary switch that selects input ("top") and output ("bottom:) caps. There are four settings:
Paris = thin top, thin bottom
Rachel = thin top big bottom
Pamela = big top, little bottom
Oprah = big top, big bottom
You can get ALL kinds of sound out of this little thing. It's never really clean, even with the fuzz off and the gain rolled back - probably the speaker. You can have real synthy fun with the neck pickup & tone rolled all the way back into Oprah or get the icepick through the forehead on Paris and a single coil. I've never plugged it into a cabinet but it should do pretty ok...
nice!...... :icon_cool:
oprah ....lol..
This amp started about a year and a half ago. It's my first full build/design. The idea was to have a small little head (PR size chassis and cab) that covered lots of ground. The amp is 50W PP fixed bias. Clean and overdrive channel with a great reverb circuit thrown in too. The clean is like a mix between a BF Fender and a Dumble, the OD is an Dumble ODS with some tweaks here and there. Overall I think it sounds great!
The amp was actually done at the end of last summer. After finishing school this April I had some time to get back to it. Worked out some bugs and did some tone tweaking. Really when the amp started up the tone was ok but nothing special at all. The longest part was getting the tone dialed in to my liking. Spent the last couple months listening and tweaking. Finally yesterday I added some more NFB which did the trick for the last tone issue I was addressing. So now it is done!
Tone is amazing! I dialed it in perfectly for my strat. All pickup positions sound fantastic (something I haven't really found on any other amp, usually don't use bridge). Cleans are very full and complex with real popping bass and mids, very tight. Nice clear highs without being to in your face. Good bit of compression and feel to this channel.
Overdrive is great, really rips, gotta record it. 3 way voicing switch adds many tones and makes the OD quite versatile.
Reverb is ideal for me, not too in your face and intense as an old BF Fender. More mid emphasize in the reverb than the typical high influence of a BF Fender.
Lots of other neat switches and features...Class A switch and Mid Boost, Deep, Hi/Lo gain switches. O and adding the FX loop buffer, really like that tone wise. The FX loop buffer is switchable.
Circuitry has changed a bunch since original schems. I can post later if interested...
That's wonderful Chris, a long, sonically fulfilling journey! Always good to see your schematic.
Take care!
Thanks Dave.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/th_CM-501.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/?action=view¤t=CM-501.jpg)
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/th_CM-502.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v610/kurtlives/?action=view¤t=CM-502.jpg)
You might recognize the mains filter from a chat we had last year. That was when I was designing.
my little amp head with a ruby inside and fake tubes too ;)
^ ...love it...
what did you use for fake tubes?...
That's great! Nice work.
Cute little bugger.
thanks! :)
@deadastronaut: I used old light bulbs..12V car door lights I think, with amber leds
Oh wow, I want one! That's awesome.
I may steal your idea and build one of my Tiny Giant amps in this style.
Here's an iso cab that I built a few months ago for home recording (hard to record at "normal" volumes in a tiny apartment) and for use at church to keep my stage volume quieter. Baltic Birch plywood, 75 watt celestion, and SM-57. The jacks for the mic and speaker are mounted on the back so I can plug directly in and rock away! One of the best and most used things I've ever built. one of these days I'll slap some tolex on it and make it look nicer.
Hey, that looks nice?
Do you notice any build up of lower mids/lows with the sealed chamber?
I see you have it lined with foam but...
Quote from: Cap on July 06, 2011, 06:16:27 AM
my little amp head with a ruby inside and fake tubes too ;)
That is one of the coolest things I've seen on here!
^ have you made a seperate matching cab?...great little amp... :icon_cool:
Quote from: John Lyons on July 06, 2011, 09:46:13 PM
Hey, that looks nice?
Do you notice any build up of lower mids/lows with the sealed chamber?
I see you have it lined with foam but...
Surprisingly it gives a very clear sound and doesn't get muddy at all, and I've got all kinds of layers of different foam all around the box, on both sides of the speaker. I would like to change the speaker and put in a Celestion Vintage 30 because I just prefer the sound of those when recording. What truly blew me away was how quiet this thing really does get though. I can crank my Mesa Mark V in my apartment and it's barely more than having a small practice amp going in the room, and when I open the lid it'd face-melting loud!
My rehoused Bad Cat Black Cat cab.
Guess what my last name is? :)
That looks nice! Is is walnut on the top and sides?
Mahogany -- just like my Les Paul!
Quote from: kurtlives on June 12, 2011, 09:33:00 PM
Wow! Nice amp! I think I remember you posting an earlier version of it, glad to see how well it turned out
What are all the knobs and switches on the back? I'm guessing the first ones are reverb-related, but are the others involved in biasing? Volume control?
Enjoy it!
Great work kurtlives!
I am looking for a way to do the lettering on a preamp i am making...i though of etching...
Any other ideas? :icon_rolleyes:
Here's a custom rehouse that I posted in the pictures thread a few weeks ago, with the custom cabinet to go with it.
Actually, I had to go tell my girlfriend about that... That's pretty sweet. I have a Mac blue monitor I'm considering doing something similar with. :icon_lol:
Quote from: DougH on September 08, 2011, 11:35:29 AM
Absolutely STUNNING Doug :o
If only I had the patience to do something like this. I detest painting effects enclosures let alone something like this!!!
Fantastic Doug, can you tell us about the wood and finish you used?
I love the look of pretty wood that's not insanely over-the-top. Most guys doing this kind of thing go nuts with obscenely figured woods and finishes that make the wood look unreal. That can be cool in a way, but I prefer a more natural look, which you've achieved here.
Thanks, Taylor.
The wood is aspen that I picked up at Lowe's. It's the same wood I used in the cabinet for my Cirrus (underneath the Dragonfly) that I did a natural finish of. It's a nice light and strong white wood. I assembled it using a dowel drilling jig and wood pegs along with glue, after rounding off the edges with a router. I haven't jumped on the finger joint bandwagon and probably won't. Butt joints with pegs are extremely strong and much simpler to work with, as long as you're happy with the look- which I am.
I used Watco Danish Oil to stain it (I think the color was "mahogany" maybe? I can't remember). I just followed the directions on the can (IIRC you hit it with two coats). After that dried I followed roughly the same procedure I did on the Cirrus cabinet. John Lyons outlined it for me a few years ago. The finish is one part each polyurethane, linseed oil, and thinner. You basically rub it on with a rag, wet sand it, let it dry- repeating 3 or 4 times with finer grit sandpaper each time. You have to let it dry overnight and being in Florida I kept a fan on it too, which helped a lot. Takes a week or so for the whole finish process. After that I applied a thin coat of paste wax and buffed it out. IMO that really gives it the consistent finished "shine" look. I thank John for talking me into that.
It's far from perfect. I learned you really don't need to wet sand the edges, as you can see the results of that on the right edge. Also, the stain doesn't take where there are glue beads, and comes out darker on the edges. Someone on another forum mentioned that a sanding sealer could be used to keep it from getting dark like that. But in all honesty I think it would be a lot easier just to use a darker piece of wood and finish it natural. So I'll probably forego using stain in the future. But I wanted to give it a try and overall am pretty pleased.
Doug, don't be afraid to grab a wet sponge and wipe down the glued edges while you have it clamped up for drying. Wipe that sucker down good, like it's your table top before the glue dries. It won't hurt anything, unless your sponge is so wet that it's washing the glue out of the joint, lol.
Another trick, in case you're interested, is roughening up the surfaces with the intent of sanding after gluing. Obviously it gives bite, fibers that can grab on to each other, but a good feathering also can help hide the seams so you don't have a solid line of glue. If you wipe after with a damp sponge, the sanding will take the seam down to wood and no funky stain lines unless you sand into a imperfection.
Digging on the Aspen. I would've loved to have seen it wiped down with oil, but the stain pulled out the grains beautifully.
Thanks for the tips, David.
Here's one I did that was the same dimensions with a natural finish on the Aspen (same thing without the stain):
Here's both together:
I love those... they look like so much of the aspen furniture I grew up with as a kid. Together, the stained one actually just looks aged.
http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150815690105057&set=a.10150205629885057.432980.889640056&type=1&theater (http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150815690105057&set=a.10150205629885057.432980.889640056&type=1&theater)
this is on my facebook, its a picture of an amp my tube amp guy just built and traded to me. 2-12ax7s and 4-6aq5's\6005's
currently 6005's
it SCREAMS, its loud and has perfect tube screamer esc balanced breakup.
Any body tried making randall rg 100es??? ...If anyOne intrested in Helping me out .. because i am planning to make one of these!! Plese visit my thread ------->http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=94178.new;topicseen#new
Very nice, Doug, a real Trainwreck vibe there. I'm also digging the intensely mojo-ish CC resistors. (Didn't imagine you went for that sort of thing.) Along the same lines, what tonal differences are there between the stained and unstained Aspen? ;D ;D
Hey everybody...
I was always wondering!
How do you make the wooden panel stick together with the metal chassis? ???
Quote from: tasos on October 12, 2011, 08:38:06 AM
Hey everybody...
I was always wondering!
How do you make the wooden panel stick together with the metal chassis? ???
Here's a good tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y
Here's a good tutorial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZ5TajZYW6Y
Those trolls are reproducing!
Here's one good for you
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5gNYVia2rg (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5gNYVia2rg)
(Last oftopic comment!Stop now! ;D)
Quote from: tasos on October 12, 2011, 12:22:47 PM
Quote from: egasimus on October 12, 2011, 09:14:05 AM
Troll?!? ???
The serious answer is Machine Screws and U-bolts, or if you are lucky your chassis has threaded studs built in.
Quote from: tasos on October 12, 2011, 08:38:06 AM
Hey everybody...
I was always wondering!
How do you make the wooden panel stick together with the metal chassis? ???
There are a number of ways. Depending on how the chassis is mounted in relation to the wood panel, I use long bolts/nuts that pass all the way through the chassis (if my chassis doesn't have ears to mount to) and finish washers on the wood side. If the chassis is hanging from the panel, and not just resting on top of it, I'll use chassis straps instead of the finish washers, to distribute the load better.
Hey thanks everybody....
i have though of these ways...i just can't find long enough screws!anyway...this is not your problem! ;D
Here's a couple of my amp builds.
A Firefly mini stack and a SloClone.
I included the guitar in front of the firefly as I built that as well.
Kickin it "Old School" I think I posted this way way back somehwere on the forums but its my Pride so here it is again, pics of my Marshall "Clone" of a '69 "4-Hole input" 50W Plexi, I got pics of the guts somewhere, just gotta find them, I built the whole thing, cabinets head box, wired it up, tolexed it, I spent a year before the build sourcing all the places to get the parts and reading up on this enormous project before I even started on it, I spent alot of time on George's forums metroamp just asking question before , during, and even after the build, thanks to everyone there for your help, then once it was done I added a "Master vol mod" in one of the speaker outs in the rear so I didn't have to drill any unwanted holes anywhere, so I can put it back if needed
My custom name tag on the back - ya gotta love those laser engravers, they can do soooooo much
the matching 4X 12 cab, now with G12T75 speakers in it for a whopping 300Watt capacity -
Amp #2 in the process gonna be a clone of a 18Watt Marshall Bluesbreaker
and the top
This will be the front "light-up" nameplate for the 18Watt
stunning. :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool: :icon_cool:
This is sooo awesome!Love the purple tolex!I would love to see the inside wiring job! :)
And also...were did you get the schematic-turret board ??? (i guess) for the 50watt plexi?
Thanks guys, I'll try and get the "guts" shots scanned in and posted soon, but i must forewarn ya, its messy inside, I got schematics from the metroamp forums and just all over the net,(great bunch of ppl there willing to offer help in any ways they can, also where I got the PPIMV mod schematic I put in it too) again this was not one of their kits, as I sourced parts form George there and other places as I had the cash. Also on the amp#2 the combo amp I want to do the whole top faceplate in the clear "Light-up" type where the knobs go like the H&K amps, I already have the nameplate ready with the purple light I just gotta get the faceplate done next, it is gonna be a 2 channel with a TMB amp (treble middle, bass), as opposed to a regular 18Watt, I have done lots of research on the 18watt forums to get info and schematics and mods for that one too.
My tube amp guy built this for me. It's got 2-12ax7s and 4-6aq5's
Pays to have a good head on your shoulders
sweet....^ i love those old radio cabinets.... 8)
Gutshots pleeeeease?
This is as close as I can give you of gut shots at the moment
Cool, thanks!
What's the purpose of such a diverse complement of power tubes?
Whoops, nevermind ... I think those are just your options aren't they?
They sound amazing and are cheap !
You can buy a sleeve of 5 for under 20$ most the time.
It's like having a 6v6 amplifier that runs on a lower voltage.
He actually built it for fun and we wound up trading for it later.
He has several sleeves of these things in his garage. The ones in my amp are the 6005's
Which I believe are the military spec.
They do have a light jangle about them like most mini power tubes do. And I LOVE that
The head cab I'm trying to build for my Ceriatone 1987 plexi amp.
One of theese days I shoud decide myself to apply the tolex I've bought something like one year ago....
Stain it! It'd look beautiful
Damn, you're so right.... maybe this is why it's taking me so long to decide... I like wood!!!
I agree - there's too much tolex in this world as it is! It would look great with a stain or just a clear finish.
If you're going to be gigging with it, Tolex will hold up a whole lot better. Plus, I just think wood cased amps look wrong.
Paint it black and put pieces of sheet metal painted anodized Colors on the front
i'd go with staining too...but a nice blue/green..and put those metal corner protectors on there....nice build.. :icon_cool:
That's my own 5W class A amp with two 10" Celestions inside.
Who needs tweed when you've got corduroy? :P
Looks great!
That does look nice, but isn't your significant other pissed about the couch?
Two 10s for 5 watts? Interesting.
I've got a champ with two 8" speakers. Like it a lot.
found a WWII navy battle lantern in my stepdad's garage...promptly turned it into a ruby. kept the scratched, crappy paintjob and the original toggle switch. added a 5in speaker where the light was and added a toggle switch on the side to switch between the speaker and the output. i was really surprised this actually turned out. it started as a joke and came together in just a few hrs. the speaker fits perfectly too.
You're Ruby Lantern looks really cool
About two years ago I built a Dumble ODS #124. At the time I finished the build I didn't have much time to tweak it, build a head cab for it and get a speaker cab for the amp.
Over the last two years I managed to build a head cab (two summers ago) and this summer I built a 112 cab for the amp. The last week I have had time to tolex the speaker cab with my winter break starting. Over the past few months I also got to look back on the amp, fix a few errors and tweak it a bit.
The build is fairly standard. Minus a few things...
- 50W output section
- 3 way bright switch, polystyrene caps. 110pF-off-50pF
- Correct polarity on presence cap
- Audio taper on both Level and Ratio controls
- Glaswreck's PAB mod, 470K+33nF in series with 22M PAB resistor
- 5.6K MF NFB resistor, using 8R load
- 350K OD trimmer set 96.9K from wiper to ground
Voltages spot on, 437V on 6L6GC's plates. 286V/294V on the PI. 190V on clean and 200V on OD.
Running Winged =C='s in the output section now, biased around 48mA. Liked these over the TAD, Ruby and NOS JAN 6L6GC's I tried. Gotta play with the bias a bit and find the sweet spot.
- V1 is an old RCA 12AX7
- V2 is a Mullard reissue
- V3 is a 7025 pull from an old BF Twin
Gotta swap some tubes a bit more and really dial in the tone and get her singing. Should be fun, looking forward to this!
The speaker cab is a 112 ported back cabinet. Built from baltic birch with box joints. Running a 12" Eminence Delta Pro in it.
As for the tone, so far so good! #124 is defiantly a great amp for strats (all I really play). Very sweet tones and nice and balanced too. Beautiful rich clean tone. And the OD just rips, super smooth yet just enough bite. I really think the slightly attenuated high end of the Delta Pro helps this setup.
Anyways here's some pictures...
Now that's imposing! ;D
(I love google translate! ::) )
Geez man. Like a pro.
that looks very very good!
just finished this experiment...
12ax7 preamp (with classic blackface vibroverb fender EQ) with a 25K mid pot (wicked)
12at7 as PI
5881 Tung Sol (x2) with 455 as plate voltages
and all Classic Tone transformers...
sounds awesome!!!
Really nice!
No guts no glorry! ;D
Quote from: tasos on December 30, 2011, 12:57:25 PM
Really nice!
No guts no glorry! ;D
Well now i am stunned :icon_razz:
ThunderBird based on AX84.com design
Started out as just a speaker cab build (don't they all) a little christmas project... I was so pleased with the result
I thought I might just use up the spare materials to turn one of my old combo amps into a head unit. then I thought
nah just build a new valve amp yaself.... Here it is..... only problem is that I still have stuff leftover from the builds
Now let me think....... oh no here we go again.........
Quote from: BillyWhizz!! on February 24, 2012, 07:19:06 PM
ThunderBird based on AX84.com design
Started out as just a speaker cab build (don't they all) a little christmas project... I was so pleased with the result
I thought I might just use up the spare materials to turn one of my old combo amps into a head unit. then I thought
nah just build a new valve amp yaself.... Here it is..... only problem is that I still have stuff leftover from the builds
Now let me think....... oh no here we go again.........
Is that a complete custom design for the internals?
Diy can get so addicting! ;D
Quote from: JacktheRiffer on February 25, 2012, 12:04:46 AM
Quote from: BillyWhizz!! on February 24, 2012, 07:19:06 PM
ThunderBird based on AX84.com design
Is that a complete custom design for the internals?
The circuit is by AX84.com High Octane. I wired the circuit from the schematic not the layout diagram, which would have been too big for the box. it looks a bit messy
because the amp uses a universal hammond 369ex for a 230V supply and leaves un-used cables which I could not bring myself to cut, just in case.. I would have liked a
longer tag board to space the components out a bit. The only changes from the AX84 circuit is on the lighting, instead of using a filament lamp I have used cheaper Led's the
supply for which is taken from the 6.3V output to the valves and wired onto the end of the line using half wave rectification and a current limiting resistor and while i was at
it I fitted a red high bright led to shine into the head to give it a nice glow when on. These are my mods and have not been tested for safety
Quote from: tasos on February 25, 2012, 03:14:18 AM
Diy can get so addicting! ;D
thanks for the comment :icon_biggrin: well pleased with it
A (chain of) clothes store had amp cabs in their window a few weeks ago when I walked past. When I walked past the second time I thought, hmmm... those would make perfect project cabs, so I went inside and asked if I could perhaps have one or more of those when they'd taken them down. They said "well, we're not allowed to ... but it seems a shame to throw them away. So as long as you don't use them for advertising we'll let you have some, how many would you want?" I could only reply "how many would you let me have?". Well a few days ago I picked them up. Here they are.
They're actually quite nice. MDF boards for sure, but quite sturdy. Here's the front panel for the little kind.
And the large one.
An inside shot.
I reached in to the cabs when they were in the shop window and could feel that there were in fact pots behind the knobs and that the on/off switch could be flipped, promising i thought.
As it turns out there were pots. I've just opened one large and one small, the large one had all C50K (reverse log, that is) pots and the small one had all C20K pots. So if someone knows a bunch of projects using reverse audio pots I'm interested to know about them :)
The on/off switch looks as a real switch (haven't tested it yet), but the jacks were the big surprise. I kind of expected them to be mono jacks as I thought they'd stuff the cheapest possible stuff in there, turns out I was one for two.
They have actually bothered to find jacks without any connectors at all :icon_rolleyes: Well, at least I have a bunch of spare nuts.
I've actually managed to mount a speaker and a Marshall 8010 curciut in one of the small cabs (were actually in the process of building one when I first saw these cabs in that shop window :icon_mrgreen: ), no pictures yet, I'll post those when I've taken them. Sounds good, the control panel needs to be pinned down a little to stop the distortion that it gives right now, but on the whole I'm more than satisfied with the result.
Heh, heh, great score.
Finished this one last summer; "Anglia", 2x10" combo, 6V6 power tubes, Marshall-style circuit, high/low input selected with push-pull volume knob. PPIMV master volume.
Just finished: a Marshall JTM45 clone... Completely noiseless and completely hum free... Sounds superb!
My Marshall Dream Stack... :icon_lol: Oh man, it's just the ultimate sound... Blows out my windows and pisses my neighbours off :icon_twisted:
And a VOX AC15 clone (with top boost) as well... Needs some tweaking (sounds a little too screamy imho).
Quote from: Geoff Leonard on March 13, 2012, 12:43:47 PM
Finished this one last summer; "Anglia", 2x10" combo, 6V6 power tubes, Marshall-style circuit, high/low input selected with push-pull volume knob. PPIMV master volume.
Well done... Love the use of an old Anglia badge. I to considered using a car logo and was thinking along the lines of old triumph badges. but your anglia badge hits the spot . javascript:void(0);
Quote from: Dr.maligno on March 13, 2012, 04:56:47 AM
Where did you get the boards?
A bit of fun for my Amp.
.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwMphcEOCVk (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwMphcEOCVk)
Quote from: Perrow on March 12, 2012, 06:40:36 PM
As it turns out there were pots. I've just opened one large and one small, the large one had all C50K (reverse log, that is) pots and the small one had all C20K pots. So if someone knows a bunch of projects using reverse audio pots I'm interested to know about them :)
Tone Controls!!! The reverse taper is perfect for Rat and SWTC's. :icon_biggrin:
About a decade ago, I modified a Traynor YVM-1 for Christine, a girl my daughter used to hang out with. It had one output 6CA7 tube that was arcing and glowing blue from being gassy and it was going to be $37 if I could find one. Christine was not willing to spend that kind of money, so I came up with a solution. I redesigned the output stage to use sweep tubes. The pimout was the same except that the plate (pin 3) on the 6CA7 was not used and would be connected to a plate cap. I also had to drop the screen voltage since sweep tubes are high-perveance low screen voltage beam power tubes normally run at 150 volts and redlined at 200 volts and the 6CA7 is a straight pentode. I used brute-force screen regulation - a string of five 1N5363 30 volt 5 watt zeners are shunt regulators. (A VR-150 would have looked spectacular but there was no place for another tube socket.) I used 6BQ6GT tubes with the expectation to upgrade to 6DQ6B's and I acquired a fruit basket full of sweep tubes (about 20 of them including the necessary 6DQ6B's) but the opportunity never arose to make the switch. Word came back that the amplifier is still doing well although she isn't using it that often. The added plate caps look totally butch and the output should be about 25 watts and this could grow to 35 watts with 6DQ6B's. The 6DQ6B has an increase in transconductance proportional to the increase in current and both tubes use the same bias voltage, so the swapover could be very simple.
If she ever brings it around again, I might take some pictures.
From the sublime, amps pictured above, to the ridiculous, Ruby with PRR mod- ipod input, works well, sounds just like ah...
Rescued the 386 from an old baby monitor.
Amp in a can tm
Hey it's a tube amp ::)
Btw, that 5W resistor feels a bit overspec'ed :icon_eek:
it's the tesco value battery that makes all the difference
Quote from: artifus on March 27, 2012, 06:27:10 PM
it's the tesco value battery that makes all the difference
now thats class A mojo......
@davent: re:PRR mp3 mod: was that using the 2x100k's into pin 3 then?.
Quote from: deadastronaut on March 28, 2012, 05:03:21 AM
Quote from: artifus on March 27, 2012, 06:27:10 PM
it's the tesco value battery that makes all the difference
now thats class A mojo......
@davent: re:PRR mp3 mod: was that using the 2x100k's into pin 3 then?.
Hi Rob,
Two x 100k into pin2 (-ve) in my schematic, pin3 to ground. I originally had 22k's there (like PRR had first posted) and then read of the problems another poster was having with too much volume from the mp3 player. I'm finding the 100k's attenuate too much for my ipod, i should have breadboarded the circuit first and found the best value for those resistors in my setup, i imagine the original 22k's would have been fine. So it goes...
In any case a cool little setup, great for using when trying to be consderate of others in the household, bonus is sounds shockingly good to my ear, using it with a cheap reverb pedal is a treat. Totally surpassed my expectations. Now need to get some more 386's so i can sample the various other iterations of these chip amps. Fun...
@dave: cool, ill check that out thanks, i need to build a little amp for camping this year... :)
i'll try n squeeze the amp into a 1590a (mini head) and then have a speaker out so i can try various speakers and see which one i like best....cheers. :icon_cool:
Perfect, you'll have no problems with the 1590A, the 3pdt is the space hog in those builds and you don't have to worry about squeezing one of those in there.
Take care
Ampeg B15n, single channel.
it was quite a challenge to adapt this circuit to an amp that has a more unusual layout.
i'm thinking about adding some more graphics on the sides and top.
Birt, have you posted that before? It's really cool, and I feel like I saw it a year or two ago, but perhaps somebody just posted something with that graphic screened on it.
a long time ago i made the graphic, thinking the amp would be ready a little after that. in reality the main board was ready a couple of months after that and the rest... it works now :p
the life of a theatre tech doesn't leave much free time to spend in the workshop (my own workshop that is :p)
This is an LM380 based amp I made a few years ago. It has a BSIAB II for the distortion channel, and jfet buffer for the clean channel. The speaker came out of an old tv and the batteries are 9.6v NIMHs from an old r/c sailplane. This one makes a great test amp for the work bench.
Hello together,
so here's my first amp (re)build, I took an Harley Benton GA5H (cheap Valve Junior-Version from Thomann)
and the only thing that I use are the top, the chassis and the transformers...
I finished the completely selfmade pcb but I am still working on the decals for the chassis-frontpanel...
Phenolic-Resin-Eyelet-Board with micalex-sockets:
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Eyelet-Board.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Eyelet-Board.jpg)
Board-Bottom (Eyelets fixed with epoxy):
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Platine%2C_Unterseite.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Platine%2C_Unterseite.jpg)
Board, Top:
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Platine%7E20.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Platine%7E20.jpg)
The circuit is a "marshallized" Valve Junior
with "Necessary-Mods" and "Tone Tweaking Mods" (look at "Roaring-Beast")
from the "Rags to Riches"-Column from Dirk Wacker:
http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2007/Apr/Rags_to_Riches_Cont.aspx (http://www.premierguitar.com/Magazine/Issue/2007/Apr/Rags_to_Riches_Cont.aspx)
I call it the "BAT5" :)
I will post the other pictures when the amp is finished...
Greetings from Germany
Hello together,
so now I have finished my first Tube-Amp called "BAT5",
a completely new build except the wooden top, the chassis, the transformers,
power-switch and speaker-jacks...
(GA5H = Thomann-version of the Epiphone Valve Junior)
This build is a "marshallized Vave Junior"
with "Necessary-Mods" and "Tone Tweaking Mods" (look at "Roaring-Beast")
from the "Rags to Riches"Column from Dirk Wacker:
- Phenolic-Resin-Board (build by myself)
- Point-To-Point-wiring with eyelets
- Mallory capacitors, Mullard Mustard capacitor
- Tube Amp Doctor-, Ruby Goldcap-, and F&T electrolytic-capacitors
- Royal Ohm metal-film-resistors (1, 2 and 3 Watts)
- High-Power-Resistor for stabilisation of the heat-power (22 Ohm, 25W)
- 1N4007 Ultrafast-diodes (Rectifier)
- Belton Tube-sockets
- Cloth covered wire
- shielded signal-path
- CTS-potentiometers
- (Preamp)-Gain
- Master-Volume
- Pentode/Triode-mode
- Standby-switch
- JJ-tubes
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Originalzustand_GA5H.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Originalzustand_GA5H.jpg)
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Elektronik%7E19.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Elektronik%7E19.jpg)
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Elektronik%2C_Detail.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Elektronik%2C_Detail.jpg)
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Elektronik%2C_Detail_%282%29.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Elektronik%2C_Detail_%282%29.jpg)
I know, the word "Pentode" is unreadable but now its too late to fix...
Better pictures of the amp are coming when the amp is ready, I have to apply some leather on its enclosure.
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_MEP_BAT5.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/MEP_BAT5.jpg)
Sounds great to my taste, nice clean- and crunch-sounds,
british Overdrive and some high-gain-rhythm too :icon_cool:
...and really very noiseless!
Thanks to those who helped me with my questions (was my first take on an amp)
and to Dirk Wacker for the "Rags-To-Riches"-Column for sure :)
Hello together,
here's a very small Amp I've build, it's a Runoffgroove Ruby with Bassman-Mods
- plastic-Enclosure (type-B) with fake-leather
- LM386-IC
- jacks: bottom = Input / top = external speaker-output
- toggle-switch to choose internal speaker or speaker-output
- Gain- and Volume-Control
- internal 9V-powering or dc-jack-powering from the outside
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Ruby_Bassman-Amp.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Ruby_Bassman-Amp.jpg)(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Ruby_Bassman-Amp%2C_R%C3%BCckseite.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Ruby_Bassman-Amp%2C_R%C3%BCckseite.jpg)
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_Elektronik%7E17.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Elektronik%7E17.jpg)(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/Platine%7E7.jpg)
his is a fender style head, clean channel only with reverb. the cab is a 2x10. Picture is not very good but poor light and blurry image conveniently hides the small flaws in the finishing.This was maybe too complicated for a first project (putting the tolex is not easy, especially in this style, it needs some practice), but i wanted something special and not that plain black tolex. Hopefully i get some better pictures soon when i finish the back panels and get a better camera (and if there is any good sunlight available before next summer).
My first and only scratch built amp, very simple, just a volume control and a power switch.
micro SLO-3 3watts of ECC99
that looks very fancy :D
I wanted a small practice amp with mojo. I wound up finding an old projector case & using a Supreaux Deux front end (thanks for the board, Basic Audio) into a Tiny Giant amp, using a 6x9 oval speaker. No one can quite believe that the sound is coming from ... that thing. Plus at 20W, when I plug it into an extension cabinet, it roars real good.
Build thread is here: https://picasaweb.google.com/101724142776681014815/LittleBluesAmp
Second try was an old sewing machine case found when cleaning out an apartment. Out went the sewing machine & in went a Tube Cricket & Celestion 10" scavenged from my Velocette (eventually to be replaced with something less closed-sounding). I've got some hum, probably from the cheapo power supply, but it's great all the same.
Build thread here: https://picasaweb.google.com/101724142776681014815/SingerAmp#
^ very cool! nice pics as well.
That guitar and it's knobs are gorgeous.
+1 nice retro style amps... 8)
My 1W amp (PUNCH) in a IKEA wooden box (rear view shows the 9V battery box) with a 3'' speaker.
Fellow woodworking cabinet builders... I'm thinking of putting together my first head/speaker build but need the empty cabinets to be built for me. I'm looking for quality tolexed cabinets but cheaper than can be purchased at the popular diy sites (ceriatone, mojotone, tubedepot, etc.)
Any takers?
Quote from: Moonibopper on January 21, 2013, 03:44:59 PM
Fellow woodworking cabinet builders... I'm thinking of putting together my first head/speaker build but need the empty cabinets to be built for me. I'm looking for quality tolexed cabinets but cheaper than can be purchased at the popular diy sites (ceriatone, mojotone, tubedepot, etc.)
Any takers?
from my experience, quality tolexed cabinets won't get that cheaper by dying it yourself. those big companies have large supplies of materials, wood, tolexes, hardware etc. so it is cheap for them to make a cabinet. only point in "doing it yourself" is the mere fun of doing it yourself. or if you really need a custom cabinet. but i guess those big companies can do some customisation too...
+1, I agree. The people who are set up to make many will be cheaper than those set up to make few.
There are often people selling pre cut cabinets on ebay for relatively cheap.
Just glue 'em together and sand and you're set.
Of course you do need to apply the covering but... DIY!
here is my first speaker-project - a nice little bedroom-cabinet :)
- Fichte, 10mm, corroded in "Eiche dark"
- 6,5" Speaker: Visaton BG 17 8Ohms
- Bassreflex-openings: front bottom and on the backside (3 holes)
- Hardware from "Banzai Musical Products"
(http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/normal_6%2C5er_Gitarrenbox.jpg) (http://forum.musikding.de/cpg/albums/userpics/17258/6%2C5er_Gitarrenbox.jpg)
Quote from: Dr.maligno on September 07, 2012, 03:52:40 PM
micro SLO-3 3watts of ECC99
wow! impressive! Any information about this amp?
tca, I like what you did, there. Which Ikea box is that? Everything I can see on their site has those annoying cutouts in the sides.
Quote from: Ben N on January 30, 2013, 09:48:16 AM
tca, I like what you did, there. Which Ikea box is that? Everything I can see on their site has those annoying cutouts in the sides.
Is out of production now :( Can not be found anymore (UK and Portugal).
Hello, my J-FIFTY 50W tube-head, finally finished (almost, fx-loop/reverb block is missing; I don't need it now, maybe in the future) and properly boxed.
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3560.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3560.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3562.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3562.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3556.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3556.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3559.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3559.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3552.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3552.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3519.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3519.JPG)
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/thumb/IMG_3529.JPG) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/detail.htm?IMG_3529.JPG)
Click pic for hi-res; see full gallery (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/J50/) for more (guts, crazy former version from 1997, genessis to the actual state.. click chapter header to show/hide chapter content).
It is a loose JCM800 clone with Tiny Terror influences (EQ bypass, volume control after PI so the PI can be overdriven) and Black Finger™ inside partially :)
Cheers, T.
Jeez. Cool man!
Very cool! The compact PCB build is well executed.
Got a schematic to share?
Customer's design aesthetics.
@tomas: very cool. 8)
@chad: is the customer the robot from metropolis?.....looks great. 8)
Thanks for compliments, guys :)
Got a schematic to share? - I yet need to clean-up and update schematic with the latest mods (which won't be that easy as I did most of them three years ago :)) And I rather won't share Black Finger part, as BF is one of those forbidden IIRC :icon_neutral:
EDIT: Some small (and little obsolete too) info about J50's circuitry can be found here (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=82098.msg892600#msg892600)..
Impressive wood-work, Chad (no doubts about other qualities either :))!
Quote from: seedlings on February 05, 2013, 11:36:38 PM
Customer's design aesthetics.
:o outstanding!!!
i had some leftover parts from the previous project: a piece of grill cloth, feet and plenty of screws and t-nuts. I also had some leftover paints and a moldy old childrens bed (pine) that i had to get rid of. so one night i had this idea and made this. the corners are not exactly 90 degrees since i don't have proper equipment at home but it came out quit nice. i'm not sure what to do with it yet but i guess that it is allways good to have a spare 1x10" cabinet lying around, just in case...
looks great, ....and the speaker does too.. 8) ;D
the cow is there just for some size reference. i was thinking of maybe building a small bedroom amp in teh cabinet. noisy cricket/tube cricket or something similar.
One question. How big is the cow? ;)
Great looking cab though. It makes me want to put down the soldering iron and pick up the skilsaw.
Over the last few months I have been putting together, building and recording a new amp. The amp is derived from the classic Marshall 1974x (18W) design and shares much of the same elements. It is however modified and voiced to be more of a 20W Plexi ala JTM45/JTM50/1959. Think small package Plexi tones without the killer volume. So fat clear clean tones and singing distorted tones. Lots of chunk and grind too.
Everything you wanted to know about the design and controls of the amp can be seen in the schematic
http://i1.wp.com/pdfelectronics.com/wp-content/gallery/18w-build/20w-plexi-schematic.jpg? (http://i1.wp.com/pdfelectronics.com/wp-content/gallery/18w-build/20w-plexi-schematic.jpg?)
The completion of this amp coincided nicely with acquisition of my ES-335
For more info, pics and sound clips check out http://pdfelectronics.com/18w-plexi/ (http://pdfelectronics.com/18w-plexi/) Interested to here some feedback on the soundclips. I am no expert in recording but I did the best I could with what I had on hand/knew.
Wow, Chris--looks like a Hiwatt on the inside. That is just gorgeous.
Here's my favorite build so far...
The amp is a combination of a Vox'ish pre amp (12ax7) section and a 1957 Magnatone power (EL84) section.
That's looks great!
(http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3823/9723834502_4278f4fb66_z.jpg) (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3823/9723834502_2f459a2b5e_o.jpg)
(http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2885/9720607215_e9a3defcd8_z.jpg) (http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2885/9720607215_447abcebff_o.jpg)
I think it looks like the costume of a `70's era superhero!!! I think I'll call it the Super Hero Overdrive.
It's not actually done, and I'll have to build a speaker cabinet to go with it, but I covered the front panel tonight, and it looks so good I had to share!!! Unfortunately, I made the front panel too large to fit the white piping around the front panel, which would have added that last 10% to the looks, but I thing it looks pretty damn cool anyway.
I like it so much, I just spent about 5 minutes just going back and forth between close ups of the logo changing colors!
I think I must be tired, or getting old - took me a while to spot the difference! :icon_rolleyes:
Nice build, Gabriel. Good to see a design that stand out a little from the crowd. :icon_cool:
Quote from: bluebunny on September 12, 2013, 08:10:29 AM
I think I must be tired, or getting old - took me a while to spot the difference! :icon_rolleyes:
Nice build, Gabriel. Good to see a design that stand out a little from the crowd. :icon_cool:
It was the Red/Blue bicolor LED's that inspired the color scheme, actually, but last year I built a small CNC machine which makes doing all the engraving really easy. The plexi for the logo was a bit of an issue, because it just didn't work with the stuff you buy at Home Despot. I had to buy a higher quality and extra clear acrylic.
these things are BEAUTIFUL! i would really love to make a simple 5w tube combo. Where do you guys start?
http://www.ax84.com is a good start.
Well, here's mine. It's a Deluxe Reverb clone, as some can probably figure out.
The speaker cabinet is custom made by Tube-Town. The amp cabinet was a wooden crate/box for pot plants. :icon_mrgreen:
DIY "Suitcase Leslie", from a few years ago:
This one was quick & dirty. Just did the "fancy" wood finish on the front panel this time.
Octal Special:
Quote from: DougH on September 19, 2013, 11:27:50 AM
DIY "Suitcase Leslie", from a few years ago:
Great! >:( now I have to build one. damn you!
Quote from: musiclikscreams on September 13, 2013, 11:51:03 AM
these things are BEAUTIFUL! i would really love to make a simple 5w tube combo. Where do you guys start?
Have you looked at the schematic of, say, a Fender Champ? Look it over. Fortunately it doesn't take a rocket surgeon.
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on September 19, 2013, 02:19:26 PM
Quote from: DougH on September 19, 2013, 11:27:50 AM
DIY "Suitcase Leslie", from a few years ago:
Great! >:( now I have to build one. damn you!
You can get rotors off of eBay which have been salvaged from old home console organs, which appears to be what Doug did. Making the rotor yourself is just too difficult (I tried - it wasn't happening).
Quote from: DougH on September 19, 2013, 11:27:50 AM
DIY "Suitcase Leslie", from a few years ago:
Is that a two sipped motor stack I see there?
Quote from: G. Hoffman on September 19, 2013, 08:55:43 PM
Is that a two sipped motor stack I see there?
It has two motors, one for each speed. The speed switch just switches power from one motor to the other. There is also a relay that "engages" the roller for the slow motor when it is switched on. The other switch cuts the power to that switch to turn it off. Couldn't be more simple.
Quote from: G. Hoffman on September 19, 2013, 08:53:45 PM
Quote from: haveyouseenhim on September 19, 2013, 02:19:26 PM
Quote from: DougH on September 19, 2013, 11:27:50 AM
DIY "Suitcase Leslie", from a few years ago:
Great! >:( now I have to build one. damn you!
You can get rotors off of eBay which have been salvaged from old home console organs, which appears to be what Doug did. Making the rotor yourself is just too difficult (I tried - it wasn't happening).
There's a local guy who refurbishes organs and sells them on CL. He gets these rotors out of home console organs and sells them too. He also offers to build them into a cabinet for guitar, but it's pretty lo-fi and expensive. I got this rotor/speaker from him for $40. Speaker baffle, back and 3 of the sides were existing. I made a 4th side (bottom) and front out of plywood, drilled holes for the ports and added veneer and trim. Got the control box, the two switches and cable surplus. This is an 8" speaker and I don't know what the wattage rating on it is but I use a 10W amp and it works pretty well. A year or so ago he had a 40W 10" speaker unit available and I was tempted but didn't have time to get into it.
Nice one
+1 , should be in the metropolis film...nice, :icon_cool:
Yeah, very neat. What is it?
Quote from: bluebunny on October 08, 2013, 03:24:29 AM
Yeah, very neat. What is it?
It's a Tiny Terror. I'll post some gut pics later.
^ Muito giro! Very nice!
Quote from: tca on October 08, 2013, 06:28:45 PM
^ Muito giro! Very nice!
Obrigado! :)
Quote from: Galego on October 14, 2013, 11:42:42 AM
cool tone. you could make a lot with that song. haha. just kidding. but seriously nice build.
Galego those guts are amazing!
Quote from: kingswayguitar on October 14, 2013, 05:12:52 PM
cool tone. you could make a lot with that song. haha. just kidding. but seriously nice build.
:D thanks
Quote from: Greenmachine on October 14, 2013, 08:18:29 PM
Galego those guts are amazing!
thanks :)
Here is a work-in-progress cab for my 1W amp!
^ nice..
all that for 1 watt.. :icon_eek:..should get a nice bass tone though. :icon_cool:
^ The first watt is the most important watt. In this case the only watt and a lot of good noise.
This is a sound sample with a small hifi bookshelf speaker cabinet (http://www.diale.org/mp3/agc.mp3).
You should not disregard the effect of a good cab for any amp, why should one be lazy with a 1W amp cab :D
Quote from: tca on October 28, 2013, 07:55:32 AM
You should not disregard the effect of a good cab for any amp, why should one be lazy with a 1W amp cab :D
very true...
you noisey sod.. ;D 8)
nice harmonics
i love sound samples
1:28 is cool too
Quote from: tca on October 28, 2013, 07:02:17 AM
Here is a work-in-progress cab for my 1W amp!
Have been putting this together over the weekend:
a 10" Jensen C10Q
Sounds great with my Bugera V5 running into it.. might have to make the leap and try building a 1 or 2 watt tube head to match it now though ;D
Here is the final cab:
The wood was sanded and treated with Linseed oil (IKEA-BEHANDLA).
thats really nice.. 8)
i must build a small cab one day to try these small amp projects with.. 8)
Have had this speaker lying around for about 15 years, LOL, time to do something with it!
$5 suitcase from Goodwill, ash grill cutoffs from various guitar projects..
Need to brace the rear interior of this box, as it tends to resonate a little. Also am considering porting this, not sure if it would help with the bottom end or not....
^ sweet... love the fender socket too..nice touch. :icon_cool:
Fantastic Mac!
Hi, here is my tiny JCM with subminiature tubes, and old pc speakers
That is very cool Thomas, we do need to see a gut shot. What are using as tube restraints?
the tube restainers are made of metal wire, and i bent them myself to look like the el84 retainers, but it's was difficult to miniaturize it...
I have some gut shots, but they ain't pretty. I tried to follow a PTP design, and soldered the tubes direct to the board, the retainers maintain the tubes in position.
on this one is possible to see that the SMPS is based on max1771 and is mounted on the baffle, between the speakers, and above the output transformer.
Wow, tighter then a 1590A, great stuff Thomas! Thanks!
Quote from: thomasha on November 02, 2013, 07:18:22 PM
Hi, here is my tiny JCM with subminiature tubes, and old pc speakers
That is awesome! Do you have a link to a how-to or anything? I'd love to try this - I see it's running DC voltage, right?
I'm not sure I'd have the bravery to try and build this! Is that a speaker out on the back panel? Tried it through a 4x12?
I don't have a how-to-do, but schematics and eagle pcb are here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/cs8si2vvei7z9oe/jcm800sub2.sch (https://www.dropbox.com/s/cs8si2vvei7z9oe/jcm800sub2.sch)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbyhso39tjdbfon/jcm800sub2.brd (https://www.dropbox.com/s/kbyhso39tjdbfon/jcm800sub2.brd)
With some changes it's possible to build this inside a 1590b or 1590bb.
I just printed the the islands and made a fake turret board with steel nails. Soldered the components, and the submini russian tubes (6n17b and 6n16b). The heaters are in series/parallel wiring to provide 6V for each tube, at 400mA.
The B+ supply is a Max1771 based SMPS that i copied from Frequency Central projects (thanks!). It runs from a 12V 2A wallwart, to the heaters and the SMPS that provides 200V. The SMPS is outside the main chassi, mainly because of the inductor noise.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/edzqoe21mo9ptxt/max2.brd (https://www.dropbox.com/s/edzqoe21mo9ptxt/max2.brd)
https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cn8xt07s7p79cz/max2.sch (https://www.dropbox.com/s/0cn8xt07s7p79cz/max2.sch)
The speakers are 2 old oval 4 ohm 3W computer speakers in series. I also put an output jack to use with bigger cabinets, but unfortunately i don't have a 4x12 to test it with.
Have you seen the videos?
http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=79544.msg942552#msg942552 (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=79544.msg942552#msg942552)
In that other thread there's nothing to reference the amp size to (unless you're intimate with submini tubes) so you have no idea just how tiny the actual project is. Again... Very, very cool!
Finished my 1 x10 Cab:
Couldn't quite get the grill cloth as tight as I'd hoped..
Jensen C10Q - 8 ohms
nice!. 8)
love the colour..
Removed the cloth... it was heating to many highs!
I've found that canvas pliers are great for stretching grill cloth so tight it rings like a drum. There are cheap versions on ebay
Quote from: tca on November 08, 2013, 09:37:04 AM
Removed the cloth... it was heating to many highs!
Try aluminum or fiberglass window screen. Very acoustically transparent, and looks cool - especially with 2 or 3 layers.
Quote from: stallik on November 08, 2013, 10:05:07 AM
I've found that canvas pliers are great for stretching grill cloth so tight it rings like a drum. There are cheap versions on ebay
How do you attach it to the board / frame? I just stapled it on... not sure that's how it should be done though
Staples are great for me. Just took a look at the baffle on my boogie cab. They appear to use staples fired by a machine gun! Must add about a pound to the weight of the cab...
Quote from: stallik on November 09, 2013, 06:40:09 AM
Staples are great for me. Just took a look at the baffle on my boogie cab. They appear to use staples fired by a machine gun! Must add about a pound to the weight of the cab...
The right frame for the speaker cloth could be an old drum head retainer from the top of a snare drum:
Instead of holding a drum head, just have it hold the cloth. If you have an old snare drum that is beyond resurrection and is the right size, it would be killer to have it stick out a bit from the cabinet with all the chromed hardware.
There are so many great looking cabs in this thread that I almost don't want to post mine. I'm not much of a carpenter. I just completed this Woody Noisy Cricket amp. It started as a small cab for the 8" speaker, but I couldn't pass up placing a Noisy Cricket in it along with a Solstice reverb. The wood is scrap oak stair treads from overhauling our staircase. I applied tung oil to stain it. It's so thick and blocky that I just bolted it all together with long screws and used some glue. It's pretty sturdy and heavy, and I can't believe how loud it is!
Now I just need to figure out how to label the controls. I'm thinking about a plate that's either etched or has toner transfer a-la Dead Astronaut's technique. Any other ideas?
Man, that thing is a beast. It looks great and also doubles as jack stand if you get a flat ;)
^ It laughs at your tannerite!
@john: thats nice and chunky.. :icon_cool:
copperclad board ironed or etched?...i plan on using that for my diy guitar scratchplate 8)
Thanks! That's a good idea, and if I clear coat it, it should stay shiny. :)
You gave me an idea about other metals that can be etched. Craft stores sell blanks of different shapes and sizes designed to be etched. Check out this vid:
Nosiy Cricket Amp
Another sturdy Noisy Cricket! Nice! 8)
Where did you get that enclosure from? It looks like it could be pretty cool for a sub mini amp build
Thanks John. You've got first prize on sturdy amp builds though. How heavy is your former staircase amp?
Quote from: psychedelicfish on November 17, 2013, 09:28:27 PM
Where did you get that enclosure from? It looks like it could be pretty cool for a sub mini amp build
I was thinking that myself! The case is from my local electonic shop. Generic no name import. Hammond have similar ones.
Quote from: peterg on November 17, 2013, 09:40:37 PM
Thanks John. You've got first prize on sturdy amp builds though. How heavy is your former staircase amp?
The bathroom scale puts it at 11lb. It's not the heaviest amp in the world, but considering that it's 11"x11"x4.5", I should have said it is very dense.
What amazes me is how great the speaker sounds. It's an 8", 8Ω, 25W no name speaker that I bought from the local mom and pop guitar store for $10. The only thing I know about its history is it came from a small amp.
I'll bet that your opposing dual speakers give you room-filling sound (and they appear to be in phase, which is a good thing ;)). I also notice that you can run it on battery or adapter, which is nice.
that noisy cricket looks so great!
here's mine, a bit lower ambition level. i love it, although the lm386 i have goes crazy with self oscillation if i use an ac/dc converter though
Nice one, Petter! Good colors and the writing looks great on the black box. If I tried that it would look like a three year old wrote it!
thanks! yeah, when it comes to black plastic enclosures, i pretty much have to pull out the posca pens unless i want to repaint, and that's not something i'm too eager to do w/ plastic.
I finally boxed this up. Not much of a box but the circuit works nicely :D . Its a Ruby amp but with two LM386 chips like the Little Gem MK2 so it gets pretty loud with a 10" guitar speaker, more than enough to annoy the neighbours.
^Well done! I've done a couple of Noisy Crickets, but now I need to take a look at the Little Gem. ;)
This is my latest build. A JTM45 with some small modifications according to the clients' wishes.
This is my "bench" amp.
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/571/zdc1.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/fvzdc1j)
I had my good buddy help me with the birch box, as he is bad@ss with a saw. The speaker grills were from a small brass bird cage that i re-engineered. The oval w/numbers is from a medical thingy.
(I repair med gear for my steady job.) You may notice a wad o wire there. That is a wall wart I had to put in because the 9v kept dying every other week!
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/208/o2f8.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/5so2f8j)
The top is from a brass fireplace took stand. the handles I got from a flea market, The jewel lamp was from a mass order at Arizona antique radio supply.(i think.)
Those knobs w/the shell inlay were from a parts dealer on E-bay.
Here it is with a little lap guitar I built for my daughter.
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/150x100q90/829/8oq8.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/n18oq8j)
Cool builds, Mike! :icon_cool:
Quote from: Jdansti on January 10, 2014, 04:36:18 PM
Cool builds, Mike! :icon_cool:
Thanks,Jdan! That dead astro reverb you did is NICE!(it is on the list, notwithstanding lack of funds!)
I got
piles of brass,copper,stainless steel junk I collected over the years..
My buddy Alex over ay getlof.comi posted some of my stuff on his site years ago and next thing I know, MAKE magazine does an article on my work.
Also, futureretro mag. over in the UK gave me a nice writeup!
I got Fame,but no cash! :(
I was building
steampunk before i knew there was even
steampunk art movement around. LOL!
(see youtube link in profile for demos)
Thanks, Mike. Your post reminds me of a Barbara Mandrell song. "I was steampunk when steampunk wasn't cool". ;D
Suitcase Speaker Cab
Have amp, will travel! ;)
Quote from: smurfedelic smurfberry on January 11, 2014, 03:24:23 PM
Suitcase Speaker Cab
I think I just found a use for an old ABS case with a busted catch!
Here's my Firefly. Testing stage, chassis not mounted.
(http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r659/ShoemanGB/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/Fireflyondual6cab_zpsc461e097.jpg) (http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/ShoemanGB/media/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/Fireflyondual6cab_zpsc461e097.jpg.html)
And finished. You can just see the Boost Switch poking up in the back. Controls face up at the back of the top panel.
(http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r659/ShoemanGB/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/Finished_zps3b2cd309.jpg) (http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/ShoemanGB/media/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/Finished_zps3b2cd309.jpg.html)
very nice!
And with that, I'm think I've exhausted that concept. :)
EDIT: I forgot to mention, it's a smokey amp with volume control that i crammed in there.
^ And your medicine cabinet! ;)
Hi Smurf
where can I get that Amfetaminbox???
I got a bunch because i've adhd, but i medicate using ritalin, but i'm in a support group and people there were willing to help me out with empty boxes.
i have some to spare, but i really don't want to build another one haha, it was a pain in the butt.
Built my first tube amp over the past month.
Salvaged the power transformer and OT out of my Valve Junior and then built up the amp using Watts Tube Audio's 6V6 Valve Junior board. Double turret, orange drop caps with carbon comp resistors. Added a MV control since I live in an apartment.
A local cab builder and good friend of mine built up the cab for me in a trade. Built him up a CaveDweller + Rub A Dub reverb combo for the cabinet.
Cab is sealed, loaded with WGS Reaper 12" speaker.
Currently has a JJ 6v6 and a NOS RCA 12ax7 loaded in. Great stuff!
almost done the wiring on the inside:
This will be here tomorrow to put on the face!
Nice job!
Thank you!
(http://img.tapatalk.com/d/14/02/02/7ume3ume.jpg)My first build. A firefly where I added a Marshall tone stack.
Really enjoying the amp builds on this page. Well done guys. :icon_razz:
Crash145 - how did you do the labelling?
Skullservant - where did you get the plate from?
Nice work guys!
Great job on the Firefly, what output tube are you using and interesting looking indicator light! Tastily done!
Quote from: peterg on February 01, 2014, 07:16:51 PM
Crash145 - how did you do the labelling?
Skullservant - where did you get the plate from?
Nice work guys!
A friend of mine etched it for me!
Here's the wiring in my Firefly. Terminal strip style.
(http://i1360.photobucket.com/albums/r659/ShoemanGB/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/FFwiring_zpsb1da2bd8.jpg) (http://s1360.photobucket.com/user/ShoemanGB/media/Amps%20Pedals%20Guitars/FFwiring_zpsb1da2bd8.jpg.html)
Geoff. Nice and spacious layout. I learned the hard way that that is the way to do it. I just finished my first tube amp and used the smallest box I could find for some reason that must have made sense at some point. Cramming every thing in was a b***h!(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50481&g2_serialNumber=1)(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50484&g2_serialNumber=1)(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50487&g2_serialNumber=1)
Ah you did just fine. My Champ hybrid looks like that too. Populating the board is the easy part, it's getting all the jacks, pots, etc neatly connected that's the PITA. Then you fire it up and poke around with a chopstick looking for hum sources....
Quote from: peterg on February 02, 2014, 06:15:25 PM
Cramming every thing in was a b***h!
Yeah, but it looks great!
Quote from: peterg on February 02, 2014, 06:15:25 PM
Geoff. Nice and spacious layout. I learned the hard way that that is the way to do it. I just finished my first tube amp and used the smallest box I could find for some reason that must have made sense at some point. Cramming every thing in was a b***h!(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50481&g2_serialNumber=1)(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50484&g2_serialNumber=1)(http://www.aronnelson.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=50487&g2_serialNumber=1)
I was getting a bit of parasitic ossilation with amp so I rewired it using point to point wiring except for the power section
Beautiful job! Very very vintage.
The label is just a clear waterslide with a bunch of clear coat over it.
I'm using an ECC99 output tube.
my new 12ax7 12au7 amp head, based on Frequency Central's Obsessin, or mkI.
(http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3694/13004991903_73e22db581_z.jpg) (http://farm4.staticflickr.com/3694/13004991903_8f68d0e31d_o.jpg)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7436/13005236924_f5b7297dc8_z.jpg) (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7436/13005236924_539aa8cd7c_o.jpg)
(http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7419/13004850455_e65a6ca431_z.jpg) (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7419/13004850455_2000a46af7_o.jpg)
Flickr set. (http://www.flickr.com/photos/9609103@N07/sets/72157642033555813/)
I just finished the speaker cabinet tonight, and for some reason I keep hearing the theme from Greatest American Hero every time I look at it!!!!
Gabriel. That's unfortunate. Not the amp and cabinet - they're beautiful - but the earworm! Now if I could just get the tune out of my head...
I dig the translucent window!
Quote from: Jdansti on March 08, 2014, 03:12:52 PM
I dig the translucent window!
Thanks, though I'm still not completely convinced I shouldn't put a black panel behind it to enhance the lighting effect.
I really like how you can see into the amp. Not that a black pannel would make it look less cool, but it's neat to see inside. Reminds of those laser tag arenas.
Micro amplifier and micro combo vintage steampunk style:
cool... 8)
Here is another hack:
Nice job SviS!
Love the pyramidal look, tca. It will help project the sound up toward the ear. Something that most cabs lack.
Quote from: Jdansti on March 12, 2014, 10:34:58 AM
Love the pyramidal look, tca. It will help project the sound up toward the ear. Something that most cabs lack.
Thanks. I've tried some different cabs in the process and ended with this one. The speaker is a woofer (33Hz - 8kHz) with a Kevlar cone, it can take 100W (rms). Very cheese, although, I'm feeding it with a 1W amp.
sweet, i must build a little amp one day...its on the long list anyway. ::)
Thank you, deadastronaut, thank you, Jdansti!!
Quote from: deadastronaut on March 12, 2014, 01:21:05 PM
sweet, i must build a little amp one day...its on the long list anyway. ::)
I've read that statement a few times around here,... you should really build one!
My Vox cab (a tall 412) got destroyed whilst moving 2000km away... I removed the remaining tolex and went to town.
Stained in actual walnut ink and then sealed with australian beeswax.
Now I'm about to embark on building a regular 412 for my new hovercraft amp head thats coming!
That Vox looks awesome!!
I ended up making my own badge for it too!
Looks great and has to be loud!
+1 Nice!
Very loud!
I'm very much into the idea of non-tolex cabs / amps :icon_biggrin:
I am going to start a little experiment with the speaker cabinet market so I'll let you know how that all goes.
Quote from: wildebelor on March 18, 2014, 08:07:41 PM
Very loud!
I'm very much into the idea of non-tolex cabs / amps :icon_biggrin:
I did the same thing with a ratted out Showman 2x12 cab I've been using for nearly 30 years, also the grillcloth is not original.
New cab for a new amp!
The cab was a horrible line 6 that I stripped, stained and clear coated.
Grill cloth too! :icon_mrgreen:
It turned out great! :)
Looking good
Here is another cab in progress for a 6'' speaker:
And the finished cab:
The wood was not in very good conditions but nevertheless the final result sounds good!
My friend Danny made for me small practise amp from scratches - circuit is slightly modified champ 5F1 and sounds amazing!
Hey guys,
My new Superfly head, in a 1590a ;D
Well yes, thomasha ! Probably the most compact tube head ever built... :icon_eek: :icon_biggrin: As funny as nice tour de force.
I don't think I can go so small, but I am thinking about something in combo, so indeed a little bigger.
I have been off the forum for some time, but it was incidentally for the best... Here are some pix of my Custom Built and Designed guitar amps below - not so compact of course, but compact quand même :
A 25W RMS clean sound model, with triode/pentode, booster and presence control switching at the back. The loudspeaker is a neodymium 10" Jensen NEO 10-100. The power tubes are damping screen protected and suspended to avoid microphonics. 3-Spring reverb. USAF NOS transformers.
Tested by pro players at my local music dealer (the amp is here put on a Deluxe Reverb RI, for size and tone comparison) :
Two compact "Home & Small Venues" amplifiers, at 5W PMS with 8" AlNiCo speaker. Both integrates an Holy Grail Nano reverb circuit, since I didn't come to a satisfactory solution for a spring reverb ans simplified circuit in a so compact format. The bigger one has a tube tremolo, triode/pentode and presence switch. Dimensions of the smaller one are 340x260x180mm :
Size comparison with a Fender Blues Junior :
:icon_exclaim: :icon_eek: :icon_exclaim:
WOAH! I did not expect the Holy grail to actually be stuck to the chassis!!! :icon_mrgreen:
Super Class Bruno J'adore !
Great work.
Mich P.
QuoteWOAH! I did not expect the Holy grail to actually be stuck to the chassis!!!
1 - everything of the unit is already and factory stock in the casing, with the exception of the displaced REVERB pot.
2 - the casing acts as a complete shielding of the unit, as intended by the manufacturer.
3 - only one screw to fix the unit on the chassis, where you have the place to stick it.
4 - a miniature PSU with a 7809 powered from the 12V auxilliary winding of the power Xfo.
And that's done.
QuoteSuper Class Bruno J'adore !
Great work.
Mich P.
Thanks !
a friend asked me to build a portable small battery amp, and I build him a MS-2 in a 4x smaller 1974x combo.
He also wanted an 10W amp in a barrel.
Quote from: thomasha on May 16, 2014, 06:37:23 PM
That's the cutest amp i've ever seen !
Fire Fly Ver. 4. Pine cab. stained and waxed.
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/845/u1t2.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/nhu1t2j)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/839/lxkh.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/nblxkhj)
(http://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/800x600q90/839/0xq6.jpg) (https://imageshack.com/i/nb0xq6j)
^ Nice!
Quote from: sonarchotic on May 20, 2014, 08:56:56 PM
Show off! ;D ;D ;D
Nice work indeed. The only way I'd get dove-tails like that would be to draw them on. ;)
Thanks guys. A jig makes the joints pretty easy. ;)
Quote from: tubelectron on May 11, 2014, 04:03:02 AM
Well yes, thomasha ! Probably the most compact tube head ever built... :icon_eek: :icon_biggrin: As funny as nice tour de force.
I don't think I can go so small, but I am thinking about something in combo, so indeed a little bigger.
I have been off the forum for some time, but it was incidentally for the best... Here are some pix of my Custom Built and Designed guitar amps below - not so compact of course, but compact quand même :
A 25W RMS clean sound model, with triode/pentode, booster and presence control switching at the back. The loudspeaker is a neodymium 10" Jensen NEO 10-100. The power tubes are damping screen protected and suspended to avoid microphonics. 3-Spring reverb. USAF NOS transformers.
Tested by pro players at my local music dealer (the amp is here put on a Deluxe Reverb RI, for size and tone comparison) :
Two compact "Home & Small Venues" amplifiers, at 5W PMS with 8" AlNiCo speaker. Both integrates an Holy Grail Nano reverb circuit, since I didn't come to a satisfactory solution for a spring reverb ans simplified circuit in a so compact format. The bigger one has a tube tremolo, triode/pentode and presence switch. Dimensions of the smaller one are 340x260x180mm :
Size comparison with a Fender Blues Junior :
Those are some pro builds inside and out! The first one looks like something I would love to try...
A Orange / Vox hybrid.
I've been rebuilding this amp for the last 5 years.
Finally a result I can live with.
Even made my own piping :icon_biggrin:
My practice amp based on some of Runoffgroove.com circuits:
"Sakura" -- my "woodchipper" modified champ in a cabinet built by my dad (made out of solid cherry!).
Here's a blog post:
There's a thread floating around the forum for the schematic and info on the circuit.
Quote from: midwayfair on July 05, 2014, 05:02:12 PM
"Sakura" -- my "woodchipper" modified champ in a cabinet built by my dad (made out of solid cherry!).
I like the metal corners that you used. What are they? Furniture protections?
Sounds and looks great, Jon!
Great amp you build there Jon! I like how it's simple, yet versatile. Sounds and looks great too. the Jon P. painting style combined with the wood and corners go well together, makes me want to play it in the shade of an cherry-tree :)
I've build a cupboard once out of cherry-wood and loved the subtle greens and pinks in the wood, and the smell is hard to forget, sort of watery and fresh.
Quote from: tca on July 05, 2014, 06:03:08 PM
I like the metal corners that you used. What are they? Furniture protections?
I wish I knew ... we need four more of them for the bottom!
midwayfair: impressive retro amp! nice work ;)
A bit different but 'D' appears close.
(http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb54/seedlings/100_9726.jpg) (http://s206.photobucket.com/user/seedlings/media/100_9726.jpg.html)
(http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb54/seedlings/IMG_0875.jpg) (http://s206.photobucket.com/user/seedlings/media/IMG_0875.jpg.html)
Square corners are my favorite! This build for a friend^
Quote from: davent on July 06, 2014, 01:26:10 PM
A bit different but 'D' appears close.
Thanks, Dave!
Quote from: seedlings on July 06, 2014, 02:05:40 PM
Square corners are my favorite! This build for a friend^
Looks great. Lucky friend!
Quote from: midwayfair on July 05, 2014, 05:02:12 PM
my "woodchipper" modified champ in a cabinet built by my dad
Very nice, Jon. I wish my Dad did a bit of woodworking.
My "customest" tube amp with strobe and UV leds
Awesome! :)
nice disco amp head!
i'm trying to build a cab using mdf without having much of a clue about anything, or reading up about things beforehand :D
the mdf split up in a few places where i put screws, but when i glue it together and use clamps during that process i hope it'll get better
I'm planning to prime it and sand it a bit, and then paint it some darkish color, haven't decided what yet.
no money/skills/patientce for tolex. grill cloth is some crap i got cheap from aliexpress. it works.
if i'm going to run in to problems, advice is much appreciated.
Don't feel bad. I had oak warp and split a month after I built a cab. Make sure you have adequately sized pilot holes for the screws.
Barrel nuts like this might work.
Quote from: smurfedelic smurfberry on August 13, 2014, 01:02:14 PM
nice disco amp head!
i'm trying to build a cab using mdf without having much of a clue about anything, or reading up about things beforehand :D
the mdf split up in a few places where i put screws, but when i glue it together and use clamps during that process i hope it'll get better
I'm planning to prime it and sand it a bit, and then paint it some darkish color, haven't decided what yet.
no money/skills/patientce for tolex. grill cloth is some crap i got cheap from aliexpress. it works.
if i'm going to run in to problems, advice is much appreciated.
The problem is that the core of a sheet of MDF is extremely soft, and very weak. The trick to screws in MDF is to drill pilot holes which are fairly oversize, and to flood the area around the hole with cyanoacrylate (super glue, frequently known as CA). As much CA as you can get it to absorb - though you don't want it to start filling the hole. For instance, in soft wood a #8 wood screw should have a 5/64" pilot hole, and 7/64" in hard wood. The nominal diameter of the shaft is .164", which is a bit more than 5/32" I would drill a pilot hole with either an 1/8" or 9/64" brad point bit, and then dump a bunch of thin CA into the hole and around the perimeter. Let that soak in for 10-20 seconds, then hit it with a shot or two of accelerator. Go slowly when you are driving your screws. You can try using some cauls and clamps to support the hole when you are driving the screws, but it probably won't help.
After it has cracked, you can try disassembling the piece; then gluing and clamping with either wood glue or CA (make sure you use cauls to spread the force of the clamps, and wax paper to keep the cauls from sticking to anything); and then enlarging the pilot holes and hardening the MDF with CA (if you don't, it will just split again), but there is no guarantee it will work, as the core of MDF doesn't really take glue all that well (it is so porous it just kind of soaks up the glue without really bonding).
Honestly, though, with out some kind of support (either cross dowels or threaded inserts), MDF is an awful material to try and use with screws. All the strength of MDF in in the outer skins, and they are so hard that if you try to drive a screw into them with out a very large pilot hole, they just shatter.
Thanks for the cyanoacrylate tip! got some at home and definitely going to use it. yeah, my pilot holes were way too small. oh well, live and learn.
Our latest baby:
(http://s10.postimg.org/a6wwwp3g5/10542691_298269313694726_4511430585841260416_o.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/a6wwwp3g5/)
Best regards,
Gabriel Tudoran
Walnut cabinet is gooorgeeeeous!!
Building the turret board for the AC30 I'm making, I decided to play around a bit with some wire work inspired by (but certainly not comprable to!) the lock wire work they do to make sure the bolts on a jet engine don't fall out and foul the works! It would be a lot easier if I could find my lock wire twisting pliers I got off amazon for like $10, but I can't seem to find them anywhere!!
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3893/15358114355_73ff1fabb1_z.jpg) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3893/15358114355_132416aaf6_o.jpg)
I still have a LOT to learn about using a bending break - even one as cheap and shoddy as mine. Not sure if I'm going to use the aluminum preamp section shown here, or if I might decide to go with the steel one I also made. I know they used aluminum in the old AC30's, but they had their transformers mounted in such a way as to support the preamp chassis. On the other hand, if I stick with the aluminum, I'll only have to get the power amp chassis plated (the steel I'm using is mild steel, which is to say it will turn into rust in about a week - not what I want at ALL). The steel one turned out a bit better, though, so there is that, too.
(https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2945/15270428467_8b01932509_z.jpg) (https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2945/15270428467_3b5a215c32_o.jpg)
(https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2949/15433913916_cbe46da98b_z.jpg) (https://farm3.staticflickr.com/2949/15433913916_ae09cac71e_o.jpg)
2 channels + boost / all tube guitar amp / 2xEL34 / 3x12AX7
(http://s29.postimg.org/tu1kj4k2b/10359046_312379738950350_8193939347462321105_o.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/tu1kj4k2b/)
Posted this at beans last night, nothing more to add...
Hundred dollar challenge at Wattkins, could they do a tube amp using new off the shelf parts, except for the obsolete tubes and sockets, for less then $100. Evolved into the 'Savage Croaker' (their name) which uses a 6u8 Triode/pentode preamp and a 6aq5 (mini 6v6) power amp.
Started this four years ago at the same time i started it's 'civil' twin, an Octal One with 6aq5, uses the same power supply i contrived as well as the same component values around the 6aq5. Did the eyelet/tube board in 2011, the PCB's were done in early 2012, painting the chassis took years of stops and starts. Many bad ideas and corners to squeeze out of.
Much louder then the Octal One. Power supply voltage doubles the 120v secondary of the HV transformer then splits to a power scaled circuit for the power amp and 230v regulator for the preamp which has seperate feeds for the triode and pentode sections of the 6u8. Tried something different for the heaters, uhave same current demand so put them in series and
current regulated the dc heater supply with an LM317 to 350mA.
Cut the top stencil from frisket film, tried black on black first, no good, redone with white, legending done with dilute gouache paint and a lining/ruling pen. Sprayed with the waterbased sanding sealer, counterpoint to the lacquer i use and it turned the chassis milky/hazy and crazed. After hiding the belt sander packed things away for awhile to breath and wait for my first inclination to pass. Figured i had one chance at redemption, painted the steciled letters with liquid frisket, loaded the lining pen with the liquid frisket and traced over the legending. Reshot with as much black as i could and still be able to see the silver checkerboard... belt sander can stay packed, it worked ok.
Extremely quiet, much louder then the Octal One, great crunch, haven't found the clean yet, few quibbles to sort out but pretty decent and another project off the backlog that has to be eliminated before moving on to something new.
Mostly power supply not much for the actual amp. Mode is a rotary switch that controls the tone stack and a gain cap on a preamp stage- neither/either or both.
THAT is F'n IMPRESSIVE Dave!!!! :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :o :o
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on October 16, 2014, 12:41:58 PM
THAT is F'n IMPRESSIVE Dave!!!! :icon_eek: :icon_eek: :o :o
+1 on this, but -- where is the beautiful art on the circuit boards?! ;) ;)
Thanks very much guys, the feedback is always appreciated!
Alan, was during my minimalist/splatter phase.
Brilliant Dave.
Wow... You're a pro Dave.
This is one half of my full stack I'm building at the moment!
100W Hybrid Power Amplifier ;D Only one tube and two power mosfets in the signal path.
The module will soon find a housing.
Dirk, I would be very interested in trying that out through a few preamps I've developed!
Do you have a heatsink? Not really 100W amplifier without it
After seen all this gorgeous amps I finally finished my biggest amp so far!
After some submini projects, and a Hi octane, here is my marshall inspired amp:
I tried a switchable JCM/JTM preamp, but it's in fact a cascade/parallel switch.
Power and PI amp uses two ECL82, based on IALL10.5 project.
A friend made the wooden cabinet, and I asked Him to maintain the original appearence
^Thomas, you two make a great team! Looks terrific inside and out!
Quote from: thomasha on October 27, 2014, 05:23:04 PM
That is one sweet-looking amp, Thomas. :icon_cool:
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3951/15028914953_b28d2a051e_z.jpg) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3951/15028914953_53f23044f4_o.jpg)
(https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3955/15462920788_a9cafb3e29_z.jpg) (https://farm4.staticflickr.com/3955/15462920788_a6062ce627_o.jpg)
(Definitely NOT done. And I very much have to rewire the preamp heaters.)
2 x 12 cabinet I built, ampeg/fenderish but with Hiwatt style tolex
Had a difficult time stretching the grill cloth, really needs to be redone. Don't know if a stretching jig would help, or not.
Hey Mac, I would totally recommend a heat gun or even a hairdryer on the grill cloth!
It helps a whole lot to tighten it and bring it up to what you're looking for :icon_mrgreen:
Cool, thanks, found the tdpri thread...
For some reason this thread wouldn't come up when I searched for it, but I was graciously directed here after I posted this in the pictures thread. Unfortunately I can't take all the credit for this one as it is more of a re-box than a build. A gentleman purchased a Blackstar HT-1R from the music store I worked at and promptly fried it trying "a sweet mod I found on the internet." Either Blackstar has a liberal warranty or a guy in their claims department messed up because they sent him a new one and we took the old one. My boss said that he didn't want me spending company time fixing it since we had already been paid for it, so he let me take it home. I'm not really sure what he was trying to do, but it really just needed a new fuse and LED (apparently when that is shot it interrupts the flow of everything else and the amp stops working). And while I'm not an amazing engineer I like to think I make up for it in the aesthetics department. So I re-boxed it with the tubes up top hot-rod style, took out the overdrive channel as I much prefer my pedals, and it is now my go-to home practice and recording amp :icon_twisted:
OK-- Here's one!
A buddy of mine had this ValveKing 112 that his cat used as a claw sharpening pole. Completely destroyed the Tolex. It had other issues as well I had to fix....
Anyway, my very first attempt at a Tolex job. It came out perfect!
Other issues/fixes:
The reverb did not work. Found a broken "suspension" spring in the tank. Fixed.
Replaced the red jewel and power LED with blue. Of course!
Replaced the tube covers with blue anodized. Of course! (blue is better). Blue snakeskin Tolex too.. groovy cool!
Added a tube bias mod to heat up the power tubes (42mA now)/ 21 Watts! Nice. Also did the "Mesa" boost mod. Nice!
Retubed to: Matched JJ - 6L6GC Power Tubes, Matched Tung-Sol 12AX7 in V1 and V3, JJ 12AT7 in V2.
Great little project and super results! MC
may i ask where you got the tube shields
i would but those in a heartbeat
nice work by the way :icon_cool:
eBay-- Some Chinese Co. (There are many choices).. I think about $10 for 4 including shipping...
If you can't find some, let me know and I will research my past purchases...
Edit-- it was ( 8 ) for $11.50:
Edit/Edit.. the tension springs in the blue Chinese ones are a little cheesey. Pull the springs out of the silver OEM ones your are replacing, and swap them. Just a tip. These add a nice look for just a couple bucks per project...
You can also see the "locking" potentiometer in front of the blue shield. That is now the added output tube bias adjustment...
another tiny amplifier!
this one is a vibratone, introduced by Frequency Central here:http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=83831.0 (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=83831.0)
Nice work, both of you. @Mark: where did you find the blue snake? ;)
If you are serious about knowing... in the magical land of eBay. I wanted something to go with the "blue" theme.
I don't know why, but I do tend to use a lot of blue-- LEDs, PCBs, hardware, etc... in my work. Maybe my Picaso Blue Period?
I was being a little facetious, but it *does* look cool, and I do have some tolexing to do, so you never know... ;)
nice work mark...love the blue snakey stuff.. 8) 8) 8)
@thomasha , very cute little valve amp.. 8) 8) 8)
Too small for me, but very cute.
What's the speaker? Full range?
Thanks guys!
It's a 3" old television speaker, I think it's full range.
Quote from: thomasha on December 28, 2014, 02:21:04 PM
It's a 3" old television speaker, I think it's full range.
I thought of that, it seems to be magnetically shielded! Otherwise that magnetic field would perturb the tubes and the output transformer response.
Quotewould perturb
My better 1/2 does that religously.
Here goes a 1x12 cab with a cheap (30eur) 12'' 96dB speaker:
Works great with chimp amps (LM386, PUNCH,...) and other small amps!
The two handles are from IKEA (EKEBODA), it weights 15kg,
makes it easier to carry around.
Built another One! now with 30x25x15cm and a Jensen Mod 6 speaker.
It follows the TMC1 amplifier, by DvNator, with an ECl84 and a 12ax7.
Used old wood that was laying around at my grandfathers house. Tried to make a finger joint with a saw...and failed. Had to fill, but it was a learning process!
Well, the faceplate is vox inspired..., the circuit is Trainwreck inspired, and the combo is british inspired...what was I thinking?
For a 1W amp it's to loud to play at night...so I'm here posting pictures!
This circuit was developed by DvNator at the "tone per buck" from Wattkins, pretty nice build!
Cheers, Thomas
Super build Thomas! Classic vintage look to it.
Quote from: davent on January 12, 2015, 10:05:27 PM
Super build Thomas! Classic vintage look to it.
+1. That is just beautiful. Has a very old feel to it.
Here's my 18W build. I didn't build the cabinets, however. My only contribution to the aesthetics was the faceplates
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v158/pickdropper/18W%20Amp/18%20Watt%20Complete%202_zpsjq7vx5a4.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/pickdropper/media/18W%20Amp/18%20Watt%20Complete%202_zpsjq7vx5a4.jpg.html)
And here's a gutshot of it mostly wired:
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v158/pickdropper/18W%20Amp/18W-MostlyWired_zps88c6b908.jpg) (http://smg.photobucket.com/user/pickdropper/media/18W%20Amp/18W-MostlyWired_zps88c6b908.jpg.html)
Very very nice
+1 totally cool... 8)
One more for a 8'' woofer
lovely cab...well solid. 8)
Quote from: deadastronaut on April 04, 2015, 06:32:53 AM
lovely cab...well solid. 8)
6kg, 20mm solid pine (24x24x24 cm^3)!
In 2006 I bought my first tube-amp (kit from ampmaker).
I very quickly boxed it up, and used it for many years. Other builds and interests sort off pushed aside.
But last year I've descided to do a make over on it, and give it the glory it deserves.
This is before
This is after
Some great work in this thread. I'll be looking forward to posting my first amp build soon.
Nice-Nice-Nice releases of Custom built guitar amps/cabs posted all along 8) !
So I contribute to the edifice with the pics of my amps - I may have already posted them, but I couldn't retrieve where, sorry :
Wonderful collection of combos Bruno, you are a master of Tolex covering! Beautiful!
Thanks Dave !
Tolex covering is not so difficult to manage than it looks at the first sight...
Love the twe-tone combos! Need to get into building amps myself. Just haven't the money or time at the moment to sink into my first one. It will be done eventually though.
QuoteTolex covering is not so difficult to manage than it looks at the first sight...
It's just (to) expensive IMHO.
Although, maybe I can buy som left-overs and mix them together. Really like the two-tone's.
Here is my first amp build. It's a 5f1 I built from a mojotone kit. I bought the cabinet from a builder on ebay, I wish I could make a cabinet this nice... I'm planning on building a cab for my next amp build.
Thank you guys,
Natural wood finishes can be amazing looking also... For the one who really knows to do it nicely ! I must confess that I never could. Conversely, I found Tolexing more easy to achieve with a really presentable look than natural wood finishes, but it's me.
I do not find Tolex so much costy - at least here in europe - considering the quality of the final result that can be obtained quite easily. Have a look at tubetown.de : it's where I purchase my Tolex and my glue. Nonetheless, some money need to be devoted for making a good finish on an amp : its not cheap, that's true.
And yes, the Two-Tone formulae plus piping has something like an "upmarket" look... In fact, it's not much more difficult to do than a single color Tolexing : you need to be very precise in your matching cuts, it is only necessary to work carefully and make a good preparation before.
1W class A mosfet power amp.
Quote from: tca on June 17, 2015, 04:58:59 PM
I can't entirely explain why, but I like this a lot 8)
Quote from: vigilante397 on June 18, 2015, 03:38:05 PM
I can't entirely explain why, but I like this a lot 8)
Looks cool, doesn't it?!
Quote from: tca on June 18, 2015, 05:25:13 PM
Looks cool, doesn't it?!
It does indeed. Do we get to see the guts? :D
finished my last build, this time with a circuit similar to the 1W marshalls,
and all fits inside a 1590b, but I'm using subminiature tubes.
Quote from: thomasha on June 18, 2015, 09:16:34 PM
I saw the demo video of this in the submini tube amp thread and OH MY GOODNESS I want one of these so bad. Share your layout maybe? PM me please ;D
Quote from: thomasha on June 18, 2015, 09:16:34 PM
finished my last build, this time with a circuit similar to the 1W marshalls,
and all fits inside a 1590b, but I'm using subminiature tubes.
That is very cool indeed. :icon_cool:
@thomasha, love it...sweet 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: vigilante397 on June 18, 2015, 06:34:18 PM
It does indeed. Do we get to see the guts? :D
There's nothing special about this power amp.
One active device: mosfet
Load: resistive (22 Ohm)
Left pot control: Schade feedback
Right pot control: bias
Left switch: bright switch
It does OD nicely!
In: yellow
Out: blue
Thomas- Beautiful build, so naturally this sent me down a rabbit hole to search out appropriate output transformers. An entertaining morning.
Quote from: Cozybuilder on June 19, 2015, 11:54:46 AM
...naturally this sent me down a rabbit hole to search out appropriate output transformers.
Let me know if you find anything :) Also seriously considering building one of these. 8)
Nate- I ordered this:
http://www.ampmaker.com/store/4W-push-pull-output-transformer.html?printable=Y (http://www.ampmaker.com/store/4W-push-pull-output-transformer.html?printable=Y)
2 including shipping was under $40.00
Quote from: Cozybuilder on June 20, 2015, 12:49:17 PM
Nate- I ordered this:
http://www.ampmaker.com/store/4W-push-pull-output-transformer.html?printable=Y (http://www.ampmaker.com/store/4W-push-pull-output-transformer.html?printable=Y)
2 including shipping was under $40.00
Excellent, thanks! 8)
One more!
tca, interesting this little monster! ;)
What is the project?
^ Pretty basic, a 1W class A mosfet power amp, with bias control and lineout with vol.
nice, looks very etchable too.. 8)
>nice, looks very etchable too.. 8)
... and hot, it has a resistor load which dissipates about 10W in heat + 3W of heat of the mosfet. That's why it looks like a monster.
you built a radiator..
or you can warm soup on it too... ;D
I'd like to read a report of this project.
Can you tell us how it is comparing to the Punch Amp? It sounds clean? It is noisy? It supports 8 ohm speaker? Eq is ok?
Don't call me "inquisitive". :P
Thank you a lot! ;)
> Can you tell us how it is comparing to the Punch Amp? It sounds clean? It is noisy? It supports 8 ohm speaker? Eq is ok?
Sounds much better, overdrives nicely with a booster in front of it. Sounds clean with good compression, high output impedance, can drive 8/16Ohms cabs.
Full details here: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=111487.msg1025878#msg1025878
(http://i.imgur.com/Wp4SpOFl.jpg) (http://i.imgur.com/Wp4SpOF.jpg)
Not directly by me but I am affiliated with a company that makes these and helped with building this particular one
A bit rough and ready compared to others on this thread. However, it works and I'm happy with it. This is my 'Lamington' 15w build housed in modified Ikea.
Buildtestrepeat: What are that corner protections? Similar to the ones used by midwayfair in his amplifier (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=83697.msg981313#msg981313).
Modified Ikea box?
Looks great!
Nice build.
Love the way the mesh is used.
Quote from: tca on July 03, 2015, 09:35:36 AM
Buildtestrepeat: What are that corner protections? Similar to the ones used by midwayfair in his amplifier (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=83697.msg981313#msg981313).
Modified Ikea box?
Looks great!
The corners are very similar if not the same as those in midwayfair's post. I got them at a hardware store. The box is from a small storage unit called 'Trofast'. I just used the top and bottom of the unit and cut down the sides to the right height. A small amount of routing and a few drill holes and it was done. I can unscrew the box and make it flat pack again :icon_biggrin:. The mesh is cut from the bottom of a storage tray and painted gold, then just screwed on inside the front panels.
Cheers for the likes.
Hello DIYers All,
I came to compliment that thread of exhaustive nice amp and cabs releases all around...
Here is my last creation, designed and built from scratch, and just finished these days, a 50's-60's styled guitar amplifier : The COMET .
If you don't like that vintage style, it would be better for you to skip... But if (like me) you like it, then enjoy :D !
Note that it is a personal, non-commercial production : I have nothing to sell and sell nothing... That must be said to avoid any misundertanding about the aims of my releases.
Let's go :
At the start, plywood and aluminum :
The UTAH AlNiCo restored/reconed 10" speaker form 1957 :
The faceplate and logo, vectorial drawn and laser etched :
The Tolex covering color choice (Ivory White / Surf Green) and grillcloth pattern (Fender BlackFace RI white-silver-black) :
Assembling the cab (nailed-screwed-Vinyl glued, angle-braced) and presenting chassis :
Presenting loudspeaker ans chassis :
Covering and Grillcloth-ing :
Chassis preparation, drilling and surface "bouchonnage" :
Chassis assembly and wiring :
The finished amplifier :
Stunning work Bruno, absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
How many hours do you think you need to finish such a project?
The cool factor meter just broke :icon_cool:
Thanks for sharing
Quote from: davent on July 17, 2015, 06:07:23 PM
Stunning work Bruno, absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing.
How many hours do you think you need to finish such a project?
Thanks Dave,
If I only knew, I would tell you... I start, then make (short and long) pauses, rethink the design, return on it, etc... Depending on the time and money available... I never count the hours I spend, and I am afraid that it is not really countable ! For example, the 1st picture "At the start" is dated September 25th, 2014, the last ones are from July 17th, 2015, that is to say yesterday.
Quote from: Cozybuilder on July 17, 2015, 06:12:11 PM
The cool factor meter just broke :icon_cool:
Thanks for sharing
Thanks 8)
That's a nice build, and almost a tutorial!
awesome job, another one for your incredible collection!
The Comet amp wins the internet for me today.
Stunning Bruno. beautiful and inspirational as always
Thank you, guys !
Well, I don't forget that many of you built stunning pedals, particularly with etched/painted finishes and decorums that I am unable to achieve :icon_confused:.
W. O. W.
Some samples for the end with The COMET, for different settings :
With the Gretsch G5622T Lefty Surf Green you see on the pictures :
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0008-rokabe-comet-g5622tmp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0008-rokabe-comet-g5622tmp3)
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0025-finque-comet-g5622tmp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0025-finque-comet-g5622tmp3)
With my GUN Guitars Lefty Mosrite :
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0027-tight-hi-comet-mosritemp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0027-tight-hi-comet-mosritemp3)
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0021-caravan-loose-lo-comet-mosritemp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0021-caravan-loose-lo-comet-mosritemp3)
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0012-chicago-loose-hi-comet-mosritemp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0012-chicago-loose-hi-comet-mosritemp3)
Use an headphone and enjoy :icon_mrgreen: !
Nice Caravan!
Thanks davent !
Geez man. I mean ... Just, geez man.
Hi, me again,
finally finished my supro 1616t clone. I recently done a lot of woodwork, followed by painting and building...
The cab is a copy of the gretsch 6150t version, and not the supro, as I wanted something smaller...
I made a version using solidworks, and the faceplate with illustrator.
I only used my spare parts this time. That explains the extra transformer.
the rendered version:
and final version:
I got a little amp from ebay that was in need of some work. It needed a recap and when I got it I realized the cab was in very poor shape so I put the very few carpentry skills I have to work.
You can't really tell from these pics but the bottom was literally falling off...
[IMG height=500,]http://i1101.photobucket.com/albums/g429/Mandoluke/561B92D7-06F8-4B93-A553-DB4589853283_zpsttykahi2.jpg[/img]
I haven't traced the circuit yet or identified what this amp even is. The tube compliment is 2 6av6
1 6x4 and 1 6ar5 all branded NEC. It's a really nice sounding amp that gets loud enough and has quite a bit of crunch. It's very touch sensitive. Another one to add to my stable.
Nice job!
Some VERY nice stuff on this forum. Wow you guys. Impressive wood working. This is my first attempt at a small cabinet using box joints. I used a REALLY makeshift box joint jig which worked okay. I thought it might look odd to see the ply's but it looks okay. I don't mind it. I now have a proper dado blade setup for the table saw which should make stuff like this a little bit easier.
A proper handle from Fender is around $30 plus shipping, so I used copper pipes for $6 cause i'm cheap. It's just an 8" Celestion...so it's pretty honky but it has made it on a few albums already for some choice "odd" guitar parts. I had ZZ Top in my mind when I built it I guess. I've heard they like the small amps. Anyway. Enjoy.
(http://i1008.photobucket.com/albums/af206/yuka42/581829_10151886770190792_557802673_n_zps0jx0vo7a.jpg) (http://s1008.photobucket.com/user/yuka42/media/581829_10151886770190792_557802673_n_zps0jx0vo7a.jpg.html)
(http://i1008.photobucket.com/albums/af206/yuka42/1238888_10151901872090792_2126839889_n_zpslpqwvbi1.jpg) (http://s1008.photobucket.com/user/yuka42/media/1238888_10151901872090792_2126839889_n_zpslpqwvbi1.jpg.html)
(http://i1008.photobucket.com/albums/af206/yuka42/946743_10151901871475792_1407819652_n_zps7oq4yhrv.jpg) (http://s1008.photobucket.com/user/yuka42/media/946743_10151901871475792_1407819652_n_zps7oq4yhrv.jpg.html)
(http://i1008.photobucket.com/albums/af206/yuka42/996606_10151918313025792_1358270280_n_zpsbrdnw2zz.jpg) (http://s1008.photobucket.com/user/yuka42/media/996606_10151918313025792_1358270280_n_zpsbrdnw2zz.jpg.html)
Quote from: tubelectron on July 17, 2015, 06:00:29 PM
Here's one for a Monacor SPA-110PA (http://www.monacor.de/en/product-detail-page/?artikelid=8786) 10'' speaker.
Haven't decide yet about the dimensions of the open back.
Here's my latest. Amp built by me. Head cab built by me and covered by Salvage Custom to match a 2x10 cab I got from them last year.
Quote from: tremelo68 on August 05, 2015, 07:16:32 AM
Here's my latest. Amp built by me. Head cab built by me and covered by Salvage Custom to match a 2x10 cab I got from them last year.
Really nice!
Is that stained Tolex?
Yes. Salvage has a proprietary method of creating colored bursts on tweed. They have a Bourbon Burst, a Cherry Burst, and a Zombie Burst (dirtier version of the Bourbon Burst). Mine is the Bourbon Burst. #salvagecustom
Quotefinally finished my supro 1616t clone.
Hello Tomasha,
It's me or there is a small speaker put on the floor of the cabinet ? What for ?
The OT I had was 5k to 4 ohms, and the speaker 8 ohms so I tried it with the small speaker for impedance matching.
When the new OT arrives I will remove it.
Quote from: thomasha on August 24, 2015, 09:08:29 PM
The OT I had was 5k to 4 ohms, and the speaker 8 ohms so I tried it with the small speaker for impedance matching.
When the new OT arrives I will remove it.
Ah, OK, I see. I also have some OPT issues : I am planning to change the OPT of my COMET (Hammond 1760C) for a bigger one which respects the basses better (Hammond 125BSE).
My interest in DIY audio started with speaker cabs. I have come to favour transmission lines and dislike bass reflex immensely.
My fullrange studio monitors (the prototype natural pair for my house/my wife, white pair for my studio and red pair for my little bro):
These are designed to be wall or soffit mounted making them ideal for use in smaller rooms. That's only a 4" driver but due to the TL loading and wall placement there is no shortage of bass. Amazing stereo imaging due to complete lack of crossover and point source of sound.
I also built what started as a 2x12 lead/bass cab (a bit smaller face than a 4x12, but deeper) but was sawn into 2 1x12s when I realised it wouldn't fit into my then bass player's Civic. It's much more usefull that way - keep one at the studio and one at home:
They have the midrange clarity and detail of an open back with the bass response of a sealed or even horn (yet still not too boomy when used with a bucker equipped guitar). I like the one with the Marsland (Jensenish) for guitar and a JBL or EV for bass. It'll take any guitar speaker with an Fs of 65-85 (which is 99% of guitar speakers) and have enough low end extension for bass use (gotta love those TLs). Maybe even a wider range if you're willing to play with the stuffing.
And in a moment of poor judgement I built this monstrosity (loaded with 8x10" vintage pre-celestion Rola alnico magnet woofers):
That's one of the Lead/Bass cabs with the grille on on the left in the last pic... and the middle cab is not a Traynor (came to me that way, which is why I got it as cheap as I did) but actually a Musicman 115RH - a very nice cab indeed (reflex horn). They greatly benefit from replacing the stock Eminence stamped frame driver with an EV cast frame one (there was an option for a factory upgrade; pity the fool who didn't take it).
Somehow forgot my latest creation: a Transmission Line loaded active boom box style portable speaker:
I used a PAM8610-based digital amp board, hacked it up a bit (flimsy jacks taken off board; added a battery cage etc) and made a flanged enclosure out of some sheet aluminum I had laying about.
Granny Gremlin, that's awesome! 8)
Made a small boom box for a friend,
I used some ebay boards for the amp, charger and bluetooth module.
This is a Marshall TMB MV 18 watt clone made using a kit. I made a few mods:
- replaced the pots with Alphas
- added a switch to choose between the valve/tube rectifier and a solid state rectifier
- removed the second input from the second circuit
- made my own face plates
... that wiring is really nice, almost Hiwatt :)
Excellent work Peter! I especially like the white on chrome. Very elegant looking.
Beauiful, beautiful job Peter! Gonna be loud!
Trinity kit?
Thanks guys.
Dave. I picked up the kit at A1;
http://www.a1parts.ca/Tube%20Amplifier%20Kit%20&%20Accessories.htm (http://www.a1parts.ca/Tube%20Amplifier%20Kit%20&%20Accessories.htm)
It's from Mabel Audio:
Alan. Good catch. Hiwatt was my inspiration for the wiring.
Thanks Peter.
Question about A1, when i've taken a website shopping cart through to checkout part prices show up as $US. When shopping in-store do the prices reflect this or for example, was your amp actually $399cdn? Haven't yet come across anything on the website stating which dollar is used for website pricing, prior to checkout.
ed1. And i go back to the page and there's the answer, duh!
ed2. Had been quite some time since i'd tried an order so either i'm dense and missed this dollar info or they've updated the website. Really good prices on Hammond transformers.
Dave. Yes the kit was $399 CAD. I've only picked up product at the store - never online.
Wow Peter, that build is amazing. From wiring to chassis design, it's fantastic.
Thank you Pickdropper
yeah classy amp man....is that an etch on the faceplates?... :icon_cool:
i just etched a 19inch rack, it was a nightmare, splitting the image lengthwise in half ,
and making a box long enough to etch it in.....grief..
Thanks Rob. The face and back plates are etched. I had to split the front plate into 3 sections to keep the channel control outlines whole. After applying the toner I masked the surface, except for areas to be etched, with masking tape. The plates where laid flat and the etchant was sponged on.
cool, thought so,
yeah its a lot of work, but the results in the end are well worth it..looks tasty. 8)
ok all done..
heres a rack preamp and integrated 1 watt amp i designed and built (with help from samhay)
active EQ, FX send/return, preamp+DI out, and speaker out, drives a 12'' speaker nicely. its been a long project, but i finally finished it. pheww...
That is awesome DA!
Cabinet for a P1 amp I built a while back:
This is my new amp. It's a 10W tube amp called "Iall 10.5", a project from brazilian forum Handmades using 2 ECL82 tubes. And a preamp called "Vintage Voyage" from the same forum, using a EF184.
(http://s2.postimg.org/ai4p4px9x/amp.jpg) (http://postimg.org/image/ai4p4px9x/)
I'm always afraid to post in this thread because there are so many amazing builders out there and I'm still relatively new to the amp building world. But it's story time ;D My best friend growing up got his first electric guitar when he was 12 (an entry-level Kramer strat knockoff) and his first real amp at 15 (50W Behringer solid state behemoth with a million digital effects). Nearly 15 years later they were still the only pieces of gear he had, so naturally I had to get involved. Last Christmas I gave him a RAT because he pretty much only used distortion on his amp so I figured he should probably at least have a good distortion. For his birthday a month ago I gave him an ESP V-style guitar with Seymour Duncan pickups, and for Christmas this year he is getting this.
I was looking for a low wattage tube amp that would be easy to mod, and since I couldn't find a Blackheart Little Giant (my personal main amp) for cheap I decided to stick with the same designer and got a used Epiphone Valve Junior off eBay for $100. It looked a little beat up, and the previous owner had switched the back grill onto the front and gotten rid of the original front panel, so it looked a little weird, but I took a chance and am glad I did as he had also swapped out the original PCB for an eyelet board (looks like it was a kit, moderately well assembled just needed a couple touch-ups on solder joints), and had swapped out the factory output transformer for a new one. It sounded very good, but way too bright for my ears and it had next to no clean headroom, so I added a simple passive tone stack on the front end. It let me balance out the tone and also gave me a little more headroom. I also added an attenuator so he could crank the gain at bedroom volumes, and to compensate for my personal lack of artistic ability (note the front plate labels :-\ ) I mounted a bunch of LEDs to the bottom of the chassis so they lit up the whole box.
I'm leaving this evening to head home for the holidays and will be delivering it along with a 1x12 Celestion cab to my friend Tuesday. ;D
tl;dr - look at this sweet looking amp! 8)
EDIT: nearly forgot the spaghetti shots :P
"Lights"! ;D
Nice one.
I loved the lights too. Hahahaha
Built it few years ago, but didn't take a photo until recently. It's a compact open-back pine cab with Celestion G10 Vintage speaker. Sounds great to me.
I built two of these, one for a customer of my repair shop and one for me.
I can't take full credit for this as it was just a kit, but this is my Matchless Lightning build a la Ceriatone. The head cabinet was custom built by Taylor at Amplified Nation (with a Matchless logo because I'm vain like that :P ), the speaker cabinet is a Blackstar 1x12 that I put a Tone Tubby in and replaced the logo again with a Matchless for my ego :P Hands down the best sounding rig I've ever owned, quite possibly the best I've ever heard. Just wow.
And don't make fun of my guts, it was my first time :P
That's a pretty and cool looking rig. Guts look OK to me, only tiny niggle is that the speaker label appears to be upside down :)
Been tempted by one myself. Sound samples?
beauty....nice work man.. 8)
Quote from: stallik on April 22, 2016, 05:00:28 AM
Been tempted by one myself. Sound samples?
That could be arranged ;)
I've made myself an AC30. It's still got a few things to clean up (some issues with the Vibe/Trem controls, and some noise in the Top Boost and EF86 channels - the noise is probably just putting in some better tubes). Stupid complex amp, and I'm pretty sure I never want to make another one! That said, though, it sounds freaking amazing - even before I put it in the cabinet with the right speakers (a pair of Weber ALNICO Blue Dogs).
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1524/26046472524_8026152eae_c.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1524/26046472524_2ab37d6e1a_o.jpg)
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1680/26598000766_66945c391b_c.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1680/26598000766_9d2733b13a_o.jpg)
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1494/26597991836_ed8f9b3a45_c.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/2/1494/26597991836_4cf595e08c_o.jpg)
Quote from: G. Hoffman on April 26, 2016, 02:53:40 AM
I've made myself an AC30. It's still got a few things to clean up (some issues with the Vibe/Trem controls, and some noise in the Top Boost and EF86 channels - the noise is probably just putting in some better tubes). Stupid complex amp, and I'm pretty sure I never want to make another one! That said, though, it sounds freaking amazing - even before I put it in the cabinet with the right speakers (a pair of Weber ALNICO Blue Dogs).
There's something very "Doug Hoffman" about this build. Any relation?
Quote from: thermionix on April 26, 2016, 03:26:22 PM
There's something very "Doug Hoffman" about this build. Any relation?
Nope. I'm a guitar builder by trade and family.
I do buy my lugs from Doug though (I've used some others, and they just aren't as nice!), and I hang out on his forum from time to time. He's one of the reasons I can't use my name on my own amps, though (Gabriel is taken too).
Yep, he makes very similar turret boards, and also uses those brown "chicklet" caps a lot. Or at least he used to, it's been a while since I've checked out his stuff.
Did you build that from a kit or scratch? Where did you get the chassis? Are you using the JJ EF86? How do you like it?
Is that too many questions? :icon_biggrin:
I built an AC-15 years ago, the early circuit with the EF86 channel (slightly modded). Probably the best distortion I've ever heard. At that time, the only EF86s being made were by Svetlana, and they were just horrible. I was lucky to find a couple German ones (Siemens IIRC) that were amazing. I pretty much never used the vibe/trem 12AX7 channel.
In the end, the amp just wasn't loud enough for the gigs I was playing, and I sold it. I really miss it. I've promised myself that I'll build another, just the EF86 channel, but 30 watts into two Alnico 12s. Super simple AC-30, if you will. So I've been wondering about the JJ EF86s for that reason.
Quote from: thermionix on April 27, 2016, 01:38:34 AM
Yep, he makes very similar turret boards, and also uses those brown "chicklet" caps a lot. Or at least he used to, it's been a while since I've checked out his stuff.
Did you build that from a kit or scratch? Where did you get the chassis? Are you using the JJ EF86? How do you like it?
Is that too many questions? :icon_biggrin:
I built an AC-15 years ago, the early circuit with the EF86 channel (slightly modded). Probably the best distortion I've ever heard. At that time, the only EF86s being made were by Svetlana, and they were just horrible. I was lucky to find a couple German ones (Siemens IIRC) that were amazing. I pretty much never used the vibe/trem 12AX7 channel.
In the end, the amp just wasn't loud enough for the gigs I was playing, and I sold it. I really miss it. I've promised myself that I'll build another, just the EF86 channel, but 30 watts into two Alnico 12s. Super simple AC-30, if you will. So I've been wondering about the JJ EF86s for that reason.
Well, the design is based on old AC30's, obviously, but I did modify the power supply (added a whole bunch of extra isolation), dropped in the EF86 channel (yes, it's a JJ EF806 - it sounds great, and not too much noise and no noticeable microphonics), and did the layout (the layout sort of started with the Weber 6V30, and of course the old layout, but I did make some pretty major changes, most notably distributing the power supply bypass caps through the amp). I made the chassis using 18 or 20 gauge mild steel (I don't remember which) using a $60 brake from Harbor Fright. It was quite nice, because I was able to drill all the holes in flat metal instead of in a bent chassis. When it was drilled and bent, I cleaned it and painted it will metal etch primer. I wanted to get it nickel plated (as the old ones were), but it just wasn't important enough for me to want to send it out.
I'm working on the box for it now. I put the main part of it together tonight (and by the by, DAMN but a 2x12 amp cabinet is big!!!!!). I hope to have it finished by the end of the weekend, but there are a couple pieces of trim which might be problematic if I get too fussy about them. I really want to make some chrome vent covers and a chrome fascia strip, but it might be more work than I can justify, with all the other projects I have to finish.
By the way, I've made Doug's AC30 without the Vibe/Trem channel (though, no EF86), and it just didn't sound right. The explanation I've heard is that the way the Vibe/Trem channel loads the phase inverter is really particular, and really important (this is not hard to believe, given it is a heavily capacative load). I'm probably going to continue to use my Empress Tremolo
2 for my tremolo (awesome pedal, btw), so I'm not sure how much use the Vibe/Trem channel will get, BUT it is worth it for the way it makes the rest sound.
Very cool, and thanks for the detailed reply. I didn't know brakes were available for $60, useful information. I'll need to study the phase inverter input some more if I get around to the one channel build, there's probably a way to simulate the loading of the other channel.
I'm sure you know, but do make those vents as big as you can stand to. The one big flaw in many old Vox amps is inadequate ventilation.
If possible, post some sound clips when you get 'er all buttoned up!
Quote from: thermionix on April 27, 2016, 05:34:36 PM
Very cool, and thanks for the detailed reply. I didn't know brakes were available for $60, useful information.
Well, it's not very good. But you know, better than nothing.
And I'm working on designing some machinable vent covers right now (the first shot were impossible to make!), but they are about 150% bigger than the original AC30 vents, and I'm going to have a fan in at least one of them. But if you think about it, with all 12 tubes, this thing is kind of a 40 Watt space heater stuffed into about 2 cubic feet!
Got the baffle finished! I'm planning to get the main part of the case covered tomorrow, but right now I'm really happy with how both the logo came out (click to look at the close up of the logo - I tried to find a font which was close to the Vox font, and put in all the lines similar to the Vox logo), and how the grill cloth came out. I was really worried about the grill cloth because of the pattern, but other than the corners on the right (which are just a bit wonky), I think it turned out really freaking well.
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7757/26573822810_de7dcc9a1c_c.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7757/26573822810_038d5432fe_o.jpg)
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7247/26242191993_96c199b082_c.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7247/26242191993_15348e486c_o.jpg)
Oh, and the purple logo is not intended as a Prince tribute - I just have a boat load of these T1 sized "Super Bright Pink" LED's, and wanted to use them up!
That's really fantastic! I have an Oliver PA100XR that the front panel lights up, but I never thought it was bright enough, I should fix that.
Very nice. You're building an heirloom for sure.
Just a tip for anyone looking to add piping to an amp build or similar. In the fabrics/sewing world it is usually called "welting" and the exact stuff used on amps can be found for a small fraction of what amp/electronics supply stores sell it for. I've still got a bunch of the gold Marshall plexi style stuff that I paid next to nothing for on Ebay. The word "piping" was nowhere in the listing.
Quote from: thermionix on May 06, 2016, 03:44:42 PM
Very nice. You're building an heirloom for sure.
Just a tip for anyone looking to add piping to an amp build or similar. In the fabrics/sewing world it is usually called "welting" and the exact stuff used on amps can be found for a small fraction of what amp/electronics supply stores sell it for. I've still got a bunch of the gold Marshall plexi style stuff that I paid next to nothing for on Ebay. The word "piping" was nowhere in the listing.
Depends on the quality of it. I've bought cheap piping before, and it was all but unusable. This stuff is much easier to use, so if it costs a bit more per foot, I'm good with that.
I've had good luck, but I'm sure there is a range of quality, as with most things.
Quote from: thermionix on May 07, 2016, 03:29:18 PM
I've had good luck, but I'm sure there is a range of quality, as with most things.
The problems I've had were mostly with it falling apart while I stapled it to the amp. I tried turning down the pressure on my air stapler, but then it just didn't go in far enough. Both chisel and pointy staples.
Quote from: davent on March 23, 2012, 10:07:27 PM
From the sublime, amps pictured above, to the ridiculous, Ruby with PRR mod- ipod input, works well, sounds just like ah...
Rescued the 386 from an old baby monitor.
Great build!
Could you give me some pointers where to find info on the PRR mod to the Ruby?
Quote from: feddozz on May 09, 2016, 03:46:40 AM
Quote from: davent on March 23, 2012, 10:07:27 PM
From the sublime, amps pictured above, to the ridiculous, Ruby with PRR mod- ipod input, works well, sounds just like ah...
Rescued the 386 from an old baby monitor.
Great build!
Could you give me some pointers where to find info on the PRR mod to the Ruby?
Been awhile, found the schematic i drew up, dated to 2010.
(Well, except for putting in a fan. And a couple of knobs work backwards. But other than that.)
Sounds freaking awesome.
(https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7384/27125019224_8478ebc776_z.jpg) (https://c2.staticflickr.com/8/7384/27125019224_c2f95d8f4e_o.jpg)
(Seriously, though, it really needs a fan. I played it for about 45 minutes just now, and the metal vent cover was really uncomfortable to touch! And that's after making the vents about 4 times larger than on an original Vox.)
(And this thing REALLY loves the Soul Food.)
^^^Most excellent!!!
And it will keep getting better the more you play it. I'm one of those that thinks most everything has a break-in period, but especially speakers.
Wow way to go Mr. Hoffman. Head to toe impressive build you have there.
Here's another
Handle, corners, grill and feet all 3D printed (https://www.youmagine.com/designs/guitar-cabinet-parts-350b84a6-a5ce-4016-9295-8c338a9021df (https://www.youmagine.com/designs/guitar-cabinet-parts-350b84a6-a5ce-4016-9295-8c338a9021df)).
Here's one I built back in 2000. It's basically a 1987 clone (minor tweaks) built around a set of Hammond iron that I robbed from an old Traynor YVM Voice Master. Aluminum chassis is either Hammond or Bud, don't remember which.
I built it for myself and used to gig with it, but I sold it in '04 to my buddy Earl, who makes it sound much better than I ever did. :icon_mrgreen: He plugs straight in and cranks it up, it's like butter.
It came in the other day for some new EL34s and general cleanup, so I figured I'd snap a few pics.
(http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p568/_BigJimSlade/50W/1_zpsajvjjivf.jpg) (http://s1156.photobucket.com/user/_BigJimSlade/media/50W/1_zpsajvjjivf.jpg.html)
(http://i1156.photobucket.com/albums/p568/_BigJimSlade/50W/2_zpstovrdig3.jpg) (http://s1156.photobucket.com/user/_BigJimSlade/media/50W/2_zpstovrdig3.jpg.html)
Hi, my new meter amp.
It started as a savage croaker with el84, but I ended up adding the ecc83 for more gain. I also added a VVR to keep things down.
The meter is actually an ammeter, and is drived by the tl072 opamp, only to make it move better. As I added it after the second stage, it indicates the distortion, or gain level.
The box came from a decoration store, it already had the finger joint, I just rounded the edges, sanded and added a new oil layer.
Thomas- You build the coolest stuff! One more to aspire to.
I'm with Cozy. That's a sweet little amp. Well done!
Sent from my E2303 using Tapatalk
Agreed, super classy, as per the usual. I always forget to ask this when I see sweet builds, but where did you get the faceplate?
I made the faceplate,
just printed it on OHP transparency and added some clear coat. To stick it to the chassis I painted the chassis with clear coat and added an extra layer to work as the glue. It takes a lot of time to dry if you paint the transparency and the chassis and glue it together at the same time, but if the coat on the chassis and on the transparency are already dry the extra layer between them dries much faster, and because it's the same clear coat it kind of glues together.
Some serious inspiration in here. Inspired me to build my own 18w.
(http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/Guitarboy2828/guitar%20amps/2016-05-21%2019.55.15.jpg) (http://s471.photobucket.com/user/Guitarboy2828/media/guitar%20amps/2016-05-21%2019.55.15.jpg.html)
(http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/Guitarboy2828/guitar%20amps/2016-06-18%2017.46.03.jpg) (http://s471.photobucket.com/user/Guitarboy2828/media/guitar%20amps/2016-06-18%2017.46.03.jpg.html)
(http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/Guitarboy2828/guitar%20amps/2016-07-25%2018.32.29.jpg) (http://s471.photobucket.com/user/Guitarboy2828/media/guitar%20amps/2016-07-25%2018.32.29.jpg.html)
(http://i471.photobucket.com/albums/rr75/Guitarboy2828/2016-09-03%2017.09.12.jpg) (http://s471.photobucket.com/user/Guitarboy2828/media/2016-09-03%2017.09.12.jpg.html)
Sweet. :icon_cool:
Micro combo
I'm always more embarrassed to post in this thread than any other :P But this was a build I've been working on for an embarrassingly long time. It's a Marshall 1974X that I got as basically a kit without instructions. I bought the cabinet, chassis, transformers, and pre-assembled board from a guy on eBay, but he didn't have a layout for wiring so I looked at a bunch of schematics and layouts and figured it out all by myself ;D Unfortunately pre-assembled doesn't mean it's guaranteed to work right. But it fired up first try, and I was so excited at how good it sounded I didn't notice that my EL84's were red-plating until it was too late and one of them committed suicide. So I retraced it against the schematic and found that whoever built it made a couple boo-boos, and eventually got around to fixing it so we're at tube-friendly currents. And yes, I put the Marshall logo on there for the sake of my vanity ::)
I know the lead dress is terrible, I'm trying to get better :-[ The thing still runs pretty quiet though 8)
I bought a Hammond L102 organ with a frozen tonewheel assembly a few years ago for $10. Repurposed the power amp and one of the Rola/Celestion speakers into a Matchless Spitfire clone. Reused the speaker grille cloth, too. Cabinet is made of pine and control cutout is made of popular, both from Lowes.
Quote from: vigilante397 on November 19, 2016, 02:57:18 AM
OK, so we'll say no more about the lead dress (who am I to judge?), but this is a very nice build, Nathan. :icon_cool:
Oh-oh, the competition for the smallest standalone guitar tube amp now becomes harder... I can't resist to post again the pics of my Radio-Tone :icon_mrgreen: !
@thomasha : What model of Jensen speaker did you use in your small Meter Amp ? Is it the new 6.5" AlNiCo P6V ?
Yep, it's the 6.5 Jensen P6V.
I wanted to go small, but still use a guitar speaker. The box could be smaller, but wouldn't fit the meter.
So far had no success in finding a smaller speaker that would sound good with tube amp crunch distortion.
Quote from: thomasha on November 19, 2016, 03:12:57 PM
Yep, it's the 6.5 Jensen P6V.
I wanted to go small, but still use a guitar speaker. The box could be smaller, but wouldn't fit the meter.
So far had no success in finding a smaller speaker that would sound good with tube amp crunch distortion.
OK, thanks thomasha.
Reading you, I think that I will use a P6V or C6V on my next (a bit less) compact release.
On my Radio-Tone, I used a 60s 5" or 5" 1/2 NOS AlNiCo automotive speaker from OakTron.
Here is the tone, using a Squier Std Strat and a touch of EH Cathedral reverb :
Quote from: Granny Gremlin on September 21, 2015, 09:01:41 AM
Somehow forgot my latest creation: a Transmission Line loaded active boom box style portable speaker:
I used a PAM8610-based digital amp board, hacked it up a bit (flimsy jacks taken off board; added a battery cage etc) and made a flanged enclosure out of some sheet aluminum I had laying about.
Do you happen to have the plans for this cabinet? Also, how's the battery life with a 9v? I got a couple PAM8610's, thinking of making a powered cabinet for my Vox Amplug 2 AC30 using one of them, and something like your transmission line project might save me the need of using huge speakers for good bass response.
finished a small lunch box amp with the ECL86. Circuit is really simple, only one volume pot, working also as ON switch.
Outside the chassis>
and with everything inside>
This time with a proper PT!
Hope you like it!
finished a small lunch box amp with the ECL86. Circuit is really simple, only one volume pot, working also as ON switch.
Fine thomasha ! Funny and clever idea... Looks like if it was the Tin Metal version of my Radio-Tone (which also uses an ECL86/6GW8).
What are the dimensions of that metal box ?
Which speaker did you use ?
Is it possible to have a picture of the open box, just to see how you managed to enter all the stuff inside ?
Thanks !
Firefly kinda amp, build from scratch. Ecc83 and a 12au7 push-pull in a 10'' combo.
8'' jenssen speaker
Quote from: diydave on April 21, 2017, 10:36:47 AM
Super clean build, inside and out. Love that color combo too, very classy 8)
QuoteSuper clean build, inside and out. Love that color combo too, very classy 8)
Sure ! I was in the same color scheme some times ago too :
@diydave : did you use "Ivory White" and "Surf Green" Tolex or other references ? Where did you bought them ?
Here's one class A mosfet with a car light bulb. The cab has a 5'' 1/4 speaker with a Kevlar cone.
A lot of beauties here.
tca you are an artist. Beside the amp and cab: looks like something from ikea with a name like... Kouvstokka mini :icon_razz: But you managed also to show the front and the back of the amp wiyh a single click. Poetry.
Thanks, and like all good poetry, a coup de chance.
tubelectron it only has 18.5x12.5x7 cm,
but there is still some space>
I'm almost embarrassed posting this after all those other sweet amps, but am doing so at the request of the owner. My manager at work is a big antique guy and recently picked up an old radio console from a shop. He had me gut the chassis and rebuild a 5W tube amp inside, as well as put in a better speaker and re-do the grill cloth. I also laser engraved the knobs with their labels, but it's pretty faint so you can only really see it up close.
The amp itself is essentially a modded Valve Jr. with a Baxandall EQ and a master volume. I really like how the tonestack drops the gain, because the owner plays mostly acoustic guitar, and while the amp sounds good with an electric guitar, it absolutely sings with an acoustic guitar.
Nice job Nathan. I had it in mind to do something similar a while back, but never found a suitable donor carcass. Now you've rekindled that backburning idea. :)
Quote from: bluebunny on May 03, 2017, 02:04:24 PM
Nice job Nathan. I had it in mind to do something similar a while back, but never found a suitable donor carcass. Now you've rekindled that backburning idea. :)
It was kind of a fun project. My wife really liked the look of it, which got me thinking it could be a good way to get her to let me keep an amp in the living room. 8)
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 04, 2017, 01:00:06 AM
My wife really liked the look of it, which got me thinking it could be a good way to get her to let me keep an amp in the living room. 8)
Good luck with that daring enterprise! ;D
that looks really nice!
some time ago I saw something similar, kind of steampunk, really loved the idea.
Every time I make a video, I always remember that I should be practicing and not building another amp.
> Every time I make a video, I always remember that I should be practicing and not building another amp.
Hear, hear!
OK, it's not finished...
I'm working on three amps prototypes :
But only the biggest one has his cab finished :
And I don't know when all that will be ready :icon_confused:
Bruno, your Tolexing always looks perfect, so nice!
Bruno- Very nice, inspirational work. Looking forward to the finished amps.
Quote from: Cozybuilder on July 26, 2017, 11:36:14 PM
Bruno- Very nice, inspirational work. Looking forward to the finished amps.
Quote from: davent on July 26, 2017, 06:45:47 PM
Bruno, your Tolexing always looks perfect, so nice!
Thank you, Guys !
I never forget that many of you are skilled and tasteful
stompbox decorators 8) unlike me :-[
I'll post the finished amps pictures... ASAP... :-\... One day... ???... :icon_mrgreen:
Well that's not true. Your boxes look really good to me but thanks for letting us down gently ;)
bruno, yeah, they are lovely cabs... 8)
Thanks !
Quote from: stallik on July 27, 2017, 02:03:13 PM
Well that's not true. Your boxes look really good to me but thanks for letting us down gently ;)
Oh sorry :icon_confused:, I had in mind the numerous etched and painted boxes that I see on the forum : I'm just admirative and in no way confident nor tooled to do that...
Quote from: deadastronaut on July 27, 2017, 02:13:02 PM
bruno, yeah, they are lovely cabs... 8)
Thanks Rob... My problem is that I am so slow for designing and building, due to a lack of spare time >:( ...
More awesome work by Bruno. A+ indeed.
My least favorite thing to do is grill cloth. Keeping it stretched and maintaining proper alignment of the pattern while staple gunning with your other hand...seems almost impossible to do by yourself. I tend to get it about 95% right but that last corner has some ~curvy~ lines. I can imagine a tool, a stretching rack, but I don't have the budget to build one. I think next time I will look for a cloth with no clear horizontal or vertical pattern to it. Marshall-style "salt and pepper" might be a good one, but it depends on the tolex choice whether that would fit visually.
Quote from: thermionix on July 28, 2017, 04:07:24 PM
More awesome work by Bruno. A+ indeed.
My least favorite thing to do is grill cloth. Keeping it stretched and maintaining proper alignment of the pattern while staple gunning with your other hand...seems almost impossible to do by yourself. I tend to get it about 95% right but that last corner has some ~curvy~ lines. I can imagine a tool, a stretching rack, but I don't have the budget to build one. I think next time I will look for a cloth with no clear horizontal or vertical pattern to it. Marshall-style "salt and pepper" might be a good one, but it depends on the tolex choice whether that would fit visually.
Yes thermionix, thanks !
You're right : "tolexing" and "grillclothing" are not so difficult
except if you want a
flawless result : straight, square and well stretched grillcloth, perfect glueing, cuts and invisible seams Tolex covering (especially in angles, corners, curves)...
About the grillcloth - here's my personal experience - that may cross yours :
- Like you, I do not have a stretching rack, nor any sophisticated tool like that to even the stretching of the grillcloth with a square pattern. I have a RAPID electric stapler with 6x10 or 10x10 staples (according to the thickness or the grillcloth to staple), a powerful (2300W) but adjustable CALOR hair-dryer, a painter pliers, a staple easy-remover, some other usual tools and of course a large, flat, well lightened surface.
- Some grillcloth are more easy to put correctly than others : it varies according to the material, and even the batch or the roll of the "same" material you intend to put.
- The larger the grillcloth surface, the most difficult the job (usually).
- When you have cut your grillcloth sheet to dimension (I usually left circa 40-50mm all around for gripping and stapling),
you mark a straight ply in one of the lenght sides (usually the bottom) in accordance with the pattern to make your reference starting edge where you will place the matching edge of the frame.
- There is roughly 2 categories of grillcloth : the plastic and the vegetal. Maybe there is mixed ones, but I never had it to put. A quick difference can be made between the 2 with a lighter : if it burns = vegetal, if it melts = plastic.
- the plastic grillcloth accepts to be thermically stretched and this is done
after stapling. This is the case for the Fender-like grillcloth.
- You put the frame (along the ply made) as flat as possible on the grillcloth resting on the table, you check adn corrrect the squarring and absence of waves of the pattern, and you staple it
without stretching it, just flattening it as best as possible, without slack. I insist : perfectly squarred and straight, as flat as possible, NO stretching. It's important for the final result.
- If this is correct, then you use your hair dryer to stretch very evenly the grillcloth, alterning horizontal and vertical movements.
- It's often long (it can take one hour), depending on how much remaining slack you left (less is best and fastest), but the grillcloth will stretch evenly in the end.
- Be careful : too much temperature or a hot point (i.e. trying to correct a defaut you did not saw or you accepted while stapling) will melt without warning the grillcloth and jour job is ruined.
- The vegetal grillcloth doesn't accept thermal stretching and must be stretched mechanically with a painter pliers
while stapling. This is the case for the Marshall-like "Salt & Pepper" grillcloth.
- You put the grillcloth as described for the plastic one above, the difference is that you have to stretch it while stapling.
- You start with stapling the reference ply side that you don't stretch, or a very little locally by hand just in order to maintain a perfect alignment of the pattern.
- Once done, you go to the other side, mark a ply the same way just at the dimension (or just a bit below but not above, according to the pattern plying ease) using the frame.
- I stretch using my painter pliers and staple in the meantime,
checking to maintain the alignment perfect. This is the difficult part of the job, and I wouldn't do this without an electric staple and a painter pliers... Fortunately, if a deviation starts, you can go back by removing the last staples and correct : this is the advantage of the vegetal grillcloth.
- I start to staple by the center of the side, and progress alternatively left/right by series of 5 staples, corresponding to the width stretched by my painter pliers.
- When the bottom and top sides are finally stapled / stretched / aligned perfectly (or at least satisfactorily), you do the same with the left and right side. Note that if you start with say the right side, there will be a vertical deviation of the pattern to the right, so you will have to correct that deviation while stretching / stapling the left side, so dont stretch too much at right to have enough stretching reserve at left.
The job is done, in both cases... Wow... The finishing is to cut the remaining extras or grillcloth all around the frame.
Hope this helps - I'll post some pics...
Some pictures :
The main tools for Salt & Pepper grillcloth :
The finished cabs :
As you can see, the grillcloth of the center cab (with upper stripes) looks different and less "neat" than on the 2 other cabs (L and R). It's nonetheless the same model, reference and supplier of "Salt and Pepper" grillcloth, but it's not the same batch or roll (bouth at different times). The canvas was a bit thicker, more coarse and less regular on the center one than on the 2 others...
Really great looking cabs. Well done.
I like the surfboard stripe in the middle cabinet. All are excellent, great job!
Thank you, Guys !
Next step are building / populating / wiring each chassis.
So Wait and See and... Patience... :icon_confused:
Those look great Bruno! Thanks for the tips. I'll have to look for some painter's pliers.
I know them as canvas stretching pliers. Cheap as chips online
Yes, I have been in trouble to find the English correct term for pince à tentures, pince de tapissier...
You're right, it's a cheap accessory (I bought mine from England via eBay !). Another affordable instrument is an agrafeuse électrique that is to say an electric stapler or electric stapling gun with 10x6 and 10x10 staples. I even would say that these are compulsory if you expect a perfect result (or nearly) with vegetal grillcloth.
Hi, I finished one too!
But the cab already had the tolex on it (still not as good as tubeelctron's though), I just added the new grill cloth, speaker and tube amplifier.
It all started from a burned transistor amp, that still has some nice IC for chorus that I will be using in another build.
The circuit started with the circuit from Doug: http://www.dougcircuits.com/neon.html (http://www.dougcircuits.com/neon.html)
Unfortunately the AC4 build page is down.
I used in mine an OPAMP LFO, cause the Neon light wasn't working in a periodic way, it was more like a random tremolo.
The imput has 4 configurations, EF86, 12ax7, both in series, both in parallel, which gives some nice different tones, from clean to mean.
here some pics:
I'm still finishing another wah in a 159a, wait for it!
That EF86, is it a Siemens?
Hi thomasha,
Why you did not use the "bias vary" type of tremolo that was on the original AC4 and replace it with a photocell trem (an lately with an OP LFO) ? Did you experienced throb / thump in the speaker while trem on ? Or is it a simple choice of your own ?
Nonetheless, it's a funny amp which have all the ingredients to sound good ! And it seems that you managed all right to put your VOX-like grillcloth satisfactorily...
Are you sure the output transformer is connected like that? This appears to be a humbucking transformer where the input power goes in on the tap, the output power to the lower voltage supplies goes to the end nearest to the tap and the plate goes to the output end farthest from the tap. The following radio schematic:
does not show the relative scale of the output transformer winding but the bottom end of the primary is at about the 2.5% point of the entire winding from the tap.
I don't think that's a tapped transformer, just has a wire drawn through it.
The EF86 is a RFT, it has no visible grid. I had it laying around.
The thing with the tremolo was that I wanted to save one tube for the extra gain stage. I liked the neon lamp idea, but my lamp was acting crazy and I didn't had other to test. I also used a ORP062, the "vintage" kind of LDR. It came with a box full of subminiature tubes that I got over ebay. I saw that there were some amplifiers from Dynacord that used it as a LDR.
In the end, I wanted to stay with the two gain stages, but already had the tremolo hole in the chassis and the faceplate. So, I decided to build the Opamp version. At least it goes faster than the other tremolos that I tested (I built a supro copy with tremolo some time ago)
Sorry about the wire drawing thing, it is a normal transformer. But I have one Radio transformer which has this humbucking winding. It has a really low resistance in that winding, is it really helpfull to run the preamp power supply through it? I mean in guitar amplifiers?
Another thing that I see now, instead of the first resistor I'm using a small choke that I had.
You can see it right next to the turret board on the left side of the picture.
RFT, yes. I recognized the logo but couldn't remember. East Germany, West Germany, close enough!
Qualification of a switchable Dual-Power 100W/3W output stage for the biggest of my 3 project :
My Boogie MKIIA is used as a bench for testing the circuit :
It works as expected, but needs impovements in tone in the 3W (single-ended) mode.
Quote from: tubelectron on August 26, 2017, 04:38:06 PM
switchable Dual-Power 100W/3W output stage
Seriously? :icon_eek: How are you switching from 100W to 3W without just building two completely separate output stages with their own dedicated tubes? Je ne comprende pas :icon_eek:
Quote from: vigilante397 on August 26, 2017, 05:55:20 PM
Quote from: tubelectron on August 26, 2017, 04:38:06 PM
switchable Dual-Power 100W/3W output stage
Seriously? :icon_eek: How are you switching from 100W to 3W without just building two completely separate output stages with their own dedicated tubes? Je ne comprende pas :icon_eek:
You nearly guessed it right, vigilante397 : there are dedicated tubes for each power selection, but they share some common parts, notably the output transformer.
That's interesting, I assume the 100w has a PP transformer. Are you using the reverb Transformer for the low wattage version, half or the player to plates winding of the PP transformer?
The tube must really have a low impedance at the primary?
Quote from: thomasha on August 27, 2017, 03:59:16 AM
That's interesting, I assume the 100w has a PP transformer. Are you using the reverb Transformer for the low wattage version, half or the player to plates winding of the PP transformer?
The tube must really have a low impedance at the primary?
Yes, that's it, thomasha : I use the half primary of the output transformer. The 100W stage is disabled, and the 3W single-ended stage is enabled by a flick of a DPDT switch.
Here is a sample to have an idea of the tone in the 3W position :
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0008-dpmp3 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0008-dpmp3)
It's probably more a 1W than a 3W : I didn't measured the power yet. But it's not really important because that position is intended for home use, and being overdriven "à la vintage" (no hi-gain).
The guitar has a 5-position Strat-like switching, with a HSH disposition : Gretsch FilterTron X2, Danelectro Lipstick X1. Each PU position is tested, starting from the Neck one.
Your comments about the tone (not about the playing, of course :icon_confused:) are welcome : you guess that I'm interested in their justification, more than their simple statements.
Final improvements, tone of the revised version of the circuit :
https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0001-dual-power-lo-31-08-17mp3/s-Rpag0 (https://soundcloud.com/tubelectron/r05-0001-dual-power-lo-31-08-17mp3/s-Rpag0)
I don't think that I can go much further unless if I greatly complicate the circuit, with no certainity to obtain really better sonic results. So I will admit that the qualification is met :) ...
The overdriven tone is only produced by the single ended stage of the LO position, through the output transformer and speaker. The preamp section stays pure clean all along.
A cool amp I built for a guy
^ That's a very smart build
Quote from: stallik on September 20, 2017, 04:34:22 PM
^ That's a very smart build
Thanks! I'm pretty happy with it. It's mostly a Weber kit, but built on a Hoffman turret board. Those Hoffman boards are fantastic and really facilitate clean wiring.
Humble little build. My first foray into the high voltage world of tube amps. Original creator here: http://www.frontiernet.net/~jff/pipsqueak_pentode/Pentode_DIY_guitar_amp.html (http://www.frontiernet.net/~jff/pipsqueak_pentode/Pentode_DIY_guitar_amp.html). Like the original author, I built the amp in a dead PC power supply chassis. The only modification was a 3.3ohm 3W resistor for the filament winding. The transformer was putting out 7.3V.
I have a bunch of different EF95 tubes for a headphone amp and was looking for something simple. The 6AK6 power tubes are pretty cheap too. Nice clean sound.
^^ Neat. Like it a lot. :icon_cool:
Cobbled together a little cabinet to go with the little amp using some scrap plywood and hand tools. My woodworking skills leave a lot to be desired. Got the four 4 1/2" full range speakers from Parts Express for cheap. Sounds exactly like what one would expect from little speakers, thin, no bottom end, but it's hilarious.
It is what it is sonically, visually a very cool little setup. The cab looks exactly right!
my first amp build. it's a little 100watt solid state Sunn Model T. mostly a practice amp and to hold me over till i build a tube amp. first time building a cabinet and wrapping with tolex, not perfect, but i'm happy with the result. just have to have a faceplate done
Quote from: rocket8810 on January 31, 2018, 10:07:48 PM
That is so sweet. Lovely little build. :)
Quote from: bluebunny on February 01, 2018, 03:14:33 AM
Quote from: rocket8810 on January 31, 2018, 10:07:48 PM
That is so sweet. Lovely little build. :)
thanks Marc. it looks so funny sitting on top of my mesa 4x10 bass cab, makes it look even smaller. but, then again the chassis is only 8" long, so with the cabinet its not even 10". i took it to a local guitar store to try out some actual guitar cabinets and you should have seen the looks of people when they saw it and heard it. lol
Quote from: rocket8810 on January 31, 2018, 10:07:48 PM
my first amp build. it's a little 100watt solid state Sunn Model T. mostly a practice amp and to hold me over till i build a tube amp. first time building a cabinet and wrapping with tolex, not perfect, but i'm happy with the result. just have to have a faceplate done
Any chance we can get some more build details? This is cool! what kind of power amp chip did you use? Did you design it on your own or use existing designs? Gut shots?
I'm putting together a champ clone. I'm hoping to be at the stage of testing it at the weekend through my existing cabs/ speakers. I have mostly 12" guitar speakers but some hifi 8 and 10" which are unlikely to be ideal for guitar. I want to end up with a very compact combo so I'd appreciate any opinions on speaker models. I'm thinking that I'll have to go with at least 10 but would love to do it with an 8 if there was something suitable.
I don't think I'd be pushing the speaker much as I'm aiming for that amp on full, guitar on 1/4 kind of thing
Any recommendations?
The Jensen C8R is great in a Champ, after considerable break-in, if you're after that original 8" Champ sound. A 10" or 12" may sound "better" but it's not the same thing. The C8R is also way cheaper than the P8R.
Thanks, I'll check it out
Now it's built and tested through 6 - 12 inch speakers, I can't decide which sound I like best so I'll probably turn it into a tiny combo with an extension speaker out to get the best of both worlds.
It's an Ampmaker kit - basically, a champ circuit with silicone rectification.
Hmmm...looks based off the 5F1 Champ, but with an added filter stage for whatever reason.
The single jack is set up to mimic the #2 (lo gain) input, if you'd rather have the #1 input, change the 68k to 33k.
The cathode resistor of the first gain stage in a 5F1 is bypassed with a 25µF cap. It is erroneously omitted from the original Fender schematic, but the actual amps had the cap. IMO it sounds way better with the cap.
What power tube are you using? The original K resistor is 470 ohms, many 6V6s will red plate in a Champ and need a higher value, but you have a 270R. Is your plate voltage considerably lower than the Fender? Are you using a different power tube?
Well spotted. I'm using a 6L6. Plate voltage is 312v and the current 31ma. Plate dissipation (if I'm measuring it correctly) is just over 9 watts which may be a little low but hey, this is my first tube amp build so what do I know?
I was looking for a simple, small form factor combo with a warm clean tone that would take pedals well. At the moment, it's a little bright and though I've yet to be able run it flat out, the basic tone is good. I intend to use it as a bit of a learning tool and I'm sure I'll end up frying a few tubes along the way.
Ah cool, a "coke bottle" 6L6G. Something more like 50mA idle current would fatten the tone up considerably. RCA manual specs 220 ohms for Class A pentode connection, 300V plate-to-cathode.
damn kevin that amp looks awesome. i've never seen coke bottle 6L6 tubes before, only seen that shape in KT88 and KT66 tubes, which i've had an unnatural obsession for for years. did you make that layout? its stupid neat.
There're Coke bottle 6v6's out there as well.
Nice one, Kevin. I had a go with the same kit. It was very straightforward and sounds good (I'm only putting it through an 8" Orange cab at the moment). Been tempted to go back and get another of Barry's kits...
I picked the kit up directly from Barry as he's quite close to home. Nice chap, very knowledgable.
nice. didn't realize it was a kit, and not that i re-read your post i see that is from Ampmaker. man do i feel like an idiot for missing that. i've been eyeing one of their kits for awhile, but figure shipping to the US is going to be insane.
Dunno. He refers to different voltage transformers so I presume some must go as far as the States. Drop him a mail
This is my mini AC-30, with normal and top boost channels into push-pull power amp based on an ECC99. It has a 10" Elac speaker from 1965.
That looks very nice
That coke bottle looks awesome!
I always thought those tubes were power holes, some old radios used some that had hungry heaters.
Are there any low wattage NOS options too?
I found the 6G6G as power tube. Just need a double triode or even pentode to make an all coke bottle amp!
roseblood11 that cab looks like a projector amp/speaker box. Have you refinished it or have you made the box from scratch?
Quote from: thomasha on August 20, 2017, 11:07:29 AM
The circuit started with the circuit from Doug: http://www.dougcircuits.com/neon.html (http://www.dougcircuits.com/neon.html)
Unfortunately the AC4 build page is down.
I used in mine an OPAMP LFO, cause the Neon light wasn't working in a periodic way, it was more like a random tremolo.
The imput has 4 configurations, EF86, 12ax7, both in series, both in parallel, which gives some nice different tones, from clean to mean.
Could you share schematic for this in some better resolution?
Quote from: drteming on November 11, 2017, 11:35:38 AM
Got the four 4 1/2" full range speakers from Parts Express for cheap. Sounds exactly like what one would expect from little speakers, thin, no bottom end, but it's hilarious.
Have you thought about porting the cab to get more bass out of it?
Hi, here it is>
https://i.imgur.com/3clwYDS.png (https://i.imgur.com/3clwYDS.png)
Thanks a lot! I presume V1 is 12AX7, V2 is EF86 and V3 is EL84?
yes, haven't seen that...
Quote from: roseblood11 on February 19, 2018, 08:55:11 AM
This is my mini AC-30, with normal and top boost channels into push-pull power amp based on an ECC99. It has a 10" Elac speaker from 1965.
That's really cool!! You wouldn't happen to have the schematic for it?
Spent much of today putting together a test cab for a vintage 30 to go with my new champ clone. Wanted as small a box as possible. Did a nice job of it and it sounds good clean but with distortion is really boxy. Bummer. Start again
Quote from: stallik on April 01, 2018, 05:00:48 PM
Spent much of today putting together a test cab for a vintage 30 to go with my new champ clone. Wanted as small a box as possible. Did a nice job of it and it sounds good clean but with distortion is really boxy. Bummer. Start again
Is the V30 brand new or broken in?
Quote from: thermionix on April 01, 2018, 07:00:55 PM
Is the V30 brand new or broken in?
That can be a huge deal. I bought a 2x12 with vintage 30's brand new and I hated the sound. So I let a friend borrow the cab for a few weeks and when he brought it back it sounded AMAZING.
It's used. eBay job, apparently the seller decided he wanted a hybrid 2x12 and this is the one left over.
My speaker cab sounds a lot better with a closed back but still not right. Did some guesstimations on some the internal volumes of some commercial cabs based on their external size less what I think is the thickness of the wood and most are in the ballpark of .45m2
Mine was much less so I knocked up an extension to the existing cab and it worked much better.
I'm going to end up with a cab far larger than I wanted >:( I think the volume is the critical bit so I'll play with the dimensions a bit so I don't end up with a cube. There's obviously a reason why good 1x12's are either wide or deep
JCM800 2204 head built into an old Marshall 8340 amp cabinet. Custom bent chassis for the head.
Some highlights:
- Used Sozo caps in all the right places
- Used metal film 1% 1W resistors in place of the 1/2 watt. In the power sections I used the recommended 2 or 3W versions. 5W on the power tubes
- Used Mullard tubes throughout. EL34s (matched) and 12AX7s
- I wanted to maintain a black and silver theme to the build. The fuse holders are not going to stay. Replacing with black ones.
- Added external tube bias test points and external bias pot for, you guessed it... easy external biasing ;)
- Getting a custom name plate 3D printed to put in place of the old Marshall plate. Hope to get that on very soon. Also going to get some name plates for controls done at a local trophy shop sometime in the near future.
The cabinet was a re-use from a Marshall 8240. Had to get a chassis bent to fit the space. The speakers are hand-me-downs that came with the cabinet. They are not impedence matched (one is 8ohm, the other is 16 ohm) but they sound good for now until I can get a pair of Celestions.
I do think that I need to look into this amp a bit more. The tone stack sounds very flat to me AND, I am not getting any break-up even when the Master and Pre-amp controls are dimed. I initially thought that I would get something but, I may be wrong. Maybe one of you with experience on the JCM800s can elaborate.
Anyways, here are some pics.
Neat :) Jelous......
In all seriousness I love the Celestion Rocket 50. It's a super cheap speaker made by Celestion for Nady (not sure what they went in) but I put one in an amp project and LOVED the way it sounded.
Great looking build. I know you've been working on it a while and I've been looking forward to seeing it. It was worth the wait 8)
QuoteI am not getting any break-up even when the Master and Pre-amp controls are dimed
Well that doesn't sound right. Maybe a weak preamp tube? Those "reissue" Mullards can be hit or miss. Do you get much dirt with the gain up but master low? It shouldn't be JCM900 levels, but some at least. How hot are your power tubes biased?Nice, neat build BTW. Where did you get the chassis custom bent?
Here's something you don't want to hear, or bother with, but would be easy with eyelets...there would be some real benefit to reversing all of your coupling caps. Lower noise (and maybe better tone) with the banded ends toward the plates.
Hold on, I think I found it. You have no bypass cap on V1A cathode. Stock value is 330u, but anything from 25u up will probably sound about the same. BIG boost in gain and dynamics.
https://drtube.com/schematics/marshall/2204u.gif (https://drtube.com/schematics/marshall/2204u.gif)
QuoteJCM800 2204 head built into an old Marshall 8340 amp cabinet. Custom bent chassis for the head.
That's a great job.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on May 14, 2018, 04:04:56 PM
JCM800 2204 head built into an old Marshall 8340 amp cabinet. Custom bent chassis for the head.
Those are nice projects. ;D
Build me a Super Champ (with a 6l6 instead of a 6v6) a few years back, in a solid state combo which just sat there.
Used the original chassis though. It's my main gig-amp for small venues.
Really nice job Lackey. The chassis looks like it came off the Bismark :)
Knobs look a little small to my eyes but then, I shove chicken heads on everything ::)
Quote from: thermionix on May 14, 2018, 08:31:58 PM
Hold on, I think I found it. You have no bypass cap on V1A cathode. Stock value is 330u, but anything from 25u up will probably sound about the same. BIG boost in gain and dynamics.
https://drtube.com/schematics/marshall/2204u.gif (https://drtube.com/schematics/marshall/2204u.gif)
Lol. Turns out it was my stupidity. I was plugging exclusively into the Low sensitivity input. When I finally plugged into the High.... it was MAGIC!! :icon_lol:
Also, the original prints do not call for a bypass cap on V1a. It does have one for V1b (680n)
EDIT: I see what you are talking about now with the bypass cap. The build I did was based off the 50W Mk2. No bypass cap on V1a
Quote from: thermionix on May 14, 2018, 08:20:01 PM
Nice, neat build BTW. Where did you get the chassis custom bent?
It was done by a guy in Maine. He was referred to me by a member from another forum.
QuoteHere's something you don't want to hear, or bother with, but would be easy with eyelets...there would be some real benefit to reversing all of your coupling caps. Lower noise (and maybe better tone) with the banded ends toward the plates.
These are not polarized caps. Why would their orientation make any difference? :icon_confused:
Quote from: stallik on May 15, 2018, 03:59:02 AM
Really nice job Lackey. The chassis looks like it came off the Bismark :)
Knobs look a little small to my eyes but then, I shove chicken heads on everything ::)
Knobs were chosen that way because I am still toying with the idea of getting custom faceplates done. If the knobs were too big then it would limit what I can do.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on May 15, 2018, 09:31:13 AM
These are not polarized caps. Why would their orientation make any difference? :icon_confused:
Outside foil. The Sozos are properly marked (the band). They work either way, had they been polarized caps they would have been destroyed. There's a thread about it here (https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=119836.0) with some links to good vids.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on May 15, 2018, 09:28:14 AM
The build I did was based off the 50W Mk2. No bypass cap on V1a
You could throw one on a switch and have both. Might pop loudly so best to switch in standby.
Quote from: thermionix on May 15, 2018, 06:12:03 PM
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on May 15, 2018, 09:28:14 AM
The build I did was based off the 50W Mk2. No bypass cap on V1a
You could throw one on a switch and have both. Might pop loudly so best to switch in standby.
Put ~100k resistor between the cap and ground, use the switch to short out the resistor, should solve the pop.
I just added a thread on my new build here (https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=120400.msg1127609;topicseen#msg1127609), but here's a sample photo:
(https://s15.postimg.cc/vdeuoj84r/Philips_1.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/42tjgm57r/)
Tuning eye tube in the middle - nice! Is it in the circuit as an amplifier or is it just used as an indicator?
Thanks Ron!
It's hooked up as a VU meter, so responds to your playing, but isn't in the signal path. There's a video linked in my other thread that shows it off.
Just finished another one!
this time it's a JCM800 preamp pushing two ECL82 in PP.
The cab is made of mahogany, that's why it's so thin. Only used 1/2" planks! It's OK since it only has a 10" speaker...
Good thing is that it's not as heavy as expected, I can carry it around the house without a problem! Can't say the same thing from another amp that has a tube tremolo, tube reverb and 2x10"...
How many watts you can get from two ECL82 in PP?
Are you creating your own plates or are you using pre-drilled chassis with pre-printed labeling plates?
I would LOVE to get some made for my latest amp build but, I have no idea where or how to get some done for the custom design.
That face plate could be waterslide decals on the back of 1/16" polycarbonate or acrylic then sealed in with gold paint.
the waterslide idea is a good one, but I used a transparency. Just printed it mirrored and used some clear coat over the print.
Then I drilled the chassis and painted it gold. When the chassis was dry I glued the transparency to the chassis.
You can also add the acrylic plate over it to protect the transparency. The pots and jacks hold the plate in position.
Lovely build
Really lovely. That mahogany is a great choice with the gold.
Quote from: rankot on May 30, 2018, 03:01:29 PM
How many watts you can get from two ECL82 in PP?
This tube is the same as the 6BM8 and should be good for 8 watts in push-pull.
I have few PCL82 tubes and I am very tempted to build something like this!
made a quick video of it while I'm between builds.
gain maxed and volume at 1(from 10), so almost only preamp gain.
Would you share schematic for this amp?
Here you have it>
Thanks! I have few PCL82 tubes, so I will try to build this using them.
This one has taken me ages to complete, mainly because of the cabinet.
It's a WF-55 kit from Ampmaker with a couple of mods. Based on a Champ but with silicone rectification, 12ax7 and a 6L6. Added a tone control and switchable cap which increases gain and volume. Everything I did was with the intention of giving me as much clean headroom as possible. I run it through a 12 inch Vintage30 and it sounds huge. It's also bleedin loud for 4 watts. It overdrives nicely when cranked but I prefer to use it clean and add pedals
The cab is constructed from 18mm teak salvaged from a laboratory drawer from where I worked 25 years ago. That kind of means something to me. Limited supply of wood coupled with poor carpentry skills has left the dovetails 'fixed' with PVA mixed with sawdust. French polish covers much of it up and makes the grain glow differently as the light changes. No bottom on the cab, just an acrylic plate so I can see the guts...looks good, easy access and saved wood
Just need a handle and some rubber strips for the bottom to complete it. I'm now looking for some more, similar wood to construct a matching cabinet
Very nice, Kev. I love the acrylic sheet idea to give a gutshot view.
very nice! the wood looks really good
Beautiful! Loved the acrylic sheet idea too. Just a queston, does it have any noise issues because of the acrylic? I mean, you have an "open" faraday's cage because of the acrylic.
I worried about this so ran a test with and without a metal plate over the acrylic but solidly connected to the chassis. No difference in noise levels. Of course, in a different location, this may change but when I think about it, most amps chassis have their open face in contact with the wood of the cab rather than another piece of metal. I don't know if there is a difference in this respect between wood and acrylic. (Just checked my big amps to see if there is a shielding plate attached to the wood - there isn't.)
This is not a totally silent amp but the noise is very low and perfectly acceptable to me given the heritage and age of the design.
I know some people who put a layer of aluminium foil or copper foil glued to the wook, so it closes the cage, but I don't really know the difference in tube amps. I just asked this because I want to do something similar, but once I made an okko dominator pedal and got noticeable noise differences between open lid and closed lid hammond enclosure when I was testing it. Glad to know you didn't noticed any difference in noise levels.
BTW, I never heard of Ampmaker before, until about half month ago, when a guy at Handmades (brazilian diy forum) posted a picture of the SE-5A he just build. I did a quick search, and they have nice kits.
Yes, nice kits and Ampmaker is just one knowledgable guy called Barry. Not far from me so I popped in to meet him. Thing that impresses me most about he kits is the testing procedure before and after adding the tubes and his genuine concern that all of his customers produce a safe, working amp with good tone.
Another thumbs up from me for Ampmaker. The open side of my chassis sits against the wood of the cabinet. A tiny bit of noise, but barely noticeable. I think lead-dress may have more effect?
thats a thing of beauty kevin.....very cool.
i used to do french polishing, furniture restoring many years ago,
the best job i ever did was restore an upright piano, a lot of work as it was dinged and battered..
stripped it entirely back to wood, came out great....miss it sometimes, not the mess and stink though.. :)
one day i'l build an amp......one day,.. 8)
Thanks Rob. Now I know where to get advice on French polishing then! I found it quite relaxing but I was dealing with flat surfaces with no dings. Not sure how I'd feel after a piano..
BTW - what happened to your avatar? it's gone
yeah i know.....i need to sort it....somehow. ::)
I can see you Rob! (NASA app, obvs... ;D)
Awesome job!! I am in the process of collecting the parts for a 2 channel Matchless build (spitfire and nighthawk) and maybe some reverb too. Anyhow I am thinking about putting it in a box made of redwood with is 5/8" thick. Not sure if I want to make a head and separate speaker cab or a combo. I think because of the EF86 I'm leaning towards separate head and cab.
Just finished this one. Rick Holt's (aka frequencycentral) Superfly, which is an submini version of Doug Hammond's Firefly, built in a 1590A.
(https://s15.postimg.cc/d0uul64mf/13_m_o.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/d0uul64mf/)(https://s15.postimg.cc/q50exvjtj/14_frente.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/q50exvjtj/)
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on July 09, 2018, 07:05:29 PM
Just finished this one. Rick Holt's (aka frequencycentral) Superfly, which is an submini version of Doug Hammond's Firefly, built in a 1590A.
(https://s15.postimg.cc/d0uul64mf/13_m_o.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/d0uul64mf/)(https://s15.postimg.cc/q50exvjtj/14_frente.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/q50exvjtj/)
Woah, that's next level.
Quote from: Joncaster on July 10, 2018, 02:43:59 AM
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on July 09, 2018, 07:05:29 PM
Just finished this one. Rick Holt's (aka frequencycentral) Superfly, which is an submini version of Doug Hammond's Firefly, built in a 1590A.
(https://s15.postimg.cc/d0uul64mf/13_m_o.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/d0uul64mf/)(https://s15.postimg.cc/q50exvjtj/14_frente.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/q50exvjtj/)
Woah, that's next level.
Nah, just a copy cat ;)
Nice to see someone else tackle (and succeeding with) this build :D
Mine isn't next level, just a poorly done copy of Perrow's :icon_lol:
It's indeed a challenging build, not so much space to use and everything must be well planned before the building process. Perrow's work is fully detailed to avoid all that planning, and I was going to use all that info. But since I used russians tube (with different pinouts) I had to do everything from the start, and had to make a few decisions (including no tonestack nor bias switch, since I used a low gain preamp tube) which resulted in a amp different from the initial plannings. The most important things are: 1) it works; 2) I really enjoyed the sound :icon_razz:.
As stated at Perrow's Superfly page: Measure 42 times drill once.
Here are a few of mine I've done:
AC-15 build with Mahogany cabinet, dovetailed joints
18 Watt with Cherry Cabinet
Overload Special
Brownface Princeton
Blackface Princeton
That's some seriously good work there!
Quote from: dan.schumaker on July 17, 2018, 02:23:29 PM
Here are a few of mine I've done:
AC-15 build with Mahogany cabinet, dovetailed joints
That is beautiful
Quote from: dan.schumaker on July 17, 2018, 02:23:29 PM
Overload Special
Brownface Princeton
Blackface Princeton
Hey Dan. How did you do the faceplates on these? Trying to get something like this done for the amp I built. Thanks!
There used to be a place called amplates.com that would make custom faceplates, logos, and even printed grill cloth. But they quit taking orders according to their site. No idea if any of the print shops like Fast Signs can do anything similar. Worst case scenario you can print on paper and put clear plexiglass over it. It looks okay but the plexi can crack from tightened pot/jack/switch nuts. Trophy shops can help with some things.
Quote from: Govmnt_Lacky on July 20, 2018, 01:44:13 PM
Hey Dan. How did you do the faceplates on these? Trying to get something like this done for the amp I built. Thanks!
I do them the same way I do pedals. These are just clear sticker paper on some aluminum sheet (like this https://www.menards.com/main/tools-hardware/sheet-metal-rods/hillman-reg-aluminum-sheet-metal/11237/p-1444432417564.htm (https://www.menards.com/main/tools-hardware/sheet-metal-rods/hillman-reg-aluminum-sheet-metal/11237/p-1444432417564.htm)), then clearcoated over. Super easy to do!
I've been working on this one for a while and it's finally finished enough :P It's a Bogen Challenger 100 that I converted into a 100W bass amp for a friend. He gigs regularly so he wanted it to be a rackmount for easy traveling. The chassis is 1U but the transformers and everything make it 3U tall, so I made a 2U crylic plate with CNC engraved labels and threw an LED strip behind it.
I finished up a couple of builds this week.
(https://s33.postimg.cc/7o0ea7vcb/10_AF1_E94-_A9_C5-4_A6_F-_A3_E8-22_C69231_FB5_A.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/7o0ea7vcb/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/wvbaa13gr/16_B06813-7362-460_D-_AFCB-2_E4_F9_FD678_D2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/wvbaa13gr/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/p2kmi0uwr/40_F4_D668-_DCB3-484_A-_ACEF-_F488_EC7_C889_A.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/p2kmi0uwr/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/rwnrvi7dn/50_CF19_E2-4_C4_E-4_D85-8437-1_B163_E36_B019.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/rwnrvi7dn/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/udzj2r44r/586_DACB4-990_F-4_B9_F-9_D69-85_D5_B0294335.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/udzj2r44r/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/b8w9szx6j/C53_FCACE-2_B18-43_D4-_A9_B5-6_F5_CDC322109.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/b8w9szx6j/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/syxydxfvf/C83638_EE-_B527-421_B-8_B76-6_FE63310_CCCF.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/syxydxfvf/)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/kupu9n3vf/F7_A0_D83_E-_E320-410_F-9098-_B4545_E344_AAE.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/kupu9n3vf/)
Quote from: wavley on July 30, 2018, 12:01:02 PM
I finished up a couple of INSANELY SEXY builds this week.
Fixed that for you. Really excellent builds, and your guts are neater than mine will ever be 8)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/kupu9n3vf/F7_A0_D83_E-_E320-410_F-9098-_B4545_E344_AAE.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/kupu9n3vf/)
What circuit is this, if you don't mind my asking? EL84's through hemp speakers are my favorite sound in the world ;D
Quote from: vigilante397 on July 30, 2018, 12:35:18 PM
Quote from: wavley on July 30, 2018, 12:01:02 PM
I finished up a couple of INSANELY SEXY builds this week.
Fixed that for you. Really excellent builds, and your guts are neater than mine will ever be 8)
(https://s33.postimg.cc/kupu9n3vf/F7_A0_D83_E-_E320-410_F-9098-_B4545_E344_AAE.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/kupu9n3vf/)
What circuit is this, if you don't mind my asking? EL84's through hemp speakers are my favorite sound in the world ;D
The gutted vaporizer was pretty free form, I threw in a couple turret strips and a ground buss and built from pile of schematics. Basically it's the power section and PI from the EL84 Traynor YBA-2AB Bass Mate, but cathode biased, and the preamp/tone stack from the Traynor YSR-1 Custom Reverb. A few tweaks here and there, like using a tweed choke power supply, but with a bridge rectifier. I built it for Alan from the Findells so he would stop needing to use my modded Vibrolux in the studio and a Blues Deluxe live, it's dark and growly just like it's owner and just loud enough to compete with Paul the drummer.
Amazing builds!
Finished another submini amp>
this time running on batteries!
Lovely, indeed! <3
How many watts? Which tubes did you use?
well...0.3W and the tubes are the 1J24B and the 1J29B russian subminiature tubes.
Only 35mA filament current in the series string.
just made a video to show how it sounds.
In the end I test the high gain/volume setting to show some feedback
Another Ruby amp....
I've been a lurker on the board for a while and I've built a few DIY pedals, but this is my first attempt at an amp. It's a ROG Ruby built into a "craft" box. I used two 3" speakers I had laying around. I still need to stain the box, but I'm very happy with it. I was surprised by how easy it was to build and how good it sounds (even with 3" speakers)!
(https://s22.postimg.cc/o7dc13eb1/20180816_133759.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/o7dc13eb1/) (https://s22.postimg.cc/vnclmwhfx/20180816_133810.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/vnclmwhfx/) (https://s22.postimg.cc/knrebb6gd/20180816_133823.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/image/knrebb6gd/)
Welcome, sgcoguy. Nice amp, just put something to protect the speakers.
Hey Guys...
I've been out of DIYStomboxes for a while, and in the meantime you've worked on a lot on unseen, funny, classy, oddball, surprising... Well, amazing amp releases that I discover now ! (I distributed a bunch of likes, of course).
Fortunately my job and my health issues have finally left me some time to resume and nearly achieve the construction of my big amp project The Serial Tone Killer :icon_biggrin: ... Started nearly 3 years ago :icon_redface:
Sorry if there's no resizing of the big pictures... :icon_confused: I deleted them and reposted them in a more convenient size a bit further !
I still have to build the footswitch and make the final tests :icon_rolleyes: :icon_wink:
Incredbile! Looks like nothing's left uninstalled on your workbench :)
I apologize for these useless gigantic pics, a pain to watch :icon_mad:... Here is a set of pics in resized version, more easy to look at :
Quote from: rankot on August 20, 2018, 02:10:11 PM
Incredbile! Looks like nothing's left uninstalled on your workbench :)
Well, I cleaned the bench for the pictures, you guess it rankot... :icon_wink:
That's an amazing build!
For pics size, you can use postimage (there's an "add image to post" right under the reply text box). It's free, requires no registration and yu get a code for a thumbnail pic with a link to the big sized one.
Wow, that's cool! Does it stay up pretty well?
This amp looks so beautiful and great it's almost unbelievable it's real! I can only hope I will make something at least half as good! Still looking and enjoying those pictures!
Thanks you Guys !
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on August 20, 2018, 06:24:14 PM
That's an amazing build!
For pics size, you can use postimage (there's an "add image to post" right under the reply text box). It's free, requires no registration and yu get a code for a thumbnail pic with a link to the big sized one.
Yes, righ Marcos - Munky t. I use Lightpics that offers the same functionalities about resizing, but I only forgot to use them... :icon_redface:
Quote from: hoi on August 20, 2018, 07:57:11 PM
Wow, that's cool! Does it stay up pretty well?
For the moment, I made preliminary tests with instruments (DMM, signal generator, oscilloscope, dummy load...) and debugged some little mistakes of wiring :icon_rolleyes:
These preliminary tests gives the following results, on sine wave, 440hz, 8 ohms load, onset of clipping (see scope screen) :
75W RMS in stage/full mode.
22W RMS in stage/half mode.
1W RMS in home mode.
I still have to decide which speaker to install in it... :icon_neutral:
Quote from: rankot on August 21, 2018, 12:34:36 AM
This amp looks so beautiful and great it's almost unbelievable it's real! I can only hope I will make something at least half as good! Still looking and enjoying those pictures!
On another forum where I will not post anymore, I have been treated as a good photoshopper among other uglynesses that their "dogmatic guru experts" 's jealousy only find to comment... :icon_cool:
"Les cons, ça ose tout. C'est d'ailleurs à cela qu'on les reconnaît" :icon_lol: - by Michel Audiard, one of the most famed dialogue writers of the French cinema of the 60's.
Some additional pics (that I may have already posted :icon_redface:) to prove that yes, I am a "N°1 in Photoshop" user :icon_lol: :
The wood in the trunk of my car, coming from the DIY supermarket :
Cabs assembled (the one on sublect here is the big one) :
Cabs Tolexed and Grillcloth-ed :
Laser-engraved face plates, designed in vectorial Inkscape drawing :
Chassis preparation :
OK... You guess the rest, I think. :icon_wink:
But I don't forget that the DIYstompboxes members are truly skilled artists - namely for building, and moreover painting and decorating stompboxes :icon_surprised: :icon_eek: :icon_cool:, a job that I'm in pain to do... :icon_sad:
Delightful as always Bruno! Beautiful design, impeccable execution. Good to see you're well, look forward to seeing many more of your amps.
Sir, as always, your builds have class!
Thanks Dave & Stallik !
I pleasantly see that many members are jumping (or are still) in the bandwagon of building unseen, funky and classy amps, and that's cool 8) 8) 8).
In fact, DYIstompboxers are much more inspired, versatile and able of anything than those cork sniffers, self-called "tube amp experts", who know everything without ever having learned anything but tell-tale stories... :icon_lol:
First simplified tone test today : the Serial Tone Killer amps works as expected, but still needs some little debugging : there's an insulting remaining little hum, probably due to an unwanted GND loop somewhere, that I must "Seek and Destroy" ! :icon_twisted: :icon_wink:
Well... The debugging and fine-tuning comes to its end... A tiny buzzz to remove, some little clicks on switching to eradicate...
I'll try to make samples with my pro friends playing when the Serial Tone Killer will be ready ! ;)
Sorry, no pics this time :-\.
I'd been thinking about doing this for a while and finally got around to it. This is the 4th amp that has been in this cabinet (an old Epiphone Valve Jr. head) and the 3rd finish on the box, and I think this is finally how it will stay. It's now a slightly modded Matchless Lightning clone with matching 1x12 cab, and I dig it. I pulled the tolex off the front of the cabinets and spraypainted underneath, then added my own logo, which of course lights up on the head, because if it's going to be like a Matchless it may as well be like a Matchless. But I think more than anything I'm really proud of how well the logo plates and the faceplate turned out. I tried a new method for these on this build and I really like how they turned out, so I'm going to continue doing it this way ;D
Me again :P this is another one I did recently, it's a Marshall TMB 18W clone with reverb. The cab was built buy a gentleman I met online, which I stained and lacquered. It didn't turn out perfect, but it was a neat learning experience, and it sounds good 8)
Gutshots? C'mon man, you know we like it hardcore around here!
Quote from: thermionix on October 02, 2018, 03:31:11 AM
Gutshots? C'mon man, you know we like it hardcore around here!
Gutshots were omitted intentionally :P I said they sounded good, I didn't say they were pretty inside. But I guess I can get some gutshots ::)
All tube amps are beautiful, in the Lord's eyes.
(https://i.postimg.cc/k2FrKzfV/20181003_000702.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/k2FrKzfV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/67rd9L6x/20180704_172356.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/67rd9L6x)
Alright, here's your gutshots. Lightning on top, 18W TMB (slightly before completion) on bottom. Both followed Ceriatone layouts with the exception of solid-state rectifier and omission of a filter choke.
They look damn good to me, don't see why you'd be hesitant to post those. You should see my amp (you won't), it's had 4 or more completely different circuits in the chassis, countless mods and experiments, buncha extra holes and solder tags...quite a mess!
Yeah, they look nice to me too. Way better than my Hi Octane :icon_redface: :icon_lol:
Well this is embarrassing. Just looked at the pictures closer and that's the wrong 18W gutshot. That was one I built around the same time, but that one was two channel without reverb, whereas the amp I posted is single channel with reverb. I'll have to see if I can find those guts (I drilled the mounting holes a little off so I would love to not open and re-close the amp just for a gutshot).
Quotehey look damn good to me, don't see why you'd be hesitant to post those.
Yes, I agree... And that "Matchless" evocation look is pretty good also ! I never ventured in the Matchless look but you're giving me ideas, vigilante397... ;)
Quoteit's a Marshall TMB 18W clone with reverb.
Is it a circuit from Ceriatone or you modified / created it ?
Quote from: tubelectron on October 04, 2018, 04:06:02 PM
Is it a circuit from Ceriatone or you modified / created it ?
I mostly followed the Ceriatone layout (love Ceriatone stuff), but the reverb was added based on a schematic I found on the TDPRI forum, some guy there built an 18W w/ tremolo and added reverb and posted his schematic. He used 6V6's for power though, which isn't to my taste, so this is EL84's.
Quote from: vigilante397 on October 04, 2018, 04:23:00 PM
Quote from: tubelectron on October 04, 2018, 04:06:02 PM
Is it a circuit from Ceriatone or you modified / created it ?
I mostly followed the Ceriatone layout (love Ceriatone stuff), but the reverb was added based on a schematic I found on the TDPRI forum, some guy there built an 18W w/ tremolo and added reverb and posted his schematic. He used 6V6's for power though, which isn't to my taste, so this is EL84's.
OK. Thanks ! ;)
I had never seen the vox escort before and tubelectron opened that door. So I got one and wanted to build something like the ac4 inside it.
I did some minor changes in the circuits, as reducing the gain of the EF86, as suggested by Merlin, to avoid problems.
The tremolo uses the 12au7 instead of the 12ax7. Since the gain is much lower, I had to add two extra CR stages to make it oscillate at the same rate.
The output stage is a way lower than the EL84, because I used the EL95. Nothing wrong there, it's a small box, I don't need all that power at home. Just had to change some values here and there.
So here are the pictures:
Just need to fix that grill cloth, it's made of a different material (wool or cotton?) .The one I have is brown and looks like made of nylon.
Awesome. EF86 Vox is best Vox.
Great way to get around the limitation of the usual three R-C phase shift oscillator. The 12AU7 has a µ of 20 and the normal three-section equal R / equal C phase shift oscillator requires a gain of 29.
Quote from: thomasha on October 07, 2018, 01:17:55 PM
I did some minor changes in the circuits, as reducing the gain of the EF86, as suggested by Merlin, to avoid problems.
What exactly?
I followed this suggestions:
http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/pentode.html (http://www.valvewizard.co.uk/pentode.html)
but use some parts available, that means:
Anode resistor is 100k
Screen resistor is 470k
Screen capacitor 100nF
Cathode resistor 1.5k
I also made a quick video, just to show the tremolo speed settings:
I start from the lowest setting and go up until the effect stops. There is some mic distortion from the camera at some parts.
Yes ! Great job thomasha : I immediately steal your pictures ;)
Excellent idea that tremolo, and moreover it sounds great... When I made my VOX AC3 Top Boost, I hesitated but finally went simpler for fear of lacking room : you demonstrate that I could do it. Congratulations !
Yours :
Mine :
Why not rebuilding mine with a trem ? Would you post (or send me in PM) your compete schematic, thomasha ? So I could see what you've done...
Thanks !
just made a paint job on the original schematic...here you have it:
For a bigger image just copy the link and remove the last l before the dot
If you want to use a 12AX7 in the tremolo you can use the original tremolo section, with only 3 CR Stages.
Quote from: thomasha on October 10, 2018, 05:10:31 AM
just made a paint job on the original schematic...here you have it:
For a bigger image just copy the link and remove the last l before the dot
If you want to use a 12AX7 in the tremolo you can use the original tremolo section, with only 3 CR Stages.
Perfect 8) ! Thanks Thomasha ;)
In my AC3 Top Boost, I had planned a hole for an additional 12Axxx tube : I'll see if I can enter you trem circuit stuff "compressed" on a little separate board, without changing my original circuit (except the rotary pentode/triode switch).
The trem would then modulate the 2nd preamp triode, à la Vibro-Champ. The rotary Batt/Mains selector would become the trem speed pot...
It's a true compactess challenge ! :icon_eek: :icon_confused: :icon_mad:
I think you spent some required skill and time ton enter all the components in your chassis, since your wiring is even more compact than mine :o
Finished this one yesterday. PCL84 tube amp, powered by that 555 smps.
(https://i.postimg.cc/XB6Jgq6C/4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XB6Jgq6C)
Little sound demo recorded on my smartphone. Used just the guitar, no effects or equalization.
https://soundcloud.com/marcao_cfh/pcl84 (https://soundcloud.com/marcao_cfh/pcl84)
A 12AX7 with a three-section R-C filter will definitely oscillate but it would not carry enough cathode current to modulate the input stage. A 12AT7 has a µ of 60 and can carry the same current as a 12AU7. It also has the advantage of not being an audiophool part that commands a high price. A three-section equal R, equal C oscillator requires a gain of 29.
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on November 05, 2018, 05:55:27 PM
Finished this one yesterday. PCL84 tube amp, powered by that 555 smps.
(https://i.postimg.cc/XB6Jgq6C/4.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XB6Jgq6C)
Little sound demo recorded on my smartphone. Used just the guitar, no effects or equalization.
https://soundcloud.com/marcao_cfh/pcl84 (https://soundcloud.com/marcao_cfh/pcl84)
Sounds quite good! Is there any amp noise you have, besides this ambient noise that can be heard on recording?
How much power do you get out of it, since you'are using SMSP for powering?
There's no noise. Well, there was an oscillation at higher volume settings, which was solved by adding 2 ceramic caps to ground.
I still didn't measured the output power. I'm planning on doing it today.
Edited: IF I did the measure correctly, it's about 0.28W at about 140V. I'm still not sure if I did it correctly. It's loud enough for me to worry about using it plugged on a 4x12 while living in a flat.
Another PCL84 amp. It's the same circuit as the previous one, but with a power switch and a green led added. This time, I used a 9V 300mA transformer as the output transformer (had to do the air gap).
(https://i.postimg.cc/dkSMsgMW/amp.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dkSMsgMW)
How did you know you can use that transformer for OT? You did some calculations, or measurements?
I did both things, a physical measurement and some calculations.
The core of this one is 1 cm x 1.5 cm, which results in a 1.5 cm² area. The equation for the core area is Sg = 10 * (P/f)^1/2, where P is power andf is the lowest frequency. Some books use 7.5 instead of 10 as the constant, but 10 is a better number since you'll get a bigger core area, and it's better to use a overdimensioned transformer than an underdimensioned one.
Solving that equation for Sg = 1.5 cm² and f = 60 Hz, I got 1.35 W as the output power. We don't know anything on the windings, so it's not a good idea to use this full number. And since my previous PCL84 amp gave me about 1/4 W, it's safe to use this "1.35 W" as the output transformer.
For the impedance, the equation is windings ratio = V1/V2 = (Z1/Z2)^2. This is a 220 V to 9 V transformer, which gives a 24.4 winding ratio. For a 8 ohm speaker (Z2), that gives Z1 = 4K8. The PCL84 asks for a 10K transformer, so it'll result in a impedance mismatch and lower output power (about half of the power). Since I used a 6K transformer before, I just gave a go on the 4K8 one and it worked pretty well. But if you want to use the 10K impedance, you can use a 6 V transformer and a 8 ohm speaker. Use the 220 V side as the primary and the lower voltage as the secondary. Don't know how bad is that mismatch in a bigger amp.
Then you have to rearrange the lams because a single ended amp asks for a transformer with an air gap. Basically, you put all the E lams, then add a layer of paper (photo paper or something like that) and then the I lams. Then superglue them together or something like that :icon_lol:.
Thanks, good explanation! I can buy some cheap power transformers and use them as OTF for small SE tube amps.
Yeah, for low power SE tube amps you can do it. The sound quality will be lower than a good OTF, but in my opinion it'll probably not too much noticeable. There's some work to disassemble the lams and assemble them with an air gap, but once you figure out how to do it you can do it easily. I'm hitting the corners with a ball hammer until the lams move a little bit and breaks the glue/varnish, then using some pliers to pull the lams. The first one always get destroyed :icon_lol:
Quote from: birt on April 12, 2010, 06:08:49 PM
Oh my gosh. I feel things about this I haven't felt since...
Quote from: thomasha on October 10, 2018, 05:10:31 AM
just made a paint job on the original schematic...here you have it:
For a bigger image just copy the link and remove the last l before the dot
If you want to use a 12AX7 in the tremolo you can use the original tremolo section, with only 3 CR Stages.
As long as you have the filament centre tap available, I would connect it to some higher voltage like the cathode of the output tube. This is often done to ensure any electron emission from the filament starts at a higher voltage so the grid will be much more negative and will shut it off.
Quote from: amptramp on March 07, 2019, 06:14:19 PM
As long as you have the filament centre tap available, I would connect it to some higher voltage like the cathode of the output tube. This is often done to ensure any electron emission from the filament starts at a higher voltage so the grid will be much more negative and will shut it off.
If I use DC for heaters, is it better to connect heater's ground to output tube's cathode or not?
Quote from: rankot on May 03, 2019, 11:49:22 AM
Quote from: amptramp on March 07, 2019, 06:14:19 PM
As long as you have the filament centre tap available, I would connect it to some higher voltage like the cathode of the output tube. This is often done to ensure any electron emission from the filament starts at a higher voltage so the grid will be much more negative and will shut it off.
If I use DC for heaters, is it better to connect heater's ground to output tube's cathode or not?
I would still connect the heaters to a higher voltage like the output tube cathodes because rectifying and filtering the AC heater supply would introduce higher harmonics of the power line frequency even though the fundamental would be gone.
If I got this right - for example, I have 9V DC available for heaters (as in normal pedal) and they need 6.3V. Which version is better (if any) - with heater ground slightly elevated to 2.7V with dropping resistors between heaters and ground, or heater ground at the same level as circuit ground, with dropping resistors between +9V and heaters?
Some of my amps and cabinets.
Just finished this one. AX84 P1 with "alternative" tubes. I've used a 6N2P for the preamp tube, and a 6EM5 for the output tube (not pin to pin equivalent to a EL84). Also, my first experience on winding both power and output transformers.
(https://i.postimg.cc/0M5wNmjT/p1fora.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0M5wNmjT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/YhTYxhDF/p1dentro.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YhTYxhDF)
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on June 26, 2019, 08:42:31 PM
Just finished this one. AX84 P1 with "alternative" tubes. I've used a 6N2P for the preamp tube, and a 6EM5 for the output tube (not pin to pin equivalent to a EL84). Also, my first experience on winding both power and output transformers.
(https://i.postimg.cc/0M5wNmjT/p1fora.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/0M5wNmjT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/YhTYxhDF/p1dentro.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/YhTYxhDF)
Is that one of those tone-metal cake tins?
Yeah, it's a tin to bake cake/bread.
I needed minimalistic setup for my home looping and it led to the need of building FX loop feature into my MicroCube (there was simply no other way around :D).
It was not that easy, as all from preamp to master volume happens inside the CPU, but I managed.
(http://thmq.mysteria.cz/ucfx/img/pcb_populated.jpg) (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/ucfx/img/done_back_detail.jpg)
Short sample (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/ucfx/wav/084_1.WAV)
More pics & schema (http://thmq.mysteria.cz/ucfx/)
Happy :), T.
Tomas, you never fail to amaze.
Quote from: Ben N on September 22, 2019, 02:44:31 AM
Tomas, you never fail to amaze.
Oh, sweet, thank you, Ben! :)
Quote from: Thomeeque on September 20, 2019, 08:26:00 AM
there was simply no other way around :D
Are you sure...? ???
Looks great though, nice work 8)
tomaz thats brilliant, i have a micro cube too, and a looper,
its always been a pain that the effects come after, so i can see why you did this....excellent work man.
(i was forced to use mine on clean channel with external effects and looper....)
so this is a nice minimal setup...very cool. 8)
Thanks, guys! :)
Quote from: vigilante397 on September 23, 2019, 11:26:19 AM
Quote from: Thomeeque on September 20, 2019, 08:26:00 AM
there was simply no other way around :D
Are you sure...? ???
Well, depends. I really like preamps and effects built-in inside MC, it's just a perfect set for (my) home playing needs, and to be able to use them in combination with looper IMHO there is no other way. You can use it the way Rob describes, but then you loose most of what MC offers and setup is also more complicated.
Quote from: deadastronaut on September 25, 2019, 03:14:31 AM
tomaz thats brilliant, i have a micro cube too, and a looper, ..
Then you should do it also! :icon_twisted: I can provide some more info, if needed, feel free to ask.
Cheers, T.
hi T.
yes please, i'll have a go at it...
ive done a few mods to it already, added an on/off switch on top...as the one on the back was annoying.. :icon_rolleyes:
added a speaker on/off regardless of phones in...for recording out... 8)
and added fancy colour changing neo pixel leds around the face of it too.... ;D
so may as well go the full monty on it... :icon_mrgreen:
That's the spirit! :icon_lol:
Quote from: deadastronaut on September 26, 2019, 10:43:08 AM
hi T.
yes please, i'll have a go at it...
I started new topic: /smfforum/index.php?topic=123179.0 (https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=123179.0) ✌️
This is a EF184 tube preamp + a TDA8932 class D amp board.
(https://i.postimg.cc/XrKpmh1Z/tubeclassd.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XrKpmh1Z)
I used a laptop power supply (19V) to power the whole thing. The TDA board is powered by the laptop power supply. Then I used a dc-dc step down converter to lower it to 6V to power both the heater and a 555 smps for the high voltage (which I forgot if it was 150V or 250V, probably 150).
Great, Marcos! I'm just in the process of deciding how to power my new mic pre, and I thought I could do SMPS, too! I've got some Chinese DC-DC converters for cheap, so I will experiment with them. My idea is to go 12V (for heaters) and then boost that to 220-250V for B+. What's your experience with this - is it noisy or not?
In my experience, there's a few things that matters.
When I was testing this one outside of the enclosure, the boards position matters. I mean, when the tda board was closer to the 555 smps, it was noisy. But when everything was mounted in the enclosure, the smps and tda boards ended up very close to each other - but with the enclosure as a ground plane between them - and I got no noise at all.
If you're building the smps, a good layout helps to low the noise level. I once built a alembic tube pre with a (bad layout) integrated smps, the B+ tracks were at wrong places too near the signal tracks, and I got some high frequency bleeding. After that bad experience, I drew a layout for just the smps and use it as a separate board. I've powered a few circuits (alembic preamp, jcm preamp, fender twin-like preamp, ef184 preamp, mesa boogie preamp, ecl84 amp, 6n16b submini tube amp) using it and got great results.
If you're using a already built smps, you have to give it a try. Some of them are not made for audio and can be noisy (I have a dc step up board that's way noisy), while others aren't noisy at all.
The "main" power supply matters too. A noisy power supply without some good filtering will put noise in the circuit. This noise will go thru dc converters and can get noisier if there's no filtering. That said, some power supplies we suppose it's noise may give good results. I've powered a mesa boogie tube preamp using a sony psp power supply with no noise at all :icon_twisted:.
Your idea is very doable. I'd say to give it a try. Use a tested layout for the preamp (if you have one) and, if you're building the smps, use a tested layout too. I can send you the one I use if you want. If you're using a dc converter board for the smps, you'll have to test it to check for noise levels. Play around the board positions (maybe add a ground shielding around the smps if the boards end up closer to each other and you get noise bleeding) and the B+ wire, and keep in mind it'll probably sounds noisier outside the enclosure than inside of it, and you're good.
Btw, does this tube mic use transformers or not? So metimes I think on building me a tube mic preamp, but the transformers keep the idea out of my building list.
Actually, it is so called Shroom mic preamp (by Fred Nachbaur), transformerles indeed, but I changed it to use EF86 and 12A*7/6N2P. I still didn't build it, but I can open a new topic about it if your're interested. Already did a PCB design, but it could be better if someone could take a look at it before I start soldering :)
I did a little research on it and found the schematic. Looks interesting. The thing is it uses 2 pentodes, which I'm out of them rn and tubes are somewhat hard to get here, so I can't add it to my projects list (at least for now). But I can take a look at the layout if you want.
Btw, for 220V out of that smps, a small heatsink may be necessary.
Started new topic here: https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=123502.0 (https://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=123502.0)
I'm curious. When building a custom valve amp, what is an acceptable life for the tubes? I'm talking catastrophic failure not 'going off a bit'
It's entirely reasonable that the harder they are made to work, the less time they will last. Tonight, the Mesa 12AX7 in my little homemade champ(ish) amp ended it's life with a truly remarkable cacophony and had to be replaced. Extrapolating from a data set of 1 for each valve, they are lasting about 12 months.
I'm not complaining about this, the amp sounds brilliant and I'm prepared to accept this short life, just wondering what peeps thought was acceptable
In my experience 12 months is an extremely short life for a good tube in regular use. I haven't changed the preamp tubes in my main amp in over 3 years and they still sound great.
Thanks Nathan. I probably worded my question badly. I last revalved my big amps 30 years ago and have had 1 failure since then so I've always thought tubes lasted almost for ever.
When building your own amp however, it's possible to push the valves to hell and back in order to achieve some kind of magic tone, knowing that this will be at the expense of valve life. Doing this would be commercially unacceptable but in the DIY world, we can do whatever we want. So I did.
Quote from: stallik on December 30, 2019, 06:10:15 PM
When building your own amp however, it's possible to push the valves to hell and back in order to achieve some kind of magic tone, knowing that this will be at the expense of valve life.
That's true, this is absolutely possible. I built a tube hi-fi amp from a kit several years ago and it sounded excellent, but the tubes seemed to go out very fast. So I poked around and found out that the voltages, even the heater voltage, were outside of the spec for the tubes. If you love the sound of the amp as is and you think it's worth swapping a tube every year or so to keep that tone I obviously won't stop you, always trust your ears. That being said you may want to check voltages, especially your heater voltages, to see if you can lower them without affecting the tone of the amp.
This is just my opinion, but I think even on custom builds you should be working within the limits of the tube and your tubes should last a very long time. If you can't get the sound you like without frying your tube, you may want to try a different tube ;)
A good opinion Nathan. I am actually within the spec of the tubes but only just and that's quite deliberate on this build. The amp sounds pretty amazing.
The 6L6 blew after a couple of weeks, it's replacement is still going strong. That may be down to a duff valve. The 12ax7 has lasted since I built the thing so I'm going to leave the amp as is and see how things pan out
Quote from: vigilante397 on December 30, 2019, 06:24:21 PM
Quote from: stallik on December 30, 2019, 06:10:15 PM
When building your own amp however, it's possible to push the valves to hell and back in order to achieve some kind of magic tone, knowing that this will be at the expense of valve life.
That's true, this is absolutely possible. I built a tube hi-fi amp from a kit several years ago and it sounded excellent, but the tubes seemed to go out very fast. So I poked around and found out that the voltages, even the heater voltage, were outside of the spec for the tubes. If you love the sound of the amp as is and you think it's worth swapping a tube every year or so to keep that tone I obviously won't stop you, always trust your ears. That being said you may want to check voltages, especially your heater voltages, to see if you can lower them without affecting the tone of the amp.
This is just my opinion, but I think even on custom builds you should be working within the limits of the tube and your tubes should last a very long time. If you can't get the sound you like without frying your tube, you may want to try a different tube ;)
There has been a steady rise in power line voltage over the years from 110 to 115 to 117 to 120 VAC here and the voltage at my wall socket is now 121 VAC. If you are using a power transformer from the earlier years (or one that was designed in earlier years), you might benefit from a Globar negative tempco resistor. These were originally common in series string heater wiring for televisions and were often sized for 450 mA or 600 mA heater strings but were available in almost any value. They offered a soft turn-on without the line drop of a fixed resistance and extended tube life. There was a unit that you plugged into a wall outlet and plugged your amplifier into and it provided this soft turn-on for items that didn't have it already.
Since you have established your heater voltages are too high, you have a choice of things to do:
1. Add a resistor in series with the heater output. This would be a very low value resistor.
2. Add a fixed resistor in series with the power transformer primary. The voltage drop can be tailored to the design.
3. Add a globar resistor in series with the power transformer primary. You have fewer choices but it adds a soft turn-on.
4. Add a transformer with a low output voltage and connect it to buck the incoming line voltage so you can drop the voltage with no power loss.
5. Add an EMI filter in series with the power input. This provides a small voltage drop.
6. Add a fuse or circuit breaker in series with the line input. This provides a small voltage drop.
7. Add back-to-back diodes in series with the power input. This adds a fixed voltage drop.
All of these things provide a line drop. The heater current when the unit is switched on may be about four times the normal current in a hot filament and should be limited to extend life. Resistance in series with the power input will give some sag to the B+ voltages which may be good or bad depending on how you want the amplifier to sound. I do not recommend operating tubes outside of their ratings - that's asking for early death with no real benefit.
Thanks for the tips Ron. I fixed my amp a couple years ago as soon as I found the problem, Valve Wizard's website has some tips (most of which you just covered) on lowering heater voltages, and that helped me fix it, so my tubes last a lot longer now.
Quote from: stallik on December 30, 2019, 05:01:46 PM
I'm curious. When building a custom valve amp, what is an acceptable life for the tubes? I'm talking catastrophic failure not 'going off a bit'
It's entirely reasonable that the harder they are made to work, the less time they will last. Tonight, the Mesa 12AX7 in my little homemade champ(ish) amp ended it's life with a truly remarkable cacophony and had to be replaced. Extrapolating from a data set of 1 for each valve, they are lasting about 12 months.
I'm not complaining about this, the amp sounds brilliant and I'm prepared to accept this short life, just wondering what peeps thought was acceptable
This is very personal, as said. If you push the tubes to a point of lots of stress (bias them too hot), the lifespan will be shortened, but they'll overdrive early and you'll get a different and warmer tone out of them. If you bias them too cold, the sound will be cleaner and brighter, and the lifespan of the tubes will be longer.
That said, it depends on how cheap/easy to get are the tubes for you, and from where your tone mainly come from. If you mainly get the tone from stompboxes, colder biased tubes could be better. But some people get their tone mainly out of the tube amp, so they bias the tubes a little hotter, at the expense of the lifespan. I've read somewhere that Brad Paisley's EL84s barely lasts for a month.
A month? That's nuts!
I'd decided to repeat the tests I'd done when I built the amp, just to confirm that plate dissipation was still as I thought. Went from the beginning checking voltages without valves fitted. Everything completely normal, reached for the 6L6, knocked it off the bench :icon_rolleyes:
While I'm waiting for replacements to arrive, I pressed my boogie back into service. This reminded me that at bedroom volumes, it's not a great amp whereas my little 4 watt sounds magnificent. At 12 o'clock it's about as loud as it will get. Any more just adds overdrive but I prefer to leave it below and add pedals. Difficult to describe but the sound is really full and fills the room. I play better through it.
I'll redo the measurements but if my valves last 12 months, that's good enough for me. After all, I'm 1/12 as good as Brad :icon_wink:
Quote from: stallik on January 03, 2020, 03:40:03 PM
if my valves last 12 months, that's good enough for me. After all, I'm 1/12 as good as Brad :icon_wink:
That's why I think my valves should last at least 5 years :icon_lol:
I have a Muzak 920B storecast amplifier that is rated for 15 watts or 20 watts if you bridge across a resistor that goes from the centre tap of the high-voltage winding to ground. It uses 6L6GB outputs with cathode resistor biasing so these tubes are just loafing at 15 watts and hardly more than that at 20 watts. This is an amplifier designed for use 12/7 in a store where it is expected to be on from 9 AM to 9 PM every day. I have a Stromberg-Carlson PA amp that is rated for 30 watts and uses 6L6GB outputs as well.
Both of these units operate their tubes well within ratings and don't suffer from idiotic tube consumption. You can still get a warm sound from low levels of bias but use lower levels of plate and screen voltage to avoid excessive power dissipation. If you don't like the power at lower voltages, go with push-pull parallel. Chances are, you will get the sound you want without the tube death rate you don't want.
If you don't want low power, you can get 75 watts out of a pair of 6146 transmitting tubes. The Ampeg SVT uses six of them in push-pull parallel to get 225 watts in a handy 35 kg / 77 pound package.
Got Home early today to find my new tubes on the mat. Checked my voltages and everything's nominally where it was when I built it. Plate dissipation is 12 watts, plate current 63ma
Just noticed a 1 watt resistor which is becoming a little discoloured - working fine, amp sounding great but I'll pop in a 2 watt anyway.
Quote from: stallik on January 06, 2020, 10:47:52 AM
Just noticed a 1 watt resistor which is becoming a little discoloured
Power tube cathode resistor in a Champ? Yeah Fender used 1W but it wasn't enough. I just put 5W in those and forget about it.
In general the ratings of the resistors on and around power tubes in Fenders was surprisingly low, especially considering how well made and reliable those amps are generally. They should probably be upgraded as a matter of course.
Just taken a punt on 6 electrics from eBay. Fender, Dean, Yamaha and PRS SE. All in distressed condition with stickers all over the place. Should keep me busy in case I'm quarantined in the coming weeks. See if I can get my £90 back but I'm hoping the acoustic Fender with a nice green quilted top could be made good enough to keep.
(https://i.postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL/0Z0A4736.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL)
^ that is a thing of beauty.......excellent. 8) 8) 8)
Quote from: Galego on March 26, 2020, 09:47:47 AM
(https://i.postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL/0Z0A4736.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL)
There are a lot of things on this forum that are excellent, but this completely blew me away. Absolute perfection.
Here are some gut shots:
(https://i.postimg.cc/sGV4Lw8Y/IMG-3922.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sGV4Lw8Y)
(https://i.postimg.cc/SXCLNBbL/IMG-3923.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/SXCLNBbL)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZBLr66RC/IMG-3924.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZBLr66RC)
(https://i.postimg.cc/XXQfJKmP/IMG-3925.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/XXQfJKmP)
(https://i.postimg.cc/xq0GnpxH/IMG-3926.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/xq0GnpxH)
(https://i.postimg.cc/Cz5jfBVx/IMG-3927.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Cz5jfBVx)
(https://i.postimg.cc/v46f3JTR/IMG-3931.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/v46f3JTR)
(https://i.postimg.cc/wyzXtw9C/IMG-3932.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/wyzXtw9C)
It's a 2x5881 amp, with 1xECC81, 1x5751 and 1xECC83 on the preamp. The amp is pretty simple, but built in a very non simple way. The enclosure is a bread box that I happen to come across at the supermarket and immediately thought it would work great for an amp. I then saw the faders in a picture of the Redd.37 mixer from Abbey Studios and wondered if I would be able to make something like that. This was back in 2017. Then I started gathering the meters, transformers and other parts. About 6 months ago I got to actually design everything and start building it. It has an EM85 tube as a VU meter and since I didn't want a standby switch I made a small circuit inside an octal base with the rectifier and a delayed power on. It has a PIC12f1501 that waits 14 seconds to switch the power on. That can actually be used in place of any 5U4 rectifier tube. The heatsink was completely unnecessary, the mosfet doesn't get hot from being on all the time...
I spend a really long time on the details, even with the power connector, I would kill myself if I had to put an IEC connector on it. Now I feel a bit sad that it's finished. It was a lot of fun building it.
Quote from: Galego on March 26, 2020, 02:08:29 PM
Here are some gut shots:
It's a 2x5881 amp, with 1xECC81, 1x5751 and 1xECC83 on the preamp. The amp is pretty simple, but built in a very non simple way. The enclosure is a bread box that I happen to come across at the supermarket and immediately thought it would work great for an amp. I then saw a picture of the Redd.37 mixer from Abbey Studios and wondered if I would be able to make something like that. This was back in 2017. Then I started gathering the meters, transformers and other parts. About 6 months ago I got to actually design everything and start building it. It has an EM85 tube as a VU meter and since I didn't want a standby switch I made a small circuit inside an octal base with the rectifier and a delayed power on. It has a PIC12f1501 that waits 14 seconds to switch the power on. That can actually be used in place of any 5U4 rectifier tube. The heatsink was completely unnecessary, the mosfet doesn't get hot from being on all the time...
I spend a really long time on the details, even with the power connector, I would kill myself if I had to put an IEC connector on it. Now I feel a bit sad that it's finished. It was a lot of fun building it.
Quote from: rankot on March 26, 2020, 06:43:57 PM
Thanks :)
Here are some more pictures.
(https://i.postimg.cc/CBNBGQgz/02.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CBNBGQgz)
(https://i.postimg.cc/BLMbLPTF/03.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/BLMbLPTF)
(https://i.postimg.cc/DSLzQMQn/04.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/DSLzQMQn)
(https://i.postimg.cc/WtYtsrbL/05.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/WtYtsrbL)
(https://i.postimg.cc/F7fzzR7f/06.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/F7fzzR7f)
(https://i.postimg.cc/8FGzZmwW/07.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/8FGzZmwW)
(https://i.postimg.cc/dkttYQbV/08.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dkttYQbV)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CZ4LXn62/09.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZ4LXn62)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ygQ6Y4KX/10.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ygQ6Y4KX)
(https://i.postimg.cc/K41xrWFw/11.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/K41xrWFw)
(https://i.postimg.cc/PvY7VYSp/12.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/PvY7VYSp)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bGwKYGwW/13.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bGwKYGwW)
(https://i.postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1/14.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1)
(https://i.postimg.cc/dhBbKRwG/15.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/dhBbKRwG)
(https://i.postimg.cc/sQt8Jw4C/16.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/sQt8Jw4C)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2bKmNQd0/17.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2bKmNQd0)
(https://i.postimg.cc/ZvvmbWV4/18.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/ZvvmbWV4)
Quote from: Galego on March 26, 2020, 09:47:47 AM
(https://i.postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL/0Z0A4736.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/Xrt1HfNL)
:icon_eek: Good lord man!
This is a work of art. I buy old signal generators and build things into them because i love how they look, so obviously this is right up my street. Part of me resents effects pedals because they're so damn small
Superb work!
I finished this one while on social isolation. Soldano GTO with the output section of the Superfly. The high voltage of 150V, adjusted (by ear), cames from an smps. The pots are gain and volume, the initial idea was to have a passive tone pot but I didn't liked the result so much and decided to remove it. The enclosure is from an old pc lan router.
(https://i.postimg.cc/mPwDY62P/IMG-20200425-213616-631.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/mPwDY62P)(https://i.postimg.cc/yWgkMPnG/IMG-20200329-195208.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yWgkMPnG)
Quote from: Galego on March 28, 2020, 12:08:34 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1/14.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1)
Those pots are just too much. Is that beech?
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on April 27, 2020, 09:40:06 PM
Soldano GTO with the output section of the Superfly.
I've thought about doing exactly this, basically get like a 1/4W high-gain amp. How is it?
Quote from: vigilante397 on April 28, 2020, 11:36:27 AM
I've thought about doing exactly this, basically get like a 1/4W high-gain amp. How is it?
Well, think on something with more gain than a JCM800 but less than a Mesa Boogie.
That said, it sounds very similar to the GTO pedal and, plugged in a 4x12 cab, it's loud! I didn't went past 1/3 of the volume pot for bedroom playing. Don't expect clean sounds out of it (well, you probably isn't :icon_twisted:), but it indeed sounds good on lower gain settings. And great on hi gain settings.
Mine have two "issues". It was originally planned to fit a 1590B, so space limitation was something I should keep in mind, so I had to make the smps as small as possible. That means the filtering is not so good and the amp is a little bit noisy when at higher gain and volume settings, but nothing that annoys me. In fact, I wasn't expecting a dead quiet amp from a high gain circuit powered by two switching power supplies (the smps and a 12V wall wart), and it ended a little bit noisy but less than I was expecting. But it surely could be better with a better HV filtering. The 2nd issue is I found out it have a little bit more of mids than I like, but a tone pot/stack quickly solve this one.
Quote from: rockola on April 28, 2020, 02:30:54 AM
Quote from: Galego on March 28, 2020, 12:08:34 PM
(https://i.postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1/14.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/CZr9RFZ1)
Those pots are just too much. Is that beech?
Looks like a 7-1/4" radius. 8)
Quote from: rockola on April 28, 2020, 02:30:54 AM
Those pots are just too much. Is that beech?
Not sure. I used a cutting board that I thought look nice, but I'm not too familiar with wood types...
My "Covid-19" pre-amp. 8)
Pre-amp section from the jcm800, but with two switchable channels.
Tubes: 2 x 12ax7's.
Old-School (transformer, components soldered on tube-feet and solderlugs, wires everywhere,...) meets modern.
Channel-switching is done with a microcontroller, relays and a mute-circuit (an optocoupler). The signal-line mutes during the time the relays switch from a to b. So no pops.
This is the first ever amp i built.
It´s a 30W solid state
(https://i.postimg.cc/yJ4vZbfd/IMG-20200529-043010-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/yJ4vZbfd)
(https://i.postimg.cc/2bTwg8Cb/IMG-20200529-044659-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/2bTwg8Cb)
(https://i.postimg.cc/64ydSrHg/IMG-20200529-035358-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/64ydSrHg)
(https://i.postimg.cc/grJqnpYs/IMG-20200529-043426-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/grJqnpYs)
(https://i.postimg.cc/gwgLWw6W/IMG-20200529-045614-2.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/gwgLWw6W)
Hello All - I've been off for some time... :icon_confused:
At the favour of isolation I could finally finish my Serial Tone Killer amp project which... Was lagging for nearly five years... :icon_redface:
- selectable power output modes : 5W / 15W / 30W / 90WRMS clean tone.
- footswitchable overdrive, booster, reverb and FX Loop facilities.
- Jazz (more Fendery) and Rock (more Marshally) tailored tone modes.
- low-level FX Loop (-10dBm) stompboxes compliant.
- integrated 4x9VDC DC regulated PSU facility.
- integrated EXH Holy Grail Nano reverb unit.
- 3x 12AX7/ECC83 + 4x Tung-Sol NOS JAN-6L6WGB/5881.
- dimensions (WxHxD= 530x480x260mm.
- weight : 28.5kg, including FSW, cords, padded cover.
Oh, and a custom cart to carry it - due to its anvil weight :
For the time I'm here :icon_wink:... I rehoused another one in a small 8" cab - 22WRMS output clean tone / reverb / FSWable booster :
Powerful and small (but as heavy ???) vs. a SF Princeton Reverb :
And vs. one of our Mates, Mr Balthazar :icon_smile: :
Plus retouching some cosmetics and electronics details on its 25WPMS 12" grandbrother (fixed/cathode bias switch), still operational since 1993 :
Just thought I'd mention that Barry at Ampmaker is back after 18 months away. His new site http://www.ampmaker.com (http://www.ampmaker.com) Looks like it'll be ready for Monday's relaunch. No affiliation, I've built a couple of his kits and am looking forward to doing another
That's good news, Kevin. Not that my amp backlog needs any further burden... :icon_rolleyes: (Got a P1ex to finish first!)
ok, not a custom built amp.... ::)
my long suffering roland needed a facelift....so recovered it,
added a power switch on top....another switch to leave the speaker on or off when headphones are plugged in for recording purposes....and the other switch turns on a string of neopixel leds that go around the face under the grill that have an ATINY programmed to do rainbow colours..which i can interupt to get what any colour i fancy via a rotary on the back...hence why i painted the front white to reflect the light better.... :icon_mrgreen:
(https://i.postimg.cc/svGD841s/116907106-10217691901041181-8354199226856807602-n.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/svGD841s)
(https://i.postimg.cc/kDpgfpJT/116910911-10217691898961129-3280696943920828400-n.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/kDpgfpJT)
(https://i.postimg.cc/21p8fLBv/117111080-10217691900481167-5385951690907623177-n.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/21p8fLBv)
if anyone fancies recovering their old battered roland i have the templates ok..i used 4 panels. not 1 single piece. ;)
Quote from: deadastronaut on August 04, 2020, 07:55:55 AM
....and the other switch turns on a string of neopixel leds that go around the face under the grill that have an ATINY programmed to do rainbow colours
Anyone would think you've been getting bored during lockdown, Rob? ;D
Nice job. 8)
^ yup....got lots of little jobs ive been putting off done during this virus bs....and then creating other little jobs to avoid the other little jobs i should of done... :icon_mrgreen:
but my poor long suffering roland was looking sad...so into surgery he went ;D
BTW, what covering and adhesive did you use, Rob?
Hi man, i used 1mm thick faux leather...bought on ebay....
And ALLFIX spray adhesive...heavy duty.....good stuff.
1x12 cab with Celestion FX12-200 inside. Nice and compact. So far tested only on apartment levels, with Axe-Fx and D-class amp.
(https://i.postimg.cc/9RM1zbkW/IMG-20210101-193805.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/9RM1zbkW) (https://i.postimg.cc/pmHZKRSc/IMG-20210101-193549.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/pmHZKRSc)
I have built a 2×3 cigar box combo amp:
I'm not a woodworker or an amp builder, really, so this project took quite a long time. I'm proud of the result though.
Quote from: EBK on January 18, 2021, 11:34:53 AM
I have built a 2×3 cigar box combo amp:
Well that looks freaking great, nicely done! As a fellow non-woodworker/non-amp builder I think it looks way better than anything I could do :P
I agree with Nathan, both in the "it lokks great" and the "better than anything I can do".
What is the circuit?
The circuit is a "Bassman mod" Ruby.
Nice circuit choice. The bassman ruby is the best sounding 386 amp imo.
I finished another cigar box combo amp. This time, it's a 1×5. Again, I'm not a woodworker, and I found the baffle especially tricky (I resisted saying "baffling"), but I'm proud of this build, and I think my skills are improving. Now, I just need to buy some real tools. :icon_wink:
The circuit is the same as my last one, a Bassman mod Ruby, so I can compare them better.
Nice job, Eric. I like the reveal at the back. :icon_cool:
Quote from: bluebunny on February 17, 2021, 05:11:53 PM
Nice job, Eric. I like the reveal at the back. :icon_cool:
Thanks! I wanted a closed back cabinet, but I needed another 1mm or so box depth for that to be possible. The circular cutout was the compromise. I'm getting pretty good at cutting circles in thin plywood with a hobby knife. :icon_lol:
This one is even better looking than the 1st one! So, which one sounds better? And how's battery life on both of them? I suppose it won't last too long on this 1x15.
Quote from: Marcos - Munky on February 17, 2021, 05:55:38 PM
This one is even better looking than the 1st one! So, which one sounds better? And how's battery life on both of them? I suppose it won't last too long on this 1x15.
Thanks! This one sounds more full than the last one, but I'll break the speaker in a bit before rendering a verdict. No idea on the battery life--a few hours, maybe? It's 5-inch, not 15-inch. :icon_wink:
Edit: Now that I have had a chance to play this amp "at volume", I can say that I like it a lot. Comparing it to my previous amp, this one sounds much bigger and much more like a guitar amp, if that makes any sense.
Like my previous cigar box amp, this box does bloom nicely with a simple cleanish boost pedal in front of it (I like it with my MBP Donut, which is based on the EHX LPB-1), but I like it unboosted as well. (Note, I'm not talking aggressive overdrive here--more of a firm, yet gentle, push.)
great looking lil amp eric....nice. 8)
stop smoking lots of cigars just so you can build amps ;D
Quote from: EBK on February 17, 2021, 06:00:59 PM
It's 5-inch, not 15-inch. :icon_wink:
This is what happens when you don't sleep too much. You have to smoke a lot of cigars to get a box that fits a 15" speaker :icon_lol:
Quote from: EBK on February 17, 2021, 06:00:59 PM
Edit: Now that I have had a chance to play this amp "at volume", I can say that I like it a lot. Comparing it to my previous amp, this one sounds much bigger and much more like a guitar amp, if that makes any sense.
That makes lots of sense. A bigger speaker makes a huge difference. And since you liked it so much, imo it won't hurt to add a dc jack, to save the batteries when playing at home.
Quote from: deadastronaut on February 18, 2021, 05:23:59 AM
great looking lil amp eric....nice. 8)
stop smoking lots of cigars just so you can build amps ;D
Thanks! I could build a healthier looking amp, I suppose. I still have this laying around just begging to become an amp chassis someday:
I'd definitely pay someone to punch the holes though. Steel is no fun at all to manipulate without the right tools.
Here's a pic of my complete cigar box series:
I've had lots of fun making these!
It's a hybrid, with a 12au7 preamp and a TDA2030 power amp
Thank to semiconductor technology, we can have a 15w power amp that takes no space.
I thought I was done making cigar box amps, but I found this nice Cuban box, and it will (barely) fit one of those 5-in. Jensen guitar speakers that I used in my last build.
So, it looks like I will eventually build another tiny amp. :icon_rolleyes: :icon_lol:
Love the box joints and finish on that one. Eric, do you put any bracing inside, say at the corners from front to back? How do you support the baffles?
Quote from: Ben N on April 08, 2021, 05:27:40 AM
Love the box joints and finish on that one. Eric, do you put any bracing inside, say at the corners from front to back? How do you support the baffles?
No additional bracing. For the Corona box, the baffle is simply held in place by the speaker bolts. For the Rothchilde box, the baffle is held by two bamboo chopsticks on the vertical sides, which are glued in place.
My Cuban cigar box amp is finished. :icon_cool:
Quote from: EBK on May 19, 2021, 01:48:46 PM
I love how these are turning out, absolutely beautiful work.
Those do look awesome EBK. How do you find the 5" Jensen?
They have different stickers over here :icon_cool:
I think I put it in too big of a box though.
Thanks! I really like the 5-in. Jensen speakers a lot. For a very tiny speaker, I think they sound terrific. Not a fantastic sound, but a pleasantly-surprising grin-inducing experience.
Quote from: EBK on May 19, 2021, 04:26:47 PM
Thanks! I really like the 5-in. Jensen speakers a lot. For a very tiny speaker, I think they sound terrific. Not a fantastic sound, but a pleasantly-surprising grin-inducing experience.
I was pulled in by the heft of that magnet :icon_lol:
It's the same size they use on the 25w 12" !
The C6V is a mighty impressive speaker.
Quote from: EBK on May 19, 2021, 01:48:46 PM
My Cuban cigar box amp is finished. :icon_cool:
Brilliant job, Eric. Bravo! 8)
Quote from: EBK on May 19, 2021, 01:48:46 PM
My Cuban cigar box amp is finished. :icon_cool:
Like the hair on a werewolf drinking a piña colada at Trader Vic's, that is *perfect*, Eric.
Thanks! I had a lot of fun working with cigar boxes. The Cuban box is my favorite one of the bunch. Here is the updated line up.
My skills have definitely improved over time. I need better tools though. I'm still doing most of it with a hobby knife.
Quote from: EBK on May 26, 2021, 08:07:34 AM
I had a lot of fun working with cigar boxes. Here is the updated line up.
A rather open question but... how they all compare? Do they sound very different between speaker configuration and size?
I really like the black with the Vox weve, the finish to the cuban is excellent too - tidy internals and copper tape is a nice touch.
Quote from: Bunkey on May 26, 2021, 08:48:27 AM
A rather open question but... how they all compare? Do they sound very different between speaker configuration and size?
The Camaroon on the far left sounds like it looks: small. Very thin, tinny sound. With the lid on, it does fatten up a bit, but not enough. It actually has the most powerful amp of the bunch, but it is driving a very light speaker.
The Carona still sounds small, but is much better with a boost pedal in front of it. The speakers were from the center channel of an inexpensive home theater surround system. A functional little amp, but I wouldn't want to listen to it all day long. If you flap the lid open and closed while playing, you get a nice wah sound as a bonus.
The Rothchilde (Vox styling) and Cohiba (Cuban) amps actually sound very nice for their size! Much credit to the Jensen speakers in those. Surprisingly full, rich sound--not massively loud, of course. The Cuban amp has better bass response, possibly due to the slightly deeper cabinet, more solid baffle, or intact rear wall (I'm not an amp expert, so these are just my guesses).
Quote from: EBK on May 26, 2021, 10:05:10 AM
The Rothchilde (Vox styling) and Cohiba (Cuban) amps actually sound very nice for their size! Much credit to the Jensen speakers in those. Surprisingly full, rich sound--not massively loud, of course. The Cuban amp has better bass response, possibly due to the slightly deeper cabinet, more solid baffle, or intact rear wall (I'm not an amp expert, so these are just my guesses).
Ah I found the same thing with the baffle on the Jensen - I thought possibly because there's so much weight to it relative to its size, it needs a little more bracing to behave well.
The smaller/lighter speaker pairs I've tried sounded better with a slightly thinner floating baffle - the added resonance filling out the sound a bit; how sympathetically would depend on the baffle area but tuned baffles are getting quite complex for such a novelty!
No I'm no expert either but I find the miniature combo an appealing concept. Your lineup looks great.
Quote from: EBK on May 26, 2021, 08:07:34 AM
Here is the updated line up.
One question: How are your lungs after all that? ;)
Quote from: ElectricDruid on May 26, 2021, 03:18:51 PM
One question: How are your lungs after all that? ;)
Mine are perfectly healthy. I built these with the help and blessings of some less healthy folks. :icon_wink:
Test amp for my woodworking bench. Entirely made from stuff in the junk (it'll come in useful one day) pile.
Noisy cricket 2, speaker from a Phillips valve record player, oak leftover from the kids flooring, grill cloth from my old Roost amp - replaced 20 years ago
I give you the squirrel...
(https://www.stallibrass.com/images/kas/oakampfront.jpg) (https://www.stallibrass.com/images/kas/oakampback.jpg)
- for the dovetails alone. 8)
Thank you Marc. They're actually not all that good but they seem to be getting better each time I try. Still getting used to a dovetail router jig I bought a few years back. So easy for the bit to tear out extra wood when the grain goes every which way. Learned to keep fine sawdust. That and some glue fixes all manner of mistakes ;D
Quote from: stallik on July 19, 2021, 11:04:40 AM
Test amp for my woodworking bench. Entirely made from stuff in the junk (it'll come in useful one day) pile.
Noisy cricket 2, speaker from a Phillips valve record player, oak leftover from the kids flooring, grill cloth from my old Roost amp - replaced 20 years ago
I give you the squirrel...
(https://www.stallibrass.com/images/kas/oakampfront.jpg) (https://www.stallibrass.com/images/kas/oakampback.jpg)
That's an amp even my wife would allow in the living room (salon, for you non-Americans)!
Love the thinness. That would sit so nice against the wall in the "salon".
Thanks. The depth of the cab is made possible by the speaker and it doesn't take much space on the workbench. However, it sounds rather boxy if it's right up against the wall. It needs a little space to allow it to breathe
hello squirrel :icon_mrgreen:.....nice builds guys. 8)
typing in my ''living room'' uk... :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: Ben N on July 22, 2021, 05:16:32 AM
(salon, for you non-Americans)
"Salon" is where I get my hair done.
If I had any... ::)
An adaptation I had to make when I moved to Israel. I just assumed it must be universal outside the US, like "aluminium".
Noisy Cricket amp in a replica of a Roberts Transistor Radio casing made from MDF. This is my bench and practice amp. I've just stripped it and replaced the pots and given it a new coat of paint and copper control plate.
I had bought an old Roberts Radio with the intention of putting a Murder 1 sub mini valve amp in it, but didn't really like the amp that much. The radio was tatty, so I had intended to recover it, but it fell apart as I stripped it, so I copied the dimensions in MDF. Then made a Cricket to go in it, this was well over a decade ago.
It's December. The 6l6GC in my 4 watt blue plated again. That's confirmation of a 12 month lifespan. (3 years on the trot)
Interestingly, my normally pop free pedals started popping for a couple of days prior to the failure. New tube, they're all quiet again
Quote from: stallik on November 11, 2021, 05:32:00 AM
It's December. The 6l6GC in my 4 watt blue plated again. That's confirmation of a 12 month lifespan. (3 years on the trot)
Interestingly, my normally pop free pedals started popping for a couple of days prior to the failure. New tube, they're all quiet again
The sun is in Scorpio. The moon is in Aquarius. Mercury is in Scorpio. Venus is in Capricorn. Mars is in Scorpio. Jupiter is in Aquarius. Saturn is in Aquariius. Uranus is in Taurus. Neptune is in Pisces. Pluto is in Capricorn. What did you
think was going to happen?
Didn't realise there is a thread for this, I'll play :)
(https://i.postimg.cc/JG2TBn9k/20210621-081129.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/JG2TBn9k)
(https://i.postimg.cc/bGTkkVsB/20210328-124844.jpg) (https://postimg.cc/bGTkkVsB)
One is a 1x12 guitar cabinet out of pine
One is a 1x8 bass cabinet out of oak
Both are dovetailed, 12" cab has corner miters on the front.
I also have amp build projects... But it lags, lags, lags... >:( >:( >:(
With some others, this one is still sleeping :
In the small department, my Radio-Tone has a new advertising career for py part time amp repair job as a business card display :
In the big department, my Serial Tone Killer is now finished and operational... Not less than five years later its inception :
Lagging, did you say ? ??? ;)
Quote from: tubelectron on February 24, 2022, 08:15:11 AM
I love the Foot Witch, and the aux 9VDC outputs. Very handy. Also the Holy-Grail-as-reverb-tank is a nice touch!
Fantastic work. The amount of wiring in there would drive me totally loopy.
Thanks @electricDruid ! :)
Yes, "Foot Witch" is an unintentional mistake : it's an unseen typing error... But OK : the signification is funny instead of serious ! :icon_lol:
The inconvenient of the Serial Tone Killer is his weight : circa 32kg in carrying order, that is to say with cables, FSW, cover.
At the start, I designed it with a toroidal power transformer, but had to return to the classic EI transformer which proves to be much more silent without much less hum and buzz radiations than the toroidal models that I tested, even encapsulated and shielded.
The "wings" added around the power transformer are magnetic shields to kill remaining 50Hz radiation along the main magnetic direction.
The original idea was to save weight by using a toroidal PT and a Neodymium loudspeaker. This ended to be an EI transformer (5.5kg) and an EVM12L from 1980 (9kg)...
Quote from: stallik on November 11, 2021, 05:32:00 AMIt's December. The 6l6GC in my 4 watt blue plated again. That's confirmation of a 12 month lifespan. (3 years on the trot)
Interestingly, my normally pop free pedals started popping for a couple of days prior to the failure. New tube, they're all quiet again
Bummer! What voltages are you getting, all around? I'm curious if a bad coupling cap or grid-leak resistor is to blame.
The WF-55 circult looks like it should be really easy on tubes.
Quote from: ElectricDruid on February 24, 2022, 09:11:01 AM
I love the Foot Witch . . .
I think it could be intentional, Tom, because it doesn't matter witch (sic) foot you want to use. ;D
Quote from: ThermionicScott on February 24, 2022, 01:21:24 PM
Quote from: stallik on November 11, 2021, 05:32:00 AMIt's December. The 6l6GC in my 4 watt blue plated again. That's confirmation of a 12 month lifespan. (3 years on the trot)
Interestingly, my normally pop free pedals started popping for a couple of days prior to the failure. New tube, they're all quiet again
Bummer! What voltages are you getting, all around? I'm curious if a bad coupling cap or grid-leak resistor is to blame.
The WF-55 circult looks like it should be really easy on tubes.
Hi Scott, I'm pretty sure that it's all down to the value of the power valve cathode resistor. I'm using a 6L6 and when I built the amp, I could really hear the difference at the 'just breaking up' point when lowering the resistor (R9) value from 470R to 270R
Cathode and plate current were a bit high but plate dissipation sensible so I've left it like that. When the valve died at the end of last year confirming the 1 year life expectancy, I re-auditioned the cathode resistor value and realised my ears can no longer detect the differences I was hearing originally (don't get old!). So, I've raised the value (360R was all I had in 2W) and I'm expecting the valve to last a bit longer this time.
Quote from: ElectricDruid on February 24, 2022, 09:11:01 AMI love the Foot Witch, and the aux 9VDC outputs. Very handy. Also the Holy-Grail-as-reverb-tank is a nice touch!
Does it float?
Quote from: Ben N on February 26, 2022, 02:28:19 PM
Quote from: ElectricDruid on February 24, 2022, 09:11:01 AMI love the Foot Witch, and the aux 9VDC outputs. Very handy. Also the Holy-Grail-as-reverb-tank is a nice touch!
Does it float?
A ton avis ?
Quote from: stallik on February 25, 2022, 09:30:35 AMHi Scott, I'm pretty sure that it's all down to the value of the power valve cathode resistor. I'm using a 6L6 and when I built the amp, I could really hear the difference at the 'just breaking up' point when lowering the resistor (R9) value from 470R to 270R
Cathode and plate current were a bit high but plate dissipation sensible so I've left it like that. When the valve died at the end of last year confirming the 1 year life expectancy, I re-auditioned the cathode resistor value and realised my ears can no longer detect the differences I was hearing originally (don't get old!). So, I've raised the value (360R was all I had in 2W) and I'm expecting the valve to last a bit longer this time.
Ah, okay. Next time you're in there, measure the 6L6 grid voltage for me. I'm curious... ;)
Quote from: Ben N on February 26, 2022, 02:28:19 PM
Does it float?
Well I mean, if it weighs the same as a duck, then clearly it's made of wood.
Quote from: vigilante397 on February 28, 2022, 02:34:08 PM
Quote from: Ben N on February 26, 2022, 02:28:19 PM
Does it float?
Well I mean, if it weighs the same as a duck, then clearly it's made of wood.
So quoteth Sir Bedevere the Wise.
Small 1W orange style amplifier with 12au7 in PP in a 1590N1 box:
Quote from: thomasha on April 30, 2022, 01:24:35 PM
Small 1W orange style amplifier with 12au7 in PP in a 1590N1 box:
What kind of OT did you use? I was thinking of making similar amp, but wasn't sure where to get an OT. :(
Quote from: tubelectron on February 24, 2022, 08:15:11 AM
I also have amp build projects... But it lags, lags, lags... >:( >:( >:(
With some others, this one is still sleeping :
In the small department, my Radio-Tone has a new advertising career for py part time amp repair job as a business card display :
In the big department, my Serial Tone Killer is now finished and operational... Not less than five years later its inception :
Lagging, did you say ? ??? ;)
This is one lovely looking amp. :)
QuoteWhat kind of OT did you use? I was thinking of making similar amp, but wasn't sure where to get an OT. :(
it's a 10W 100V line transformer. I used the 0, 2.5W and 0.625W taps for the primary and an 8 ohm speaker at the 4 ohm tap, to get the 32k primary.
Quote from: thomasha on May 01, 2022, 04:54:39 PM
QuoteWhat kind of OT did you use? I was thinking of making similar amp, but wasn't sure where to get an OT. :(
it's a 10W 100V line transformer. I used the 0, 2.5W and 0.625W taps for the primary and an 8 ohm speaker at the 4 ohm tap, to get the 32k primary.
Just to check if I got you right:
0, 2.5W and 0.625W are used as primary to load tubes and you connect 8 Ohm speaker at the 4 Ohm tap? And the primary is 32k in that case? What is 2.5W, is it center tap then?
Is it something like this? https://www.parts-express.com/70V-10W-Line-Matching-Transformer-300-040 (https://www.parts-express.com/70V-10W-Line-Matching-Transformer-300-040)
Yes, 0 and 0.0625w taps are connected to the plates and 2.5w is the centre tap.
The one you sent is a 70v line transformer, you want a 100v one, like this one here:https://www.visaton.de/en/products/public-address/accessories/tr-1016 (https://www.visaton.de/en/products/public-address/accessories/tr-1016)
Quote from: thomasha on May 02, 2022, 04:35:54 PM
Yes, 0 and 0.0625w taps are connected to the plates and 2.5w is the centre tap.
The one you sent is a 70v line transformer, you want a 100v one, like this one here:https://www.visaton.de/en/products/public-address/accessories/tr-1016 (https://www.visaton.de/en/products/public-address/accessories/tr-1016)
Thanks! Now to find a source for that one! :)
I stumbled on this at a recent guitar show. Thought it looked really neat
Trying to recall the maker..
Very neat indeed, Kevin. I can see "Dover Custom 20 (https://doveramplification.co.uk/product/da-20-ce-custom-edition/)" in that oh-so-black chassis.
Quote from: stallik on May 12, 2022, 07:10:59 AM
I stumbled on this at a recent guitar show. Thought it looked really neat
Trying to recall the maker..
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Just to add a video of the amp in action:
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Hmmmm. :-\ Putting heatshrink on resistors in a hi-voltage amp doesn't strike me as the best way to manage heat.
Quote from: Ben N on May 19, 2022, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Hmmmm. :-\ Putting heatshrink on resistors in a hi-voltage amp doesn't strike me as the best way to manage heat.
The resistors shouldn't be dissipating much heat to begin with, if the resistors in your tube amp are getting hot enough to worry about managing heat then you have a problem.
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 21, 2022, 03:43:39 AM
Quote from: Ben N on May 19, 2022, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Hmmmm. :-\ Putting heatshrink on resistors in a hi-voltage amp doesn't strike me as the best way to manage heat.
The resistors shouldn't be dissipating much heat to begin with, if the resistors in your tube amp are getting hot enough to worry about managing heat then you have a problem.
I have to agree.
The only resistor that might get hot is the power stage cathode resistor, and maybe the b+ resistors. All the others are normally rated for 1W but will have a really low dissipation. For example, let's say the plate resistor drops 200v at a 1mA current (12AX7) it will only give you 200mW. Normally the voltage drop and currents are way lower.
Quote from: Ben N on May 19, 2022, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Hmmmm. :-\ Putting heatshrink on resistors in a hi-voltage amp doesn't strike me as the best way to manage heat.
This is bad for maintainability as well. People identify resistors with colour codes or printing for a reason. We used to have maintainability demonstrations called out in the contract as a task in some of the equipment we made. A number of faults were placed in a completed device and the test was to see how long it would take to be diagnosed and repaired. We always assigned our best tech to that test and gave him everything he wanted short of hookers and blow. For that one day, he was the most important person in the company. CEO's may come and go but a tech who can ace an M demo is a keeper at any cost.
I'm working on another small amp. I haven't figured out a cabinet for it yet, but I like the way it sounds through my Champ cab. I will probably eventually pair it with a Jensen 5-inch speaker and look for a deep cigar box to put it in.
The preamp is a ROG Azabache with a modded tone range. The power amp is a 2.5W Class D module from Adafruit. The result is pretty fun.
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
Quote from: stallik on May 12, 2022, 07:10:59 AM
I stumbled on this at a recent guitar show. Thought it looked really neat
Trying to recall the maker..
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Dover Custom amp BTW.
Brad would not
bleeping like this. Skip to 3:08.
Quote from: amptramp on May 21, 2022, 07:55:03 AM
Quote from: Ben N on May 19, 2022, 12:19:47 PM
Quote from: vigilante397 on May 12, 2022, 10:08:06 AM
That is GORGEOUS. Zoomed in it looks like most of the components just have black heatshrink over them, but a few (notably the larger electrolytic caps) look like they may have been painted? Either way a killer look. I think this should be the standard instead of gooping circuits you don't want traced.
Hmmmm. :-\ Putting heatshrink on resistors in a hi-voltage amp doesn't strike me as the best way to manage heat.
This is bad for maintainability as well. People identify resistors with colour codes or printing for a reason. We used to have maintainability demonstrations called out in the contract as a task in some of the equipment we made. A number of faults were placed in a completed device and the test was to see how long it would take to be diagnosed and repaired. We always assigned our best tech to that test and gave him everything he wanted short of hookers and blow. For that one day, he was the most important person in the company. CEO's may come and go but a tech who can ace an M demo is a keeper at any cost.
So called builders who would do this are most likely not going to share their schematics either, making diagnosis and repair even more difficult unless you take/send it back to them, which is impossible when they inevitably go out of business within a few years because they get a bad reputation for doing this kind of thing.
I showed the unfinished guts of this amp previously (a few posts above this one).
I now have it boxed up.
Hi Guys !
I barely visit DIYstompboxes simply because I did not have built pedals for long now... A shame... :icon_rolleyes:
I rather worked on Amps :
Marshall PLEXI 5 : an evolution of the both underrated and flawed Marshall Class5...
The tone of the Vintage Marshall (think 18W and JTM45) plus reverb, if needed.
Danelectro DM10 from 1964 : restoration, modifications and 240V conversion...
Original schematic :
Modified schematic :
Great sound, killer tremolo !
Cool amp mods!
Quote from: rankot on March 23, 2023, 02:56:09 PM
Cool amp mods!
I thought grounding the input jacks was the first thing anybody ever did to a Danelectro.
Quote from: Ben N on March 26, 2023, 09:05:32 AM
I thought grounding the input jacks was the first thing anybody ever did to a Danelectro.
Not even needed ! ;D
Quote from: tubelectron on March 27, 2023, 05:00:55 AM
Quote from: Ben N on March 26, 2023, 09:05:32 AM
I thought grounding the input jacks was the first thing anybody ever did to a Danelectro.
Not even needed ! ;D
What, no noise?
Finished a 5672 PP build:
https://www.instructables.com/Push-pull-Tube-Amplifier-Using-Subminiature-Tubes-/ (https://www.instructables.com/Push-pull-Tube-Amplifier-Using-Subminiature-Tubes-/)
It's March. Time of year for the power tube in my WF-55 to fail and me to make what's become a diary entry on this thread.
Right on cue, it started popping & crackling so looked round the back and, sure enough,it's glowing blue. Replaced it and all is fine. Then I decided a picture might be useful so grabbed the old tube out of the bin and shoved it back in.
Had believed that the blue glow signified an issue but maybe not? It certainly didn't glow blue when it was new. I can't see any red plating. Anyway, no popping so far with the 'bad' tube. It's working and sounding fine. Let's see how much longer it lasts...
That blue is pretty wild. Has Kate been photoshopping your pictures?
That's straight off the iPhone. Mind you, the sensors in most phones extend well beyond human vision - that's why they're great for testing remotes ;)
Pic was handheld, long exposure stabilised by the little green men who live in the phone.
Wish I had access to that technology when I was a young pro photographer. How the world moves on...
Neat photo stallik, suitable for framing.
Neat fun toys now but really nothing has changed, it still all comes down to the skills of the person with the toys, whatever the toys may be.
Cool picture!
Blue glow on the inside surface of the glass is harmless. Stray electrons (normally normal) and impurities in the glass.
The stray electrons *may* vary with bias. Does that amp (WTF is WF-55?) act like its voltages are unstable? Do your lights flicker? When poltergeists visit??
Blue glow in the space between electrodes is normally gas-glow which is normally run-away fatal.
For Paul: WF-55 (https://www.ampmaker.com/shop/wf-55/) is a 5F1-alike from Ampmaker in the UK. I built one of these too. Nice little amp. Not running blue just yet...
Amp maker has now closed its doors indefinitely but the website hangs on atm
Found last years JJ 6L6GC in my glass recycling bin so grabbed it for the following photo shoot.
Without doubt, my iPhone sensor magnifies the vibrance of the blue glow. In this montage, the NOS Brimar 6L6GC clearly shows some glow which is (almost) invisible to the naked eye. Pictures are taken in very dim ambient lighting conditions - in full room light, even the filaments are as dim as a Toc H lamp
Hardly a diagnostic tool but fun anyway
Noticed that the grid resistor (originally a 1 watt 10k and raised to a 2 watt version last year?) is discolouring again. This probably has a bearing on all this so I'll order a 5 watt replacement as recommended by Willienille 4 years ago :icon_redface:
Quote from: stallik on March 14, 2024, 07:25:24 AM...the grid resistor (originally a 1 watt 10k and raised to a 2 watt version last year?) is discolouring again.
The screen grid resistor? 2 Watts in 10K means 14mA which means you are beating the snot out of that 6V6. I know that's a great sound. But if you need it reliable (playing for rent) I'd think about 5K 2W there and change up the 100r for 470R 5W (similar to cathode resistor) to drop plate-abuse and buzz/hum.
Thanks Paul. The resistor I'm referring to is R11. I've temporarily replaced it with another 2w 10k (5w version should arrive next week)
Made a modification this morning before seeing your post. R9 (Cathode resistor?) was 330r and Ive replaced it with a 470r. This lowered the plate dissipation from 17.7w to 14.7w Not sure if this will help the tube longevity or whether I have a different issue which is beyond my paygrade to diagnose
I'm using a 6L6gc and have linked pins 1 and 8 on the tube socket as well as increasing C3 to 22uf/63v as per the kit build instructions
Today is March 1st, 2025.
Shortly I'll get to find out if my modifications a year ago had any effect. I secured some more Brimars just in case...