i have recently built up a pedal and it has a huge volume boost when on.
is there anything i can change to make it not as loud ? resistor values etc. ?
also anything that will give it more gain.
i have tried changing the stock 1k pot to 10k but this made it worse. is 10k too much for it not to work ?
should i try a 5k ?
thanks for all your help !
guy :)
You could throw this on the output:
R1=10k and R2=1k is a good place to start out. To go louder than that, decrease R1 or increase R2. To go even quieter, increase R1 or decrease R2.
However, there might be an easier way. Which pedal are you talking about?
Yupp introduce impedance: fullrange [resitor], or frequency specific [capacitor / ?resisitor].
First: does this have no volume control?
Gain of an active stage can be altered various ways..not bad to know how to equate [ie ballpark] amplification factor [without upsetting bias?] then dividing worked 'but...], and multipltying by less initially, so only a small amount of division or even just a touch of subtraction works too.
here is the link to the pedal i built.
the only thing different is the transistor. i used a PN100 as i could not get hold of a 2N5088.
That answers Pete's question - there is no volume control! Add one and you can tame the output.
If by "more gain" you mean "more distortion", follow the suggestion in the note and use 1N60 diodes. They'll clip the signal more but the output volume will be lower.
thanks, i will try that
Hey this thingy however looks super simple, how does it sound??