DIY Stompboxes => Building your own stompbox => Topic started by: valvusmusicus on August 23, 2011, 12:05:43 PM

Title: Dynacord Echocord SUper 61, 62-spares?
Post by: valvusmusicus on August 23, 2011, 12:05:43 PM
Hi all
Does anyone know where I can get a motor, knobs and possibly pots for this beauty?
Not sure if its a 61 or a 62-will post pics later

Thanks all :icon_razz:
Title: Re: Dynacord Echocord SUper 61, 62-spares?
Post by: Nasse on August 23, 2011, 04:01:13 PM ( dunno if they have motor but other parts
Title: Re: Dynacord Echocord SUper 61, 62-spares?
Post by: wavley on August 23, 2011, 04:12:55 PM
Are you sure that it's a motor?  I've seen lots of people blame a motor for what turned out to be sticky tape, out of round pinch roller, dried bearings... you name it. 

I would hate to see you spend money and effort on the wrong thing. 

Can you describe the symptoms?
Title: Re: Dynacord Echocord SUper 61, 62-spares?
Post by: valvusmusicus on February 12, 2012, 02:09:44 PM
Errrr...its got no motor. I bought it in this state,, and someone has removed it-sacralidge!!!!!

Title: Re: Dynacord Echocord SUper 61, 62-spares?
Post by: snk on December 05, 2018, 03:08:45 PM
Reviving that old thread : in the meantuime, did anyone find spare potentiometers for an Ecochord (65) ?