hey guys, whats your all-time favorite fuzz?
I'm looking to build one into this tin box (it's round so it reminds me of fuzz face but I dont think I want a straight fuzz face clone).
I'd want a BJT silicon fuzz with npns :)
beebaa is one of my favorites, quick build too!
Well, ya could try a silicon tonebender- I've had good luck with those. Or my personal fave, the Shin Ei Companion. Or maybe try an Axis Fuzz or a Bosstone- although these each have a PNP in 'em... ;D Depends on what ya like!
The Shin Ei with midscoop mod, or a Fuzz Rite.
Fuzz your face off, it will.
Have you thought about a 386 fuzz? You can get pretty raunchy with a 386 :icon_mrgreen:
My all time favorite fuzz is by far the Bazz Fuss. That's all I gots to say. Easiest build ever.
Hhmmm, mebbe I should breadboard that Bazz Fuss. My friend seem to really like his boutique version (built and sold by some boutique pedal maker)
Quote from: digi2t on November 18, 2011, 08:24:05 PM
Have you thought about a 386 fuzz? You can get pretty raunchy with a 386 :icon_mrgreen:
And where is it ? :icon_mrgreen:
Quote from: jdub on November 18, 2011, 03:54:20 PM
Well, ya could try a silicon tonebender- I've had good luck with those. Or my personal fave, the Shin Ei Companion. Or maybe try an Axis Fuzz or a Bosstone- although these each have a PNP in 'em...
you can always use npn and flip all the +/- ...actually, in the Bosstone, you always need one pnp
favorite fuzz? too hard...there's just too many, but on first reaction it'd be a germanium Orpheum ....most Fuzz Rite variants are killer
Here are the questions...what's a FF sound like [I have 3, built more like 30, have heard thousands of them].
What 'surrounds' the Fuzz...I used to believe the TBMKII [what Page reportedly used] would be 'it' and it was...for a while, but not a favorite, a favorite would need to be more reliable, and I found FF or Dist+ get closer to the goaltone than the others I've tried.
Unless extremely lucky, your favorite and second fave fuzz will probably be found on a breadboard.
I'm not terribly picky, as long as it's not fizzy, has fantastic tones, charming and lovely, smart and beautiful...it seems a large portion of what makes my favorite fuzz isn't any particular circuit...has a lot to do with the speaker, and the amp.
hey guys, thanks for your input. I'm not really looking for MY favorite fuzz cause I already have one that I totally love! :D just something to populate the box with. I guess I'll go with Bazz fuss with some mods like gain pot or may be voltage sag knob or even put 2 bazz fuss with 2 separate vols. one into another, or even a feedback loop pot.. or eevn this or that or whaoialkhdas ;D
Forgot about the Bazz Fuss. You can really make it wicked and tame it to your needs very easily. Go for it!
My favorite is an LED instead of the 1n etc. Fat, gigantic overdrive from hell!
Bazz Fuss is a great simple circuit. I put one onboard my friend's bass and he loves it.
Quote from: DavenPaget on November 18, 2011, 11:47:33 PM
Quote from: digi2t on November 18, 2011, 08:24:05 PM
Have you thought about a 386 fuzz? You can get pretty raunchy with a 386 :icon_mrgreen:
And where is it ? :icon_mrgreen:
PMW for starters. Very low parts count, and very effective.
WTF (What the Fuzz), if you want to throw in some octave. Again fairly low parts count, and it nails the territory between the Scrambler, and the FTM.
More complex; Parallel Universe II. More parts, more work, but lots more rewards. One of my favs.
I made a funky variant of the BazzFuss here: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=86922.0 (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=86922.0)
It's a Fuzzrite base using bazz fuss's for the gain stages. I also tried a 1M resistor in Q1, and it totally changes the ugly beast into a different ugly beast.
Quote from: digi2t on November 19, 2011, 11:09:17 AM
Quote from: DavenPaget on November 18, 2011, 11:47:33 PM
Quote from: digi2t on November 18, 2011, 08:24:05 PM
Have you thought about a 386 fuzz? You can get pretty raunchy with a 386 :icon_mrgreen:
And where is it ? :icon_mrgreen:
More complex; Parallel Universe II. More parts, more work, but lots more rewards. One of my favs.
PMW for starters. Very low parts count, and very effective.
WTF (What the Fuzz), if you want to throw in some octave. Again fairly low parts count, and it nails the territory between the Scrambler, and the FTM.
I actually tried breadboarding a WTF and it never works... :(
Quote from: Earthscum on November 19, 2011, 12:49:00 PM
I made a funky variant of the BazzFuss here: http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=86922.0 (http://www.diystompboxes.com/smfforum/index.php?topic=86922.0)
It's a Fuzzrite base using bazz fuss's for the gain stages. I also tried a 1M resistor in Q1, and it totally changes the ugly beast into a different ugly beast.
that thing looks really promising! could I get away with a different pot like 100k instead of 500k one? I don't think I'm able to find a 500k here. also would a feedback loop or a voltage sag be useful on this thing? XD
Tone Bender MKI, but that's not silicon...
maybe try a Univox Superfuzz, they can be fun.
to me, still, the best is probably a ge fuzzface. when it works. :icon_mrgreen:
Only ever made silicon fuzzes - Favourite so far is a skreddy lunar module
Give the Sprout over at MadBean a try. I'm in the process of modding the design a little bit, and I'm able to make it do some of the stuff the Fuzz Factory does, but without all of the oscillating.
I like this one.
An adjusted 2 transistor fuzz type circuit.
Make the 5K an external bias control. Try 2n2222s and other Si transistors. Adjust C3 and C1 values to taste. Increase C4 value for more high end roll off decrease for less high end roll off.
1k is gain, 5K is bias gated to compressed, R11 output volume
I always liked the simple little Colorsound One-Knob Fuzz...I just finished building and testing "Earthscum's" bazzfuss variant..very nice!
Now, dad-rattit, I guess I'll have to try Gus' circuit!
Gus's could be called 'modern' but 'thought through thoroughly' seems an appropriate tag for most/all of his circuit designs, the FF is not the 'prettiest' scheamatic, but legit and legible. I built that on a bookcover and put it in a mouser box with cardboard input and output jacks for starters, wayyyy back whennn...just after I finally got an RM working. Very smooth working FF circuit IME.