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Etched enclosures

Started by Johnny Lemonhead, July 15, 2010, 10:30:16 PM

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dminner, atoff and hylandren - your etches are fantastic!


Yes, that breakout box is superb!

I just finished this dual overdrive
A Kingslayer (Klonish) into a Game of Tones (KOT).
Simple Coen Bros etch. Makes some great noises.

I had to stack the boards.



Another two tone jobbie, this one is a Dunlop Q-Zone. Did my own board as couldn't find an existing PCB and was curious about this one.


Quote from: Hexjibber on December 13, 2015, 04:41:45 PM

Wow, what a design! WHAT AN ETCH!!
Seriously, the way you get such clean and unbroken thin lines like that on a reverse etch is incredible.
Earlier in my etching, I tried a few things with thin lines like that and it was a disaster. I've changed my methods and improved since then, but still don't have the guts to even try really thin lined stuff like that. That is a really inspiring etch! 


Quote from: hylandren on December 14, 2015, 07:09:01 AM
Wow, what a design! WHAT AN ETCH!!
Seriously, the way you get such clean and unbroken thin lines like that on a reverse etch is incredible.
Earlier in my etching, I tried a few things with thin lines like that and it was a disaster. I've changed my methods and improved since then, but still don't have the guts to even try really thin lined stuff like that. That is a really inspiring etch!

Thanks a lot man! :)

The breakout box that you posted earlier was fantastic, so clean! I'd say give the reverse etch a go and just keep testing the limits each time, you'll be there before you know it! :)


Quote from: Hexjibber on December 14, 2015, 10:25:44 AM
I'd say give the reverse etch a go and just keep testing the limits each time, you'll be there before you know it! :)

Oh, I love doing reverse etches, but I think I will stick to big wide bold text and graphics! lol

You'd asked about the brushing on the Breakout Box....
Its just plain old 80 grit sand paper. But one thing I do is put a sheet of it down (rough side up) on the corner of my bench. Then I lay a 2X4 along one edge of the bench, OVER one end of the paper, and clamp both the paper and 2X4 to the bench.
Then I put the enclosure up against the 2X4, and drag the box along the paper. The 2X4 acts as a guide, and makes sure all the brush marks are running exactly the same. I occasionally unclamp, rotate the paper, and re-clamp, as needed. Often I will use up several sheets of paper on one enclosure. Oh, and I ALWAYS do the corners first. Just seems to work better that way for me.


Hey everybody -- I just finished this pedal - the second incarnation of a BMP variation. My first attempt was in this thread, reply #1861.

So, here's the finished product. A vast improvement, though still not perfect. Anyway, will keep refining my skills! Good news is, it sounds huge! Really deep, fat bass, and singing sustain. Pretty happy with it. This one is dad's Christmas present this year.


Quote from: statzern on December 17, 2015, 07:05:46 PMHey everybody -- I just finished this pedal - .....A vast improvement,...
It looks superb! And yeah, it takes a bit to find "your" preferred etching method, the one that works best for you, but it's great you did.

Quote from: statzern on December 17, 2015, 07:05:46 PMGood news is, it sounds huge! Really deep, fat bass, and singing sustain. Pretty happy with it.
Even better news!

Quote from: statzern on December 17, 2015, 07:05:46 PMThis one is dad's Christmas present this year.
The best news yet! Its going to mean a lot to him that you made it for him.



"...and weird on top!"


Well, the etch is terrible, but the colors came out real nice I think.  I didn't see the little hairs / fibers all over before I sealed it, so I ruined it a bit in that regard, and pulled one piece of hair off after sealing, so it pulled away the color and left a dash of aluminum showing.   :-\


Sorry ATOF, but I couldn't disagree more!
I think a pristine etch with perfectly sharp edges would look out of place with that cool ink finish!
You've got the makings of a GREAT looking pedal there,. Can't want to see it when its finished.

I have got to try the ink process at some point. Are they compatible with Envirotex?



How is that done??? Looks stunning!


Quote from: hylandren on December 23, 2015, 09:21:44 AM
Sorry ATOF, but I couldn't disagree more!
I think a pristine etch with perfectly sharp edges would look out of place with that cool ink finish!
You've got the makings of a GREAT looking pedal there,. Can't want to see it when its finished.

I have got to try the ink process at some point. Are they compatible with Envirotex?

Thanks.  Yeah, I don't mind the messiness of this etch.  It fits. 
Not sure about the Envirotex.  It would probably be a good idea to just spray a light coat of enamel or varnish on first.  It seems like a lot of varnishes / sealers cause the inks to bleed or run.  I used VHT Clear Gloss Engine Enamel.  It's actually curing in an oven right now.  The end result is probably not as nice as it would be with the Envirotex, but no issues with it bleeding or messing up the ink.

Quote from: mfunky on December 23, 2015, 10:16:40 AM
How is that done??? Looks stunning!

Thanks very much.  It's alcohol ink daubed with a felt pad.  Honeycomb and Wild Plum for this one.  The inks bleed into each other, so they make those awesome diseased or flowery looking patterns (depending on your perspective  ;) )


Too cool, its like a spalted effect
Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.


Quote from: atoff on December 23, 2015, 11:38:53 AM
The inks bleed into each other, so they make those awesome diseased or flowery looking patterns (depending on your perspective  ;) )

it's the crystal structure of "toan", shown under polarised light.     [I can't see where the etched is.]
"Did I say that?"
"I'm not playing cards."
all tariffs now subject to a disrespect surcharge of 32%.


Quote from: duck_arse on December 24, 2015, 08:12:05 AM
Quote from: atoff on December 23, 2015, 11:38:53 AM
The inks bleed into each other, so they make those awesome diseased or flowery looking patterns (depending on your perspective  ;) )

it's the crystal structure of "toan", shown under polarised light.     [I can't see where the etched is.]

Not sure if you're being serious about the etch, but it's the les lius logo / stamp.  Granted, it's not an epic etch.  Might have been better in the pictures thread.  ;)

Currently annoyed because the supposedly super strong sealer I used isn't doing it's job.  May have to go over it with some mod podge or something.


My latest, tried a combo of colour fade painting and masking for something a bit different, worked out better than I imagined! :)

Hope you all had a good Christmas! :)


Quote from: atoff on December 22, 2015, 06:36:00 PM
Well, the etch is terrible, but the colors came out real nice I think.

My opinion about the colours & patterns: JUST GORGEOUS!
Seriously, you did good! It's a true eye candy.

What I just could not find is where the etch is...
Kirk Hammet invented the Burst Box.