Personal Best Project

Started by R-Man, April 15, 2007, 12:58:38 AM

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ah yes, perry is great, he makes really good guitars. i will be getting him to make me one soon  :icon_twisted:
Bought: zvex woolly mammoth, octane 3, moogerfooger ringmod, frostwave resonator, boss sd1, ds1, dd6
Built: big muff, green ringer, tremulus lune, the crank
Planned: harmonic percolator, pt80, shin ei.


i was looking closer at my wiring and um a bit embarassing...

from the battery the negative lead goes to negative terminal of ac jack and vice versa for positive right, then another wire goes from that negative terminal into the INPUT jack....

i had that wire that goes from AC jack to INPUT Jack going from the POSITIVE terminal  :( :( :( :(
i fixed that up but i have the same problem as posted earlier, nothing's changed!

and im working on the debug report i was reading up but had to cut it short and go help dad with some work :-\


Keep at it young 'un... you'll make it...

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


Hey man,

You sound a lot like me when I was your age.  I had the same kind of project challenge for school and I recorded and mixed a song I wrote.  I haven't read through this entire thread so I don't know if these links have been given to you already, but I made that TS-808 a little while ago and I wanted to throw some links your way that I found useful. - This was the project schematic and PCB layout that I used. - This is a schematic chart for all the different offboard wiring options.  (Offboard wiring basically means all the wiring that is not on the PCB.  i.e. the I/O jacks, power, pots, stomp switch, etc)  Just find the one that has the component setup that you are using and follow that. - This is a photoessay of the tubescreamer build from the same website.  It's pretty cool cause it gives you photos of different steps in the build process. - This is a great article on how to get a brand new effect running. - This is a bit unrelated, but it is just a big list of music/guitar/DIY/whatever related links.  You might find something useful there.

Good luck man.

Builds Completed: Big Muff. Fuzz Face. Tube Screamer. Rat. Crash Sync. Harmonic Jerkulator. 6-band EQ. Rebote 2.5. Tremulus Lune. Small Stone. Small Clone. Microamp. LPB-2. Green Ringer. Red Ranger. Orange Squeezer. SansAmp. MXR Headphone Amp. Bass Fuzz.


Quote from: R-Man on June 11, 2007, 12:32:54 AM
(look at the very bottom for BYOC brochure)
thats the shop in Fremantle (sorry i thought it was perth), i actually live in Melbourne but ordered it off the shop the owner's name is Perry Ormsby

as of yesterday they have updated the catalogue with all the good stuff
oh...fremantle, due to football, i hate freo

Quote from: theblackman on June 10, 2007, 09:11:17 PM
me too. are you guys on

Nup :( need a band haha


Quote5.Whether or not it's a positive ground circuit like a PNP fuzz or a Rangemaster that has been hacked to work with negative ground. This is a special case, but a common one. "Positive ground" means that the positive/red lead of the battery clip is connected to signal ground. "Negative ground" means that the negative/black lead of the battery clip is connected to signal ground when the effect is operating.

what the flying duck does this mean :( ? i seriously have no clue about what ground my pedal is or what exactly the term means, assistance please!


The BYOC 250+ is Negative Ground.


thanks man :D

now just so i actually know what that means... what does that mean?


To put it in simple terms it`s how the power supply connects to the circuit. You`ve probably noticed that the battery clip has a red and a black lead. The majority of circuits will be Negative ground where the black or -V terminal is connected to Ground. In some cases, usually with older effects like Fuzz Faces or Rangemasters for example, these two leads are reversed so that the +V terminal goes to ground. I may be wrong but I believe this has something to do with the fact that PNP transistors were the standard when these circuits were first designed. In the 1960s.
Some people claim that a Positive ground Fuzz sounds better but I have my doubts. It`s not really a major concern unless you want to copmbine a Positive Ground pedal with a Negative ground on the same power supply. This will end in tears.


DUDE I FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

IT WORKS!!!!!!!!!

a resistor's solder was touching someting it shouldnt.... BUT IT WORKS NOW AFTER I FIXED IT!!!

now as happy as i am about that i have a bit of an issue, it doesnt sound that great  ??? it seems to be only slightly distorted, did i do something wrong or am i being picky...


yeah, ts-808s don't distort all that much, but see if you can find some sound samples to check though (via google)

try doing some double stop hammer ones + bends (hit the strings hard) and listen to that sweet tone..

i love my ts808 with an NE5532 + one diode changed with a germanium. With the gain turned down a bit to where it's just starting to distort you may find that it sounds better.

Perhaps if you built a booster to drive it a bit harder you may get  the sound you are looking for??
Bought: zvex woolly mammoth, octane 3, moogerfooger ringmod, frostwave resonator, boss sd1, ds1, dd6
Built: big muff, green ringer, tremulus lune, the crank
Planned: harmonic percolator, pt80, shin ei.


this isnt the TS-808, its a DOD 250

could any clipping section modifications make it more distorted? even with drive on 100% its very little


i looked at some sound samples well video actually,

and mine is definitely not right  ???

any ideas? would you like to hear a sample?


Sounds like something could be wrong...

A sound sample might help people confirm the problem...

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


ok here it is, the first piece i play actually sounds wicked because it was meant to have slight distortion but the rest doesn't sound good.

all of this is played on my Squier Affinity Strat, on a Fender Frontman 15G (set to clean channel of course) with flat EQ settings and on the pedal i built the drive knob is on full throttle

DOD not good


I'll have to listen later dude, I'm at work at the moment...

I finish in two hours though... Whats the time difference between OZ and UK?

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


we're ahead by 10 hours, its 9:30pm here i assume its 11:30am right now in UK


had a listen yet bro?

the LED still doesnt work hmm.... i dont really care but still i thought i'd tell you guys ;)


Well concentrate on getting the sound done first...

I couldnt listen to the sound sample, my PC wouldnt let me download from that site... Is there anywhere else you can upload it?

Also, read the debugging thread and make a more detailed post, and search for 250+ threads to read what problems other people had with theirs...

Can describe what is happening again for us, any suspicsions you have, etc?

Built: LofoMofo, Dist+, Active AB Box, GGG 4 Channel Mixer, ROG Omega
On the Bench:Random Number Generator, ROG Multi-face, Speak & Spell
My Pop-Punk Band -


Problem is even on full throttle Drive Knob i get only slight distortion like the intro to Pieces by Sum 41 pretty much

Suspicions? i have one,
the square solder spot on the circuit for LED works, the round one does not! the component directly connecting to the round spot is a resistor.
my guess is that THAT resistor isn't working and could that be causing the distortion level problem as well?