LPB-1 with electrolytic caps?!

Started by Xander8280, November 23, 2012, 01:00:02 AM

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I want to make a few Lpb-1 boosts with 2n5088's. I have a bunch of 2.2uf electrolytic caps, would using them in place of the 10nf caps make a crazy difference?
Could changing some resistance values compensate?
I will breadboard it tomorrow and see how it sounds, but waiting on parts for a week or two will be unbearable.
And the local radioshack's prices might have to do it for me...

Eager to get at least 5 boosts made.


Correction....100nf in schematics for the lpb1. As well as .1uf I've seen.
I have some .01 uf's but I would really like to not use them, can I use electrolytic caps?


100nF is the same as 0.1uF.

0.01uF is 10nF.

So if you used those you'd get a lot less bass in your signal. It would be more of a "treble-boost" kind of sound.

Using the rule that doubling the capacitance halves the lowest frequency passed (more bass gets through) I'd think that 2.2uF would not be audibly much different to 10uF.

Changing capacitance is the most effective way to change the frequencies passed.

You can parallel the capacitors to add values to see what difference it makes, if you can't wait to see what difference it makes.


Thank you! I think I'll have to dip into my other projects .01uf's.