MI Audio Crunch Box - gated sounding, then dies.

Started by mikestahlme, November 17, 2012, 08:12:53 PM

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OK! I think we're getting really close!  ;D
I went through a bunch of the solder joints that looked like the the solder wasn't wicking up the lead, tested it and it worked great! Except for one thing, when I turn down the gain pot to almost zero it cuts out and starts getting slightly gated again.

Even when I turn it back up it's not the same. I'm hoping it's just more cold joints that need to be fixed.


I re did all of the solder joints and it seems to be working perfectly! thanks guys for all your help and time!




For the record, I always remelt my solder joints right after making them, when the component I am putting in is soldered on both sides so it is not moving anymore. I never had a cold joint following that procedure.