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adjusting neovibe

Started by larsthestrat, December 09, 2012, 05:39:22 AM

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hi there,

I did build two neovibes from the GGG-project, love them!
I was wondering in possibilities to adjust the effect a little bit more.
I hear this tremolo like sound (creating the depth, alittle bit 'in the back') in it and the so called 'wobble' (a little bit like
a flanger). I'm wondering if it's possible to get more of the tremolo (i the background), so some more depth in it?
In one of the neovibe I swapped the 1uF C7/8/10/11/13/14 for 10uF. I did adjust the 200K pot for the mixinf the dry and wet signal.
And did adjust the 250ohm pot for the lamp bulb. But nothing seems to create more of this depth. Is it possible to adjust other parts
to create more depth?

Regards from the Netherlands!


probably not.. you have covered about everything...what ldr's are you using and how are they oriented?..the type of dual  log speed pot will affect the sound also


photo cell 150k/3M ( placed them right on the bottom and using a copper box. Made a box with aluminium foil.
potmeter =


Have you adjusted the angle of the LDRs?  I don't have a neovibe, but I have heard that people have adjusted the angle of the LDRs and that it affects the sound of the unit. 
Check out my builds -


I just used the angle as said in the description....?!?


small bear sells the correct 100k reverse log pot... and the original vibes used a hermetically sealed ldr placed flat on the board.reflective rather than direct light...small bear has those too...those parts worked best for my build


we don't have smallbear in the netherlands, but i could order them for overseas shipment.