why haven't these enclosures caught on?

Started by joelindsey, December 11, 2012, 02:39:01 AM

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John Lyons

Knobs are from ebay (where else)  :D
I mount the LEDs with epoxy on the inside.
Low profile toggles are from mouser or smallbear.
Basic Audio Pedals


Quote from: joelindsey on December 11, 2012, 02:39:01 AM
Maybe this has already been discussed

about a year ago when hammond made the announcement. this is a welcome bump for all the finished pedals that were not in the old thread ;)


Quote from: joelindsey on December 12, 2012, 03:13:05 PM
Quote from: R.G. on December 11, 2012, 09:01:04 AM
I think it may be as simple as the fact that most people have from several to many pedals, and mount them on rectangular pedalboards, where a rectangular array of pedals is most compact.  We make non-rectangular pedals, and one of the most common comments we get is "I really love the sound, but why is is shaped funny like that?"

...Non-rectangular pedals were popular - as witness the fuzz face, rocket fuzz, the trapezoidal Vox line of pedals, plexiglass guitars, 12 string Phantom Mandolin, Vox Phantom and Invader guitars, rubber-stringed basses - I could go on but you get the idea. Today, guitarists seem to want to convince you how different their music is and how vintage their gear is.  :icon_wink:

It's a shame people have gotten so accustomed to the same old rectangle box pedals that take up as little space as possible. I like weird and big enclosures! Half the reason I like using a big muff is because it is actually BIG. There's some kind of gratification that comes from stepping on a huge metal wedge with the big knobs and all that I can't get from a 1590B. Sounds ridiculous, but it's true.

I feel like that's part of the big appeal of vintage gear in general. The funky boxes, shapes and colors - even if there's nothing special inside, it's a lot more fun to use. Nobody does that anymore!

John Lyons: those trapezoids look amazing!
I agree the weirder the better...bigger is good too! I'm thinking of going a level above 1590BB. I was so disappointed when Electro Harmonix went to the tiny mxr looking boxes. blah lame!


I used the big trap for a dr boogie and the smaller trap for my muff. I'm surrently looking for a round ufo type enclosure for a project I have in mind.


I like the looks of the trapezoids but for some reason the octagon reminds me of an electrical lighting conduit box...
Doesn't matter what you did to get it... If it sounds good, then it is good!


Quote from: J0K3RX on December 16, 2012, 01:01:51 PM
I like the looks of the trapezoids but for some reason the octagon reminds me of an electrical lighting conduit box...
totally agree...seeing as I built a couple things into nicer coinduit boxes I couldn't leave behind at the yard sale where I found them!