EarthQuaker Devices Hoof Fuzz germ tranies replacement?

Started by JebemMajke, January 02, 2013, 01:58:53 PM

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I think I want this muff in my collection. But 2N1302 are a bit expencive. 7 euros per piece. Could someone suggest some high gain npn Germanium transistors?


2N1302's aren't really high gain. The ones I've had don't have gains much over 100.

I'm sure you can use any NPN ge's with hfe 70+ as long as the leakage isn't really high
always think outside the box


I've built a hoof clone using russian gt404 transistors. They had leakages over 500ua, but still sounded good in the hoof clone.


It's hard to find gt404. I've placed ac187 in a civil war muff and it sounded great. But the leakage was nasty and the sound would die after 30 minutes of playing.


mammoth has AC187's for 5 USD each. they are pretty high gain. havent tried seeing how long they last, but why would they die? burning them up?


They, the transistors, would not die, the sound would die ... would get cleanish after 30 minutes or so, would get . And after a 5 minute rest or so it would work again, but for a limited time, my guess is their leakage is pretty nasty. Any way AC187's are 70 euro cents in my country. Pretty cheap.