I built the Rangemaster

Started by jmusser, October 03, 2005, 07:34:05 PM

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Yeah, Si sounds good too, I've played around with that. Also, the collector voltage doesn't have to be -7v. It sounds good there for a particular sound, but I've moved the bias point around and found a lot of good sounds & textures at different settings. I should have installed a "bias knob" on the one I built, but I was lazy and re-used a pre-drilled one-knob chassis I had.



I have built three RM's s far and each sounded pretty good to my ears.  I used Dragonfly's layout, but used the componants that RG suggested in his "How to Build" file.  I have not biased any of the pedals as per the instructions, but they all seemed to work and sound fine.  There are two things that I did notice with the pedal and build.  1.  The control pot as per Dragonfly's layout seems to get the pot to work backwards.  I mean the pot fully counter clockwise has the effect full on, clockwise less effect.  Easy fix, just swap the two outer wires on the pot.  2. The pedal seems not to track that well.  Might be because I have not biased the pot, but there is a definately a lag from my attack on the string til the sound comes out my Super Lead.  This does not really bother me and actually sounds pretty cool because the lag is not sudden but more of a swelling of the signal.

Someone mentioned above that a RM does not sound good going into the Bright channel of a Super Lead.  I have to somewhat agree, On lower volumes yes it does not work too well as the bright cap in the amp tends to boost the treble signal, but where these amps like to be run at( wide open), the difference between the Bright and Normal channel is negligible.  The RM's effect is still there on either channel of the amp.  In use I can easily nail a vintage Judas Priest-like tone.  Depending on the channel I use I'm talking Screaming For Vengence and earlier.  It is all in the attack of the pick, and the amount of effect dialed in.  Seems that running the RM into the Bright Channel to get the more Metal type tones it works best to dial the effect back a bit and hit the strings harder.  To get that early Vintage Priest type tone, use the Normal channel and dial in more effect and hit the strings a little less.


what if you mix the channels with a patch cord?

Didn't clapton in cream use a RM through a super lead? or was that a fuzz?  (sounds more like a RM too me)

I love super leads too.   :icon_wink:


Quote from: JCM1959 on October 04, 2005, 08:04:11 PM
The pedal seems not to track that well.  Might be because I have not biased the pot, but there is a definately a lag from my attack on the string til the sound comes out my Super Lead.

Hmm, can't say I ever noticed that behavior?! Nope, just plugged mine in and listened for anything like it. You might want to give it a tweak.

Another general RM thing I wanted to point out is to make sure you check out the tones you get by rolling off the guitar's tone control, as well as using the neck pickup. What would sound like an unusably dark and wooly tone with the RM bypassed, transforms into ballsy *rawk* tone.

Kerry M


QuoteAnother general RM thing I wanted to point out is to make sure you check out the tones you get by rolling off the guitar's tone control, as well as using the neck pickup. What would sound like an unusably dark and wooly tone with the RM bypassed, transforms into ballsy *rawk* tone.

Same Here!!  ;D


I've been messing with the Easy Drive (read above), so I haven't messed with the Rangemaster. The Small Bear transistor is a B178N.
Homer: "Mr. Burns, you're the richest man I know"            Mr. Burns: Yes Homer It's true... but I'd give it all up today, for a little more".


  Another general RM thing I wanted to point out is to make sure you check out the tones you get by rolling off the guitar's tone control
  This certainly applies to my RM efforts, to the point that an adjustable pregain seems like a worthwhile mod.
  Pregain tested by guitar vol rolloff is a good idea to check out on many to most of my circuits may sound better with the guitar less than full on.
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