I've breadboarded the ggg dod 440 env filter

Started by Devius, January 20, 2013, 03:20:11 PM

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In my quest for knowledge and a better understanding of these devices, I've breadboarded the dod 440 envelope filter from ggg. I managed to obtain a vtl5c4/2 and all my other components are correct (aside from the 430k resistor which I put a 330k and a 100k in series and a tl072 instead of the tl022)
I get sound from the other end, its doing what it should however theres very minimal volume. When I remove the 430k resistor the volume rises substantially (and one hell of a neat effect in its own right, I may have to experiment with it). The pin voltages are all around 4v except for v+ and v-.
Anyone have any ideas as to why the volume is so low?
