Fuzz Face Fuzz Control!

Started by trombleymd, January 30, 2013, 11:02:02 PM

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Hey guys just made my first fuzz face and it works the volume control and such but the "fuzz" only stays at one kind of fuzziness even though I'm turning the 1K pot.

Please help a noob!


Hey trombleymd,

well thats not how its supposed to behave.  Its probably one of the usual culprits.  Solder bridges, wrong component values, orientation of the components etc etc. 

First thing i would check though is for bridges on the wires that connect to the board, and bridges between the lugs on the pot.

All the best
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Hey thanks Paul! :D

I'll give it another look over and in addition my DC jack works fine but the 9v battery doesn't supply and I checked it and soldered the jack back on and still same problem.  Right now I'm powering the pedal by the DC jack any ideas?


Try check the connections around the fuzz pot. Since the fuzz sound is there, it seems like you have lug 3 and 1 crrectly connected to Q2 emitter and ground respectively: Is the cap definitely connected from lug 2 to ground?
Quote from: kayceesqueeze on the back and never open it up again


Also, if the battery's not workingh, there are obviously other issues. What scheme have you followed for the power wiring?
Quote from: kayceesqueeze on the back and never open it up again