Tele(vision) Tube Pedal [with pics]

Started by The_Bloody_Omen, January 29, 2013, 02:11:33 AM

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Hay I was just wondering where I could start if I wanted to make a tube drivin pedal out of this T.V. Also is there anything I should be worried about when removing the tube from its hard to remove casing.  Can take a closer pic if needed.

Thank you,


dude, old tvs can be extremely lethal.
please do not @#$% with that.
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


Put it back in the dumpster.

There isn't much of the TV circuit left.

TV tube circuits are NOT much like audio tube circuits.

The CRT is dangerous. They can hold a 13,000 volt charge for days or months. And if cracked, they throw large chunks of sharp glass in many directions.

They can be lethal, but rarely. More likely: you pick it up, get a ZAP. The startle makes you stumble and fall down. But the CRT hits the floor first and shatters violently. Now you fall on the sharp glass shards. You say many naughty words, go for bandages, or maybe a trip for stitches. Or head-bang. Meanwhile your blood soaks into the floor, it never comes out. Months later there's still bits of glass in every corner of the room, and sometimes in your dog's nose.

I've messed with tubes and TVs and audio for many decades. You can't make something audio out of a TV set. Most of the tubes are pretty specialized. I did once make a fine headphone amp with TV tuner tubes, but I bought the tubes (the ones in old TVs are usually worn-out).

Please put it back in the dumpster. (Actually it really should go to special-waste handling, the CRT glass is doped with Lead which shouldn't go in a dump.)


As said, TV circuits are nothing like audio valve circuits.  Haven't you ever noticed that there's never anything good on TV?

My grandfather has a tiny old tube television - still the nicest looking screen I've ever watched!
Expressway To Yr Null


Thank you so much for responding. Holy crud I was going to open it up last night good thing I chose not to.

Thank you for the advise I shall not mess with it as stated.

I did get a zap last night when I cut this thick wire.. I think it was the caps right?
Thank you for your warning.

I have noticed that now that you mention it. and thank you for your advice as well.


Here is my latest build, a bazz fuzz:

Tony Forestiere

Quote from: The_Bloody_Omen on January 29, 2013, 06:21:05 PM
I did get a zap last night when I cut this thick wire.. I think it was the caps right?
Thank you for your warning.
If it was the thick wire (usually red) going from the fly-back transformer to the CRT shell, you are lucky it was a a small zap! You may have partially discharged the CRT without killing yourself. Follow these guys' advice; (although the speaker might be nice for a Ruby.)
"Duct tape is like the Force. It has a light side and a dark side, and it holds the universe together." Carl Zwanzig
"Whoso neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future." Euripides
"Friends don't let friends use Windows." Me


Potentially useful bits from a tube TV:

Speaker output transformer
Power transformer
Power supply choke

Most of which are connected to high voltage. Don't mess with it if you don't understand it.
"The first four times, we figured it was an isolated incident." - Angry Pete

"(Chassis is not a magic garbage dump.)" - PRR


This is your lizard on high voltage...

Actually on the cap of my A/C condenser unit behind the house. I carefully removed him with a long dry stick while wearing leather gloves.
R.G. Keene: EXPECT there to be errors, and defeat them...


Are any of the components usable like the transistors and resistors? or are they too high units to use on dc?

And yikes man geico needs a new rep

petey twofinger

i got lit up by a 5 inch tube when i was a youngin , it sparked up so good it burned a hole in ma side cutters .i swear i felt the jolt go thru my arm to my heart , thats what i rember feelin anyway .  took a few years off , got into estes rockets , prolly a smart move . really old battery powered transistor radios , thats what i have my eyes peeled for lately . i think maybe there might be some germanium transistors in there but ... perhaps you could just make an order from one of these fine establishments :

im learning , we'll thats what i keep telling myself


Quote from: The_Bloody_Omen on January 29, 2013, 10:51:41 PM
Are any of the components usable like the transistors and resistors? or are they too high units to use on dc?

I have taken the circuit boards out of many TV's and monitors (being careful of course). And here is what I have found:

Yes, the components are useable. The transistors are often marked in a company code and you can't tell what the heck they are. Sometimes fun to breadboard in a fuzz circuit though.

Resistor legs are usually too small to be useful. I have used them for led resistors though.

The film capacitors can be nice. Stay away from the electros - especially the big ones.

After taking apart many of these and weighing the danger/work involved vs. the reward, it isn't worth it in the least bit. Resistors can be had for a penny or less (Tayda, big Ebay lots, etc) and everything else you might find is cheapish too. As much as I'm interested in recycling electronics, you can find better and safer targets.