Looking for a booster to build

Started by Dom D, February 07, 2013, 06:05:07 PM

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Dom D

I use a germanium fuzz face almost exclusively to dial to volume back for chimey glass slightly fuzzy clean tones. Is there a booster that sounds similar to this?

Arcane Analog

My favourite booster is the rangemaster. Adding a tone control makes it a beautiful pedal that plays nice with lots of different combinations.


are your rolling back the volume on the guitar or the attack on the fuzz? tell me exactly how you are using it. also, what value vol pot in your ff?


Quote from: Arcane Analog on February 07, 2013, 06:30:40 PM
My favourite booster is the rangemaster. Adding a tone control makes it a beautiful pedal that plays nice with lots of different combinations.
I asked about adding a tone control to boost pedals on here and got an earful on why it was a bad idea...haven't ordered parts lately so I didn't experiment yet (cus I wasn't discouraged by the advice even though it was from people who knew a hell of a lot more about electronics then me...which is most people here). Whats your version of a tone control for the rangemaster?


From breadboard experiments the Joe Gagan tone control works great on a Rangemaster. Currently on my breadboard is a Fred Briggs Rangemaster variant that incorporates that tone control and i think the circuit sounds great.

"If you always do what you always did- you always get what you always got." - Unknown

Arcane Analog

The electronics experts! Not those guys! Haha. They will get you every time.  ;)

The one I use is certainly nothing special at all and is as simple as it gets. Basically it is a simple blend of two caps - say the original 4n7 cap and a larger 1uF cap blended with a 100KB pot. Those values give you the classic "treble boost" sound with the pot fully one way and then that big old fat 1uF cap with the pot fully the other way with the blend happening as you swing the pot in either direction. I usually rock mine around noonish depending on the guitar/amp setup. Old Marshall's just love that setup.

The input signal from the guitar hits that 'blend' arrangement and then into the transistor's Base. As the experts might tell you, that setup will not muck about with your circuit's design. I am certainly not claiming to be an expert but I really like that arrangement.

I think the idea for using this setup is commonly traced back to one of Joe Gagan's Easy Face versions. It is prevalent because it works great and is damned easy to implement - you can solder the whole setup to the tone pot if you want. I am not sure where Joe found the idea or if it was his own stroke of genious but it works like a charm.


Thanks for the follow up! I never used the word EXPERT....you don't have to be an expert to know more then me about this stuff! I have zero schooling on electronics. I've just learned stuff on my own...or better yet I've learned everything unsupervised cus so much is what I've picked up here and thats very much not alone. I'm practical and creative...jack of all trades master of none!

Arcane Analog

Quote from: Canucker on February 08, 2013, 11:24:58 PM(cus I wasn't discouraged by the advice even though it was from people who knew a hell of a lot more about electronics then me...which is most people here).

This is the bit I was getting at. There are a few in here that need to get overthemselves.


No schematics for this one but this should cover exactly the sound you have if your happy to buy one.  Local Australian builder.



Three sims of treble boosts.  I have built one like the first one with a TIP29 med power transistor and people seem to like it.
Note the difference with switching the caps and blending the caps

have you tried the NPN boost ver1 and/or ver2?


Quote from: Arcane Analog on February 09, 2013, 06:56:26 AM
Quote from: Canucker on February 08, 2013, 11:24:58 PM(cus I wasn't discouraged by the advice even though it was from people who knew a hell of a lot more about electronics then me...which is most people here).

This is the bit I was getting at. There are a few in here that need to get overthemselves.

in theory tubes and solid state should sound the same right?

Arcane Analog

Sorry but that is a little to general of a question. It would certainly depend on the context.


LOL I wasnt actually really asking.

Arcane Analog

Well colour me confused.   ???

Haha. What are we talking about again?