slacker's slacktrem

Started by pinkjimiphoton, March 15, 2013, 08:58:02 PM

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jon  (midway fair)'s cardinal trem thread brought up a couple other threads from days of yore,
and one of the things i found while surfing around was ian's (slacker)
slacktrem.. a 4069 based  trem of some sort.

i have a bunch of 4069's, and it looked really cool, so i got waylaid from the cardinal trem and drew up a vero.
i've been over it a gazillion times, and have it refined down to what i think is a reasonable size. i haven't built it yet (indeed, i don't know if it even works)
but if some crazy person wants to try to build this on vero, well... look no further.

plan on trying to cobble this together at some point over the next few days... so if i can get it to work (or not) i'll post back.

i'm not sure if the trim control is supposed to be 100k or 10; the schem says 10k, but the diylc file says 100k for each, so... caveat emptor!

anyways, here's the layout...  hope someone finds it useful!!

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


as soon as you posted this I went looking for the schematic. very creative use of a 4069.

reminds me of this LFO I found looking at synth stuff.

and this VCO


I breadboarded the slacktrem circuit the other, but used a 4049 as it is wot I got. and nothing is wot I got. the osc ran fine, but I had almost no signal after the first inverter, and nothing after the diodes but osc thumpings.

any ideas?
" Hence the duck effect. "


the pinout of the 49 is different from the 69, and the inverters are all "backwards" between them. the inputs/outputs need to be reversed i think.

no idea why it shouldn't work, tho, with that in mind... maybe it's dependent on being buffered? i'm confused, as a lot of people say ube means unbuffered, but if i recall correctly
the data sheet said the ones with ube ARE the buffered ones..
unless i misunderstood. ;)
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


I cant see why it wouldn't work with a CD4049, check your pinouts like Jimi suggested, although if you got the oscillator working you probably know what you're doing. After that try removing the diodes in case something is wrong there and see if you then get signal out of the first stage, you should get a boosted signal.

To be honest it's not a great design, it was done for one of The Tone God's old competitions, where the theme was to do something using inverters as amplifiers and I didn't want to do a booster or fuzz. It sounds alright but it was noisy and I seem to remember it had quite a bit of LFO thump.

Here's a sound clip for anyone interested.


sounds pretty good tho, ian!
thanks for the clip!
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
Slava Ukraini!
"try whacking the bejesus outta it and see if it works again"....
~Jack Darr


thanks, Ian, but it seems I've erased the schem and am using that page for a shoot-the-moon osc circuit. and a phase shift osc, of course.
" Hence the duck effect. "