Help understanding off-board pot connections from schematic

Started by graylensman, April 16, 2013, 09:11:36 PM

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I'm working on a Fuzzrite project, and I've got the components on the perfboard - and I feel quite confident in that part of the project. I even feel confident about connecting the jacks and the battery snap.

However, i don't have a clue as to how and where the pot connections should go, based on the schematic. Could anybody please provide guidance?

thanks in advance!

John Lyons

For that schematic the volume pot is wired with the top lug of the schematic being the leftmost lug as your looking at the
pot with the shaft pointed down. The attack pot is wired so that the right lug of the schematic is the left most lug of the pot.
Basic Audio Pedals


Okay, so if I understand you correctly, and I (think) I follow the schematic... would the connections trace out as I have in this diagram?