tagboard earthquaker hummingbird tremelo

Started by peterg, May 28, 2013, 09:02:50 PM

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I built the above mentioned pedal and don't hear the effect. The volume pot works but nothing else. The changes I made were grounding the mode switch to the outjack not to the baord. I couldn't find any 2n2646 trans so am using a 2n6027. I've tried all pin variations. Any suggestions why there is no effect?


My band, Midway Fair: www.midwayfair.org. Myself's music and things I make: www.jonpattonmusic.com. DIY pedal demos: www.youtube.com/jonspatton. PCBs of my Bearhug Compressor and Cardinal Harmonic Tremolo are available from http://www.1776effects.com!


The 2N6027 is not a straight substitute for the 2n2646. It will not work without modifications to the circuit.

There are suggestions for modifications to make a 2N6027 work with the circuit at FSB.


You don't happen to have a schematic, do you?


Thanks Guys

Chugs - what is FSB? I'll look it up. Hopefully I can salvage the board.

AbenfVA - I couldn't find a scheme just the tagboard vero layout. I found a Vox Repeater scheme which the hummingbird is based on but there appear to be extensive mods.


My SKIPPY pedal is a modified VRP, but you can find details about replacing the 2N2646 with a 2N6027 in the documentation...


~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."


Thanks Charlie

I found the schematic and am wworking withh it. I wish I had found it earlier! It looks like a great circuit.



I added the R12 as per your mod for the 2n6027 but still am not getting oscillation. Does R9's value make thaat much differnce? Currently I have a 470r resistor.



Yes, the value of R9 will make a difference. Try combining a couple of resistors in series to add up to 2K if you can. Then tweak the trim pot to dial in the oscillation at both extremes of the speed pot.

~ Charlie
"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."

Electron Tornado

"Corn meal, gun powder, ham hocks, and guitar strings"

Who is John Galt?


Thanks Charlie. I'll give it a try.

Electron T - thanks for the info on the eletrochop.


Charlie - R9 was the issue. Sounds great now. Thanks for your help.


"I tend to like anything that I think sounds good."