Dual led wiring question

Started by elflicho87, July 04, 2013, 09:45:18 AM

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Hi everyone,
I have a simple question for you: I'm planning to build a dirt pedal with a boost side and relative led, so two switches and two leds.
I want the second led (boost side) to light up only if the pedal is engaged, without reducing the first (bypass) led brightness. Is this wiring going to work (well)?



Better this way, right?

Thanks again


Each LED should have its own limiting resistor, and the boost switch "out" should connect to the bypass switch "in" along with the status LED's resistor.  However, unless you're really concerned about battery life, I'd recommend you leave the boost LED on even when the pedal is bypassed so that you know what mode you're in when you go to engage the pedal.

And you just corrected it while I was typing - perfect.


Thank you GGBB

You're right, it would be useful to know the mode engaged even with the pedal off, but i don't like the idea of having the LED always on... I haven't decided yet which way to go...