Rockman Stereo Chorus/Delay MOD (sub SAD 1024 for MN3005)

Started by Sunburst, July 17, 2013, 09:10:34 PM

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Hi!   :icon_biggrin:

     I'm new to this site and this is my first post!

     Can I substitute a Reticon SAD 1024 for a Panasonic MN3005 in a Rockman Stereo Chorus/Delay?  My intent is to turn it from a chorus/delay to a flanger.  Here is a photo of the circuit board:

     Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!  Thanks in advance!

Very respectfully,



a chorus or a delay can be implemented with EITHER chip.

It's all in how you arrange the other supporting ICs around the BBD.

PLEASE don't modify a Rockman!!!   :icon_cry:

Maybe sell it on ebay and buy a flanger clone board if you want a flanger that much.

ElectroHarmonics made a "chorus/delay" box at one time.
Study the schematic and maybe make a clone of it.

If it's an X100, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't modify the circuit board.

BIG Rockman fan   :icon_redface:
TONE to the BONE says:  If youTHINK you got a GOOD deal:  you DID!



     Thanks for the quick reply!

     I am an avid Rockman collector with several complete XPR and Sustainor setups.  But I have an extra Stereo Chorus/Delay and wondered what switching the MN3005 chip with an SAD 1024 would do.   My intent was to switch out only that chip as to not damage the board.  I already have both a vintage MXR Phase 90 and vintage MXR M117 Flanger Remote Looped in my setup, so a Stereo Chorus/Delay flanger mod isn't a necessity.  But it is a cool idea...

Very respectfully,



A SAD1024 will not drop in place of a MN3005 i'm afraid, different pin outs etc. Nor will just a shorter delay time really get you any pleasing sounding flanger.

If you have a spare SAD, sell it to someone who needs one to repair a flanger or other BBD effect rather than try and do something new with it as they're getting rarer and why let a vintage unit loose its life and if you have a spare working vintage pedal, keep it as a stock back up or sell it on IMO.

Toneman is right though, there is the EHX PolyChorus/PolyFlange/EchoFlange (all the same unit with different names) that does delay, chorus & flanger (originals used 2 x SAD1024, newer a MN3008 & 3009 and the recent one, not sure) you could sell the Rockman and go for one of those if it's of any interest.



     Thanks for the reply!  And the info!

     I do not have a spare SAD 1024.  But I love the sound of the one in my vintage MXR M117 Flanger.  Thus my question as to whether an SAD 1024 can be substituted for the MN3005.

     No worries.  I have three Stereo Chorus/Delays and may take your advice (and Toneman's) and sell the third one rather than mess with it.

     Again, thanks for taking the time to respond to my post!

Very respectfully,
