Second pedal help.

Started by Buffalo, July 11, 2013, 11:21:03 PM

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This is my second build, can any one help me out a little? Built this distortion pedal and got it working. Pretty happy with the sound, but now I want to add a pot to control the distortion.

Here is the layout.

Should it go like this?

Or like this?

Or something totally different?

Thanks for any help you can throw my way.


Is that an Electra? You could probably pot a pot between the input jack and the rest of the circuit that would clean it up a bit.
Consistency is a worthy adversary


Not sure what it is. My friend gave it to me. I thought about doing that. I have a volume pot right before the output to have control. But I wanted to have a drive knob to control the mix of it all. Vol pot after input would be the same as turning my guitar down. Any ideas?


It's an Electra Distortion. Do a search for the Trotsky, which is a modded Electra that has a gain control. The Lovepedal COT50 is based on this circuit as well.
Consistency is a worthy adversary


Consistency is a worthy adversary


Thanks for the help. The part I need to add vr1, is lug 1 input, 3 output and 3 also loops back to 2?


you could also lift the emitter leg, add the 1k pot with ccw lug to ground, cw lug to emitter, and the 10uF cap from wiper to ground. this is the method countless other boosters use.
" I will say no more "


Get out your breadboard and try an Ursa Minor:

You already have most of the parts, though you will like the results better with a high-gain transistor and the gain pot in the emitter circuit. BREADBOARD IT responds well to tweaking.
