Capacitor based analogue delay

Started by mistahead, July 21, 2013, 11:57:55 PM

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Ok - its Monday and the meds are giving me thoughts... such thoughts... mostly about how despite attempting to search out a reasonable approach to "Capacitor Bucket" (I think its called) analogue delay circuits I come up with nothing except a vague allusion to the Memory Man... which I'm not even going to kid myself into thinking is a good idea to try building.

So the question is - has anyone here seen, is currently holding, or could point me towards either articles or schematics regarding using what I believe is known as cap bucket delay?

Yes I know, lots of "better" and newer ways to do a doubling/ultra-short delay but I'm just looking at HOW it was done without tapes and digital delay chips (such as is in every second project these days  :icon_wink:    ), plus as one of my other comments earlier might imply - a doubler using some ultra-short delay and feeding the wet signal out into some shaping... drone some maybe... hmmmm.

But yeha - delay using caps KGO!


I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)
