PCB and pedal build order

Started by JPGraphX, August 08, 2013, 08:42:55 PM

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As a newbie to pedal building, I would like to know what is your order when you build a pedal and the PCB;

PCB soldering order (wire, resistor, capacitor, IC, etc)

Pedal assembly order (potentiometer, LED, jack, PCB, etc)

Thank you very much for your info and precious time,




The order in which you solder components to the PCB does not usually matter. As for the order in which things get assembled, it will depend on your construction method. A well-documented build should be clear about what gets done and in what order. Take a look at some of the projects on my site and you'll get an idea.


If you have never built a pedal and are looking at what to do for a first build, please check out this How-To:




Well I was wondering if I should install potentiometer before soldering..

Should I solder on PCB, all same parts like, all resistors then all caps.. Etc


By the way I've build two pedal, but I want to be better and faster


It's generally easier to solder the components with those lowest to the board going on first.  Diodes and resistors first, then small ceramic caps, then sockets, then box caps, etc.  It can be harder to get the lower components flush to the PCB if you already have caps & sockets installed. 

You might want to go over to the BYOC site and look at the assembly instructions for a few of their pedal kits.  You will be able to figure out the sequence they follow.
"Under certain circumstances, profanity provides a relief denied even to prayer."
       -- Mark Twain


Quote from: JPGraphX on August 08, 2013, 11:33:08 PM
By the way I've build two pedal, but I want to be better and faster

If both pedals worked coming out of the gate....then don't worry about speed, this means that you are meticulous and you're doing something right. This is not production.....this is a hobby!

As far as order of components......the knobs go on last.  ::)
I just designed a new fuzz circuit! It almost sounds a little different than the last fifty fuzz circuits I designed! ;)


Hehehe, Thanks for the knob tips