madbeanpedals dirtbag deluxe - request quick voltage check

Started by ulysses, September 03, 2013, 12:27:17 AM

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hey guys

im building the madbeanpedals dirtbag deluxe (EH deluxe memory man). im using a madbean pedals roadrage (charge pump with 1044 chip)

im having trouble with very distorted repeats.

when i check the voltage of the chargepump by itself, it measures 14.75volts using a boss 9v adapter.

when i solder it to the dirtbag deluxe voltage in, it drops to 12.5volts.

is someone able to do a quick check on theirs to see if theirs drops to 12.5 too.



A 1044 probably doesn't provide enough current, you'd be better off with a LT1054.

Your voltage shouldn't drop that much, no.
