Strange Twincaster Problems

Started by Bustygreene, September 08, 2013, 11:15:50 PM

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I built This TC a few days ago and it was working perfect, until I decided to flip a cap, and now it squeals. I flipped the cap back to the way it was and its still the same. I've been trying to keep my cool, but I keep getting pissed off at it. I'm mad cause it sounded so damn good before I screwed it up
.  I wanted to put it up before I rewire it. Maybe someone on here has had the same problem. You can control the pitch of the squeal through the volume and gain.

Here are some voltage readings.
1. 6.0
2. -.69
3. .01
4. 11.85
5. .01
6. 2.97
7. -.64
8. .01
9. 5.98

1. 1.38
2. -.73
3.  .01
4. 11.85
5. .01
6. 4.62
7. -1.58
8. .01
9. 5.91
These measurements are with vol and gain maxed.
I've tried using different tubes and the result is the same.
I used the schematic from this page
and used different caps.  the first on the v1 is .039mfd then .0068mfd. On v2 its .0039 then .0082 into a 1mfd for the output.
Here is a video of it now...

The caps and tubes are from the early 60's.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.