Help Modding a Aqua Puss from V3205 to MN3005

Started by richon, December 02, 2013, 11:03:30 AM

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I recenlty got a used Aqua Puss (which uses the V3205) and had a MN3005 to put it into the pedal.

So far I know I need to change some voltage to the MN3005 and maybe the Clock IC

Should I mod some of the connections of the PCB to the new (old) MN3005 in the pedal?
Richon - Ricardo
Viña del Mar

Mark Hammer


Thanks Mark, but I have the "real" aqua puss and not the Aqua Boy Pcb... so there isn't a way to just change the socket connection as easy as in the Aquaboy PCB.

I don't mind working into modding the Aqua Puss pcb... but I was trying to understand what to do before as I won't be risking a fine MN3005 for just rushing in.
Richon - Ricardo
Viña del Mar

Mark Hammer

The document will show what changes to connections need to be made, even though it's not the same board.  The principles used should be applicable to your Aquapuss.

I should point out that the Aquapuss is likely using a 5v regulator to power the Coolaudio chips.  I don't know that, but it is likely.  Given that, I doubt whether going through the nuisance of converting it to use an MN3005 will be worth your while.  The 3005 can be a slightly better sounding chip, but part of that happens when it is used with a higher supply voltage.  If you're not going to convert the board to use the higher voltage throughout, then you won't really have any benefit.  And when I say "throughout", I don't mean simply plugging in a 12-15v wallwart into the power jack.  I mean removing any additional regulation on the board so that the BBD gets whatever the wallwart supplies, and not the down-regulated 5v derived from the external supply.

Those changes may be more than is worth embarking on.


Thanks a lot!!!

will check everything as to decide to do it completly o abort the mod from start
Richon - Ricardo
Viña del Mar


Just source a NOS madbean aquaboy pcb and build a real one, sell the reissue...
I think haberdasher over at madbean can etch a board too I beleive.