4 Channel Programmable Looper

Started by caldersm, December 09, 2013, 02:26:17 PM

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Hey Guys,

I have been following this forum for most of the year.....and have completed a 4 channel Programmable Looper build.  I have built two myself, and have sold 6 boards and chips to two other builders.  I received some help from this board via the many many posts, and have tried to contribute some of my EE background to help.  So since I have received, I thought I might offer some of the boards and chips at a large discount....just my cost plus shipping plus $10 for my effort to do the transaction and mail it out, which come out to around $35 shipped.  I usually charge $50 plus shipping, so I am not really making any money....just a offering for everyone's help.  I only have 7 boards left on this PCB run, so it is first come, first serve.

It is a Four Channel Programmable Looper with a Bypass and a Muting circuit to eliminate pops.  Any Switch can be programmed to any combination of the four outputs, as well there is a bypass switch to put all four switches into manual mode.   It is designed to fit inside a Mammoth 1032L looper enclosure.  It is True Bypass with relays, and it comes pre-programmed via an Amtel attiny4313 processor. I created(in DipTrace) a full double side PCB board that is included with the Programmed Chip.

It can be built for around $45 - $50 in additional materials(depending on shipping), plus the cost of my PCB and Programmed Chip.  I have sold them in the $200 range completely built and tested.  Below see a snapshot of the board in 3D stuffed with parts.  I have a Bill of Material PDF and a DIY manual completed to aid in assembly, testing and usage, as well as a full schematic in pdf format.

I was not sure if this was appropriate to offer in this forum, so if it is not, then please ignore and move on.....my apologize in advance.  If it is, and you are interested, or just want more information or if I can help you in any way creating your own, please contact me.

If you have any interest , please let me know.  I would be happy to discuss any further details by email (caldersm44@gmail.com), or via my cell phone at 1-803-640-3990.

Thanks again for all your posts....they really help out a lot.



Since you aren't really offering any information to the forum, I suggest you post this in the for sale section! If you want to make a thread with a schematic, layout, code, etc, then it would warrant being in this section, IMO.

Looks like a cool design, I'm sure plenty here will be interested.


I agree with 100%.....but I couldnt find one.  The only section I saw was the Store section....is that it...?  Sorry for being a forum newb.  If you could send me a link to that forum, I will make sure I post in there.

Thanks for the heads up...and for props on the design....


The board section you're looking for is called For Sale/Trade

Maybe ask Aron to move your thread there ?


Yeah...I see it now.....but it wasnt there when I clicked up, but it was when I went through your link.  Now that is weird and I feel stupid.  Sorry for posting in the wrong forum.

I am sure the MOD will move it.


No need to apologies or stupid feelings. Thanks for cooperating!


I may be interested in this, I have a 5 ch TB looper in a 1032 enclosure (my first build actually). I used the predrilled enclosure from PPP (http://www.pedalpartsplus.com/mm5/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=PPP&Product_Code=1204&Category_Code=ENC14L to see the drill layout).

The downgrade from 5 ch to 4 ch aside, how viable would it be to upgrade using your pcb? Would there be any way of seeing the BOM and instructions so I can guage what would be involved?


The 5 ch enclosures works best, as my build uses the fifth holes for the bypass switch and led.  Send an email to caldersm44@gmail.com, and I will send u the bom and manual.  If u like it, just let me know, and we can make a transaction.

The board is around 5cm x 10cm.  I made it to fit in that enclosure.
