What the...Turbo Distortion lost output!!!

Started by Dumpster Diver, December 27, 2013, 07:17:29 AM

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Dumpster Diver

I found this thing sitting in a barn several years ago, seriously!

It didnt work at all at first, I opened it up and mucked around for two minutes and its been fine ever since, I havent used it in a couple years. Recently brought it out and have run it for a few hours here and there in the last month or so...This afternoon it was fine, then I go to play it this morning, But no output is getting through, It powers on..its not the cables or the Guitar input, or the amp, or the power, It lights up.  Taking a peek inside, output Jack is clean. I didnt drop it or anything, you know...Just like that, Phphp, no nuthin.  output is deader than a doornail, wont even give me a ground hum. Quiet as a church mouse.  :icon_biggrin:

Probly time for new caps or something maybe, Im not gonna lie, Im a novice..you guys are the experts, maybe its time for an upgrade. I dont know this circuit but if anyone can give me a parts refference I might as well change out the caps and follow any suggestions or recommendations from you all here if you could help a poor dumpster brother out.  :icon_mrgreen:

Time to bust out the Volt-o-meter I reckon.

Would like to know where I should start.

Thanks very much everyone

Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!

Dumpster Diver

...strange...when I just plug a Cable into the Input without switching it on, the LED in the pedal turns on now.  :icon_question:
Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!

Dumpster Diver

Oh snap!

Looks like I just found the Broken wire, Its the output connection Right beside R13, Maybe I just broke it off now when I opened it up, hangon Guys..this maybe is the problem right here.  :-*

Possible it was only hanging on by a thread and I finished it off opening it up.

I do this when Im posting at www.tapeheads.net all the time, find a problem and then post, and like see the solution right after, Cross your fingers for me, and I wont cross any wires!  :icon_razz:
Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!

Dumpster Diver

Ok..so apparently thats not the real problem.  :-\
Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!

Dumpster Diver

Ok, Another Bad wire connection, This time its the white one on the output Jack, again, another wire just popped off at the join, What the hey!!!

No, Honestly I dont have ham fists or anything, Im being Gentle with this thing I swear!!!  :icon_rolleyes:

This better be it this time.  :P

Derpy derr.
Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!


hey! let us in on the fun. post some pics of the innards and workings before you really do fix it.
"Bring on the nonsense".

Dumpster Diver


(However my internet went down right after.  >:()

It was Pretty much just frayed wire connections out to all the Jacks ...sometimes without sleep.... my brain gets a little mushy.

What is the best way to post pics here for my next time around, I will be sure to post plenty!

The easiest way for me is to attatch the files, or if theres an icon above this text box that will allow to select from a URL I can get that going.

Im always tinkering away with something on the work bench, I dont post here much because Ive still got a lot more study and experience to put behind me when it comes to Building my own Stomps.

(I dont have any fancy computer skills, Im quite computer illiterate unfortunately)

my Other laptop is a typewriter, Yes It works, I fixed it too, power goes out around here sometimes like that Ice storm that Just blew in before X-mas.

Once again, Thanks for having me on, and Looking forward to getting to know you all a little better.


Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!


to post images here, you need an account with a hosting site. you load up their servers with your pics, and they give you a link address. you come back here and add the link address in your post, the picture displays here, and then we all laugh. or drool, it varies. I use "Imageshack" (and a big thank you to them) for hosting, another is Imgur something, many others use dropbox, although lot's of other people don't like it because we have to go there to look.

I've got a good record, and improving, of fixing peoples pedals just by asking to see pictures.
"Bring on the nonsense".

Dumpster Diver

Wow, Just from photos! Thats serious skills.

oh, would a photobucket work for posting images here.. I probly should have gotten one of those a while ago. 

Whats wrong with it, Its broken, its broken!!!