Eric Johnson Strat Overdrive search

Started by aron, August 09, 2021, 02:05:57 PM

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The Fender Bullet.
According to my friend, I think they were giving these away as promo for the new Chinese versions of the later Squier Bullet. These guitars have a big Bullet on top and a small Squier below. SUPER cheaply made but when I picked it up (already setup by my friend), was so easy to play and light!

He asked me if I wanted one, I said yeah, how much. How's $99? Or course I bought it and it has a smooth sustaining Eric Johnson tone. In fact, one of my friends came up and said I had that violin type smooth sustain. Yes it does! Of course being me, I destroyed it immediately and put in a Bill Lawrence humbucker for the neck.

It is so easy to play and 10's seem like 9's on it.
He found another later and I bought that one too - being careful not to destroy that one.


QuoteOf course being me, I destroyed it immediately and put in a Bill Lawrence humbucker for the neck.

destroyed or modded to your liking?  ;D

mac@mac-pc:~$ sudo apt install ECC83 EL84
