anybody have access to a broken GUILD ROTOVERB to degoop and reverse engineer?

Started by ZZ$$$$$$$, January 19, 2014, 02:56:39 AM

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I would love to see a DIY project for the super-rare GUILD ROTOVERB effect. Does any DIYers have one they could
try to reverse engineer. Ive seen pics where this unit has a a red vintage telephone shape,but the internal circuit board
is a mint green epoxy block that plugs into a late 60s style computer card slot. If someone could get ahold of one of these
broken,degoop the board,retrace original circuit,schematic and a vero layout,I think this would be a DIY effects project
on the level with the LUDWIG PHASEII  GUITAR SYNTH. Also,honestly,it's long overdue,I would love to see it! THANKS