Prototyping idea with molex connectors

Started by Luke51411, January 26, 2014, 06:29:44 PM

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I came across some 4 pin molex connectors for a floppy drive at a thrift store and decided they could make a nice connector for pedal prototyping so I wired one up to a switch and jacks and just add the other end to whatever pcb I want to try out and I'm ready to go! It saves time that I would be wiring the jacks and removes possible faults in the circuit from cold solder joints improperly wired switch etc! Does anyone else have a similar setup? I'm curious to see what other ideas people have for prototyping.
I would post a picture but I can't figure out how.


Molex makes a line called "SPOX" that I found suitable for my builds. You can see how I used them in some of my pedals:

You can order them from my store:her distributors carry them.

or many other distributors carry them.