Anyone tried these pots (16mm Alpha Alternative)

Started by pappasmurfsharem, September 05, 2013, 12:36:06 AM

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Quote from: pappasmurfsharem on September 05, 2013, 12:36:06 AM
These are roughly half the price of alpha pots on mouser.
I'm considering them. Anyone tried these?
Brand is BI Technologies

well, now, I waddled over to this link to have a look see what was. first off, I didn't know mouser had a "presence" in australia. second, the site returns "no returns for BI search" or similar geek speak, and third, I can't get at "", it auto repirects me to "" each time.

am I missing out here, or should I avert my eyes and carry on?
" Hence the duck effect. "




Mouser is "sticky" in terms of location - if you click on a link that directs you to one of their subsites for another country, you'll get stuck there (probably because of a cookie or something). Just click on the flag in the upper right corner (not the language drop down), and choose your country flag and then your language.

Try searching for the partial model # I posted later in the thread - P160KNP-0EC15

There aren't that many values available for that specific model, but the ones that are there are cheap and decent!
EDIT: Oops, just realized you WANT to be on their AU site. :D Looks like Gord's link should work. Then you can just use their filters to get exactly what you need.


interesting, all those parts have "BI technologies" in the descriptions ..... and there is an aust distributer of ~50c pots? I'll have to go and spend some hours at mr mousers site, soon. thanks, chaps.
" Hence the duck effect. "