IC qwestions: TL074 blender circuit w/ Stripboard

Started by DeIVIoNaN, March 23, 2014, 04:29:31 PM

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i made this SeanM circuit layout  i found on a old post for a different forum,

I'm confused about what TL074 to get CN, BCN, D ?????

Thankyou for looking

this is what i got so far


> what TL074 to get CN, BCN, D ??


"Orderable", page 18 (but the '072s start on page 20).

Get whatever suits the way you build.

Mega-market products like the ones smaller than a grain of rice; cheap and you stuff a lot on a small PCB.

My eyes like DIP. This comes in Ceramic for rocket-science and Plastic for round-the-house uses. So I'd want "PDIP".

The rice-size SOIC and TSSOP parts are overwhelming the PDIPs.

Hmmmm.... ummmm.... hummm....  ACP BCP and CP seem to be the choices.

"A" and "B" are different grades of DC precision. This is quite un-important in *any* audio device which calls for a TL072. Take any of ACP BCP or CP.

There are additional letters. These say whether you get 5,000 chips on tape in a reel or a box. Important for your robot stuffer. However I suspect you want one or two. No matter how they come in the big box, your vendor will cut-off the few you need, so you don't care if it came from a box or a reel.

Better idea!! When you don't know what you want, buy from some place which knows your needs and stocks the right stuff.

Small Bear: http://www.smallbearelec.com/servlet/StoreFront -- put "TL072" in the Search box. He carries TL072CP. He has thousands in stock so he knows this part is what many people want. I agree.


TY, that answers everything :) cant wait to get one tomorrow,
I'm from Maine as well, hoping HR Dist will have one :)


> I'm from Maine as well

Portland area. I'm quite a bit up the coast.


DelV, if you go to the TI website, you can sign up for their samples program, and order 3-5 of each of those types (plus other good stuff). they send them to your door free, and if there is a variant on your list that they don't offer as sample, it's not the one for your project.
" I will say no more "


Apologies. I mis-read the part you want. The TL072 is very popular, so popular you can get it at the shack. I just noted that you want the TL074, less popular because "most" circuits can't jam that much external stuff around one chip. However an excellent chip when you need a 4-in-1.

I don't like to abuse the free-samples program, but it won't hurt TI to spot you a couple 29-cent chips free. In 15+ years on TI's freebie program (them having my email) I've got no outright spam. There is a sorta-monthly email ad, which is sometimes interesting (tho mostly stuff I don't know what it is), and I believe I can opt-out any time (unlike the russian girlfriends and man-pill spam from *other* sources which never stops).