DPDT as an on/off switch for two LEDs?

Started by canman, February 21, 2014, 02:26:05 PM

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Hey guys,

Got the Causality 4 phaser working and I've got 2 LEDs serving as indicators of the phase speed and depth.  I'm going to box this circuit up soon but I don't want these LEDs always going when I have power applied to the circuit, so I was thinking about maybe wiring in a 2 position DPDT switch to serve as an on/off switch for these buggers...would the top left diagram in this link work for this?


Assuming the switch is laid out like this:
1 4
2 5
3 6

Basically, have the lead wire from the PCB go to lug one of the switch and then have lug 2 connected to the lead of the LED (same thing for the other LED, just using lugs 4 and 5)...would this work as an on/off for these LEDs?



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