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GGG Mini Mixer

Started by DBDbadreligion, January 07, 2008, 04:34:39 PM

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I am really interested in the GGG Mini Mixer.
Found here:

My question is instead of using 1/4" jacks can I use XLR Microphone jacks?
Thanks alot,

Nick Landt
Nick Landt


You would need extra circuitry to make it have balanced inputs.

You could always just drop the cold line from the xlr jack and use the ggg circuit, but that is an inferior way to deal with making a balanced signal into an unbalanced signal, as it loses the ability to reject noise that the signal picks up in the cable.

I'm sure there are lots of schematics out there closer to what you need than the GGG one. I'd try googling for: simple mono balanced mixer.

Mark Hammer

You can use whatever you like.  Just keep in mind that:

a) It expects low output impedance from whatever you're plugging into it.

b) It provides no gain, but is simply a unity-gain mixer.

So, if you have several units with XLR outputs that you'd like to mix down without adding any gain, it's perfect.  If you think you can plug a voice mic in and send the mixer's output to a power amp or line in, you are sorely mistaken.  If you think you can plug a guitar in directly, whether using 1/4" or XLR, and not suffer tone-sucking, you are also mistaken.

Though processaurus is correct in recommending attention to whether balanced lines have been used, it is quite possible to wire up an XLR plug/jack in unbalanced mode.  The thing to keep in mind though is avoidance of "surprises" in the future and the mistaken belief that you can plug some things into it that are actually incompatible.   It's only a jack.  You can wire it up whatever way you want.  But for many, an XLR plug/jack signifies an electronic expectation.  Manage those expectations and you'll be alright.


alright thanks I will research that.  If I cant find anything I may just buy one instead of trying to make one.
Nick Landt


Ei, I have this mixer and I wanted to know How do I make one channel naturally louder than the other.should I increase or decrease the 100k resistor of the respective input?


Increase the resistors of the channels you *don't* want to hear so well.