Troubleshooting Bluesbreaker overdrive (Aion Cerulean overdrive)

Started by lettlander, July 08, 2014, 02:35:15 PM

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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum but was wondering whether anybody has had the same issue I have. I recently completed building a Marshall Bluesbreaker clone (the Aion Cerulean PCB) to the Morning Glory specs and I seem to have only a very very faint overdriven sound coming out when I crank the pots. Is it possible that I have wired the wrong pots? Or perhaps some other thing I'm overlooking? Thanks for any help anyone can offer!



I have the same PCB but have yet to build it.  It looks great and should be OK.  However, for your build, check all component values, orientations and (especially) the solder joints.  I have several vero board builds where problems were traced to a bad/cold solder joint on my part.  It's also possible that an IC, diode or transistor is bad (probably less chance of that for resistors and caps but you never know).

Good luck!


I don't have the schematic in front of me (I'll try to get a more thorough response before too long) but definitely double-check all the jumpers against the documentation. This is one of the trickier PCB projects I've made, just because of all the options - if you get one of them wrong then it'll throw off the whole thing. But it's most likely a pretty simple fix.

If all the jumpers look good, then the next thing I'd have you do is check the voltages on each pin of the opamp as well as the transistors (particularly the transistor in the output section).


I've built about a dozen boards from aion and they're all great. They're set up well and haves my options. I think the other reply was pretty accurate, component values seems to stick out or a solder bridge. Pics would be the most useful thing other than dmm readings. Good luck man