Power LEDs circuit in GK MB 500

Started by hetman, September 21, 2014, 06:30:22 AM

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If anyone knows how to make a seamlessly switching leds circuit , just like the Gallien Kreuger MB 500? I will be grateful for some scheme or something ellse.
Thanks for any help.
Best regards
(sorry for my english)


Oh come on... anything, please  :icon_cry:

I mean something like this (35s) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6m3Fg5i2Zl4


hetman, here's something, it's not much, but - hello, welcome, and yr english is fine.

I don't watch videos. can you explain what you mean by switching leds? what is it we are switching?
" I will say no more "


You might get more help if you are a bit more descriptive.

In the video, they hit the power switch, and it turns on with a red ring around it. It slowly fades to blue over a few seconds. A second light also turns on when the power is applied, but that is the switch for the gain control. It turned on because it was pushed in/engaged when the power was put on. The guy turns it off a few seconds later to begin the demo.

I can only assume you are talking about the fading from red to blue when they turn it on? Dual and tri color LED's are made and could be used for this. I'm sure you could do some kind of capacitor discharging/charging over time to have the two LED's ramp up and down, but if you have any simple ucontroller or coding knowledge, it would be very easy to do.


Thank you for your response  :)
There are 4 LEDs, 2 red and 2 blue.
Probably in this circuit are 2 NPN transistors, capacitors, resistors and diodes 1N4148.
I would like to know, how this circuit is made.
Exactly, I mean lighting up red, then blue and turns off the red led. How it's made?


Quote from: hetman on September 22, 2014, 03:48:53 PM
There are 4 LEDs, 2 red and 2 blue.
Probably in this circuit are 2 NPN transistors, capacitors, resistors and diodes 1N4148.

Why do you say that?
Kirk Hammet invented the Burst Box.


Because I saw it a long time ago. Somewhere in an audio service, but for a very short time.

What do you think about this?


It MAY work, a think few people in here have done something like that before, so you will be like... the fiirst?

Breadboard it, test it and share with us the results.

Be sure to use this instead of two separate LEDs:
Kirk Hammet invented the Burst Box.


No problemo  :) But rather I'll not use the diffusion LED... unless it is very clear.


Unfortunately, I don't know what is a diode  :(