I need a 22k linear pot and I don't have one. Is there a workaround?

Started by StompboxAH, January 05, 2015, 10:50:48 PM

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As I stated in the title, I need a B22k potentiometer for the Treble control, but I don't have one. I have 100k, 10k, 1M. Is there any way I can make this work?


You can use a parallel resistor across the pot to lower it's value.  You can't make a small pot bigger however. 

Start here and read through the posts and you'll probably get your answer.






What is your circuit?

You may be able to change the values of other components in the stage you are working on, to make them play nice with your 10K pot.

The parallel resisters work,  but it makes the taper weird.


You can get 20k linear pots, I would think that is close enough to work, depending on the circuit.  The 22k is probably the victim of the standardization of values that many components have gone through over the years.



Either that or 25k - you might have better luck finding 25k actually. With pot tolerances being what they are, a 22k and a 25k pot may measure the same actual value even.