PCBless valve caster

Started by ZEEK, November 11, 2015, 02:20:47 AM

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Sorry if this is beat to death but im really new to pedal (have not made much besides a simple booster) im using the pcbless layout but it doesnt have a switch in the layout is it a allway on pedal or am i missing something. Thanks alot and sorry for the noob question.


You will often not see the switching in a schematic or layout.  It's assumed you'll know to deal with that part: there are many choices and people have their preferences (I have always used Tonepad's schemes).
Ohm's Law - much like Coles Law, but with less cabbage...


Nice little circuit to start with. As mentioned, a lot of the time certain assumptions are made; that you know the location of the guitar signal in and out, the grounds, and the power supply to the circuit. And that you have an idea of how to switch it on and off.

There are lots of resources online about switching and bypass; the Google machine will throw you lots of images of 3pdt switch arrangements.

Here's a Valvecaster I threw on the breadboard at the weekend. Pleasantly surprised by the amount of gain. Been working on an enclosure since then.
