Modding Moyo Octave/Ultimate Octave/Dano French Toast for more transparency

Started by Dollywitch, November 25, 2015, 10:28:32 AM

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I really like the tone of this pedal but I hate how with a lot of fuzz pedals it seems to roll off the highs totally for that synthy sound meaning even with the fuzz very low it doesn't really clean up well. I like more Fuzz Face-style fuzz at lower gain where you hear a fuzzed up version of the guitar signal as opposed to a full on square wave type sound. To me that's the sound I should get with the Fuzz turned up.

Is there a simple mod I can do like pulling a resistor to prevent the high roll-off? Or is this more complex? I'd also like to do something similar to my modded Russian muff which has a bit of a high roll off too.
