Tri-Vibe not Vibing

Started by eguth, May 03, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

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I have been having issues with an ROG Tri-Vibe I've been trying to build using THcustom's PCB. I am getting sound through, and the rate led is pulsing, but i am not getting any modulation in any of the modes. I also get a volume boost one of the modes. I have checked all the resistors and caps are the right value and also checked for bad solder joints, i also have tried another LM13700 and no change

here are my voltages
IC1 (LM13700)
1   1.17v
2   5.56v
3   4.89v
4   4.89v
5   4.1v
6   0v
7   4.1v
8   4.5v
9   5.1v
10   4.18-4.22v
11   9.3v
12   4.18-4.22v
13   4.89v
14   4.89v
15   5.57v
16   1.17v
IC2 (TL062)
1   4.66v
2   4.66v
3   4.62v
4   0v
5   4.65-4.67v
6   4.65-4.67v
7   3.87-3.91v
8   9.3v
IC3 (NE5532)
1   4.47v
2   4.46v
3   4v
4   0v
5   4.67v
6   4.68v
7   4.77v
8   9.3v
IC3 (TL062)
1   3.92-3.98v
2   4.61v
3   4.63-4.68v
4   0v
5   4.66v
6   4.66v
7   4.63-4.67v
8   9.3v

and here is a clip, first is bypassed, then whirl, then vibe, then swirl modes, all max rate and depth

any help would be much appreciated, had been looking forward to building this one for a while and i cant figure out why it isn't working properly


Your voltages look ok. I measured my LMs, and the pins 5/7 & 10/12 measure 6.0v on mine.  Don't know what that's about. My supply is .3v higher. That voltage appears to be determined by the chip's internals. But open that mode switch - there should be no dry, but you are getting audio. So you are hearing the 13700s but no mod.  Hmm. Are you sure you've used 10ks on pin 1 & 16?  Not 100k?  Look for an AC voltage with your speed and depth maxed. My meter won't register the LFO, it's too low for this cheap vom. If I minimize the speed and max the depth,it looks more like varying DC.  I see a little wiggle in the dc measurement. 1.2 - 1.3v, back and forth.  (Don't have a scope, do you?). Look for that kind of action on the LFO pins.
Tapflo filter, Gator, Magnus Modulus +,Meathead, 4049er,Great Destroyer,Scrambler+, para EQ, Azabache, two-loop mix/blend, Slow Gear, Phase Royal, Escobedo PWM, Uglyface, Jawari,Corruptor,Tri-Vibe,Battery Warmers


Quote from: blackieNYC on May 03, 2016, 06:37:41 PM
Are you sure you've used 10ks on pin 1 & 16?  Not 100k?
bingo, turns out the 10k resistors i bought last week are actually 100ks. My own fault for not measuring them i guess. thanks for the help


Excellent. Mine is on the breadboard now. I made it stereo. Don't know if I'll box it up as such.
Tapflo filter, Gator, Magnus Modulus +,Meathead, 4049er,Great Destroyer,Scrambler+, para EQ, Azabache, two-loop mix/blend, Slow Gear, Phase Royal, Escobedo PWM, Uglyface, Jawari,Corruptor,Tri-Vibe,Battery Warmers


i imagine a stereo tri-vibe is quite an experience :icon_biggrin:


eguth - if it is possible, what voltages are you having on IC2 now, please?
" I will say no more "


here they are
1   4.64v
2   4.63v
3   4.6v
4   0v
5   4.3-4.8v
6   4.3-4.96v
7   rapidly changes
8      9.25v