Tonepad Chorral Chorus Issue- No Signal after r22/r21

Started by brewbacca16, July 08, 2016, 12:40:08 PM

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Hi All,

I've been working on the stock tonepad version of the Chorral Chorus, and I'm not getting any effect at output, just the dry signal. I've been tracing the signal with a probe, and there's the effected signal at r22, and the dry signal at r21, but there's no signal after them where they meet. The values look correct (47K). Could this be an issue with IC1?

I tried bypassing r22 and that seemed to put the effected signal back into the output.

I'll post more info when I get home tonight if needed.




> r22, and the dry signal at r21, but there's no signal after them where they meet

The "-in" of IC1b is a "virtual ground" summing node. Audio voltage there should be about zero.

If you have dry signal, and not wet signal, my best guess is that R21 is not really connected, even if it looks like it is. Take it out in the sun, with a magnifier, and look good. Does the solder "wet" the resistor leads and pads, or is it blobbed-on over flux and tarnish?