DIY Boss Replacement Board

Started by ulysses, May 01, 2017, 07:43:24 PM

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hey guys

has anyone seen a DIY boss replacement board for boss enclosures?

i'm thinking it would be the same size as the boss PCB's, have vero strips along the majority of the board, and have the boss switching circuit at the bottom with wires to go to in/out/bypass switch.

has anyone seen one manufactured on the web?

could mock up my own vero one i guess but would be nice to have one manufactured specifically for the purpose ;)

thanks ;)


Hi ulysses. I like your idea, especially the dedicated switching circuit. I haven't seen one in vero commercially.

Do you have a source for inexpensive Boss pedal housings? I ask because most Boss pedals (even dead ones) seem have more value repaired and working rather than scrapped and repurposed as homes for new projects.   


For a DIY-friendly BOSS-style enclosure, try my Bare Box #1:

I conceived it as a fully-connectorized environment, but it did not take off that way, I think partly because of cost. But it is entirely possible to build in it without all the Molex parts. I offer a 60mm x 60mm board that fits on the studs

or get a PCB made at OSH Park as I did for this kit:
