Enclosure Design Templates for Illustrator/Photoshop

Started by sillyhatsclub, September 10, 2016, 06:58:28 AM

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i'm starting my first real pedal build (BYOC Overdrive 2) and i was wondering if anyone had a source for an accurate illustrator layout of the enclosure so i could mock up a label design (maybe putting the cart before the horse, but design is half the fun). I attempted to mockup my own using the enclosure drilling schematic on BYOC's website but it doesn't really seem to be lining up properly when i print out a proof to overlay onto the enclosure.

also, i'd gladly take any general hints/tips/tricks on mocking up enclosure design for pedals


Search around for a vector pack someone put together with knobs, switches and more. I'll post back if I find the link.
"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


"I like the box caps because when I'm done populating the board it looks like a little city....and I'm the Mayor!" - armdnrdy


That vector pack is great! Also, if your looking for something else, here is the one that I use for all of my graphics design:


If you need a different size enclosure, just go to this link, look for the correct enclosure, click that link, and look for the "ARTWORK TEMPLATE" link on the right.


Hi sillyhatsclub!

I am not sure i got your ask, but i will try to answer.
How i do my pedal graphics design?
1. Be sure the measures of the enclosure you will use.
Maybe you can think it's a bullshit, but really you need the exact measures of the box. Use a rule to measure or something like this.
2. Do your Photoshop project in centimeters.
The trick is open a new PS project in centimeter and multiply the height and width measures for 3 on the time of put the project measures on photoshop. Using it you will have a better way to work with your image, because it will seems biggest than really is.
3. Do your draw.
Use graphics, brushes and all the images you want to use.
4. Save your project.
Export the image in PNG... Don't worry about the size because you will import it on Microsoft Word...
5. Import the image on Word.
Do it and adjust the size of the image there to the exactly size of the enclosure. It will do the print stay exactly to the size of the enclosure. All will fit well...

I hope you understand all i tried to say you... Any question, can PM me!  ;D

Have fun!
That's all, Folks!

"Are you on drugs?"
-ARSE, Duck.
